[Atlantean's Quest 02] Exodus (16 page)

Jac ripped off a piece of bread, took a bite, and began to chew. Her eyes remained locked onto Ares as he reenacted the hunt.

“He didn’t yet see me, nor sense my presence until I readied to pounce upon him.” His jade orbs widened for emphasis. “I sprang from a branch nearby, knocking him from his perch and us both into the water.”

The bread in Jac’s mouth lodged in her throat as she imagined Ares in the river with the anaconda. A thin sheen of sweat broke out on her skin as she realized he could have died pulling a stunt like that. She couldn’t bring herself to speak.

“At one point, he wrapped his mighty body around mine and attempted to squeeze. Fortunately, I released an energy burst before he bound my hands. Had he encircled my wrists first…” he shrugged again. “I would not be telling you this story.”

Jac rose from the table and walked the short distance to the water barrel. She cupped her trembling hands and drank deeply, trying to wash away the fear threatening to overthrow her control. Ares had made the whole thing sound like some big adventure, when in fact he’d almost died.

Jac cupped her hands again and splashed some water over her face, slicking her hair back in the process. The cool water dripped down her back and over her buttocks, sending a delicious chill spiking through her. When she’d finally gathered herself together she turned to face Ares, her mind made up. He stared at her with a strange look in his eye, one she was unable to read.

She took the few steps needed to cover the distance, placed her hands on Ares’s cheeks, and slowly lowered her mouth to his. The kiss started out tentative at first, testing, seeking, searching for something more. Jac deepened the embrace, swiping her tongue along his lower lip. He growled, then opened, inviting her in. Jac dipped, her mouth urgent. She sucked on his tongue, tasting the sweet mango he’d been eating only moments before. She groaned. Her hands wandered down his neck and over his shoulders, her fingernails biting into the thick skin on his back. She pressed forward, her nipples brushing his chest.

Jac couldn’t seem to get close enough. His hands remained at his sides, letting her explore to her heart’s content. She brushed her fingers across the flat discs of his nipples and felt him tense. Her palms dropped further to the ties at the side of his loincloth. Jac pulled at the laces, without breaking the kiss, until they slipped free. Then she stepped back, heaving in a lungful of air. Jac reached for his arms, pulling on his biceps, which was equivalent to trying to lift felled logs. He smiled at her and stood, his loincloth slid down his muscled thighs, like a slow striptease, onto the floor.

She leaned in close to his ear. “I want to fuck you.”

Ares sucked in a surprised breath…then he growled.

“But first I’m going to tie you up.”

Ares stilled, his eyes roaming over her face, then he acquiesced.

Jac led Ares to the bed of furs, running her hand over one of the scarves still tied to the stakes. She arched a brow and looked at him, taunting, teasing, daring him to let her tie him to the bed. He stared but for a moment, then lay upon the bed, arms and legs outstretched.

Jac blinked. She couldn’t believe it. Ares was actually going to allow her to tie him to the furs. Just the thought of having this great big muscled man at her mercy titillated her. Ares was hers, all hers and she never let him go.
What am I saying?
Jac pressed her legs together to ease the sudden ache. Her nipples engorged, springing out like two shooter marbles from her chest.

She slipped one scarf around Ares’s thick wrist and then waited to see if he would protest. He simply looked at her and grinned. Jac quickly secured the other bonds before she lost her nerve or he changed his mind. Her body practically thrummed with excitement. With his legs spread and his enormous cock standing at attention, Ares looked like a delicious pagan god. And she planned to convert and worship at that massive cock of his until he made a believer out of her.

Jac licked her lips. His eyes followed the movement. “I have you right where I want you,” she purred, ignoring the flip her heart gave in her chest. Very carefully Jac climbed onto the bed and straddled Ares’s flat stomach. His muscles jumped beneath her clit.

She rotated until her bottom rested on his chest and she faced his cock. Jac leaned forward until her lips were an inch above his pulsing head. She blew out a warm breath onto his shaft and it bucked, urging her on. Jac slipped the tip of Ares into her mouth, swirling her tongue around his round plum sized crown. She heard him groan and pull against the restraints, but she didn’t stop. Jac firmed her lips and began to suck at the same time.

“You are killing me, my fierceness,” he groaned out. Ares legs strained as he tried to wrest free. Jac giggled, vibrating the length of his shaft with her lips.

She continued to work, her head bobbing while she sucked and swirled, allowing her teeth to gently scrape his sensitive skin. Jac wrapped one hand at the base of his shaft and began to pump, following her mouth’s movements. She could feel Ares clench and strain beneath her. Jac moved her other hand over his groin, through the nest of curls at his base, until she cupped his heavy sac. His balls were like two skin covered goose eggs that she lovingly massaged. Jac didn’t slow her actions, only continued to stroke and add a little pressure.

“Let me up,” Ares warned, attempting to buck her off.

Jac clung tight and sped up. Ares’s sac drew up and every muscle in his body seemed to tighten. She stroked a few more times and Ares bellowed. Come shot from his body and straight down her throat. Jac swallowed his essence until she’d drained him, then sat up, a satisfied smile planted on her face. She tossed a glance over her shoulder in time to see Ares’s hands come free. Jac had about a second to shriek before Ares had her bent over again. This time he pulled her hips back toward his face, his fingers digging into the soft skin of her thighs.

“You have tortured me enough. ‘Tis my turn to love you.”

She swallowed hard at his choice of words, but only had a moment to dwell, before her clit slid over his hairless chest. She tried to rise, but he pinned her down with one hand. Before she realized what he was going to do, Ares had her above his face, entering her with his six and a half inch tongue. Jac’s muscles closed around him and she closed her eyes, moaning. She refused to think about the fact she’d never get tired of this man. She could return to New York tomorrow and never escape the memory of his touch, of his length pressed to hers. Jac spread her thighs a little wider, giving him full access to her body, her soul. He twisted his tongue like a corkscrew over and over, repeatedly hitting her G-spot.

Ares pulled out of Jac’s pussy to tease her clit. He laved her, sucking the tiny bud into his mouth, worrying it with his teeth. Jac shuddered and pushed down, smothering his face with her sex. Ares growled and continued to feed. Her juices ran freely, dripping over his chin. He lapped them up, catching every drop. Just as she neared her peak, he released her clit. Jac groaned and hit him in the side. He laughed, then plunged back into her channel, drawing in and out, fucking her with his tongue.

She leaned over, her nails sunk into his sides, as her lips locked once more onto his hardening cock. It was his turn to growl. Like crazed animals they ate at each other, nipping, tonguing, and sucking. He couldn’t get enough of her wild musk, her scent everywhere, surrounding, enveloping. Ares picked up speed as he felt Jac’s walls begin to spasm. He swirled his tongue, then sent an energy burst into her greedy pussy. Jac let out a strangled scream, before once again latching onto his cock and pumping furiously. It took but a moment for Ares to follow her into the abyss.

* * * * *

Several hours later, they lay sprawled over the furs, too exhausted to move. They’d fucked each other two more times, before Jac cried uncle. She couldn’t take another orgasm. She still quaked from the last three. Excess energy radiated over her body and out of her pores from Ares’s energy burst. Her cunt pulsed. It had taken an hour for Jac to finally stop twitching. They’d fallen asleep for a while, but were now content to lay in each others arms. Jac ran her fingers over Ares’s chest in lazy circles. She felt well and truly sated.



She shifted until her chin rested on his chest. Her eyes found his and her breath caught. Jac didn’t think she’d ever get over how beautiful his jade eyes were, mesmerizing, flawless, like the jewel they resembled. She wet her lips.

“I want to go into camp tonight.” Jac tried to sound restrained. She figured if she could convince Ares he’d tamed her, she’d have a better chance of getting her way. If this tact didn’t work, she’d try another.

His face tensed, but his gaze never wavered. “Why?”

Jac looked to the side, playing demur, before returning to his face. “I haven’t seen Rachel or anyone else for that matter for three days.”

Ares muscles tightened, raw emotion played over his features. “Do you wish to see anyone else in particular?”

Jac started. For a second, she wasn’t sure how to answer, then she realized he thought she wanted to see Coridan. A smile teased at the corners of her mouth, before turning into a full-blown grin.

“Are you jealous?”

He shifted Jac off his body. “I know not what you speak of.”

She laughed. “You know exactly what I’m talking about.” Jac nudged him with her elbow.

“If you want to see Rachel tonight, then you must be prepared.”

Her brows furrowed. “Prepared, how?”

It was Ares turn to smile, a spark of mischief lighting his eyes. Jac decided she didn’t like his expression. It made her nervous—very nervous. The last time he looked anything like that she’d end up tied to the bed for two days. Anger rose anew, but she pushed it down. She needed to get out of this hut before she went even more stir crazy.

God only knew what he was up to now. Was he going to put a collar around her neck and make her walk through the compound naked, on a leash? She had a feeling it would be much worse. But she also knew one more thing, if she didn’t go along with whatever he wanted she’d find herself back tied to the bed and stuck here for four more days until this challenge had been completed.

Jac shook her head. That was unacceptable.

“Okay,” she released a breath. “Give it to me straight, what do I have to do in this preparation?”

His smile widened. “I must mark you before you can be presented to the tribe.”

“Mark me?” She raised a brow. “What in the hell is that?”

Ares carefully moved over Jac and rose from the furs. He walked over to a small compartment in the wall that she hadn’t noticed before and withdrew more items, adding them to the ones he’d brought from Ariel’s hut. They looked like tools of some sort.

“What are you going to do with those, build a birdhouse for a cockatoo?” Jac tried to joke, but her heart raced in her chest as if she were running a marathon.

He shook his head slowly, then curled his finger, beckoning her to come.

Jac couldn’t seem to move a muscle. Every fiber of her being operated on red alert and there was no standby. She glanced from Ares to the table where he’d laid out the items and then back.

“F-first tell me what you’re going to do,” she stalled, trying to give herself enough time to come up with a plan of escape.
For fuck sake Jac, keep your voice steady.

“The sooner I put the markings to you, the sooner you’ll get to see Rachel.” His tone dropped and his brows furrowed. “And whoever else you seek.”

Jac swallowed hard and forced herself to move. Her legs trembled, threatening to give out on her, as she slipped from the bed. She took a deep breath and her chin shot up, her gaze unwavering. Jac strode the few steps needed to reach Ares with as much strength and pride as she could muster. She felt as if someone forced her to walk to her own execution. Jac doubted Ares would do anything to harm her, but she didn’t like the look of those tools. Knowing Ariel, they’d probably been forged to use as some demented form of gynecological torture.

She squared her shoulders and faced Ares. “Get on with it then.”

Ares smiled, pride showing in his green depths. He picked up the first instrument, resembling a thick knitting needle and dipped it into a black liquid substance contained in a small bowl. He raised the tool, bringing it toward Jac’s abdomen. Unconsciously, she jumped back.

“It will not hurt.” He reached out with his free hand and drew her back. “You have my word.”

“I can take the pain,” she protested. “I wasn’t ready.”

Ares brow arched, but he said nothing. He raised the instrument once more to her stomach and began to draw strange symbols onto her skin.

“What do those mean?” Jac pointed, trying to watch his movements, but it was difficult to see around her small breasts.

He didn’t look up, but continued to work as he spoke. “They tell a story of sorts. One of bravery and honor. Dominance and submission.”

Jac shook her head and Ares steadied her. “Don’t move, it is crucial I get these symbols right.”

She crossed her arms over her chest and tried to breathe shallowly. Jac had a feeling Ares wasn’t telling her the whole story behind the symbols. The design he created looked exactly like his own. She decided once they arrived at the village she’d seek out Rachel to find out if she knew anything. Surely someone in the tribe would be able to explain them to her.

He continued to paint, making bold strokes with the black dye. When he’d completed the area beneath her belly button, Ares moved onto her lower back. By the time he finished, Jac looked as if she wore a thin intricately woven belt. She took a step away when he laid the needle like tool down.

“We are not finished, yet.” Ares grabbed her around the waist, heat poured from his hands, radiating throughout her body. A few moments passed and then he released her.

She stilled. “You’ve already covered my waist in designs—did the heat thingy, what more needs to be done?”

He snorted and opened another pouch, containing a red liquid.

“You’ve got to be kidding. Tell me you’re not going to fill all those symbols in with color?”

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