Read Bacterial Vaginosis Relief Online
Authors: William Gray
The Negative Effects of Antibiotics
Women who have Bacterial Vaginosis often end up being sicker than they
need be due to compromised immune systems. This means they have taken
a course or two of antibiotics without supplementing with Probiotics that
were killed off by the antibiotics.
This causes an overgrowth of yeast and fungus that thrives in the colon.
Furthermore these organisms make their own secretions, which are often
toxic and can cause symptoms of fogginess. In fact many people who have
BV also often feel like they have a hangover thanks to the extreme amount
of yeast and Bacterial excreting alcohols in their intestines as a byproduct
of leeching off of you as a host.
The result of antibiotic overuse is not only a vulnerability to all kinds of
bugs, urinary tract infections and yeast infections but you are also more
likely to suffer from one common cold after another.
Earaches and problems such as labryinthitis are also common after taking
rounds and rounds of antibiotics. Many women also develop sinusitis.
Weirdly, these two conditions are also commonly treated with even more
rounds of antibiotics which aggravate the BV that you had in the first place.
If you must take antibiotics, then it is important to replenish the friendly
Bacterial as soon as possible to maintain good health, and this means
taking Probiotics supplements orally!
In adults, bad breath is usually the first indication that normal Bacterial
levels are critically low. When lactobacillus levels are low in the colon,
partially digested food decays, producing foul gas and toxemia.
If you are not actively replenishing your intestinal Bacterial after a dose of
antibiotics, both with supplements and contributing foods, you indirectly
are providing to the recurrence of future health problems. An intestinal
tract devoid of friendly intestinal Bacterial is breeding ground for future
Good Bacterial such as Lacto-bacteria are the only elements in the body
which keep Candida and other harmful yeast infections under control, so
whenever you take a course of antibiotics, Candida have a field day and
spread like wildfire throughout your system.
A primary effect of Candida infection is suppression of the immune system,
which means that the very drug you're taking to combat disease is
impairing your only natural defense against it, both immediately and in the
Healthy "friendly" intestinal Bacterial is essential not only to good intestinal health, but without it overall vibrant health, it is quite difficult to achieve
and/or maintain. BV is a sign telling you your body is out of balance.
You need to realize that there is “good Bacterial” and bad Bacterial. People
are pouring tons of antibiotics into their systems, often with no benefit
except to the manufacturers of antibiotics.
Bacteria are everywhere.
Not all Bacterial is bad. We swallow them with our food, drink them with
water, they are in the air we breathe, on our skin, in our mouths, digestive
tract, sinuses, and other areas of our bodies. Bacterial only becomes bad
for us when our bodies swing out of balance.
As far as health is concerned, some types of Bacterial are harmful, some
neutral, and some are very beneficial. Some types of Bacterial are
extremely valuable for good health as they work harmoniously with our
immune system. In fact, the Bacterial in your body is so critical that
without them you would die.
In a healthy colon, there is literally trillions of beneficial or "friendly"
Bacterial that help digest food through our system.
Under favorable conditions, they multiply at a fast enough rates to keep
pace with the large numbers that are lost during elimination.
When they are located in the intestinal tract, they are referred to as
"intestinal flora," "micro-flora", "good Bacterial", "friendly/beneficial Bacterial" or sometimes just "flora."
These friendly Bacterial synthesize many important vitamins in the
digestive tract including Vitamin K and some of the B vitamins. One vitamin
co-factor that is lost during this process is folic acid. Without folic acid we
do not absorb B vitamins well at all.
A very important function they perform is helping the colon maintain a
proper pH or acid-base balance.
It is necessary for the pH to stay in the correct range in order for other
health supporting Bacterial to exist. It is also important to keep levels of
bad micro-organisms under control.
The same is true in the vagina. If their pH is not acidic, it creates a perfect
breeding ground for bad Bacterial to thrive.
One of the results of too many bad Bacterial in the vagina is vaginal yeast
infections. Like BV, yeast infections are a common cause of vaginal
irritation. It has been estimated that approximately 75% of all women will
experience at least one episode during their lifetime.
BV is caused by too many bad Bacterial and not enough good Bacterial that
normally colonize in the vagina.
Several factors are associated with increased rates of BV in women,
including pregnancy, uncontrolled diabetes, and the use of oral
contraceptives or antibiotics.
Other factors that may increase the incidence of BV include the use of
douches, chemical soaps, perfumed feminine hygiene sprays, topical
antimicrobial agents, and tight, poorly ventilated clothing and underwear.
It Is Not All the Doctor’s Fault
You might be asking yourself at this point “Why do doctors do this to us?
Why do they prescribe these antibiotics when they know in the long run
they will not help us?”
The thing is that even though doctors know they make a profit from you
when you are sick, they are not necessarily evil in the sense they would
consciously prescribe you medicine to make you sicker.
In fact what usually happens is that the doctor is simply doing what they
have been “trained” to do. They feel as helpless as you when it comes to
knowing how to stop the misery of these chronic attacks and want to use
the antibiotics to give you some relief.
It is also apathy. People are given a job to do. They just want to get through
the day and you show up with a chronic, yet minor problem that they can’t
You also have to put yourself in the doctor’s shoes. You are sitting there,
looking at a woman in extreme discomfort from the itching of BV. You want
to help her escape her misery but you have no other recourse but to
prescribe the antibiotics as you know that is the solution that will help her
temporarily. You know that she will be back for another prescription after
this course, but as there is no other alternative, what can you do?
Also, because we pay our doctors, we don’t like to leave their offices empty
handed. Doctors know that patients that don’t leave without a prescription
of some sort somehow also feel like they have not received treatment –
“not received their money’s worth” so to speak.
If you want to get well then you need to stop expecting your doctor to do
the “short term gain” thing with you. You need to stop pressuring your
doctor to help you by giving you prescriptions.
Get the diagnosis through the lab tests performed through your doctor and
stop demanding that he give you a magic bullet to treat your Bacterial
Vaginosis. Walk out of there with your lab results and resolve to treat the
problem through natural means.
The lab test that is done to test for BV is very simple.
A sample of vaginal fluid is e examined under a microscope to detect the
presence of the organisms associated with Bacterial Vaginosis. Diagnosis is
based on the presence of numerous "clue cells" (vaginal lining cells that are coated with G. Vaginalis and other BV organisms), a fishy odor, and
decreased acidity of vaginal fluid.
Realize that anything that he might have to prescribe, especially if he has
prescribed it many times before may not work for you this time.
In fact, that is what so many women discover. They are continually
prescribed the same antibiotic again and again even if they tell their doctor
that the last dose did not work.
Prescribing more of the same antibiotic has almost never worked for curing
anything and yet that is just what many doctors do. They feel hamstrung by
their lack of ability to actually help you and your need to be treated. They
are simply taking a shot in the dark and hoping that it will work this time –
because very occasionally it does.
The chemical drugs so freely prescribed by practitioners of allopathic
medicine relieve the overt symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis, particularly
pain, but do nothing to eliminate the root causes which often lie hidden
from the symptoms.
Women with BV easily grow dependent on these drugs using them
continuously until they develop a tolerance to them. The doctor continually
switches the antibiotics often until none of them are effective at all.
Unfortunately, Women usually wait until no antibiotics work before they
decide to treat their BV in another way.
I know, I hit rock bottom and felt I needed to try something else when I
found that none of the antibiotics prescribed for me worked any more.
Often the drugs themselves further aggravate the condition, or cause other
ailments in related organs.
When antibiotics don’t seem to work doctors start to turn to extreme
measures such as surgery to treat the condition.
At times the taking of antibiotics can be necessary, even life saving.
When we take them to kill off infectious Bacterial, we also destroy large
amounts of the beneficial flora in our digestive tracts.
When bowel ecology becomes out of balance, health problems can and
usually almost always do develop over the longer term. Serious health
problems can result.
That is what this book is about, learning to balance the good and bad
bacteria in your intestines and vagina so that your body can heal itself,
Chapter 3
A Simple, 3 Step Plan For
Immediate Relief
When most people first hear that herbal and natural remedies are available
to treat BV, they are pretty skeptical. The first thing they think is that there
is no way a folk remedy can get them out of pain, and that it is just an
outrageous idea.
This is because we have been trained to believe that herbs or home
remedies can take forever to become active in our systems.
I have what is called a 3 Step Attack Plan for getting you out of immediate
This 3 Step Attack Plan that battles the evils of Bacterial Vaginosis consists
- Rinsing out the vagina daily with a hydrogen peroxide
- Taking vaginal acidophilus supplements
- Taking at least 1000 mcg of Folic Acid a day
I guarantee you that if you follow this 3-Step plan you will experience
immediate relief from itching, discharge, and pain.
STEP 1 - The Hydrogen Peroxide Douche.
Are you itchy, slimy, or in pain right now as the result of having a BV
What if I told you right now that there is a remedy that can immediately
and effectively take away that discomfort within minutes as well as make
you feel cleaner, drier and less odorous?
Most of us already have 3% antiseptic hydrogen peroxide in our cupboards.
We use it to treat cuts and scrapes and prevent infection.
The recipe douche that is going to immediately help relieve the itchiness,
wetness and fishy smell is:
• 1/5 Cup of 3% antiseptic hydrogen peroxide
(NOTE: Only use 3% Hydrogen peroxide)
• 1/5 Cup of distilled water
Why use distilled water? Ordinary tap water is contaminated with chlorine
and fluoride. Both kil good and bad Bacterial, so distilled water is best.
Distilled water is 100% pure.
Mix the hydrogen peroxide and distilled water together in a small travel
douche. Lie down in the bathtub or on the floor with a towel and use the
douche. Fill your vagina with the mixture. You may notice white foam
appearing along with a fizzing sound. This just means the hydrogen
peroxide is working.
The white foam is an indication that the hydrogen peroxide is oxidizing the
bad Bacterial. By the way, unlike antibiotics, hydrogen peroxide doesn’t kill
the good Bacterial, just the bad. In fact, the most dominate good Bacterial
in the vagina is called Lactobacillus acidophilus. This bacterium actually
produces hydrogen peroxide as a defense mechanism.
After you have filled your vagina with the mixture, remain lying down for 5
minutes. Then, rinse out your vagina and repeat the douche a second time
with a new mixture of hydrogen peroxide and distilled water. Try to use
distilled water to rinse yourself clean. After you wait another 5 minutes,
rinse yourself out again with the distilled water.
Douche twice daily with this mixture for at least 3 days. Keep douching for