B00AY88OHE EBOK (17 page)

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Authors: Henry Stevens

Dr. Jesensky and Mr. Lesniakiewicz have made an extensive study of the German technical facilities surrounding Prag and the purposes for these facilities. It is their conclusion that the sensitive technical information recovered and which prompted this dangerous action was nothing other than plans of the German disc airplane, the “V-7” (18).

How an Atomic Rocket Works

T.T. Brown foWld that when strong electric charges are separated by a dielectric, movement ocCW’s towards the positive charge as if gravity were reduced on the positive side or as if the charged object were sliding down a hill.

It was Lionel Shapiro, writing under the name Lionel S. B. Shapiro who broke this story for the North American Newspaper Alliance (19). As confirmation, it can be added that the story was also covered by Ms. Lux Taub in the Swedish publication “Expressen” with stories on 2/19/46, 2/22/46 and 2/24/46 (20).

In the immediate post-war world there seems to have been a relaxation on the release German technical information. Not the detailed analytic work done by the various Allied intelligence teams combing the carcass of the dead Reich, but the popular reporting by Shapiro and others who received the “o.k.” to publish brief stories recounting Nazi technology which would be squelched later as the cold war got underway.

But even given this relaxation, what are the chances of one reporter stumbling upon both the stories of the electromagnetic rocket and the U.S. incursion into Czechoslovakia, first, and on his own? It is also noteworthy that both of these stories dealt with the topic of this book, or at least one which is related to that theme. Mr. Shapiro must have been a very well connected reporter indeed! He is also an excellent source of information.

A point of speculation should be made concerning the KM-2 device. As stated above, T. T. Brown believed that water vapor or steam was a suitable medium for his electrokenetic generator. Water vapor is present in the atmosphere, as we all know. A small atomic engine, such as was mentioned earlier in connection with the Messerschmitt P-1073, burning and being cooled by atmospheric gasses, might provide enough water vapor to enable the electrokenetic generator to produce the high voltage required. This would be an atomic powered field propulsion device. Further, Friedrich Georg gives us details on an atomic steam engine with the Germans were designing to power a propeller driven aircraft (21). An easy substitution of a device similar to the Brown electrokenetic generator for the propellers could have been made enabling a device with all the characteristics given for the KM-2 electromagnetic rocket to have been born. And of course Dr. Giuseppe Belluzzo would have been waiting and willing to do the plumbing.

Sources and References

  1.  Georg, Friedrich, 2000, pages 171-173

  2.  ibid

  3.  Infield, Glenn B., 1981, pages 179, 192, Skorzeny Hitler’s Commando, St. Martin’s Press, New York

  4.  Infield, Glenn B., 1981, pages 173, 183

  5.  LaViolette, Paul A. Ph.D., 1993, pages 84-85, “The U.S. Antigravity Squadron” in Electrogravitics Systems Reports On A New Propulsion Methodology edited by Thomas Valone, M.A., P.E., 1994, Integrity Research Institute, Washington D.C.

  6.  ibid

  7.  ibid

  8.  LaViolette, Paul A. Ph.D., 1993, page 87

  9.  U.S. Patent Number 3,022,430, Granted: 2/20/62 to T.T. Brown, titled “Electrokinetic Generator”

10.  ibid

11.  LaViolette, Paul A. Ph.D., 1993, page 93

12.  LaViolette, Paul A. Ph.D., 1993, page 87

13.  LaViolette, Paul A. Ph.D., 1993, page 88

14.  LaViolette, Paul A. Ph.D., 1993

15.  U.S. Patent Number 3,022,430, Granted: 2/20/62 to T.T. Brown, titled “Electrokinetic Generator”

16.  Jesensky, Milos Ph.D., and Robert Lesniakiewicz, 1998, pages 98-102, “Wunderland” Memozemske Technologie Treiti Rise, Aos Publishing

17.  Jesensky, Milos Ph.D. and Robert Lesniakiewicz, 1998, page 100

18.  Jesensky, Milos Ph.D. and Robert Lesniakiewicz, 1998, page 102

19.  Jesensky, Milos Ph.D. and Robert Lesniakiewicz, 1998, page 100

20.  Jesensky, Milos Ph.D. and Robert Lesniakiewicz, 1998, page 101

21.  Georg, Friedrich, 2000, pages 87-89, Hitlers Siegeswaffen Band 1: Luftwaffe Und Marine Geheime Nuklearwaffen des Dritten Reiches und ihre Traegersysteme, Amun Verlag, Heinrich-Jung Verlagsgesellschaft mbH.

Field Propulsion Saucers

The KM-2 Rocket–Mystery Solved

Top: T.T. Brown’s flame-jet generator., capable of supplying millions of volts. Middle: Brown’s saucer design which is definitely food for thought. Bottom: Brown’s electric Rocket incorporating flame-jet generator. The KM-2 rocket must have been a very similar device.

The existence of World War Two German field propulsion flying saucers is a topic which is denied by virtually every reputable authority in aviation history. It is also denied by many researchers studying German saucers. The problem is that in the years immediately following the Second World War the earth’s skies suddenly began to be populated by flying craft which did some remarkable things. They flew at unheard of speeds. They made very sharp turns, seemingly non-aerodynamic turns, even at this extreme speed. They lacked the glowing tail of jets or rockets but they glowed or gave off light at night from their periphery or from the whole craft. They were silent or almost silent. Sometimes they gave off sounds that an electric generator or motor might make. Sometimes vehicles with electrically based ignition systems ceased to operate in the presence of these saucers. No government claimed these flying craft, yet they were seen all over the world.

The press and popular culture attributed these unusual craft to an extraterrestrial source. Yet, after over fifty years, no real proof for this assertion has ever come forth. Let’s come back down to earth. By all accounts these saucer were solid and material in nature. Perhaps it is time to attribute their origin to a solid, material source.

It seems only proper to begin searching for an explanation for field propulsion saucers with the very sources which we now know built conventional flying saucers, the Germans of the Third Reich. The earliest reference to a field propulsion saucer being a German invention is from a 1960 book by Michael X in which it is described as a “flying egg” (1). Michael X., under the name Michael X. Barton, is also the author who, in 1968, wrote The German Saucer Story. In the second book returns to the theme again (2). This time he cites a source. His primary informant, Hermann Klaas, describes twelve secret weapons to Barton. They are:

  1.  The flying disc

  2.  A tank made entirely of one piece of metal

  3.  The sound wave weapon

  4.  A laser beam weapon

  5.  A flaming artificial cloud

  6.  A robot bomb

  7.  A charged cloud weapon

  8.  An armor piercing projectile

  9.  The electromagnetic KM-2 rocket

10.  A paralyzing ray

11.  Electronic ball lighting

12.  The flying bottle, tube, sphere, etc.

Thirty-two years later we certainly know that some of these weapons did exist. It has been confirmed that the Germans were working on weapons numbered 1, 2, 3, 6, and 8 for instance. It has been confirmed that the Germans were working on x-ray or gamma ray weapons as well as another type, possible laser weapons. It has been confirmed that the Germans were working on a gaseous cloud as a means of combating enemy bombers. So in view of this track record, his claim of research on a “flying bottle” should be given serious consideration.

But what is the specific evidence which would cause us to believe that the Germans were working on a field propulsion saucer? As one paws through the literature on German saucers, some evidence is encountered which could indicate field propulsion vehicles. There are the still pictures which will be discussed later on. Here, we will focus on just three pieces of evidence, that of an eyewitness, a German pilot, who saw such things on the ground, a Combined Intelligence Ojectives Sub-Committee report and an F.B.I. report. The F.B.I. report was taken years after the war but for reasons which will be discussed, there is reason to conclude this report has merit.

German Eye Witnesses

The first report comes to us courtesy of researcher Horst Schuppmann. A friend of Mr. Schuppmann’s interviewed an eyewitness to German saucers during the Second World War. This report first appeared in the 1998 Geheimtechnologien, Wunderwaffen Und Irdischen Facetten Des UFO-Phaenomens by Karl-Heinz Zunneck (3).

The subject of this interview was a German pilot who flew many missions in a JU-52, taking off and touching down in rough, presumably outlying airfields. The Junkers JU-52 was an aircraft used by the Luftwaffe for many roles and could be described as a mainstay or a workhorse. It was a transport airplane, a troop carrier and even had been used as a bomber. It resembled and was used in a similar way to the American Douglas Dakota or DC-3. The main difference between the two aircraft was that the JU-52 had three engines as opposed to the Dakota’s two and the JU-52 lacked a traditional airframe, instead deriving structural strength from a unique corrugated metal shell, which also made the appearance of the JU-52 distinctive.

The sighting in question was reported to the author, Mr. Zunneck, by Horst Schuppmann whose friend knew the pilot of the JU-52 in question. The date was July, 1944. Accompanying the pilot on this three and one-half hour flight was a co-pilot, a mechanic, and the radio man. The airplane took off from Brest-Deblin and flew on a westerly course to Lublin. The flight was unfolding smoothly which was somewhat abnormal for the particular time and stage of the war. Over Stettin Lagoon preparations were made to land. A large white cross was sighted which was the marker for their goal, a meadow landing strip. The aircraft descended, landed normally and rolled toward a group of bushes which would hide the aircraft from view.

Then things took a decided turn to the abnormal. Harsh orders were received that the pilot, co-pilot and mechanic were not to exit the airplane. Suddenly, the radio man had vanished. The others waited an hour in vain for his return. Finally, the pilot decided to get out of the airplane and find his missing crewman, without orders, and on his own.

On the airfield itself nobody was to be seen. There was only one building visible which was a lonely hanger. The pilot, ever concerned with maintaining cover, headed straight for this hanger. Upon arrival he opened an narrow, high sliding door and entered, hoping to receive some information. No person was to be seen but what the pilot did see bewildered him so that the image was deeply ingrained in his mind.

There in the hanger stood three or four very large, round, dark dish shaped metal constructions on telescope-like leg stands. The objects were about 6 meters off the ground and the objects themselves were 12 to 15 meters in diameter. The pilot compared the shape of the objects to a giant soup dish or soup plate.

Suddenly, out of the half darkness a military guard emerged. The guard let the pilot know that he was in an area which was strictly off limits. In fact, the pilot was told, on no uncertain terms, to disappear immediately or this would be his last day on earth.

This day had started as a routine flight connecting two outlying airfields. This pilot had no expectations of seeing something so unusual that he barley had context in which to place it. Further, even as his mind was transfixed and in a process of trying to give understanding to what he was seeing, he was suddenly jolted out of this tableau by a guard threatening his very life and ordering him to leave.

Of course the question of what those objects in the hanger really were comes back to this pilot even after almost 55 years. The pilot personally attributes it to the so called “Magnetscheibe,” literally, “magnet-disk.” According to the pilot rumors of these objects circulated in pilot circles since the summer of 1944 (4).

Two things can definitely be said of this sighting. First, it can be said is that this sighting seems to be of the smaller type of German field propulsion saucer as opposed to a larger version. Second, these saucers can definitely be ascribed to belonging to and in the possession of German military forces during the Second World War. At no time in this report has the word “alien” or “extraterrestrial” ever been mentioned or even considered.

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