B00DPX9ST8 EBOK (249 page)

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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

c 4211 - “Body Snatched”

Dr Rubin, a scientist on the planet hospital Bedlam, developed Transmigratory Memory Mapping: a means by which minds could be transplanted into disused Biogrower bodies, according another fifty years of life. The Horse Lord of Khan wanted to go further and put his mind into a Time Lord body - to that end, he summoned his old friend, the Doctor. The eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory found that Rubin had been testing his mind swap on different races, including a Re’nar, a Ju’wes, a Saturnynian, a Slitheen, a Sycorax and a Gizhou. Confusion followed... the Doctor and Amy accidentally swapped consciousnesses, and the Biogrowers were induced with schizophrenia, triggering a riot. The time travellers incapacitated the Horse Lord, ended the riot and returned to their own bodies - moments before Rory, thinking his wife was still in the Doctor’s form, gave “her” a passionate kiss.

4226 - The End of Time (TV)

The tenth Doctor answered a summons to Ood-Sphere, and was shocked to see how developed the planet had become in the hundred years since his last visit. The mind of the Ood was troubled, and they showed him their dreams of the Master. Time was bleeding, and events on Earth in 2009 were affecting everything...

? 4300 - The Death Collectors

The volcanic planet Antikon was quarantined after it became the source of Antikon’s Decay - a lethal virus that decimated a solar system. Professor Mors Alexandryn, the foremost authority on the Decay, headed a research team in a sky station over Antikon. They encountered a spacefaring race called Dar Traders, a.k.a. the Death Collectors, who typically scavenged corpses after battles. The Dar Traders were technically dead, and used metal frames to move their husks around. They could preserve the last few moments of life in other species by introducing their own flesh to the dead.

The seventh Doctor found that the Decay was an alien intelligence that existed as a virus and trying to communicate through “a death state” - not comprehending that this was inimical to other species. The mass of Decay on Antikon increased exponentially upon contact with the Dar Traders, but Alexandryn gave his life to the Decay, peacefully dragging them both into death.

In 4302, Elliot Sardick was born on a human colony world near the Horsehead Nebula. His family had given their name to the main settlement, Sardicktown; the first settlers there referred to mid-winter as the Crystal Feast. As an adult, he would gain even more power than his ancestors and have a son, Kazran. The currency on Sardicktown was the gideon.

The Thals were driven off Skaro by the Daleks.

In 4338, Turlough was the guest of Wilhelm, König of the Wine Lords of Chardon.
The railway network was reestablished in Europe.

c 4340-& 4347/(=) c 4340-& 4347 (Christmas Eve) - A Christmas Carol

Kazran Sardick was physically abused by his father, Elliott, and would grow up to become someone who didn’t care if people lived or died. To teach Kazran Sardick the error of his ways, the eleventh Doctor travelled back to Christmas Eve when Kazran was 12. Kazran had been trying to make a video project about the sky fish that flew around Sardicktown, and the Doctor helped to disprove Kazran’s belief that he was alone in a cruel world. The Doctor tried to attract the sky fish, but instead attracted a sky shark.

To transport the shark back to its natural habitat, Kazran suggested they borrow a hibernation unit from the vaults where his father kept people in suspended animation as debt-collateral. They opened the cryo-pod of Abigail Pettigrew, and her singing calmed the shark. She was returned to suspended animation, but Kazran was now smitten.

(=) The Doctor returned for Kazran and Abigail each of the next seven Christmas Eves. They went for a sleigh ride with the flying shark, to the Egyptian pyramids, Uluru, the Eiffel Tower, the Statue of Liberty, to visit Abigail’s family and a pool party in 1952 Hollywood. Abigail, though, was terminally ill, and had one more day to live. Kazran remained convinced the world was unfair.

The Doctor’s efforts to rehabilitate Kazran failed, and so he took his 12-year-old self forward in time to see the miser he had become...

Elliot Sardick’s machine to control the cloud bank over Sardicktown was finally completed. It had isomorphic controls that only responded to Elliot or his son Kazran. Elliot Sardick died in 4378.

= The sixth Doctor visited the planet Schyllus in 4387.

4398 (Christmas Eve) - A Christmas Carol

The eleventh Doctor left Amy and Rory to honeymoon aboard a galaxy-class starship, but they summoned him back when the ship went out of control near Sardicktown, a human colony world surrounded by a cloud bank. The ship could only be guided to safety by a machine operated by Kazran Sardick - but Sardick was a cruel man, and refused to help. The Doctor travelled back to Kazran’s childhood and altered his history to make him a better person. When this failed, he brought Kazran’s 12-year-old self to this time to see his future. The elder Kazran relented, but his history had been altered so much that the cloud-controlling machine no longer recognised him. The Doctor and Kazran woke Abigail Pettigrew for one last time, and she used her voice to create harmonics that controlled the clouds and saved the spacecraft.

The forty-fifth century was an era of technocrats and machine-driven life. One race engineered a biological-temporal link that enabled them to forge a mental connection with their machines. Some members of the species became biologically advanced enough to place themselves in metallic shells and time travel by simply willing the process. One such traveller was Celia Fortunaté, who would arrive in another time period at the Needle, a biomechanical living complex. The Needle’s overseeing computer, Whitenoise, installed a chip in Celia to curb her of all violence, but this corrupted Whitenoise’s systems and led to a string of murders.

c 4411 - “Body Snatched”

The eleventh Doctor brought Amy and Rory to the Trans-Universal Union to collect his mail, which included a letter that had been sent two hundred years earlier from the Horse Lord of Khan. They went back in time to help.

c 4500 - “Keepsake”

By this time, a musical had been made about the Orion War. Millions of self-repairing robots from Orion were still performing menial tasks.

The seventh Doctor stopped at Reclaim Platform Juliet-November-Kilo, the largest reclaim station on its side of the Easto Cluster, to acquire spare parts for the TARDIS. He encountered a servo robot containing the last vestiges of his android friend Sara’s consciousness, and thereby learned of her fate.

The forty-sixth century saw the development of Dirty Rip engines, time machines that punched holes in time and were prone to both exploding and increasing the vortex pressure on users until they also exploded.

? 4500 - Here There Be Monsters

Humanity now treated mathematics like art; if an equation was beautiful and symmetrical, it was regarded as true.

On Earth, genetic manipulation was used to develop sentient vegetative lifeforms that could entwine their branches and leaves throughout a spaceship’s interior. Such lifeforms could pilot spaceships, fight small wars and expand the human empire’s boundaries, allotting humanity more time for pursuits such as sculpture and music. The lifeforms’ memories were contained in seed pods, and they were genetically engineered to avoid boredom; they’d be content spending one hundred million years performing tasks and reaching for synthesized light.

Three hundred and thirty-eight years after these lifeforms were created, humanity also developed “benchmarking” - a means of using gravitational singularities contained in a Klein bottle to create a navigational system. Seven singularities were used in concert - one would puncture the fabric of space-time every tenth of a light-year; the remaining six would encode each “hole” with navigational information. The Earth Benchmarking Vessel (EBV)
, captained by the vegetative lifeform Rostrum, was intended as the first of many ships that would benchmark entire sectors of space. Spaceships would consequently always know their location, and which direction they needed to go.

The first Doctor, accompanied by Ian, Barbara and Susan, insisted to Rostrum that ravenous “things” lived in the “deep space” beneath space, and that the benchmarking process would give them access to our universe. A traveller from this “deep space” crossed over and adopted a human form - as benchmarking was laying waste to vast tracts of his reality - and said that while deep space contained lifeforms whose energy and matter were antithetical to humanity, it was also home to many intelligent, ethical civilisations. The traveller sealed the breach created by the
, which killed Rostrum and everything within half a light year. The traveller also perished, but only after recording a message warning humanity of the dangers of benchmarking.

c 4500 - Tomb of Valdemar

The Second Empire fell after three centuries, following a revolution that began with a declaration that the oppressed masses would no longer tolerate idle cruelty. The ruling class was aristocratic and decadent. The New Protectorate established the New Parliament on Earth, based on “the rigours of Puritanism applied to a purely materialistic philosophy”. This was led by the Virgin Lady High Protector, the Civil Matriarch, who had the Elite’s palaces destroyed with Immolator Six capsules. A Duke named Paul Neville fled to Terra and became a powerful magician, the head of a cult dedicated to the dark god Valdemar. The Protectorate located Neville, forcing him to flee to the ends of the collapsing Empire. Neville sought the planet Ashkellia, which he believed contained the palace of the Old Ones - Valdemar was the last of their kind.

Neville attempted to resurrect Valdemar through an adolescent psionic named Huvan, but the fourth Doctor and Romana defeated his plans. Huvan nearly punctured the higher dimensions, which could have destroyed the universe, but the Doctor and Romana convinced Huvan that he lacked the maturity for such power. Huvan agreed to erase his memory and assume a new identity. He became a trapper named Ponch on the planet Janus Forus. Fifteen years later, Romana returned to help him remember his past. She regenerated at this time.

The New Protectorate lasted around a century or two before burning itself out.

The Davros Era

? 4500 - Destiny of the Daleks

The Daleks realised that their dependence on logic made it impossible for them to win a war against another logical machine race, the Movellans. Their battlecomputers suggested that they should turn to their creator, Davros, for help. The Supreme Dalek dispatched a force to Skaro to recover Davros from the ruins of the Kaled bunker. Mining operations started up, and the Daleks discovered their creator, who had survived in suspended animation for centuries.

A Movellan party was sent to Skaro to investigate Dalek operations. As they arrived, the Daleks’ slaves broke free, helped by the fourth Doctor and the newly regenerated Romana. Before a Dalek ship could arrive from Supreme Command, the slaves had overpowered the Movellans and defeated the small Dalek force. Davros was captured by the human force, who returned to Earth in the Movellan ship.

Before this time, Arcturus won the Galactic Olympic games, with Betelgeuse coming a close second. The economy of Algol was subject to irreversible inflation.

The Movellans were built by the Daleks, and the entire war was faked as part of their plan to prevent the destruction of Skaro.
Human authorities put Davros on trial. Humanity had abandoned the death penalty, so Davros was placed in suspended animation aboard a prison station in deep space. Without Davros’ help, the Daleks were helpless. They lost the war when the Movellans released a virus that only affected Dalek tissue. Weakened, the Daleks were forced to rely on hired mercenaries and duplicates: conditioned clones produced by their genetic experiments, and generated from humans snatched from many timezones.

Humanity discovered a cure for Becks Syndrome.
Following another Dalek War with humanity, the Daleks were not active in the galaxy for a century.
On Riften-5, the fifth Doctor saw archives of genetic tests on Daleks after the War of Sharpened Hearts.

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