Read Bad Boy Dom Online

Authors: Ellen Harper

Bad Boy Dom (24 page)


“Fuck!” I yelled, kicking one of the tires in frustration. It only stubbed my toes, and I yelped, hopping around on one foot. It was completely deserted and silent in the woods. I could hear the leaves rustling and crunching on either side of me, and there weren’t even power lines strung along the road. A coyote howled in the distance and I shivered, wrapping my arms tightly around myself. California got really cold during the nights, and I hadn’t brought anything warmer to wear.


Much to my relief, the smoke died down immediately after I stopped the car, but I was afraid to restart it. I was also freezing, and I had no idea where I was. I tried to not to panic as I shakily dialed Eric on my cell phone, walking into the middle of the road to get the most service.


It rang once, twice, six times total before going to Eric’s voicemail. I moaned in frustration, waiting for his chirpy message to end. “Eric,” I said in a shaky voice. “It’s me, Michelle. I’m lost in the woods, I don’t know where I am, my car caught on fire, and Dom showed up at the gallery, please help me!” I sniffled “Please,” I begged right as the voicemail cut off. While I was waiting for him to call me back, I fired off three texts.


I swallowed a hard lump in my throat as I thought about the evening. I wished that I could go back in time and not storm out, or at least pay attention to where I was going! The frightening idea of seeing Dom was almost a comforting one now that I was both lost and scared. As soon as it occurred to me, I felt my heart sinking. Somehow, I knew Eric wasn’t going to call me back in time. And I was freezing; my breath came in damp white clouds and the tip of my nose felt really cold. With frozen and numbed fingers, I dialed Dom’s number.


“Hello?” He picked up, sounding uncertain. It was quiet behind him and I wondered if he’d left the gallery or if things had somehow imploded even more after I’d left. With all my luck, he and Christian were sitting in a bar somewhere, laughing about what a loser I was.


“It’s me,” I said quietly, stifling a cough. “I’m lost in the woods.”


“I’ll come get you,” Dom said immediately. “Keep your phone on, I’ll talk to you when I’m driving and you can tell me if you hear a car or if I’m getting closer.”


“I don’t know where I am!” I wailed, wiping my eyes and sniffling. Hearing Dom’s soothing voice on the other line was such a relief that I felt my façade breaking down with every second that he talked to me. I couldn’t bear to think of what would happen when he actually showed up, but my heart thudded in anticipation.


I stayed on the phone with Dom for 45 minutes while he searched for me. Eric never called back, and eventually I saw headlights approaching from the opposite side of the road. My body convulsed with sobs; I was crying from the sheer adrenaline rush of being rescued.


Dom slowed the car to a crawl and pushed open the passenger side door. He didn’t get out of his seat, and I took it as a sign that things were going to be a little awkward and distant inside.


“Thanks,” I said, wiping my wet face with the back of my hand. My teeth were chattering, and the warm interior of the car made me realize just how cold I’d actually been. The inside of the car smelled like Dom; it was all warm leather and spicy cologne.


“You’re welcome,” Dom said cautiously. He drove steadily with both hands on the wheel, and he didn’t turn his head to look at me. As he drove through the woods, I watched as the moonlight dappled over his face, highlighting his brow and strong jaw. His perfect nose with the squared off tip stayed straight, and his eyes were wide open and alert.


The silence between us was deafening. I had so many questions I wanted to ask, but I had no idea where to start. It felt like no time had passed at all since we’d last been together.


“Dom?” I asked, turning in the seat. The seatbelt chafed against my neck and I yanked it away with one hand. “Why did you finish the painting?”


The air was charged. Dom accelerated; I felt the car jerk forward. We were practically flying through the woods, and I nervously watched the trees whip by us in a sea of inky black.


“I wasn’t going to,” he said after a long pause. “But then Mom told me that a gallery out here had accepted the proposal I’d sent. They did a showcase of artists from Wisconsin.”


“Right,” I said slowly. “But why did you finish it after all? What made you start again?”


There was another torturously long pause, and I saw the muscles along Dom’s jawline clench. I wanted to lean forward and kiss them, I wanted to run my hands over his neck and face and bring him as close as I possibly could.


“Because I love you,” he said finally, gripping the steering wheel with white knuckles. We flew around a turn and Dom skidded to a stop, pulling the car over to the side of the road. “I love you,” he repeated, taking his hands off the wheel and looking at me. I could feel the car vibrating and humming with the diminished bass of the music. “But this isn’t a good idea,” he said. “Everything between us is so fucked up. I have to let you go and find your own happiness, because I don’t think it’s going to be with me. And I’ve accepted that. I can’t chase you anymore, Michelle. After you iced me out for six months, I learned that I had to let you go because I love you too much to keep making you miserable.”


It was everything that I’d ever dreamed of hearing Dom say, but it made me sad. And confused. “Wait,” I said, thinking in my head. I could practically feel the gears turning as Dom stared at me blankly. “What do you mean, I iced you out?”


He sighed and ran a hand through his thick blonde hair. “You iced me out,” he repeated. “I called and texted and sent these batshit crazy Facebook messages,” Dom added. “And you never responded, so I took the hint. I’m sorry I was so creepy and weird for a while.” He wrinkled his nose and turned away, staring out of the windshield. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I realize that I probably came across as a controlling dick.”


I felt myself soften. I couldn’t believe what he was telling me, though; that would mean that someone…Eric. Suddenly, everything made sense. The nagging feeling I had after letting Eric use my laptop or my phone, and the way he couldn’t quite look me in the eye after returning them sometimes. “I think someone deleted everything before I got a chance to read it,” I said slowly.


Dom smiled wryly. “That’s a good excuse,” he said after a beat. “Do you want me to take you home?”


I swallowed a lump in my throat. I couldn’t believe this was happening; it was all going much too fast for me. “No,” I said. “Do you have a hotel?”


“I have a room, yeah,” Dom said. He put his hands back on the wheel and turned to me. “What are you saying?”


My heart was thudding against my chest when I reached over and took Dom’s hand in mind. He tried to pull away but I held firm, staring at him. “I’m saying I love you, too,” I said finally, choking on my words. “I love you. And I want to be with you, and I don’t think either one of us will be happy unless we’re together.”


Dom raised my hand to his mouth and kissed my fingers, sending flutters through my body. He turned the key in the ignition and floored the gas.





Dom’s hotel was in downtown San Diego, and he left the car with a valet as we walked inside. The lobby was lit with artificial fluorescent light that made my skin look pasty pale as I stared at my reflection in the elevator. Dom cleared his throat when we got to his floor, and he took me by the elbow and guided me down the hall into a dark room.


“Are you sure this is what you want?” Dom asked, looking at me. His arms were crossed over his chest and he looked nervous and petulant, like a little boy. I crossed the room in two huge steps and flung myself into his arms, jumping up and wrapping my legs around his body.

“Yes,” I whispered through kisses as I clung to his familiar frame. “This is exactly what I want.”


Dom laced his fingers behind my neck and pulled my face close for a deep kiss. His lips were warm and damp and tasted like his familiar musky fragrance. Dom parted my lips with his tongue and gently ran it all along the inside of my mouth, tasting and nibbling at me. Warmth exploded between my legs as he pulled me closer to him and I could already feel a stiff erection through his jeans. Dom walked me over to the bed and dropped me backwards, yanking his shirt off with a smooth motion and pulling it over his head. He stared at me, whipping his blonde hair out of his face and focusing his eyes on my body.


“You’re more beautiful than I remembered,” he said in a husky voice as he kissed and sucked at my neck, holding me close in his arms. I moaned and wriggled against him, luxuriating in the feel of his bare chest against me. I loved how muscular and trim Dom was; even though he was no longer an athlete, he’d always have that sexy physique. Eagerly, I reached down and yanked my blouse off. Dom’s hands went immediately to my breasts and I moaned with pleasure as he stroked and rubbed my nipples.


“That feels so good,” I panted, nibbling at Dom’s earlobe. He shivered and growled and dragged his fingernails down the soft flesh of my belly. I felt a warm stirring between my legs as Dom massaged my pussy through the crotch of my jeans. His hands were strong and he knew exactly where to touch me. I gasped as his thumb pressed down on my clit. The rough seam of my jeans pressed into my labia through the crotch of my panties and I wriggled with pleasure. Groaning, I reached down to unbutton my jeans.


Dom got to his knees and grabbed the ankles of my pants, pulling them off. I lay back on the bed and spread my legs, enjoying the look of desire and rapture on his face. Dom unfastened his pants and kicked them off, climbing back on the bed and crawling close. His hard cock brushed against my skin through his boxers and I gasped with anticipation as he trailed his hand down my belly and rested his fingers against my panties. Dom gave me a wicked smile as he yanked the soaked material to the side and shoved his fingers inside my pussy. I yelped and moaned and thrashed on the bed, unable to deal with the waves of pleasure that were now flooding through me. I knew that if I didn’t have Dom right then and there, I’d die of wanting him forever.


Dom’s thumb rubbed lazy circles over my exposed clit. He struck up a perfect rhythm and I found myself moaning and rubbing against his hand, desperate for more pleasure. I closed my eyes and let the sensations flood my whole body, moving my hips in time with Dom’s ministrations. He took his hand away and my eyes flew open. I looked at him with pleading eyes, begging him to start again. Dom just shook his head and wriggled out of his boxers. His beautiful cock sprang free and I watched in fascination as he crawled between my legs. Dom traced his hands up my bare legs and spread my thighs wide open, tracing his nails on the delicate flesh. I moaned as he came closer and rubbed against my soaked labia with the tip of his cock.


“Do you want me?” Dom whispered huskily, steadying himself with a hand on my hip. I nodded, feeling damp beads of sweat on my forehead.


“Of course I want you,” I said. “I’ve always wanted you. I always want you, Dom.”


With that, he dug his fingers into the soft flesh of my hip and impaled me on his magnificent erection. I felt all nine inches of Dom’s cock slide into my pussy and stretch me wide open. I threw my head back and howled in pleasure, arching my back and grinding my hips hard against Dom. His pubic bone was pressed against my engorged clit and it felt heavenly every time he thrust deeply inside. I made eye contact with him and locked his gaze as he began thrusting in and out, slowly making love to me.


It was the most intense moment of my life. There was no teasing, no pretense that either of us didn’t want to be there. I felt completely connected to him in every way possible. Dom wrapped an arm around my waist and scooped me up, holding me up in the air. I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling his cock inside me as deep as he could possibly go. I felt the tip of his erection poking at my cervix and I squirmed, feeling full. Dom groaned and began to fuck me even harder, holding me steady in the air as he thrust in and out of my soaked pussy. I felt my body begin to spasm with pleasure and I made eye contact with Dom as I moaned and threw my head back. His stare made me blush, but I loved showing him how much pleasure he was giving me.


I wrapped my arms around Dom’s neck and balanced my feet on the bed. Dom dug his fingers into my flesh and moaned my name loudly, grunting and biting my neck. I felt his body spasm and clench as he came, gushing into me fiercely. The force of Dom’s orgasm sent me over the edge and I let out a scream as I came. Every single nerve ending in my body cried and sang as Dom’s pubic bone rubbed my clit into an explosion of feeling.


We stayed like that, locked together, for what felt like an eternity. I was breathing hard and so was Dom, and he kept a hold of me before gently laying me down on the bed and snuggling up next to me. He brushed a sweaty piece of hair out of my face and pulled the blankets over us. I immediately threw the covers off; I was so hot, I could barely stand to be touched.


“Did you mean that?” Dom asked hoarsely. He grabbed my hand and threaded his fingers with mine, squeezing my hand and stroking me with his thumb.


I nodded, even though I knew he couldn’t see me. “I did,” I admitted. “I love you. I don’t want to be without you.”


Dom covered his eyes with his hands. “God, Michelle,” he breathed. “I never thought this would happen. I was so ready to let you go.”


I shook my head furiously, wrapping my arms around him and pulling him close as tears came unbidden to my eyes and threatened to spring free. “No,” I said, nuzzling fiercely into his mane of blonde hair. “Never let me go. You’re never allowed to let me go ever again.”


“Okay,” Dom said quietly into my neck. “I promise.”


I rolled on to my belly and looked at him. With his skin flushed red from our lovemaking and his hair mussed, he looked like a high schooler again. I bit my lower lip. “I love you, Domenic Thomas,” I said finally. “And I’ll never love anyone else for the rest of my life.”


Dom leaned forward and kissed the tip of my nose with his warm lips. “I love you, Michelle,” he said as he wrapped his arms around me. “And I’ll never let you go.”




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