Baby on Board (20 page)

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Authors: Dahlia Rose

Tags: #Romance

could love him like Ivy did.

* * * *


Baby On Board Dahlia Rose


The fall in Maryland came in just as quickly as the summer had earlier

in the year. The brisk wind came across the river and could chill you if

you weren’t adequately dressed. Bonnie was now at the point where she

would hold on to tables and chairs, trying to take her first tentative foray

toward walking. Each time she let go, Ivy held her breath, hoping she

would take that first brave step. She wasn’t ready yet, but when she was,

Ivy knew that Bonnie would not only walk but run toward her destination.

That was how brave her baby was.

They were visiting Rafe’s parents for the weekend at the lake house.

After dinner, they had gathered in the family room by the fire. While they

were inside playing with Bonnie, Ivy slipped her coat on and went out to

sit by the water and reflect on the last few months that had been filled

with such happiness she could hardly believe it. She had a home and a

family that she loved and cherished. Frieda and Frank Steele had become

the parents she never had. Frieda was someone she could talk to about

anything and Frank was just the gentlest person she’d ever meet. She liked

the way he smoked a pipe by the lake when she came over and they would

walk together. He told stories of Rafe growing up and actually convinced

her to go fishing with him next year. Rafe shook his head sadly when he

heard the news and said simply, “You’re doomed.” Ivy didn’t think so.

She could sit with Frank in a boat reading a book while they waited for a

fish to bite.

She pressed her hand against her stomach and knew the butterflies that

she felt there were more than that now. Another miracle had happened and

her doctor confirmed it today, just before they left to come for their

weekend visit. She was trying to wrap her head around the news and

hadn’t even told Rafe yet.
A baby.
There was a baby growing inside her.

A new life created by her and Rafe, made with love.


Baby On Board Dahlia Rose

“Hey, it’s nippy out here. You should come in by the fire.” Rafe came

up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders.

She covered his hands with her own. “I was going to in a minute.”

He came around and took her hands, blowing on them as he cupped

them between his. “Your hands are freezing. Is everything okay?”

Ivy couldn’t help it. She beamed a smile at him and tears fell from her

eyes. “I’m perfect.”

This time, he cupped her cheeks and wiped away her tears with his

thumb. “Baby, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?”

She took his hands framing her face and pressed them against her

belly. “It’s here. I’m pregnant. My doctor said I’m about ten weeks


“But, but you had a period,” Rafe stammered. “The doctor said it

would be difficult…”

Ivy nodded. “I know, but he said it was not unusual for women with

endometriosis to bleed even though they are pregnant. He said I probably

won’t again and if I do, we’ll be ready. He’s set me up for two-week

appointments because my pregnancy will most likely be high risk.” She

nudged him. “I guess your boys are strong swimmers. They soldiered


“Uh-huh,” Rafe said.

Ivy frowned. “Aren’t you happy?”

“Baby, I am. God, I am!” Rafe hastily said. “I’m just worried. You

said difficult pregnancy… I don’t want to lose you. If a child makes me

lose you, I…I won’t be able to deal with it.”

“I’ll be fine, Rafe. We’ll be fine together,” Ivy assured him. “My

doctor says I’m healthy and everything looks good. I heard the little

heartbeat.” A sob caught in her throat. “It was perfect and strong.”

Rafe pulled her in for a hug and then took her by the shoulders and

looked into her eyes. “Every appointment, I want to be there with you.

Monday, when I go in, I’m handing over command of the team to Brody

until you deliver. I can ask for leave of absence or a desk job. I don’t care.


Baby On Board Dahlia Rose

I’m not leaving you.”

Ivy smiled happily. “Anything you say, honey. Rafe, we’re going to

be parents again.”

“Yes, we are love. Yes, we are.” Rafe hugged her tight. “Now, can we

go inside and get warm? I have to take care of you.”

“Yes, and I can see Frieda peeking through the blinds. She knows

something’s up,” Ivy said with humor in her voice. “We won’t be able to

keep this from them.”

Rafe laughed. “A secret from my mother? She could be an

interrogator for the CIA.”

“Well, I don’t want to keep it a secret anyway.” Ivy grinned. “Let’s go

share our good news with our family.”

“I love you. Know that I will for always,” Rafe said huskily.

“Even when I’m huge and waddling?” Ivy teased.

“I’ll kiss your belly and rub your feet,” he replied. “After all, you’ll be

doing all the hard work for the next nine or ten months.”

Rafe held out his hand to her and Ivy took it. Linked together mind,

body, and soul they walked up the path from the river to the house to

share the gift they had been given, where the warmth of the fireplace

beckoned and family would share their joy.

The End


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