Read Baby Love Lite Online

Authors: Andrea Smith

Tags: #steamy content, #steamy erotica romance, #erotic adult romance, #steamy romance fiction erotica adult sex, #romantic chicklit, #alpha bad boy

Baby Love Lite (27 page)

The band had started again so the bar filled
back up from the patrons that had taken restroom leave while it was
quiet. Eddie was handling the bar.

Is everything okay, honey?”
he asked me when I returned.

Not really, Eddie. Where’d
Ryan and Andy go?”

Oh, honey, they paid their
tab and skedaddled. They told me to tell you they were sorry they
were disrespectful to you and they left you this.”

Eddie handed me a $100 bill. I looked up at
him. “My tip?”

Yes ma’am. They said you
earned it by tolerating their drunken asses. You know, I think your
husband might have given those two a well-deserved lesson in
manners. That was really hot, you know?”

I smiled at Eddie. “I swear Eddie, you and
Gina have a weird perception of what's hot and what's not.”

I hung around after closing to help Gina
empty the registers and put the money in the floor safe. One of the
bouncers had stuck around and walked us out to our cars to make
sure we got safely to them.

When do you have to be out
of the condo?” I asked Gina on the way out to our cars.

Ian takes possession of it
December 1st.”

Have you been looking
around at apartments?”

I’m not really sure what my
budget is going to be just yet. Since you’re drawing a salary
instead of Ian it won’t be coming into my pocket indirectly any
longer,” she laughed.

You can always stay with us
until you find something.”

Yeah, right, Ty. I think
Trey hates me enough already. I can’t imagine he would want me
under his roof.”

It’s my roof too,

So it is girlfriend. It’s
nice to have you back.”

Where have I been?” I asked
puzzled by her comment.

Good-night, Ty,” she said
pushing the remote to unlock her car.


It was nearly 2:00 a.m. when I let myself in
the apartment. The first thing I did was get out of my heels. Being
on my feet for so long definitely gave me pause for thought about
having to wear three inch heels to work. Perhaps Gina and I needed
to re-visit the employee dress code for females.

I crept into Preston’s room and peered over
the rail of her crib. She was sleeping soundly tucked under her
blanket with her hand on the stuffed bear that Trey had bought for
her the day she was born. I leaned over and kissed her forehead. I
was exhausted. I had to do this again tonight I realized as I
peeled my clothing off and went into the bathroom off of the
nursery to brush my teeth. I so wanted a shower but I was simply
too tired. I crawled beneath the sheets of the bed in the nursery
and was asleep within minutes. Just as I dozed off I heard Trey out
in the hall talking to someone on his cell phone.

What the hell time did she
leave?” he asked not bothering to mask his anger. He'd called Gina
looking for me.

Holy shit!

I threw the covers off grabbing my white
blouse off of the floor to throw on since all I had on were my
panties. I went out into the living room where Trey continued to
pummel Gina with questions.

Trey,” I interrupted his
angry tirade on the phone, “I’m home. I was sleeping in the
nursery.” He turned to face me, the relief obvious on his

Never mind, Gina; she was
here the whole time, I guess.”

Gina’s response was apparent when I heard
Trey snap, “Yeah? Well you can bite me, too!”

He turned to me; his sleep tousled hair gave
him a rakish appearance similar to Ryan’s. What the hell made me
think of Ryan? That’s how this latest shit got started. “So,” he
said in his smooth and silky yet tired voice, “we aren’t sharing a
bed any longer?”

I just didn’t want to
continue the argument you started at the club tonight. I’m tired.
Your silent treatment and coldness over the past few days has worn
me down."

He was at my side, pulling me into his strong
arms, stroking my hair. “I’m sorry, baby. I’ve been a controlling
ass just like Tristan said. Can you forgive me?”

I looked up into his eyes and saw the
sincerity in them. It wasn't like Trey to capitulate this easily.
He'd been giving this a lot of thought I decided. Perhaps I owed
him an apology as well. “Trey, you were right about one thing. I
shouldn’t have invested the money without discussing it with you,”
I conceded.

No, you shouldn’t have,” he
replied, smiling, “But, I understand why you did. I haven’t been
the most approachable person these days. When I thought back to the
conversation we had that night; I was extremely dismissive with
you. Actually, I was downright rude. I love you so much Tylar.
Sometimes you're the kick-in-the-ass I need to remind me just how
much.” I smiled up at him lacing my arms around his neck. He
lowered his face to mine, our lips finding each other.

I want to make love to you,
baby,” he whispered against my lips.

What if I want to fuck?” I

I’m fairly certain that we
can accommodate both, Mrs. Sinclair.”

Trey carried me to our room and placed me on
the bed as he quickly discarded his boxers. He climbed under the
covers, pulling my panties and blouse off simultaneously. He pulled
me to him and our lips met in a hot, passionate kiss. Trey was
hungry for me and I was hungry for him. He flipped me onto my back
and covered me with gentle kisses. He took his time when he reached
my breasts, swirling his tongue around my nipples making them taut
and hard.

This is mine,” he whispered
as he suckled gently from a breast.

His tongue traced a path to the other one
where he brought the rosy peak to attention as well. “And this one
is mine, too,” he said softly as he continued to suck gently.

He continued his trail of love southward,
kissing my stomach and grazing my navel ring with his lips. I was
already wet for him. His lips and tongue found my womanhood. He
moaned softly as he captured my clitoris with his tongue, gently
massaging it in a circular motion.

And this is mine,” he
rasped, inserting his finger into me, feeling the wetness and
quickening as he probed my sweet spot gently. I moaned softly then
remembered I hadn’t put in my diaphragm.

God I'm so ready for you,
baby. We’re going to need a condom, though.” It was as if he'd not
heard me or chose not to listen. He continued his expert
ministrations with his lips and tongue, bringing me to the brink of
orgasm with his mouth. Perhaps he'd planned on making me come this
way. I'd no issue with that at all.

My hips gyrated against his mouth; I could
hear my soft moans escaping as my body took control responding to
Trey and what he was doing to me; what he always did to me which
was bringing pure pleasure to every part of me. He rose back up
suddenly, capturing my lips with his mouth. His hand spread my legs
gently apart; I felt him lower himself into me.

Trey . . .” I started to
tell him to stop that we needed a condom, but he was pressing
himself into me in his perfect rhythm. I loved the fullness I felt
when he was inside of me; rocking back and forth with his

What baby?” he asked
softly, kissing my lips over and over again. He was watching me
with his sapphire eyes full of love and passion. His right hand was
fisted in my hair. He continued the circular thrusting of himself
in and out of me. He was bringing me to frenzy. “Do you want me to
stop, Tylar?”

No,” I breathed softly
against his lips. “Don’t stop.”

I love you, baby,” he
moaned against me, increasing his tempo as he readied for his

I love you,” I said,
matching him thrust for thrust as he continued to bury himself deep
inside of me. Our orgasms exploded with a fury. Trey moaned loudly,
pulling me up to him as he emptied himself inside of me.

I was right there with him, whimpering in
pleasure as my orgasm unfolded around him; squeezing and
contracting as I was filled with his love.


Preston was up early the
next morning. It seemed as if I'd just drifted off to sleep when I
heard her from the nursery. I looked at the clock on the
nightstand. It was a few minutes after seven. Damn - I
just drifted off to

Trey and I'd made love over and over again
last night. I'd put my diaphragm in after our first session. That
might serve to prove it was too little, too late. Time would

I’ve got it, baby,” he
said, getting out of bed and pulling his boxers on. "You go back to
sleep. I’ll take care of her this morning.”

Thank you honey,” I

I burrowed back down into the soft pillows
pulling the duvet up under my chin and fell back to sleep. When I
awoke again it was nearly 11:00 a.m. I felt rested and energized;
glad that my husband and I'd re-connected emotionally and
physically. I showered and dressed for the day in jeans and a
sweater. I pulled on my Ugg boots and headed down the hall to see
what my family was doing.

Trey was in the kitchen cooking something. It
smelled delicious. Preston was in her high chair with a bib on that
was thoroughly splattered with pureed carrots. She was chewing on a
graham cracker; the soggy remnants of it were on her cheeks, chin
and fingers. She smiled upon seeing me.

Hey, baby,” Trey greeted me as he came over
and kissed me warmly. “Are you ready to eat?”

What are you

Homemade chicken stew,” he
replied proudly. “Mom gave me the recipe when we talked this
morning. I’ve got biscuits in the oven almost ready. Sit down; I’ll
fix you a plate.”

I obliged, relaxing on one of the stools at
the breakfast bar watching my husband dish up some of his chicken
stew. He pulled a warm biscuit from the oven and put my plate in
front of me. He grabbed some silverware and a napkin placing it
next to the plate. He waited for me to taste it. I took a spoonful
and it was delicious.

Wow, this is great,” I
said, taking another spoonful. “Aren’t you having some?”

In a second, sweetie,” he
said, filling up our glasses with ice water. “Did you know Preston
has a tooth coming through?” he asked.

Really? Which

One of the bottom teeth. I
felt it when she bit my finger this morning.”

She bit your

How in the hell did that happen?

He smiled sheepishly.

Do I even want to know the details?

I didn’t have my back
turned for more than thirty seconds, I swear. She crawled over to
the coffee table and found a pack of my breath mints. When I picked
her up to wipe the drool off of her chin I could see that she had
something in her mouth.”

Oh, dear Lord.

So, I tried to get my
finger in her mouth, but she clamped her little mouth shut tight
and twisted her head away from me. She gets that stubbornness from
you, I think.”

Of course she does, Trey.
Then what happened?”

Well, I carried her into
the kitchen and put her in the high chair and got a graham cracker
out for her. You know she loves those things, don’t


I nodded and smiled waiting for him to finish
the story.

So, I held it out to her
just outside of her reach. When she started whining she opened her
mouth and I quickly got my fingers in there and snatched the breath

He paused for a moment, filling a bowl with
the chicken stew for himself. “I was nearly free and clear until
she clamped down onto my finger and I felt something sharp under
her gum. I ran my index finger along her bottom gum line and felt
the sharp edge of a tooth coming through.”

Trey was beaming with pride that he'd
discovered this before me or anyone else. It was actually kind of
adorable. “I want to see,” I said, jumping up and going to her. I
tried to get her to open her mouth but she was busy sucking on the
soggy cracker.

I’m going to have to update
her baby book,” I said, smiling at my baby girl. “Hey you never
told me why you were even out last night.”

He'd taken his place at the table starting to
eat. “I'd asked Jean to stay late the other day while she was here
with Preston when you were at the club training with Gina,” he

That must've been why she'd given me the
strange look when I told her Trey would take over watching the baby
once he got home from work.

It was supposed to be a
surprise,” he said. “When I told Tristan about your investment he
got all pumped up about it and wanted to see the place. He was
really excited. He wants to talk to you about carrying his wine
selections exclusively there. He'll probably work out a sweet deal
for both of you.”

Hmm,” I replied, “Tristan's
happy about my investment, huh? Perhaps I married the wrong
Sinclair.” I looked over at him as he cocked an eyebrow at me
taking a spoonful of stew and blowing on it to cool it

So, you think Tristan could
make you moan and squeal the way I do Mrs. Sinclair?”

I wasn’t going
as the thoughts of
my fantasy from last week surfaced in my mind. I felt myself blush.
Trey was watching me.

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