Assure Her (Assured Distraction Book 1) (11 page)

Ah, fuck it.
He got back up and walked up the aisle to her bunk. He slowly pulled back the curtain a little to find her back to him and the soft glow of her e-reader lighting up the space. He leaned down and whispered in her ear, “You awake, Chan?” She nearly hit the top of her bunk.

“What the hell, Keeton! You scared me to death!” she hissed. She recovered quickly when she saw him smolder at her as only he could. Normally she might have been afraid, but right then - being looked at that way - made her weak and sent a new kind of thrill through her body. Being on stage was an adrenaline high that, unlike the guys, she still hadn’t worked herself down from.
What is it about playing for a wild audience like that with a group of guys that girls would drop their panties over?

Whispering to her, he said, “Come back to my room and talk to me. Neither of us can sleep, and Cash is on the couch.” That was all it took to convince her. She would wonder later what possessed her to accept his invitation.

Standing beside the bed, he held out his arm for her to get in first and after a little hesitation, she decided to climb in while he shut the flimsy door. KeeMac’s body took up most of the room until he lay down beside her. They were facing each other now on the bed, and the look he gave her made her feel like he was only thinking of one thing.

“So, what did you want to talk about, Keeton?” She was still pissed at all those mixed messages before they left town. “Oh wait, let me start. Exactly what was all that about the night before we left?”

“Yeah, I know. I acted like a dick to you. I’m sorry. After I kissed you I thought I was fucking up before we even left, so I made you shut the damn door and lock it, before we ended up doing something we both might have regretted. I am truly sorry. I thought about calling you when I got back to my house but decided it was better that I let it go.

Chandler was fuming by the time he finished with his confession. “Don’t you think I’m smart enough to make my own decisions about what I might want or not want? In case you didn’t notice, I’m a grown woman and can make up my own mind. I would have asked you to stay if I wanted you to.” She knew in her mind that she would never have had enough courage to pull that off that night but it sounded good now. With her mind still amped up from the show, she had the courage now though.

She put her hand around the back of his head into his thick blond hair and tugged him forward for a kiss never taking her eyes off his. It was just light at first but when she ran her tongue across his lower lip, he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her over his body, sucking her tongue into his mouth. He pulled her in tighter and rolled until she was almost underneath him, deepening the kiss even more. Both her arms were around his neck now and she was enjoying the feel of the length of her body captured by his. His jean-clad leg moved between hers and pressed harder into her core, only her thin sleeping shorts and panties between them.

He was trailing kisses down her neck, and nibbling just below her ear before he licked the spot lightly with the tip of his warm tongue. Her breath hitched in her throat when he did it a second time at the juncture of her neck and shoulder, the perfect spot for nipping at and soothing with a slow wet lick. Chandler had never felt anything so wonderful and thrilling. When his hand found the hem of her tank top and skimmed over the skin just above her shorts, she thought she might possibly combust. He slid the shirt up, his fingers barely caressing the skin over her ribs until they found the underside of her breast where he lightly grazed the skin with his fingertips causing her to shiver a little.

“My God, Chan, what are you doing to me?” was all he got out of his mouth before she sucked his bottom lip into her mouth. His whole hand covered her breast, kneading softly at first then rolling her pebbled nipple between his thumb and index finger hard enough to make her moan into his mouth. Giving the nipple a slight tug, she shivered again and he knew he just had to taste her skin. He pulled away to remove her top. A reluctant look passed over her face before he looked down at her and murmured the word ‘beautiful’ and closed his lips over the stiff peak sending a rush of wetness from her and a slow low moan from deep in her throat.

When he moved to the other breast, she arched her back to get him closer to her. He couldn’t believe she was so responsive to this little bit of foreplay but he was enjoying every minute of the pleasure he gave her.

Fisting his t-shirt from the middle of his chest in an attempt to remove it, he sat up enough to let her finish. She ran her hands down his hard pecs stopping and gently capturing his pierced nipples between her index and middle fingers. She loved the feel of his warm skin and when she ran her finger around his nipple, he sucked in his breath. A shy smile formed on her lips when she realized what she could do to him with a simple touch. She never knew she could possess this kind of power over a man.

Pulling her to him, he kissed and nipped at her lips while his warm hand inched down her body. KeeMac was afraid if his movements were too harried he would scare her, and he wanted to savor every minute of this first touch. Finding the top of her shorts, he grasped her hip bone and pulled her closer so the spot where she needed more friction was firmly against his leg. Of her own volition she rocked her body against him, loving the feelings she was creating inside herself. He sensed her need but wanted her to take what she desired at her own pace.

Chandler chased an elusive feeling, this heated sensation building inside her, not fully understanding how to make it happen without his help. Her panting and moaning were getting louder and he kissed her deeply to cover some of the sound. KeeMac’s hand slid down her outer thigh, getting lost in the feel of her soft, smooth skin. When he found the edge of her shorts, he traced under the hem until he felt the scrap of lace covering where he wanted to be. After a few strokes on the outside of the wet lace, he dipped his finger under it to find her soft layers soaked and ready for him.

“Fuck, Chan, you are so wet already. I don’t know how I’m going to hold out much longer for you.” Chandler couldn’t make a coherent sentence at that moment if her life depended on it. She had reached the point of almost shaking with need. When his finger moved into her slick crease and found her clit, her body bucked off the mattress and she let out a desperate whimper. He held her close to him with his other arm, whispering to her in between their panting and kisses, “It’s OK, just let me touch you. I promise, you are going to like it.”

In her mind, she thought ‘like it’ was not even close to the words she wanted to use. This feeling was so exquisite she had no words for it. “Please, Keeton.” She didn’t exactly know what she was begging for but whatever it was, she was ready for it.

Gradually sliding one finger, wet from her sweet juices, into her warmth he worked it in and out until she was writhing under him. He added a second finger, curling it upward, stoking her inner walls to find just the spot that would satisfy her most. He stroked her with gentle but firm pressure, those two fingers relentlessly rubbing the rough patch inside her as he worked her clit with his thumb at the same time. The sensations he created took Chandler to the brink and she thought she was going to pass out. The intensity of pleasure erupting inside her made every muscle tense all at once. She was trembling, almost convulsing involuntarily, the air trapped in her lungs kept her from screaming to the heavens and she couldn’t seem to remember how to make them work again. Keeton seemed to know what was happening, that she was about to scream because he had her lips captured tightly with his, his own breathing coming hard and fast through his nose as he worked his hand and held her tight. But the last thing either of them needed was her screaming alerting the entire bus as to what was going on in the room KeeMac was supposed to be in alone. Then her inner muscles clamped down on his fingers like nothing he had ever felt. He continued his assault on her senses until her body stopped trembling.

When Chandler finally felt her senses return to something that resembled normal, she opened her eyes and looked at him, and he gave her a small smile. “You OK?” She couldn’t answer him with more than a nod. She didn’t know whether to be embarrassed or thrilled. He pulled her to him and kissed her tenderly.

“You are so beautiful. That was amazing. I have never in my life seen anything like that,” he whispered to her, his forehead pressed to hers. She still could not find the words to comment on what she had just experienced. He continued to hold her, breathing in her hair then told her, “Go to sleep, Chan. It’s a long day again tomorrow.” She burrowed down beside him when he pulled the covers over them and she slept the best sleep ever.

KeeMac, on the other hand, did not sleep. His dick was so hard from that little scene he had just witnessed, that he didn’t think anything short of all-night fucking was going to resolve his misery. He knew in his mind that he had witnessed her first orgasm. There was no doubt from touching her and how unbelievably tight she was that she was still a virgin. He realized that he could not be the douchebag to take that from her, especially not on a tour bus. She was too special for someone like him to claim. What he didn’t know was how she was going to react if he rejected her again in the morning. But he knew he had to set her straight first thing though. No more midnight rendezvous with her. It would kill him to do it but he knew it was the best thing for her.

What would be worse was if she took action into her own hands and brought a guy back to the bus. He knew this was a given for the others on the bus. Well, except maybe for pussy-whipped Ryan. But hell, they had talked about it at length on several nights when they first found out about the tour. But he hadn’t thought about her hooking-up with some guy from the road, until now. And even though the idea tortured him, he decided he would have to let it go because he couldn’t control what she did and after her response to him tonight, he knew she would want more physical contact.

But how was he going to stand being so close to her after this and not be the one she was with, instead of standing by, watching her with some prick she might pick up along the way? She was gorgeous in every way possible. He could still smell her scent on him which made his dick throb even more. He had to go to sleep. He tried counting in his mind and tried thinking about baseball stats hoping to ease the massive wood that their encounter had caused.

When he woke up several hours later, he noticed the sun coming through the blinds above the bed. She had turned over and he had followed, spooning against her sweet little ass. All that came to his mind was he should have put her back in her bunk last night while everyone was asleep but he couldn’t bring himself to let go of her. If he only had this one night to be with her, he wanted to enjoy every single minute of it. He could only pray that the others weren’t up yet. Their night together was not something he wanted to answer for to the rest of the band this morning. He had enough problems to worry about. He slipped out from behind her and went into the bathroom. Looking down the hallway, he could see there was no one sitting in the living area yet, which offered him some relief. Back at the bed, he scooped her lithe body up from its warm indentation. He carefully laid her in her bunk, thanking God she had one on the bottom.

He kissed her lightly on the head, pulled her curtain closed and stood up. He counted to five; he had dodged a potential bullet, until he realized he was staring directly into Ryan’s face. And it wasn’t a smile there to greet him. The look Ryan gave KeeMac said enough to let him know that they would be discussing this later. KeeMac needed more sleep before he could deal with bullshit, but even worse, he need a long shower to relieve his extensive case of blue balls that had been there all night.

Chapter Ten


lbuquerque’s blue skies greeted the band when they all finally awoke to Cash’s morning wake-up call.

“Rise and shine kids! Lots to do with what’s left of the morning and then you can take the afternoon off,” Cash informed them all. “Catch me on my cell if there are any problems. I’ll be busy most of the day but you all have sound check at two. There is a car waiting outside to take you to caffeine and sustenance.” He left the bus after staring into sleepy faces.

“That gives us three hours and I vote we go get some breakfast,” Carter mumbled after squinting longer than should be necessary at the clock.

Grumbled affirmatives from the group were followed by a flurry of activity as they all got dressed and tumbled out of the bus and piled into the car that accompanied the bands. Unloading from the car at local diner, they were seated by a hostess that had a hard time forming coherent sentences in their presence. The guys sported ball caps and sunglasses, something that would eventually become their typical morning attire when they tried to do normal everyday things like eating out.

Chandler found herself on the opposite end of the table from KeeMac, with flashes of their midnight visit still tumbling through her mind. She was surprised when she woke up in her own bunk with no memory of how she got back there. It had been an amazing night but was the morning going to be like their last time together? She couldn’t get a read on KeeMac’s face so she went with the flow. Maybe he didn’t want the band to know about them yet. She didn’t know how she felt about them knowing either, so it was best to play along with his nonchalant attitude.

The guys flirted outrageously with the waitress during the entire meal, and she was definitely enjoying the attention. Young and cute, she offered KeeMac her phone number, and he slipped it in his pocket. Before walking out the door, he told her he would leave her a ticket and pass at the gate so she could come backstage to the meet-and-greet after the concert. The girl squealed loud enough to disrupt all of the patrons in the diner.

“I see you’re not wasting a damn minute lining up tonight’s entertainment,” Gunner popped KeeMac on the back as they walked back to the car.

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