Read Back to the Garden Online

Authors: Selena Kitt

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Erotic

Back to the Garden (9 page)

His hand, now cool and soft, smoothed the red flesh across her bottom. It was a tender caress, and she looked back at him through her hair in wonder. He wasn’t looking at her, but rather watching his hand on her, his eyes dark. She felt a lurching feeling in her belly, and then he saw her looking at him and met her eyes.

“The lips of a strange woman drop as honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil... her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword,” he murmured.

Lily shrank from something she saw in his eyes. “To play the whore in your father’s house, Lily... did you know, in biblical times, that was a sin punishable by death?”

She nodded. She was a preacher’s daughter—she knew scripture inside and out, almost as well as he did.

“Did you let him know you, Lily?” He lifted his hand from her thigh and saw wetness there. “This is his seed, isn’t it?” His voice trembled, she thought from rage and she was terrified, but still she nodded. “Did you?” he demanded again. “Did you let him know you in the Biblical sense?”

“No, Daddy,” she whispered. “No, we didn’t, I swear.” Her whole backside was tingling and felt raw.

“But you’re a liar, aren’t you, Lily?” he crooned, his hand still moving over her bottom, as if he were in a trance. “How can I know that?” She stared back at him, unsure.

“I think...” his fingers kneaded the tender flesh of her thighs, spreading them gently open. “Lily, I think I’m going to have to check for myself,” he said softly, almost regretfully. Her eyes widened, her mouth dropping open.

He can’t possibly mean...?

“Spread your legs,” he whispered, nudging her thighs apart with his hands.

“Oh, no, Daddy,” she pleaded, her face reddening. “Oh please, no.”

His fingers found her anyway, she knew they would, opening her lips and she felt him rubbing gently up and down. His voice was full of disapproval: “You’re very wet.”

She knew she was and she hung her head lower.

“Did you let him put his tongue here, Lily?” he asked her.

“No, Daddy,” she lied after a moment’s hesitation, too ashamed to admit to the startling and delicious pleasure of Luke’s tongue, especially now as Adam’s fingers moved over her as an aching reminder of the unfathomable difference between the sensations of tongue versus digits.

“Liar!” he boomed, and his hand came down hard on her bottom. She yelped and squirmed in his lap. “I saw you,” he hissed. Her body went still, and she lay incredulous. Just how long had he been watching? She wondered. What had he seen? Her face grew redder, and the heat spread downward, through her chest, her belly, settling low there, like a fireball.

“You liked it, didn’t you?” His fingers probed her, opened her, slid up and down in her wetness. “You liked it when he licked you here, right here?”

Oh no, oh God, his fingers had easily found that place, that tiny swelled spot, and she moaned softly. He tapped it remotely with his index finger, like he was trying to send morse code, and succeeded in sending electrical impulses through her whole body.

“Yes,” she breathed, finally admitting it, finding herself opening her thighs further, arching her back a little so he could reach her more. He seemed absorbed, just absently petting her there, and it felt so good she was dizzy with it.

“You touched his cock, didn’t you, Lily?” he asked, probing a little more deeply. That word, from Adam’s mouth, made her breath stop. She’d heard it before, but nothing like it ever from him, ever.

She nodded, a whispered, “yes.”

“Did you like it?”

Another whispered, “Yes.”

“Say it, Lily,” he urged. “Tell me how much you liked his big cock.”

“Oh Daddy,” she breathed, feeling his fingers slipping through the tender folds between her legs. She felt ashamed of the wetness there, and for what she’d done with Luke, and for liking what Adam was doing to her with his fingers, and for wanting him not to stop.

God help her, she had wanted Luke, and now she wanted Adam, too. A wave of lust and nausea washed over her simultaneously. He was right. She was depraved. She couldn’t seem help it, or to stop herself from responding truthfully. “Oh Daddy, I liked his big cock...very, very much.”

“You are a sinful girl, Lily...a very sinful girl.”

“Yes.” She swallowed hard, agreeing to anything, anything, praying he wouldn’t stop touching her like this, the sensation beyond dreaming.

“But you didn’t let him put it here, did you?” His fingers moved now, away from that little button of flesh, and they opened her more, probing, pushing into her.

“Oh, Daddy, ow, ow, no not there.” She wiggled in his lap, trying to close her legs. He grunted with the effort to keep her there, and when he moved, she felt something against her belly, something hard and thick. She flushed with embarrassment and excitement when she realized what it was.

“I have to know, sweetheart,” he murmured. “I have to know if you’re still intact.”

His fingers, first one, then two, moved in deeper, but it was too much and she screeched, “It hurts, please, stop!” but he didn’t. Slowly he moved his fingers, in and out of her. His thumb moved against her, finding her again, the sensation divine, and she moaned a little, unable to stop herself, getting used to being filled this way. His breath was coming faster, she could hear it, and hers matched it.

“It feels like you’re telling me the truth,” he told her after a moment.

He swallowed hard, moving his fingers out of her. She sighed, part of her wanting him to stop, part of her never wanting him to stop, wanting more. She didn’t move in his lap, and she heard him struggling to control his breathing, his hands now resting on her thighs.

“Daddy?” she finally asked, looking back at him. She found him staring hungrily between her legs. The look in his eyes sent a shockwave through her. She wet her lips. Did he want her? she wondered. Did he really want to touch her as much as she wanted him to touch her?

“‘God is faithful... he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear,’” Adam muttered, and his hands pressed into her thighs, pressing her weight down onto him, so she could feel the length of him, how hard he was, against her belly.

He let out a shuddering breath. “Oh Lily, tempt me not.” It was barely a whisper.

She couldn’t help herself, something was compelling her. Maybe it was the devil, she didn’t know, and she found in the moment, she didn’t care.

He whispered, almost to himself, “‘But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed...’”

“‘What is this that thou hast done?’” Lily whispered, quoting scripture. Her heart beat hard and fast. “‘And the woman said, the serpent beguiled me, and I did eat...’ I did, Daddy, I did ...” she confessed, sliding slowly off his lap to the floor and resting between his legs. He looked down at her, transfixed, brushing the hair away from her face, his fingers lingering along her lips and mouth.

“There are serpents in the world that will tempt you, Lily,” he told her softly. “You should know them. You should know how they behave, what they will try to take from you. I want to show you.”

He unbuttoned his trousers, unzipping. Her eyes widened, her breath coming short. She’d never really seen one erect. Not this close, not like this. She was both curious and shy.

“Give me your hand,” he said, and she did. He wrapped her hand around it, and again she was shocked by the heat, how it pulsed and seemed alive in her hand, truly like a thickly muscled serpent, with a life and will of its own.

“Daddy?” It was a question, a pleading—she didn’t know what to do.

He breathed deeply, looking down at her, and showed her how to move her hand on it in a way he seemed to like. She stared at it, at the tip, like an eye watching her which had starting to weep.

“‘The serpent beguiled her, and she did eat,’” he murmured, his hand slipping behind her head. “Put your mouth on it, Lily,” he instructed. She stopped altogether, hesitating. He smiled down at her.

“This is what you wanted with that boy, isn’t it?” he asked her, his voice a little harder now. “You liked his big hard cock, you said. You wanted it. Well, this is what he wanted from you, Lily. This is how the serpent tempts and beguiles, and it isn’t always what you thought, is it?”

Her eyes and mouth were wide as she shook her head.

“Now,” he rumbled. “Suck my cock!”

He slid her mouth down on it, and she nearly gagged.
Oh dear God, no, it’s too big, too much!
He groaned, pressing further into her throat, holding her head still with his hands and moving in and out of her mouth. Slowly, she got used to the taste, the feel, the motion, and began to respond to his excitement. Soon she could feel the wetness between her own legs beginning to seep down her thighs.

She caught his rhythm, and began to take over, hungry, eager, looking up at him, willing to please. He let his head go back, let her take him into her mouth again and again, let himself be carried away in the sensation for a moment. Then he grabbed her by the hair and pulled her back so hard she gasped out loud.

“Stand up,” he directed.

She did, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. It was red and swollen, like she’d been stealing and eating overripe raspberries.


She stood there for a moment, then swallowed hard. She hadn’t been fully naked in front of him since she was very little. She hesitated, but when she met his eyes, saw the hardness there, she pushed her skirt down over her hips and slipped her bodice off. She didn’t know what was going to happen and she was scared, but also a little wild with wanting something, some hazy, vague something.

When she bent to remove her knee socks, he stopped her. “Leave them.”

She was suddenly cold, her nipples hard.

“Sit here.” He pointed to his lap.

She turned, lowering her bottom, the fabric of his pants rough against her thighs. She looked over her shoulder at him, her hair spilling like some ribbon of black highway over her pale skin. She remembered, just a few months ago, seeing a similar look in his eyes when he’d forgotten to knock on her bedroom door, something he had done more and more recently, she’d noticed, and he’d opened up to find her sprawled on her belly on the bed in only her nightgown, her hair falling down all around her.

He had stood in the doorway what felt like a long time, startled by her, maybe by himself, the rise and fall of his chest betraying his increasingly rapid breath. She remembered turning a little, to see him better over her shoulder, aware it made her nightgown shift and pull, probably exposing her panties, aware she should cover herself, and deliberately not doing it because of how his eyes had settled there like he’d seen a glimpse of heaven and simply couldn’t look away.

She thought that was the night he’d left the books on her bureau, but she couldn’t be sure. Now when he looked up at her, the look in his eyes was like he was falling off some cliff, and she felt herself going with him.

He touched her all over, just roaming her like she was a map he was trying to read with his hands. They were large, warm hands, cupping the fullness of her breasts, lifting them, letting them fall, pulling her back toward him with one hand at her waist, and it was then she felt his hardness pressing against her bottom, like a brand.

“Up,” he urged, and she stood between his legs, looking back at him again, curious.

“Bend over,” he instructed, and she did, using her hands on his knees for balance. His fingers found her, even more slippery there now, sliding in and out a few times. He grabbed her hips and guided her slowly down, aiming, her dark curly pubic hair hiding the pink flesh of her inner lips slowly beginning swallowing his cock.

“Oh Daddy, no, no, we can’t,” she whispered, feeling the tip of him meeting a taut resistance in her, but looking at him, she saw it was lost, he was lost, and he grabbed her hard and thrust upward, sinking deeply into her hot, wet flesh.

It seared and burned like hellfire between her legs and she began to shake. “Please, Daddy, don’t, no,” she pleaded, moving forward, wanting him out, it was too much, too full.

“This is what you wanted,” he growled, letting her fall forward, onto the floor on her hands and knees with her red cape as a cushion. She felt wetness on her thighs, and reaching her hand between her legs, she discovered blood and was horrified.

“This is how the serpent will bewitch you, how he will deceive you and betray you and make you his!” He pressed her down to the floor, and she covered her face, crying silently into the red cloth. She struggled, gasping at the size and feel of him, pleading, but he was persistent, pressing so far into her she feared that she would tear apart.

“God forgive me,” he whispered.

She felt him pulsing inside of her. He started pulling out of her and she sighed, relieved, but then he moved into her again.

“So tight,” he breathed. “The heat...ohh God, it’s so good.” It was almost a moan. “Easy, easy.”

She wasn’t sure if he was speaking to her or himself. His thrusts were very slow at first, simply an opening of her flesh a bit at a time, the movement subtle but relentless. She lay still, trying to relax into it, letting him move into her, again and again.

He found her hips with his hands, lifting her a little, reaching beneath and finding the little nub of flesh that made her insides contract involuntarily when he touched it. She flushed when she heard him groan out loud as her muscles fluttered around him.

His fingers worked her flesh. There was so much wetness, she didn’t know where it was all coming from, and she heard the sound of him inside of her, slipping in and out of her softness. He groaned, his fingers pressing her harder, faster, rubbing and rubbing, until she shivered with the pleasure of it, trembling under him like a small earthquake. Then she was simply gone, everything else had disappeared and she felt herself being pushed toward some precipice, dangling right on that edge.

“Lily, look at me,” he panted, and she obeyed him, she always obeyed him, she’d always wanted to give him everything, everything.

“Tell me,” he said, his eyes looking into and through her at the same time. Somehow she knew what he wanted, she always knew.

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