Read Avoiding Amy Jackson Online

Authors: N. A. Alcorn

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Humor, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Humor & Satire, #General Humor, #Romantic Comedy

Avoiding Amy Jackson (12 page)

His eyebrows crease in and he looks back at me questioningly. “Did you expect it to be terrible?”

“No, nothing like that. I was just afraid we’d end up killing each other. Our past encounters haven’t been all that warm and fuzzy.” I give him a soft smile and gently pat his jean-clad thigh. “But I’m glad we did this. I think I could get used to being friends.”

He grabs my hand, placing it in his warm palm, and his eyes turn serious as they lock with mine. “Me too.” He leans in and gently places his lips on mine, giving me a small, soft kiss. My eyes close compulsorily and my hands move back to my lap, my fists grasping my t-shirt tightly. My reaction isn’t from anger; it’s from want. I want him to continue kissing me. I want him to slide his tongue past mine. I want him to put his hands all over my body.

James’s lips gently pull away from mine and I’m left with a burning, tingling sensation prickling all over my skin. I have the urge to straddle his lap and slide my tongue into his mouth.

That urge needs to take a fucking hike.

Get yourself together.

I shake my head, clearing the horny fog that was resting over me, and slowly open my eyes. My lips are still burning from his touch, from the feel of his lips against mine.

And there he is, with that fucking smug grin on his face.

“Do you make a habit of kissing all of your friends like that? Even your buddy, Trent?” I question with a defiant raise of my eyebrow.

A deep chuckle escapes his throat. “Well, if I tell you I’m going to start kissing Trent like that, will it mean that you’ll let me kiss you again?”

He’s incorrigible!

I roll my eyes heavenward. The harsh movement nearly gives me a headache. I throw James an irritated stare. “Now you’re the ridiculous one. And the answer to your question is no. I agreed to friendship, and if you plan to kiss me like that again, I’d start wearing a jockstrap with a steel cup.”

“I’ll remember that,” he replies, grinning.

“I guess I better get out of here before you try something else.” I smirk into his green eyes. “Thanks for the coffee, James. I’ll see ya later.”

As I walk towards my apartment, I can’t ignore the fact that my fingers touch my lips. The exact place where James’s soft, full, incredible mouth touched mine. I close my eyes and remember the feel, the feel of his touch, even if the kiss was only chaste. Being friends with him may be the death of me. I need to get laid soon or else I’m not sure what I’ll be capable of when James is around.

I hear my snarky subconscious loudly clear her throat.

Oh you can go ahead and take your testy attitude and shove it up your ass!



Chapter Eight



Sometimes it’s just what the doctor ordered.” - Amy


“Mom, I’m sorry, but I just can’t take time off for Thanksgiving to come home. I wish I could, but I work tomorrow night. It’s my holiday this year.”

“Amy, I just really wish your father and I could see you. It’s been months since you’ve come to Louisville to visit.” My heart breaks at my mother’s sad tone.

“I’m really sorry. If I could have found someone to switch me, I would have done it. Please don’t be sad. I’m sure you and dad will have a nice dinner. Are you inviting Aunt Betty and her kids over?”

She sighs heavily into the phone. “No, I think your father and I will just enjoy an early Thanksgiving dinner and then we’ll go visit Benny.”

I close my eyes at the sound of my brother’s name. Emotion threatens to spill out of my throat. There isn’t a day that’s gone by that I haven’t thought about Benny. The guilt and the overwhelming grief I continually avoid are always waiting, festering inside of me. One of these days, this dam of emotion will break and the inevitable is worrisome. But right now, I’m going to do what I always do—avoid talking about anything Benny-related.

“Sweetheart, are you still there?”

“Yeah, Mom, I’m here. I’m actually kind of busy right now. Can I call you back later?” My voice cracks slightly.

“Are you sure you’re okay, Amy? You sound upset,” she says, voices her concern.

“Yes, Mom, I’m fine. Just super busy. I’m supposed to go out for a few drinks with my friends tonight. I’ll call you tomorrow before I head into work and wish you a happy Thanksgiving, okay?” I brush the rogue tear that managed to get loose from my cheek.

She lets out a deep breath into the receiver. “Okay. Please be careful tonight.”

“I will. I love you. Tell Dad I miss him.”

“I love you too, sweetie.”




I’m on a one-woman mission to blitzed-ville. The phone conversation with my mom provided inspiration for this newfound desire to get sauced. Maybe this isn’t exactly newfound, but I had no prior plans of getting rocked tonight. I had planned on just having a couple of drinks with Lizzy and a bunch of my coworkers, but now…I’ve reached the several mark.

Murphy’s is packed. Tonight is one of the busiest drinking nights of the year. The bar is filled with mostly college-aged guys and a few girls whose clothing choices leave little to the imagination. I’m a few beers and numerous shots deep. The music calls to me, practically beckoning for me to shake my ass on the dance floor.

“Lizzy, wanna dance?” I stand next to her barstool and beg her to follow my lead.

She gives me a tired look. “Ugh, Amy,” she groans. “I thought this was going to be a laidback night, just a few drinks, and no dancing. What changed?”

I rock back and forth on my heels, trying to keep my dance moves to myself until I reach the floor. “I don’t know. I just feel like dancing.” I shrug my shoulders, placing my hands on my hips.

“You’re acting strange tonight,” she announces. Her head tilts to the side as she begins to analyze my face.

“Fine. You stay here with Tony and Rachel. I’ll go dance.” I quickly leave her scrutiny before Lizzy starts acting like her sister and interrogating me with one thousand and one questions.

The music is loud and practically vibrating my chest. The dance floor is crowded with mostly twenty-somethings. I’m twenty-nine, so I feel like this crowd still works for me. I walk to the center of the floor, sliding past couples showing far too much affection. I think I’m one of the few single women here tonight. Oh well. I can work with that. I’m not here to get laid, I’m here to drink and dance and get my mind off things.

The vibrating and intoxicating beat of Come Together by Sons of the Sea begins to play over the speakers. My body starts to sway to the music; my mind slowly lets go of everything. My hips move with the beat and my hands slowly lift into the air as sweat starts to drip down the nape of my neck.

This is exactly what I needed.

I close my eyes as I continue to let the music take control. Let myself fade away into the heady sound of this sensual track. Warm hands grip my waist and I enjoy the feel of a masculine chest pressed against my back. I turn into his touch and come face to face with a gorgeous brown-eyed guy. He’s young, maybe twenty-two or twenty-three. His eyes are on me, soaking up every inch of skin that’s revealed by my tank top and skirt. I’m hypnotized by the sheer audacity of him. He’s essentially telling me that I’m his tonight with his penetrating gaze and tight grip on my waist. I’m not denying this fact.

The music switches to another sensual beat and I’m lost in the moment. I’m lost in the feel of being in a guy’s arms. I savor the feel of his virile hands as they caress my sides, running up and down my arms. Another pair of hands wraps around my waist, and I can tell by the look of Brown Eyes’s gaze that he knows him.

This must be their routine.

It’s lame and pathetic, but it’s much needed tonight. Brown Eyes leans down and brushes his lips against mine, slowly licking his tongue along my bottom lip. My lips quirk into a smile against his mouth. I like him. I like his boldness and his confidence. I’m also liking the fact that two guys are wrapped around me, caressing me, pressing themselves against me. This is one hell of a feeling for a woman who hasn’t gotten laid in...

Shit, when was the last time I had sex?

Forget that question. Enjoy this moment. Enjoy the feel of two hard cocks pressed against you, practically begging for your pussy. Ah, yes, I’m most definitely enjoying this. The alcohol makes my head feel light and my body feels incredibly loose. I’m starting to contemplate taking these two into the bathroom and letting them do dirty, dirty things to me.

Fuck it.

“Come with me,” I whisper into Brown Eyes’s ear, my tongue licking along his soft lobe.

“Where?” His piercing gaze is making me feel heady. And horny—don’t forget horny.

I seductively look into his eyes before saying, “Just follow me.” I fist my hand into his shirt and lead him behind me. As we head towards the bathrooms in the back of the bar, I notice that his friend is following us. He’s also young but definitely attractive—and for sure welcome to come. I open the door to the ladies’ restroom and lock it behind us. Luckily for me, Murphy’s bathrooms only have one stall and are easily made into threesome VIP rooms.

Threesome? Really?

Fuck yes. A threesome is just what the doctor ordered to keep my grief-filled thoughts at bay.

“What are your names?” I ask inquisitively as I slowly slide my tank top off, leaving only my white lace bra and black skirt visible to their eyes.

Brown Eyes smirks and runs his fingers through his deliciously sexy chocolate brown hair.

“Cam,” he says huskily with a wicked smile that could make my panties melt right off my body. He steps towards me, his eyes drinking in every inch of me.

I force my gaze to his friend, who is ogling my scantily clad getup.

“Nick,” he says as his grey gaze continues to eye-fuck me.

Cam starts to kiss along my neck as his hand slides inside my jean skirt and slowly pushes my panties to the side. His fingers inch towards my clit. I fist my hands into his hair and crash my lips to his. Our tongues mingle, entwine, and nearly fuck each other. Nick stands behind me and glides his hands along my waist until he reaches the button of my jean skirt. His deft fingers make quick work of my skirt, leaving me in only my bra and panties. I’m drenched and lost in the feel of two men rubbing against me.

They both continue to stroke me, caress me, and slide their hands all over me. My head falls back and my eyes lock on the cracked, damp ceiling of the dingy bathroom.

Not my proudest moment.

My thoughts of walking away from this situation before anything else happens are quickly squashed when Cam wraps his lips around my nipple, his tongue flicking at the tip. My hips jerk involuntarily at the feel of his mouth on my breast and his calloused thumb rubbing smooth circles along my clit.

Nick is still behind me, his erection pressed into my ass as he continues to suck on my neck, my ear, and my jawline. I’m just wondering when these two are going to pull the trigger and actually start doing something that entails them getting their cocks out. I decide to take charge of this situation. I pull back from both of them, remove the rest of my clothing, and sit on the edge of the bathroom counter. They are both standing in front of me, fully dressed, with shocked expressions on their face. I spread my legs wide and slide a finger inside of myself, locking my eyes with Cam and then Nick. I’m enjoying watching them watch me.

I slip my finger into my mouth and suck seductively. “Mmmmm. Do you want to taste me?” I ask them as my fingers make a slow descent back down my belly.

Both nod their heads yes like little puppies. I’m aware that the only way this threesome is going to happen is if I take control and instruct them. “Come here,” I demand as I lift my index finger and motion for them to step towards me.

They both move quickly, listening intently to every command I throw their way.

I spread my legs wider. “Taste me. Both of you…at the same time.”

Cam’s mouth is agape and Nick takes a hard swallow, his Adam’s apple bobbing with obvious movements.

“Don’t be scared. Don’t you want to please me?” They both nod yes again and reluctantly step towards me. They stare at each other with questioning eyes. I’m sure they’ve never done something like this before, which only makes me more excited that I get to push their boundaries.

Cam kneels in front of me, and as the flat of his tongue swipes along my clit, my hips jerk off of the counter.

“That feels so good,” I purr as Cam continues to work me over with his mouth, causing pleasurable sensations to slide through my core.

Nick stands in front of me, his eyes locked on what Cam is doing. I grab his shirt and pull him closer. His lips are mere inches from mine. I lick along his bottom lip, sucking it into my mouth. His hands go straight to my breasts, kneading them with strong movements, plucking my nipples with his fingers.

“Taste me, Nick. I want to feel your mouth on me,” I whisper against his lips, and that seems to be the only encouragement he needed.

He kneels in front of me, next to Cam, and spreads my legs wider with a strong grip on my upper thigh. His tongue darts along my hip bone, leaving a heated path. I should probably feel sympathy for them, considering the awkwardness and specific head placement that is required to complete a task like this, but right now, all I’m thinking about is how fucking good this feels.

I find myself starting to internally giggle when I realize I’ve got these two guys practically tongue wrestling on my spunk-pot. Their tongues are at a hesitant tug-of-war, frantically trying to get me off while doing their best to not come in contact with each other. I’ve obviously pushed their limits, and I’m well aware that these two friends have a few awkward conversations ahead of them. They’re basically pushing their heterosexual boundaries to new heights right here on my pink taco.

My snatch feels like she’s guiding two cage fighters to a battle of wills.

Who will be the last tongue standing?

Am I really making game show references right now while two guys keep bumping each other’s heads between my thighs?

My thoughts are quickly stopped when Nick’s tongue slides inside of me. My head falls back against the bathroom mirror from pure euphoria. These two studs have suddenly found their rhythm, and the combination of Cam’s strong suction on my clit, and Nick’s tongue thrusting inside of me is bringing me closer to the edge.

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