[Atlantean's Quest 02] Exodus (22 page)

The water continued to thunder at their feet, its sound overpowering all others. Jac’s hand flopped against his ribs, at the same time Ares’s chest rose. Her body trembled so badly, Jac thought she’d imagined it. She opened her eyes and turned her head. Ares took a ragged breath and coughed, sending water spouting in the air. Jac froze, unable to move, fearing that her eyes were playing tricks on her.

She waited, holding her breath. His chest rose and fell. Laughter mixed with tears, as Jac began to cry in earnest. She looked up toward the heavens. “Thank you, Daddy.”

Chapter Fourteen

Within an hour Jac and Ares were surrounded by members of the tribe. Eros and Rachel pushed through the crowd, their faces ashen with worry. Jac sat up. Coridan appeared at their side, his face twisted and full of pain.

“What is he doing here?” She glared at Coridan, fighting back the fury she felt being in his presence. “Where did you go when I needed you earlier?”

The young warrior flinched but did not leave, his face growing visibly paler as the true gravity of the situation sunk in. He’d almost murdered Ares.

“He’s admitted all, even down to the fact that he couldn’t swim and was unable to assist you earlier,” Rachel said calmly. “He’s here to help now.”

The villagers raised their hands, palms facing down, and began to chant. Jac watched as a yellow glow spread throughout the group, building in intensity to correspond with their rising voices. Suddenly energy shot out, striking Ares in the chest. His body bowed up, rising from the log, before collapsing back down.

Jac tried to steady his movements. Her eyes sought Rachel’s for reassurance. “They’re not hurting him, are they?”

Tears pooled in Rachel’s brown orbs as she shook her head. “They’re healing him.”

Jac fell back, her hand remaining on Ares’s chest, too exhausted to move. She’d done it. She’d saved Ares. Jac had saved the only other man she’d ever loved. Moments later, Jac felt herself being lifted from the ground by Coridan and carried through the jungle. She snagged Ares’s hand at the last second, refusing to release him into Eros’s care. So side by side, the warriors walked. Ares slung over Eros’s broad shoulder, while Jac lay cradled in Coridan’s arms.

An hour or so later they arrived at Ares’s hut. Eros deposited the jade-eyed warrior onto his bed of furs and Coridan placed Jac carefully beside him.

Jac peered at Eros. “He will be all right, won’t he?”

Eros smiled and nodded. “Thanks to you, I still have my brother at arms.”

Jac’s gaze strayed to Ares’s face. He seemed to be resting comfortably. She turned back to look at Coridan, not attempting to hide the contempt she felt for the man.

He stepped forward and lowered his head. “I have chosen to exile myself from my people in punishment for my deeds. I hope someday you will accept my apologies and be able to forgive me, Jac.” With that he stepped back and left the hut.

Eros watched Coridan leave, then turned to Jac. “He came to us, full of fright, desperate for our assistance. We picked up his psychic cry before he made it to the village. He told us what he’d done and begged for our forgiveness. I granted it on one condition.” Eros’s face looked pained. “That he exiles himself from the village.”

“I’m sorry,” Jac said. It was a shame so many lives had almost been ruined because of what started out as lust for revenge.

Eros stared at Jac. “I think it best that you both get some rest. Tomorrow’s ceremony will be a long, drawn out affair.”

“Ceremony?” Jac’s brows furrowed.

Eros smiled. “Ares has told me you have decided to stay.”

“But how?” Jac’s head jerked around.

A devilish smile curved Ares’s lips.

“He couldn’t of…no way… he was dead.” Jac looked up to get confirmation from Eros, only to see the hide flap on the door fall. He was gone.

“I’ll leave you two to work it out
” Eros’s departing words were followed by peals laughter.

Jac let the King’s comment wash over her as she snuggled into Ares’s side, too grateful to get upset.

* * * * *

Jac awoke the next morning, her head resting on Ares’s chest. She could hear the steady thud of his heart as it beat against his ribcage. She smiled without opening her eyes, the sound, music to her ears. She encircled his waist and curled up tighter around him. Jac didn’t think she’d ever be able to let him go.

“Ah, but you must release me, my love.” His voice rumbled, snaking around her, settling deep within her stomach, before dropping lower.

Jac smiled again and shook her head in protest.

“Today is our mating ceremony. We must be prepared.”

She sat up to look at him, bracing herself on her elbow, her sculpted brow slightly arched. “That reminds me…how in the hell did you know I said I’d stay?”

Ares grinned. “I may have left this realm, but I could still hear the words that were torn from your heart, for they spoke to mine.”

Jac smiled back. She couldn’t help herself. “I think that’s a load of crap, but it’s still nice to hear.”

Ares laughed. The hardy sound rolled over her, embracing, lifting, and gathering her close.

“Just because I agreed to stay, don’t think things are going to change.” Her gaze leveled on his handsome face. The bruises had already started to fade and the cuts had scabbed over.

“I’m counting on that.” Ares rubbed the rough pad of his thumb along her sensitive spine. “My fierceness.” His eyes sparked fire as he glanced down at her nakedness, peeking out from beneath the furs.

“You’ve got to be kidding.” Jac felt her nipples respond, tightening into tiny nubs.

Ares growled, his expression turning feral. “You deny a man who’s been ripped from the jaws of death a little pleasure?”

Jac’s clit ached and began to twitch. Even though it had only been a day, it felt as if it were a lifetime, since she’d last lain beneath his pressing weight. Her tongue darted out to wet her lips and was instantly captured by Ares’s mouth in a searing kiss.

“Mine,” he growled out against her lips and then he dipped deeper, swirling and sparring, tasting and tempting, seeking out her moisture like a man deprived.

His teeth nipped at her lower lip, teasing, drawing out her desire as only he could. His hands gripped the round globes of her ass, pulling her up and over until she was spread and lying on top of him. He kneaded her bottom as if it were dough, rolling and grinding her skin beneath his fingertips. Jac’s sex dripped upon his staff, singeing him with her liquid heat.

Ares’s muscles tightened in anticipation. He stroked over her outer lips, her channel moistened, readying her for his cock’s arrival, all the while intensifying the embrace. Ares felt his shaft lengthen, growing thicker with each passing second. Jac reached down and grasped his throbbing member. Air hissed from his lungs. Ares pulled away from the kiss and clamped his jaw down. His fingers sought her entrance, then slipped inside.

Jac moaned.

He pulled her higher until he could push another digit in beside the first, then he began to finger fuck her. Jac’s breath came in gasps, her vision clouded, as a haze of desire spread through her. Ares pushed deeper and she ground her hips against his hand. His thumb scraped her clit and Jac cried out. He continued to massage the hidden button, flicking his nail enough to intensify her pleasure. Jac sat up and began to ride his fingers.

Ares watched her creamy breasts bob up and down. The rosy peaks at the tips mesmerized him, capturing his full attention, as they engorged, stabbing out in search of his hungry mouth. He sat up, popping a bud into his mouth and began to suckle hard. His teeth nibbled and tugged, then he released one nipple and moved to the other. Jac’s hips bore down, frenzied. She tried to increase the speed of the movements, but couldn’t in her current position. So Ares released her breasts and sat back.

He slipped one moist finger from her cunt and slid it over her anus. The muscles in Jac’s thighs clenched and her eyes widened in surprise, but she made no attempt to stop him. Ares circled the tight opening, moistening the edges, preparing it for his intrusion. Then slowly, very slowly he slid inside, matching the motions of his other fingers. Jac threw her head back and screamed, shattering against his hands in a violent orgasm. She collapsed forward onto his chest, her lungs laboring for breath.

Ares cock bucked beneath her, demanding entrance into her tight sheath. It had taken every fiber of his being not to drive his length into her awaiting body, but he knew he must hold off, saving his energy. He should wait until after the mating ceremony, when he’d be potent. He knew then nothing would be able to keep him from pounding into Jac’s willing pussy.

Jac saw stars. She’d never allowed anyone to get near her ass during sex. She hadn’t realized what she’d been missing—or maybe it was Ares’s magical touch. Jac swallowed a couple of times, trying to slow her maddening heartbeat. Her body trembled and shook as the last of her orgasm rippled over her, shattering her nerve endings, igniting her desire, fueling her love. Ares’s skin moistened beneath her mouth, with a quick flick of her tongue she tasted the salt from his sweat.

The air filled with the odor of musky sex. His skin heated to a raging inferno as she touched him. She tried to steady herself, regain her thoughts. She’d wanted Ares to fuck her so bad she hadn’t been able to see straight. Yet, he hadn’t. Why? When she could form coherent words again she’d ask.

They lay in silence for a few moments. Jac could feel Ares cock, hard as diamonds, beneath her belly. She started to rise up so she could take him inside of her, but he stopped her movements as if reading her thoughts once again.

His voice graveled when he spoke. “We cannot.” Ares shook his head.

“Why not?” Jac couldn’t help but sound petulant.

His jade gaze locked on her face. “The mating ceremony will take place in a few hours.”

“So.” Jac sat up. “You pleasured me. Why can’t I take care of you?”

“’Tis different.”

Jac frowned. “Don’t give me that chauvinistic bullshit.”

Ares’s lips thinned, but his eyes sparkled with amusement. “Since we didn’t get to spend the night apart, as is tradition, we must abide by this aspect if we hope for the ceremony to be a success.”

“Successful?” Jac frowned. “I don’t know if I understand, all we have to do is say, I do.” Jac dropped onto her elbows and rested her chin in her hands.

“Is it not a tradition for the bride and groom to spend the night apart in your culture?” He tilted his head.

“Yes.” She admitted grudgingly.

Ares face pinched with strain. “Given the circumstance, this is the best we can do.”

Jac really didn’t agree with his reasoning, but she figured it wasn’t worth arguing about. Besides, her heart rate had sped up the second he mentioned bride and groom, and she couldn’t seem to slow it back down. She pushed off of Ares and slid from the bed. Her finger trailed along his heavy length before stepping away.

“If you say so,” she teased.

Ares’s muscles tightened, straining beneath her fingertips.

“You better get going. You don’t want to be late for the ceremony.” She smiled and let her lashes drop to half-mast.

Ares took a ragged breath and pushed aside the furs. His body flexed and stretched as he got up from the bed, his enormous cock standing at attention. His gaze dropped to the floor. He picked up his loincloth, quickly slipping it on. He walked to the hidden panel and opened up, withdrawing a new black skirt. Ares handed it to Jac.

“Put this on,” he said, then made his way to the door. He gripped the hide covering the entrance like a lifeline, before turning to face her one last time. His expression was grim.

“Later today, Eros will come to prepare you. I know I have not explained all, but please allow him to do this, my love. It is part of the ritual.”

The pain on Ares’s face showed clearly. Jac wasn’t sure what he meant by
but was sure by the emphasis he’d placed on the word
she wasn’t going to like it. At least Ares didn’t seem to be any happier about the idea than she did, which was a small consolation. He gave her a half smile and then slipped through the door.

Jac paced the length of the hut, her imagination going overboard. She envisioned every possible scenario that could be included in a preparation and had come to one conclusion. She wasn’t about to fuck Rachel’s husband. No way. No how. So they’d have to come up with some other way to get her ready for the mating ceremony.

In fact, it kind of pissed her off that Rachel hadn’t mentioned any of this when they’d gone down by the stream that first day of her arrival. Jac ran her hands through her hair. But then again, it wasn’t like she’d actually given any indication she would stick around, so Rachel might have figured what’s the point. Jac nodded, citing the likeliest scenario. By the time Eros got here there would be a rut running the length of Ares’s hut from her pacing. Jac’s nerves skidded across her skin, making her painfully aware of every creak, snap, and brush against the dwelling.

By the time Eros reached the door, Jac was going out of her mind. She glared at him, arms crossed over her chest. “I don’t know what this is about, but if I have to have sex with you, you can forget about it, ritual or not.” She sliced a hand through the air.

Eros’s aqua eyes widened and the corner of his mouth curved in amusement, but he said nothing. He simply continued to stare at her, waiting for her to finish.

“Have you told Rachel what you’re planning on doing?” She began to pace again. “I’m sure if you had she wouldn’t be very happy.”

With the mention of Rachel, some of his amusement faded.

“You did tell her, didn’t you?” Jac stopped to face him.

Eros looked decidedly uncomfortable. “The Queen is well aware of the duties I must perform concerning my station.”

Jac laughed. “You didn’t tell her.”

“There is nothing to tell.” He snorted, shrugging his broad shoulders.


His eyes narrowed, bulleting on her face, but his expression wasn’t as confident as his voice implied. “Let’s get on with this.”

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