Read B00DPX9ST8 EBOK Online

Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

B00DPX9ST8 EBOK (323 page)


] “2347.54 years” before
The Speed of Flight.

] Dating
The Web Planet
(2.5) - The story seems to take place in the future as the Animus craves “Earth’s mastery of Space”. Bill Strutton’s novelisation places it in “20,000”, although the Doctor suggests that the TARDIS’ “time pointer” might not be working. The New Adventure
suggests that Earth is abandoned at this time, but it is established in
The Ark in Space
The Sontaran Experiment
that man has spread through the universe.

] “Over a hundred and fifty years” before
Twilight of the Gods

] Dating
Twilight of the Gods
(MA #26) - This is a sequel to
The Web Planet
. The Animus was defeated “seventy thousand days ago” (p1), which is a little under one hundred and ninety-two years.

] Dating “The Naked Flame” (
DWM Yearbook 1995
) - It’s an unspecified amount of time after
The Web Planet

] Dating
Return to the Web Planet
(BF subscription promo #6) - The back cover says, “It’s been hundreds of years and several regenerations since the Doctor last visited the insect world of Vortis.” Within the story itself, the Doctor mentions his “previous visits” (note the plural) and that he hasn’t visited since “a few regenerations back”, a tacit acknowledgement of the second Doctor’s trip to Vortis in
Twilight of the Gods
, and possibly (for those who prefer) even those seen in the Annuals and
TV Comic

. Chris Parsons’ dating of the book gives a figure of “minus twenty thousand years”, with time running backwards over the book. This might be a property of the book, rather than an indication it comes from the future.

] Dating “Final Sacrifice” (IDW Vol. 1, #13-16) - Robert Lewis’ group arrives on the colony planet “twenty thousand” years after they left, in 1906.

] Dating
(NA #17) - Ace says she was born “Oh, probably about twenty thousand years ago” (p134), although how she reaches this figure is unclear. It is “year 2959” of the Charrl occupation of Earth (p1) when they start their scheme, which will take “almost five hundred years” (p60), yet curiously it is “year 2497” (p109) when they finish! This is presumably a misprint, and ought to read “3497”.

] Dating
Speed of Flight
(MA #27) - This is “about twenty thousand years” after Jo’s time (p23).

] “Twenty one thousand years” after
The Sands of Time

] “A few thousand years” after 21,906, according to “Final Sacrifice”.

] Dating
The Face of Evil
(14.4) - The story could take place at any point in the far future. The Doctor states in
The Invisible Enemy
that the year 5000 is the time of Leela’s ancestors. This story, then, takes place at least ten generations after that - the crew of the colony ship were stranded for “generations” before the Doctor first helped them, and there have apparently been seven generations since (the Sevateem seem to attack the barrier once a generation, and this is the seventh attempt).

Humans evolve limited psychic powers around the time of the fifty-first century (
The Talons of Weng-Chiang
) and the Tesh have psychic powers, so they might originate after that time, but they probably receive all their abilities from Xoanon’s selective breeding programme.

The Sun Makers
, the Usurian computer correctly guesses that “Sevateem” is a corruption of “Survey Team”, and that Leela comes from a “degenerate, unsupported Tellurian colony” suggesting that there are many such planets known to the Company.
The Terrestrial Index
set the story “several centuries” after the “fifty-second century”.
offered the date “4931”,
About Time
said “Somewhere around the fifty-third century might be a good bet.”

] Dating
Last Man Running
(PDA #15) - The story could take place at any time in the far future.

] Dating
Iris: Enter Wildthyme
(Iris novel #1) - It’s “something like thirty thousand years” after the last time Iris visited Valcea, in
The Blue Angel

The Slitheen Excursion

] Dating
Planet of Evil
(13.2) - While it could be argued that the date “37,166” that appears on the grave marker might use some Morestran scale of dating, the Doctor does state that the TARDIS has overshot contemporary London by “thirty thousand years”.
The Dimension Riders
Infinite Requiem
both suggest that the Morestrans are not human, which is possible (although they do know of Earth). The Doctor’s suggestion to Sorenson leads to events in
Zeta Major

] Dating
Zeta Major
(PDA #13) - It is 1998 by the New Church Calendar (p82), and that long since
Planet of Evil

] Forty-two thousand years after

] Algernon Pine is defrosted “about ten thousand years” before
The Coming of the Terraphiles
, and so the era of the Terraphiles is at least that old. The Lockesleys have governed for “nine millennia” before
The Coming of the Terraphiles

] Dating “The Child of Time” (
#438-441) - Jacobs mentions the damage the plague has done to “the human empire” - that, and the advanced human science that creates the Galteans, very much suggests that it’s a fair distance in the future. A little strangely, however, a caption suggests that the plague cripples humanity in “The Near Future”. Author Jonathan Morris avoided giving exact dates for fear of contradicting other stories, and commented that, “[‘The Child of Time’] wasn’t intended to tie in with anything that’s already been established in
Doctor Who
(but if it does, that’s fine with me!).” If one squints, then, it’s possible to connect the meteor strike that spreads the plague in this story with the similar event that helps to inflict damage on Earth prior to
The Coming of the Terraphiles

] Dating “Apotheosis” (
#435-#437) - The war has been going on “a thousand years”, so it’s that long after the genesis of the Galateans in “The Child of Time” (

] “The Child of Time” (

] Dating “The Child of Time” (
#438-441) - The Doctor says that it’s “thousands of years” since Amy’s time, estimates that Chiyoko has been worshipped as a goddess in the war for “several hundred years”, and judges that the war “hasn’t been going too well” since he and Amy last witnessed it in “Apotheosis” (so, it’s some time after that story).

] Before
The Coming of the Terraphiles

] “Several millennia” before
The Coming of the Terraphiles

] Within “several millennia” of
The Coming of the Terraphiles
, as this has to be after the Bacon Street Regulators were set up.

The Coming of the Terraphiles
sees the fifteenth such tournament, they are held every two hundred and fifty years.

] “Onomatopoeia”. Going by the galactic war numbering system used in
The Coming of the Terraphiles
, the seventh galactic war occurred somewhere between 47,000 and 50,957.

The Coming of the Terraphiles

] Dating
Heart of TARDIS
(PDA #32) - There’s no specific date, but it is “some tens of thousands of years beyond the twentieth century”.

K9: The Bounty Hunter
. Pia’s organisation is also referred to as the Galactic Peace Assembly. These events lead into the
television series, starting with
K9: Regeneration

] Cornelius the pirate fought in the war, but not in the “past half century” before
The Coming of the Terraphiles

The Coming of the Terraphiles

] “A few years” before
The Coming of the Terraphiles
. He claims this was in the “fifty-first thousandth century” - although the book is set in 51,007, which is in the 512th century.

] Dating
The Coming of the Terraphiles
(NSA #43) - The Doctor says “51,007’s the date”.

] Dating “The Gift” (
#123-126) - It’s “twelve thousand years” before the main events of “The Gift”.

] “Two thousand years” before “The Gift”.

] Dating “The Gift” (
#123-126) - No date is given, but the people of Zazz are the “distant descendants of an Earth colony”.

] Dating
Serpent Crest: Tsar Wars
(BBC fourth Doctor audios #3.1) - The story occurs in the future; the Robotov Empire is of human creation, and the insurrectionists are designated as human. In
Serpent Crest: The Broken Crown
, set in 1861, the Doctor tells Alex, “You’ve only just learned that you’re the Robotov heir, from a hundred thousand years into the future.”

Serpent Crest: Survivors in Space

] Dating
Serpent Crest: Survivors in Space
(BBC fourth Doctor audios #3.5) - It’s been “twenty years” since Alex was returned home (
Serpent Crest: Aladdin Time
) and made Tsar.

] “A hundred millennia” after
Grimm Reality.

The Condemned

] Dating “Onomatopoeia” (
#413) - The guardian here ends the “hundred thousand years” of silence that have passed on Graveworld 909 since the seventh galactic war, the rough date of which can be established from
The Coming of the Terraphiles

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