Atlas (Billionaire Titans) (5 page)


e were in serious trouble

While Piper took a shower that morning I went over the night’s events in my head. It was rare that anything could stop me in my tracks and ever make me doubt my decisions. But my night with Piper was one of those times. As much as I had enjoyed every second of fucking her beautiful body, I knew it had been a bad idea to let it go that far. I knew that for her it was more than just sex. And even though I knew it was more to me than that too, I couldn’t allow myself to show it. It would only give her hope that this could work. And as much as I wished I could give her what she wanted, I knew that I couldn’t.

I’d learned that long ago.

But God I wanted her. I’d planned on being aloof this morning, ordering breakfast and trying my best to pretend it never happened and that we could now move forward. But the second I had seen her sleepy face and post-sex hair, all I could think about was how much I wanted her again.

I couldn’t resist.

Even now, just thinking about her in the shower made my cock twitch.

I walked into the steamed up master bathroom with its rainfall shower head. Her back was to me as she washed her hair. Her ass looked absolutely perfect, and slick from the water.

“I’m coming in,” I said. She turned around, her eyes bright.

“Please do,” she said. God, her smile would be the fucking end of me.

There was no point in pretending I was there to get clean. I lifted her up, holding her ass in my hands as she wrapped her beautiful, wet legs around me. I entered her immediately and she gasped.

“Yes,” she spurred me on. “Against the wall. But Atlas, I’m so sore, please go easy. I can’t take it too hard.”

“My cock will decide how hard you need it,” I said, staring directly into her eyes. I knew that once I started thrusting, she’d feel and look too good to obey her request for mercy. I pressed her against the marble walls of the shower and fucked her relentlessly standing up, her nails digging into my back. She was so slippery and perfect and even though I had just come less than twenty minutes ago, I almost did again, she felt that damn good.

Instead I put her down and kneeled in front of her.

“What…” she started but my mouth was on her sex before she could finish her sentence.

She tasted like heaven and she came from my mouth even more easily and fervently than she did from my cock, something that pleased me to no end. I could have knelt in that shower for the rest of my life and eaten her pussy, but now my erection was painful and I knew I had to bury it inside her again.

We fucked all over the suite that morning. What started in the shower moved to the bathroom sink, then the floor, then the walk in closet. Just because. The only place in the suite it seemed I hadn’t enjoyed her body was the gym, and I had plenty of ideas how to repurpose the equipment there for maximum pleasure.

I took her bent over the sofa in the living room, went down on her in the office and finally finished inside her in her bed, right around lunch time.

Which was perfect because I was starving.

I made her eat her room service salad naked in front of me, her legs spread as I cut into a piece of prime rib. I’d never felt more like a caveman eating my big hunk of meat while my woman sat naked in front of me, because I commanded her to.

She was so eager to please me, so innocent in her desire for me, that it pulled at my soul. I wanted to fuck her, love her, save her. I’d never had such a need to protect and possess someone, yet I knew it was all a terrifically horrible idea. Piper was my poison. Every man has one, I just had always thought I was above that.

Not anymore.


t all felt like a dream
. Something I would wake up from any second.

After lunch we’d made love in my bed again, his mouth and hands exploring every inch of me, even the parts I didn’t know were desperate to be explored. Coming for him was easy, and pleasing him was my new mission in life. The dull ache in my sex would have slowed me down, made me ask for respite from any other man. But I could refuse Atlas nothing.

Finally, after the constant fucking had us both completely spent, we decided to have dinner downstairs at the hotel restaurant.

“Room service is already getting old,” he’d said. “Wear something sexy. Or I can have someone go out for something if you don’t have anything you like.”

I shook my head, “I think I have something you’d like.”

It was the quintessential little black dress, and the way his eyes looked at me when I came out of the bathroom an hour later, I knew I’d done well.

“I’m tempted to just rip that off you right now,” he said. I was looking in the mirror and he was behind me. He bent down to kiss my neck and ran a large hand down the front of me, making my nipples hard.

“I’m tempted to let you,” I murmured, closing my eyes as his hand slipped underneath the sweetheart neckline of my dress.

Who needed food? All that would satiate me was him.

He stopped in the middle of his groping and my eyes fluttered open.

“Piper,” he said, staring at a piece of paper on my vanity. “Who left that note?”

“What note?” I asked.

“There’s a piece of stationary on your vanity,” he said. He picked it up, eyeing it suspiciously, but slowly handing it over to me. It was from the stationary that rested on the foyer table, right outside the front door.

I turned to look at it and when I saw what it said I immediately screamed.

warned you
, Piper. You don’t know who is on my team.


ou had one fucking job

As soon as I saw the note, I knew we had a problem. It was clear that someone within my father’s security staff had either allowed Spencer Cameron into our room (probably while we were at Mullins’) or had left this note at his order.

Either way, someone was getting fired. And if I had my way, they’d also be in a world of very literal pain.

Piper lay crumbled on the floor of the bedroom, sobbing and shaking. I’d held her at first, while boiling with rage. It was clearer to me than ever that no one could be trusted. Not even the people who worked for my father.

The man I was now screaming at looked completely confused and ready to shit his pants. Which showed just how useful he wasn’t. If I could shake him this badly, how the hell was he supposed to protect Piper?

“We’re getting the fuck out of here,” I directed. “Piper, get dressed.”

“I am,” she said, still crying. “We were going to dinner.”

She sat in a heap in her black cocktail dress, mascara running down her cheeks, her hair now all over the place. She looked pitiful, beautiful, and vulnerable. My heart was torn up, knowing how scared she must be.

“Well, change into something more comfortable,” I said. “And pack up what you can as fast as you can.”

I looked over at the man I had just been screaming at, who was now joined by a second man.

“Mr. Titan gave strict instructions. Piper Kipton is supposed to stay at the Four Seasons,” he said.

“Well, plans change. We’re leaving and we’re not telling any of you assholes where we’re going. In the meantime, I’ll be getting security footage to find out how this room was compromised. If either of you had anything to do with this, you’ll never work in this field again. You’ll be lucky to be making eight dollars an hour as a security guard at Tyson's’ Corner.” I towered above both men. It was a fucking joke they were here at all. Clearly, even if they had nothing to do with the threat, they’d been unable to prevent it from happening.

But right now they didn’t matter. Only Piper did.

Neither of them responded, so I turned away, dismissive of them and their incompetence.

Piper was pulling on a pair of leggings under her dress. I walked over to her and cradled her head in my hand, pulling her to my chest.

“It’s going to be okay,” I assured her. “I’m not going to let him anywhere near you.”

She nodded, “I know you won’t. But I doubt everything will be okay.”

“Don’t doubt me when I say it will be,” I pulled her back, my hand under her chin, directing her eyes to look into mine. “I promise, Piper.”

* * *

made a few phone calls
. The first one was to my father.

“Atlas,” he said. “Is everything okay?”

“It’s fine. But we need to leave. It’s been made clear to us we’re not as safe here as you might have thought. You either have a mole on your security team or someone who can’t do their job. Either way, we’ve been compromised. So I’m taking her somewhere else. And I’m not telling anyone where.”

I heard my father sigh on the other end of the phone, “This worries me. Do you need a plane?”

“I’ve got that handled,” I said. “But you need to find out what happened. I don’t have time, I just want to get somewhere so that Piper can feel comfortable. She’s a fucking mess.”

“Poor child,” Dad replied. “I’m glad she has you. Let me know where you end up touching down.”

“I will.”

We hung up and I immediately made a call to someone I hadn’t spoken to in a long time.

“It’s Atlas,” I said to the voice on the other end. They didn’t reply, which I had expected. I envisioned shock and a jaw drop. Also, it was 400 AM in Dubai.

“I’m going to need your help,” I continued. “That favor you owe me? Well, I’m calling you to collect on it.”


Spencer Cameron had somehow gotten into the suite, and into my life, made me sick to my stomach.

I could hear Atlas’s angry voice yelling at one of Emerson’s bodyguards. The loud beating of my heart filled my ears. I could hear little else. I knew I was close to having a panic attack, one of many I’d had the last month. Part of me knew I needed to get my ass up and get an Ativan into me as soon as possible. And I needed to stay within Atlas’s sight. I didn’t want him to be more than a foot away from me at all times.

But I couldn’t move. The fear was weighing me down.

Suddenly Atlas was back next to me, holding me, assuring me it would all be alright. He instructed me to change, to pack my things. He promised to take me away, to ensure Spencer would never find me.

I was shaking so badly I could barely hold it together as I threw all my toiletries in my purse. My scattered clothes were stuffed into my suitcase. I’d pulled on a pair of leggings but still wore my strapless cocktail dress.

Atlas must have been able to tell I was spiraling.

“Baby,” he took my face in his large hands, made me look him in his gorgeous, intense eyes. “Stay with me. You’re okay. He’s trying to scare you. We’re getting you out of here and I’m not telling anyone where I’m taking you. Okay? He will never know.”

I looked at Atlas, so badly wanting to believe him. But didn’t he know? There’d be a pilot. Maybe Spencer knew him. There’d be flight attendants. People at the airport. If we tried to get away in a rental, there’d be people who had to rent us the car. If we fled in Atlas’s car, we’d have to fill up at a gas station, where more people could spot us. Spencer Cameron had eyes all over this city.

“Take me away,” I choked out. “Away from DC. It’s our only chance.”

Atlas nodded, his eyes softening, “Not a problem. I’m taking us a world away from this city and his eyes. Just trust me, Piper. Can you do that?”

I nodded, knowing it’s what he needed me to say. And I did trust Atlas. I just didn’t trust anyone else.

* * *

e rode alone
in Atlas’s Navigator to Dulles. Atlas had changed into a dark t-shirt and jeans, a large duffel bag thrown in the back of the car next to my suitcase. We hadn’t spoken much since leaving. I was trying my best to seem calm and strong, but inside I was a frightened mess.

“Where are we going?” I finally asked. He glanced over at me.

“Far. Out of the country,” he said. “The only people who know are me and the pilot, who happens to be an old Navy buddy of mine. No flight attendants on this journey. The less people Spencer can bribe, the better. Not that he’ll even know about this flight. It’s off the record, so to speak.”

“Oh,” I said. “How did you pull that off?”

“Money,” he said. “How else? And knowing the right person.”

I sat back, looking out the window at the darkness blurring by. My heart wasn’t pounding out of my chest anymore. I’d taken an Ativan which had calmed me for the moment, but more than that, I had Atlas. I knew as long as I was with him, I was okay.

After all, Spencer hadn’t planted that note while Atlas was around.

“As long as we’re getting out of DC,” I said. I leaned into the soft leather seat of Atlas’s SUV and closed my eyes.

“We’re almost there,” he said. “So don’t fall asleep on me quite yet.”

“I’m not,” I replied. “I just was hoping to open them and somehow have dreamt all of this.”

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