B00DPX9ST8 EBOK (59 page)

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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

Marcus Americanius Scriptor was born on Roma I, a parallel Earth where the best of all possible outcomes had occurred to the Roman Empire. It was a utopian civilisation that encompassed the world, from the cities under the ice caps to cities built on and under the oceans - such as Atlantis. The world had existed in five centuries of unbroken peace. It was the perfect world, although half the population were slaves. Scriptor’s family ruled North America, and he lived on a family estate that took up the whole of Manhattan. America was a backwater, although an Atlantean astrologer gave Scriptor’s family hope that their new son would bring them glory.
On the day Scriptor was born, a mysterious old man arrived in the Forum in Rome, using a time ring. He was one of thirteen members of the Great Houses apparently fleeing the War in Heaven.

The Tunguska Incident

The third Doctor, Jo Grant and Liz Shaw watched the Tunguska explosion in 1908.
The Warlock alien arrived on Earth in the meteorite that landed in Tunguska.
Alien bacteria arrived with the meteorite.
The Tunguska Scroll, which told the story of Horath and his final resting place, was recovered from the site.
The UNIT Vault contained what was thought to be a part of Sontaran scoutship that crashed at Tunguska... or it could just have been a rusted lump of metal.

1908 (30th June) - Birthright

Half of the seventh Doctor’s TARDIS fell through time to June 1908 and exploded in the wastes of Tunguska in Siberia. It disintegrated on impact; historians attributed this event to a meteorite strike.

Vislor Turlough’s great-grandfather ran a smuggling operation, and used the dimensional vault established by his own great-grandfather to house contraband. Turlough’s ancestor betrayed his fellow smugglers and was killed. The vault’s security system slaughtered his murderers, but also pulverised the royal treasure of Trion.

In Lahore, 1909, some men under the command of Captain Jack got drunk and ran over a “chosen one” - a little girl with a connection to the spirit world, and who was protected by fairy creatures. The next week, the fairies killed fifteen of Jack’s men on a train. Jack was the only survivor.
The Doctor bought Inuit garb from the explorer Robert Peary as Peary journeyed north, and also owned snowshoes belonging to Peary’s associate Matthew Henson.

The Doctor personally knew the performer/Chinese giant Chang Woo Gow, and regarded him as a marvellous fellow and a good dancer. Gow finally retired and opened a tea-room in Bournemouth. Elsewhere, Toby the Sapient Pig and Nurse Albertine saw Mrs Lillian Washbourne on stage at a theatre in Cincinnati.

1909 (February to 24th April) - Birthright

The secret society the New Dawn, led by Jared Khan, attempted to stabilise the Great Divide with the future and bring the Chaarl back to this time. Some Chaarl broke through and murdered a number of people in the East End. Khan hypnotised Margaret Waterfield, Victoria’s aunt, to further his schemes, and then had her killed. The seventh Doctor left Benny and Ace in this time while he dealt with matters elsewhere. The Doctor was a member of the same club as Prime Minister Herbert Henry Asquith, and had Asquith get Benny out of a spot of trouble.

The Doctor’s TARDIS time-rammed itself to stop Khan’s plans, and half of the Ship - with Khan’s mind inside - fell through time to June 1908 and exploded in the wastes of Tunguska in Siberia. The Chaarl were trapped in one of the surviving TARDIS’ inner dimensions.

1909 (mid September) - Sting of the Zygons

The tenth Doctor and Martha discovered a Zygon colony in the Lake District and wiped them out.

1910 (13th-17th October) - Paradox Lost

Amy, Rory and the artificial person Arven travelled to London, 1910, in an experimental time vessel to rendezvous with the eleventh Doctor, but materialised on 13th October, three days before his arrival. Their timeship created the very rip in space-time that they had been investigating, enabling the extra-dimensional Squall to get a foothold in the Universe.

The Doctor arrived in the TARDIS on 17th October, and reunited with his friends. Professor Archibald Angelchrist, a retired secret serviceman who had investigated paranormal threats such as tentacled creatures in the Thames, extra-terrestrial viruses and ancient entities awakening from tombs underneath Edinburgh, helped the Doctor banish the Squall back to their home dimension. Arven was heavily damaged and fell into the Thames. It would meet the Doctor, Amy and Rory’s past selves in 2789.

Torchwood had an Internet at its disposal.
The Doctor saw Earth tremors in Peru in 1910.
In same year, Torchwood Cardiff reorganised their archive.

Gareth Robert Owen, a freelance agent for Torchwood and the son of the founder of G.R. Owen’s department store, found a being akin to a tiny butterfly in a crashed spaceship in 1910. To prevent Torchwood weaponising the alien, Owen merged with the creature and relocated G.R. Owen’s Department of Curiosities to a pocket dimension. The two of them lived there in a timeless state.

Humans associated with the criminal aliens in Wolfenden realised that the aliens’ technology could be fuelled by brain chemicals related to memory. In the decades to follow, visitors to Wolfenden were robbed of some of their memory chemicals and then released, largely none the wiser.

c 1910 - The Catalyst

Lord Joshua Douglas, an Edwardian gentleman, became a companion of the third Doctor. He was gone from home for a year, but returned looking ten years older and claiming that he’d been off in Peru. The Z’nai emperor H’mbrackle II, having been imprisoned in a quarantine tesseract accessible from Joshua’s home, escaped and exacted vengeance by killing Joshua, his wife and their daughter Jessica. A group of Z’nai arrived through time in a Z’nai Angel of War to retrieve their emperor, but fell prey to a Z’nai-killing virus. The fourth Doctor and Leela trapped H’mbrackle II where “nobody would find him”, and purified Joshua’s home by burning it down.

The dancer Ernestina Stott was born around 1911.
The Doctor said 1911 was “an excellent year, one of my favourites”.
The Nine Travellers were surveyed in 1911.
In 1911, the Doctor was due to take a lesson in either flying a biplane or knitting.
On 13th March, 1911, the
Hunstanton Chronicle
reported Mr. Alfred Mason’s insistence that his dead wife, a victim of the Night Travellers, could be resurrected if the flask containing her stolen life-essence was found

1911 - Pyramids of Mars

The fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane landed at the Old Priory, on the future site of UNIT HQ. They discovered that the servants of Sutekh were planning to release him from his imprisonment. The Doctor trapped Sutekh in a time corridor, eventually destroying him.

The King’s Regulations were published in 1912.
The Royal Flying Corps was formed in 1912.
Xznaal, an Ice Lord, was struck by the state of the withered plant life on his home planet of Mars.
The downfall of Imperial China was sealed when the Celestial Toymaker lost a game.

(=) A historical deviation caused colleagues of the self-sacrificing Captain Oates to drag him back to camp, where they died together.

sank, although the Doctor claimed that he had nothing to do with that... The ninth Doctor warned the Daniels family not to board the
and was photographed with them. However, he boarded the ship, and ended up clinging to an iceberg.

1912 (14th April) - The Left-Handed Hummingbird

On the sinking
, the seventh Doctor prevented Huitzilin - also called the Blue - from acquiring the Xiuhcoatl, an Exxilon weapon capable of manipulating molecules. It could transmute or destroy matter. Huitzilin manifested but was killed.

Charley Pollard, a companion of the eighth Doctor and (later) the sixth Doctor, was born the day the

1912 - The Suffering

In Piltdown, the skull of the female leader from the fourth galaxy was excavated and thought to be the “missing link” between ape and man. The leader’s consciousness influenced women to start an uprising against men at a suffrage rally in Hyde Park. The first Doctor, Steven and Vicki combined efforts to defeat the leader, then fulfilled history by replacing her skull with a human cranium and the jawbone of an ape.

1912 (30th-31st October) - Graceless: The Fog

An asteroid destroyed the Cheshire town of Compton, dispersing extra-terrestrial energy in such a way as to obliterate the town without leaving a crater. The impact rippled through time and space, attracting the living tracers Abby and Zara. They interacted for a time with the last echoes of the townsfolk killed in the event.

The British government bought out the land where Compton once stood, and the army erected new buildings, further making the memory of the town lost to history.

Around 1913, Harding Wellman died while mountaineering in Switzerland.
A Wyndham Lewis painting was amongst the artifacts later taken to the Earth colony of Jegg-Sau, and found ruined there.
Lydia Childs joined Torchwood
in 1913, and would serve as the secretary of Torchwood Cardiff until the early 1920s.

1913 - Year of the Pig

The sixth Doctor and Peri sought to relax at the Hotel Palace Thermae in the Belgian municipality of Ostend. Also in residence were Toby the Sapient Pig, Nurse Albertine, Toby’s admirer Alice Bultitude and the mentally confused Inspector Alphonse Chardalot. The Doctor deduced that Toby and Chardalot were actually brothers, the result of genetic experiments carried out some decades previous. The two siblings were reunited, and the Doctor believed they were perhaps better off not knowing details about their origins.

The Doctor happened upon Proust at this time, and made a point of grabbing the reclusive man by the shoulders, calling him Marcel, breathing port fumes up his nose and telling him exactly what he thought of the central character in
Swann’s Way
. The actress Lillian Washbourne died in a fire, and Toby decided to send her agent flowers. Chardalot gave Peri a stuffed monkey that was believed to hail from the gift shop of Madame Ensor, the mother of the Belgian painter James Ensor.

Owing to a mishap with a temporal fission grenade that Chardalot possessed, the sky was briefly filled with exploding cows.

The Doctor saved St Peter Port from some terrible threat on Halloween 1913. He could not save the life of young Celia Doras.
The Doctor and Ace independently visited the premiere of the ballet
The Rites of Spring
in 1913.

1913 (September to 11th November) - Human Nature (TV) / The Family of Blood

To escape the Family of Blood - expert hunters who wanted the DNA of a Time Lord - the tenth Doctor used a Chameleon Arch to become human and hide in 1913. With Martha’s help, the amnesiac Doctor became a teacher at Farringham School and fell for nurse Joan Redfern. The Family arrived on Earth in their invisible spacecraft and confronted Smith, who had no idea he had been the Doctor. Martha helped the Doctor resume his true nature, and the Time Lord swiftly and ruthlessly granted the Family their wish for immortality by imprisoning them all for eternity.

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