B00DPX9ST8 EBOK (29 page)

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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

The Waters of Mars

The Silent Stars Go By, Thin Ice,

] This appears to be true, if nowhere else, in an alternate dimension in
Iris: Enter Wildthyme

] Dating
The Judgement of Isskar
(BF #117) - This is the backstory to the downfall of the Martians, and (for some of them) their forced relocation from Mars. Exactly when the Martian ecology goes into decline is open to debate - on screen, the only real clue is the Doctor’s claim (
The Waters of Mars
) that flowers last grew on the Red Planet “ten thousand years” ago; such flora would seem unlikely once the toxic Red Dawn (
Red Dawn
The Judgement of Isskar
Thin Ice
) becomes a factor. Another approach would be to consider if Varga’s ship (
The Ice Warriors
) crashed to Earth before or after Mars was devastated, but so little is said of Mars itself in that story, it’s hard to make that determination.

The Resurrection of Mars.

The Judgement of Isskar
, based upon the history of Izdal given in
Red Dawn

Demon Quest: A Shard of Ice
. This may be a reference to
Pyramids of Mars

] “Ten thousand years” before

] This is suspected to have occurred “twelve thousand years” before
Benny: Secret Origins

] At least ten thousand years before
Benny: Genius Loci

TW: The Sin Eaters
. Date unknown, but this is presumably early on in each race’s history. Proto-Indo Europeans settled Norway toward the end of the third millennium BC; Ireland has been inhabited for about nine thousand years. Pryovillia is the home of the Pyroviles from
The Fires of Pompeii

] “Ten thousand years” before
Placebo Effect.

] “Eight thousand years” before
The Face-Eater.

Four to Doomsday
. There is no “Futu dynasty” in recorded Chinese history. The Doctor has heard of it, however, and claims it flourished “four thousand years ago”. The date does not tie in with the details of Monarch’s journey as described in the rest of the story. Archaeologists have discovered a piece of tortoiseshell with a character from the Chinese alphabet on it that is seven thousand years old, so it seems that an early Chinese civilisation was established by that time, and the timescale does tie in with the dates established by Bigon.

] Ten thousand years before
The Song of the Megaptera

] “Six thousand years” before “Echoes of the Mogor”.

] “Eight thousand years” before
Benny: The Tree of Life.


The planet Trion founded colonies on other worlds, forming an empire. Science and technology drove the ruling Clans, who developed a vacuum transport system that revolutionised on-planet travel. Non-Clansmen incorporated cold fusion into their spaceships.

The Time Lord passing as “Jane Templeton” - unwilling to face her punishment on Gallifrey for meddling with human history - piloted her dying TARDIS into Earth’s sun, inadvertently causing a small shift in the Earth’s axial rotation.

Ancient Egypt

Seven thousand years ago in the Nile delta, Egyptian civilisation was flourishing. A variety of extra-terrestrials visited Egypt around this time, and were seen as gods. The Egyptian god Khnum was either one of the Daemons or a race memory of them, and Scaroth of the Jagaroth posed as an Egyptian god and Pharaoh, building the earliest Pyramids.

The Osirians

By 5000 BC, the highly-advanced Osirian race had influenced the cultures of many planets, including Earth, Mars,
Youkali (the scene of a devastating battle between the Osirians and Sutekh) and Exxilon.
A final generation of the giant insects aided by the Osirians hatched in 5000 BC.

Some Osirians were as powerful as decent-sized planets. Many of them bore different animal heads to keep up appearances, and to reflect their biodiversity. Osiris founded the Osirian Court, which existed in its own timeframe - its past and future could interact in varying ways with different eras of different planets, including the Homeworld of the Great Houses.

Sutekh married his sister Nephthys on the same day that Osiris cut the court off from history.
The Osirians had a slave force of more than two billion - nearly one billion of those in the inner court alone - and had influence on six hundred and sixty worlds.

The Osirians constructed the Ship of a Billion Years - a formidable vessel that would pass through the noospheres of different planets, and facilitated a “thousand year cruise” of the gods. The Ship was powered by Ra: a miniature sun that the Osirians, even mighty as they were, revered. Four Osirians (Osiris, Sutekh, Upuat and Kepri) were designated “the divine shields of Ra” - they could tap Ra’s energies to defend the Ship. Ra’s voice spoke through the Lady Nut, and it was said that no man could reach the throne of Osiris without earning passage on the Ship. Whichever Osirian sat on the throne could receive the loyalty of the Ship, but had no jurisdiction over it.
The Ship was forged inside a star, and had a hull of solid gold.

Osirian technology depended on magnetic monopoles, and the Osirians built a power relay system on Earth. The Sphinx was carved from living rock, and made to serve as a dispersal point. The Osirians then left instructions on how to build pyramids to serve as receptacles for their power. They either constructed similar pyramids and a Sphinx on Mars, or found a religiously fanatical group to do it for them.

The face of the Sphinx originally had perfect alignment with the path of the sun, but this became imperfect as the angle of the Earth altered over time. Also, sand would periodically cover the Sphinx and fog the reception. The Sphinx was equipped with a mental pulse that would influence individuals to dig it out.
The original face of the Sphinx on Earth was that of Horus.

The Osirians fought a war in our solar system. Sutekh, also known as the Typhonian Beast, destroyed his homeworld of Phaester Osiris and left a trail of destruction across half the galaxy. Sutekh became known by many names, including Set, Sadok and Satan.

Sutekh was instrumental in the downfall of his brother Osiris. There were at least two accounts pertaining to Osiris’ overthrow and Sutekh’s eventual defeat.

In the first account, Sutekh and his sister Nephthys captured Osiris and sent him into space in a capsule without life support. Sutekh and Nephthys tracked the body of Osiris to Egypt and totally destroyed it. Osiris’ sister-wife Isis looked for her lost husband, and the remains of his mind endowed themselves in the mind of her spacecraft pilot. This psi-child became Osiris’ son Horus.

Along with seven hundred and forty of his fellow Osirians, Horus located Sutekh on Earth, trapping and sealing him in a pyramid.
Nephthys was imprisoned in a human body and mummified. Her mind was fragmented, the evil side placed in a canopic jar.

w - c 5000 BC - FP: Ozymandias / FP: The Judgment of Sutekh

The second account of Sutekh’s defeat pertained to the War in Heaven. An assembly of more than seven hundred Osirians gathered on Mars, which was still under Osirian jurisdiction, to render a final judgement concerning Sutekh’s claim to the throne of Osiris - whom Sutekh had secretly killed and buried near Mount Vesuvius in the eighteenth century. Sutekh now challenged his rival to the throne - Cousin Eliza of Faction Paradox, who was endowed with Osiris’ biomass and calling herself Horus - to a fight to the death.

Cousin Justine of Faction Paradox brokered a deal with the Osirians. The more than seven hundred Osirians that historically defeated Sutekh were instead dispatched to the Homeworld of the Great Houses, and “dealt with” the living timeship Lolita. Justine and Eliza separately laid a trap for Sutekh that, at the cost of Eliza’s life, severed Sutekh’s neural connections and psionic centres, leaving him paralysed. It was believed that Sutekh had lost his challenge, and he was imprisoned beneath a pyramid. As before, history recorded that the Osirians had bested Sutekh.

Corwyn Marne and Abelard Finton had travelled back from 1764 to aid the Cousins. Finton returned to the eighteenth century, but Marne remained trapped on Mars.

The Pyramid of Mars was built to house the Eye of Horus, and the Osirians set up a beacon there to broadcast a warning message. The Egyptians worshipped Horus and the other Osirians. Even Sutekh was worshipped by many on Earth, and the Cult of Sutekh survived for many thousands of years.
The influence of the Osirians brought on the unification of the Egyptian kingdoms, and the local humans were genetically enhanced, becoming taller and with increased mental capacity.

The Doctor was at the prayer meeting when an Egyptian goddess was sealed in the Seventh Obelisk.
The Anubians resembled creatures from Egyptian myth. K9 freed them from the mind control of the Huducts, and earned their almost godlike reverence. After K9 left, the Anubians used the mind-control technology of their former oppressors and to conquer races that apparently included the Sea Devils, Alpha Centaurians, Mandrels, Aeolians and Jixen.

An Egyptian legend held that Ra the sun god chose to live amongst the people as a human. Ra transformed his “divine eye” into Sekhmet the Powerful One, the Avenger. She killed Ra’s enemies, but continued the slaughter until Ra ordered his high priest at Heliopolis to dye seven thousand jars of beer with pomegranate juice, then to pour it onto the ground. Sekhmet drank from what she thought was a lake of blood, and became stupefied. She was imprisoned in trisilicate, the hardest form of salt in the galaxy, as its negatively charged atoms weakened her. She was bound under four blood locks; three sealed her in space, the fourth in time. Sekhmet was blasted into space and was finally entombed on the planet Peladon. The Doctor suspected that Ra eventually died.

Dilvpod Tentacle wrote a story that was later adapted to become
Peter Pan

The Doctor saved billions of lives by restoring the rotting “soul” of the homeworld of the Weave: creatures who existed as flexible protein ribbons, and had numbers for names. He declined to accept a reality-warping Glamour as a reward, but took a young Weave, 6011, for a jaunt to see a star system being born before returning her home. After the Doctor left, the xenophobic Tahnn conducted a war against the Weave. One Weave ship, the WSS
, crashed to Earth with the Glamour aboard. The local tribe thought the ship a gift from the sky gods and buried it, and the Glamour extended the lifespan of one of them - Owain - to watch over the Weave.

The troll-like Vykoids stood only seven centimetres tall, and were frustrated because the universe didn’t take them seriously. They developed tools of conquest: assault vehicles and a Time Freeze that immobilised the larger races, enabling the Vykoids transport them to slave planets. The Vykoid machines of war caused chaos across the galaxies.

The Ninety-Ninth Vykoid Expeditionary Force came to Earth, expecting to capture Triceratops and Diplodocuses for use as beasts of labour. Instead, the Force entered cryo-sleep in Svalbard, the Arctic, within one of their conveyances: a mechanical mammoth.

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