Bad For Me (My Forbidden Rockstar) (11 page)

“I’m not saying you’re lousy, I’m just saying that I pick
men that are lousy
me. I always wind up hurt and trampled on.”

Oh my god, I need to shut up now because I’m acting like Dom
wants a relationship with me.

“I don’t even know what I’m saying!” I start to babble,
“It’s not like you’re asking me for a relationship.”

And then I fix him with a hard gaze, waiting for him to say
something, because now I want to know just what the hell it is he wants from

“What do you want?” I demand. “Do you want to kiss me again?
Fuck me? Because if this is all some game to get in my pants, I am definitely
not into it!”

Dom cocks his head to the side as if he’s truly considering
my question. I’m mortified because I’ve obviously made a big deal out of

“Oh god, I’m so embarrassed. I’ll see you around.” I turn to
leave, but he grabs my arm and pulls me back towards him. Having his hand on my
wrist scorches my skin, and I’m literally panting as he holds on to me next to

“Those are valid questions,” he says in a low voice, “and
until you asked them, I’m not really sure what I wanted. One thing is for sure
though – I want more of you.”

“More of me how?” I ask.

I’m not letting this go if he’s going to be honest.

“Yoohoo, lover boy!” Jenner calls out.

We glance over, and Jenner is sitting at the piano.

“Care to join us?” Jenner asks in an amused tone.

“Damn it,” Dom curses. “I want to talk about this. I need to
talk to you,” he admits.

I look at him and shrug. The moment is lost and he needs to
get back to rehearsal.


“No! Not whatever!” He runs his hand through his hair again.
“Let me take you to dinner. Tonight.”

My eyes widen in surprise. Is he serious? Dom Dresden wants
to take me to dinner?

“For what?” I ask dumbfounded.

“To talk,” he says, clearly exasperated.

He looks like he’s starting to sweat, and his confidence is
wavering by the second, it’s as if he’s never asked a girl to dinner before.

I narrow my eyes and put my hands on my hips.

“If you’re just asking me to dinner because you want to get
in my panties, then we are going to have a major problem.” I say frankly.

Dom bursts out laughing, and a few people turn to stare at

“Let’s talk about whatever
is,” he says,
motioning to the two of us.

“Dude!” Jenner calls, and this time he’s annoyed.

Dom hurries away, and then turns back to me. “I’ll pick you
up at eight.”

He walks away, but I realize he still hasn’t answered my




Chapter Eleven




Six Hours Later...


I finally have myself primped and ready for dinner. I pace
nervously in the living room while Elle sits on the couch watching me with her
arms and legs crossed, giving me the bitchiest look I’ve ever seen.

“You are out of your mind, Annie, do you know that?”

I just roll my eyes; I don’t have an acceptable defense to
her accusation.

It’s five of eight, so Dom should be here any minute. I
glance nervously out of the sliding doors. My stomach is a flurry of nerves,
and I don’t know if I’m going to be able to eat one bite tonight.

“You’re right, Elle,” I forfeit, “I know I’m not making the
best choice.”

“What happened to being polite and professional? You seemed
to be doing great until today.”

“Yeah, well he said he wants to discuss

I begin nervously twirling my hair.

“What is there to discuss?” Elle huffs. “He got you this
amazing job, and your parents are getting hitched. Period.”

“Right,” I say sarcastically, “Besides the fact that we
can’t seem to stay away from each other. Oh, and we shared a kiss that was
undeniably meaningful, are we just supposed to act like that didn’t happen?”

Oops. Too much information.

Elle makes a retching noise.

“Whatever,” she says, recovering from my confession, “You’re
a big girl now. All I can do is try to be the voice of reason.”

I sigh and sit down next to her.

“I know, I know. I just need to go out with him tonight, and
talk about whatever this thing is between us. Then I can have some closure.”

 “Closure?” Elle snorts. “You’re going to get yourself in
even deeper.”

She's right. Who am I kidding? I know that I have no
intention of walking away from this.

I glance out of the window and suddenly my stomach drops.

“Oh shit, I think he’s here.”

Elle cranes her neck and gasps at the sight of Dom’s ride.
Parked outside in front of our apartment is a sleek, black Mercedes SUV.

I see Dom’s tall frame step out of the car.

“Alright! I’m going!” I say quickly, giving Elle a quick
wave and hurrying out of the apartment. I’m not sure why, but I don’t want Dom
to come up to our apartment with Elle there.

I fly down the steps, and I nearly collide with him as I
rush out of the door.

“Hey!” he says surprised.

He catches me gently in his arms.

“Hi,” I breathe.

I look up into his handsome face and I’m completely
mesmerized as I gaze into his eyes.

Dom breaks the spell as he holds me at arm’s length to get a
better look at my outfit.

“You look hot,” he says appreciatively.

“Thanks.” I say, with a nervous laugh, “I think.”

“Oh yeah, it was definitely a compliment.”

Based on Dom’s personality thus far, I can’t imagine that
he’s planned for us to go somewhere super fancy. I’m glad to see that he isn’t
dressed up, although he does look sexy tonight wearing black jeans, and a
lightweight cream sweater that seems to hug his chest in all the right places.

He is to die for.

I’m relieved that I decided to keep it casual with a pair of
skinny white jeans, a v-neck electric blue blouse, and silver sandals.

“Do you like seafood?” Dom asks, guiding me towards the car.

“Yes of course, who doesn’t?”

“Great. I have a friend who owns this great little place
down on the beach. Very low-key.” He pauses. “I don’t want to attract too much

I nod. “Sounds perfect.”

Dom helps me into the car, and the engine purrs softly as we
pull away.

It’s hard to breathe being alone and in such close proximity
to him. I try to remind myself that he has been a major douche bag on more than
one occasion.

It’s not really working.

We talk about our parents during the ride, and we joke about
Roxie’s good taste influencing my dad. We poke fun at their wedding, but we
both agree that they deserve to be happy. I get the sense that Roxie has had
her fair share of bad relationships. I also understand that Dom, “will have no
problem kicking my dad’s ass if he hurts her.” Or so he says.

We arrive in Santa Monica, and Dom leads me down to a little
seafood joint on the water. The view is absolutely breath-taking and the
weather tonight couldn’t be more beautiful. His friend shows us to a quiet
little table that’s off by itself and private from any other guests.

“This is fantastic!” I enthuse.

Dom grins, but I can tell he’s happy that I like it. We
order our food, sip some wine, and talk about the tour, and then we quiet down
a bit once our food arrives. Everything is delicious, and once they clear away
our plates, Dom looks at me seriously.

“So, I said we should come to dinner and talk,” he begins.

I shake my head. “I was being a bitch, we don’t have to make
this a bigger deal than it is.”

“No, you were putting me in my place. And honestly, the only
thing I
wanted when I first met you was to get in your pants.”

I glare at him. I warned him against taking me out to dinner
just to tell me he’s only looking for a fuck buddy.

He sees the look on my face, and holds his hands up.

“Wait, wait, wait!” He pleads, as a smile crosses his lips,
“But then I realized that I want more. I don’t want to use you like some piece
of ass. You’re a special girl Annie, and I know it doesn’t make sense but…” He
takes a deep breath. “I want more.”

I stare at him, unable to respond. I don’t even really
understand him.

“You want more?”

“Look!” he says, clearly he’s struggling, “I don’t really
know how to go about this. I just know that I want to know you better!”

“So you want to fuck me and get to know me better?” I ask

Dom gives me a sly grin. “Can you blame me for wanting to
fuck you? Annie baby, you’re sex on legs.”

Ah there it is, the Dom I know so well. At this point I
don’t know if I’m supposed to be appalled or turned on.

“Wow, you have such a way with words.” I say.

He at least looks sincere now. I think he’s really trying.

“I’m sorry. I’m not used to this.”

“Well, unfortunately I am used to this. I go after the
typical bad-boy rocker, get in way over my head, fall head over heels, only to
have my heart crushed into a million little pieces.”

There I said it. How can he possibly talk me out of that?

Dom, for once, looks to be at a loss for words. This is kind
of fun actually, seeing Dom Dresden talk about his feelings.

“Look,” he says, his voice is gruff, “I don’t want to be
like that with you. I’m no saint, I don’t pretend to be,” he says as his eyes
cloud over, and I can only imagine the women he’s used in his past, “but I
would like to get to know you. Whatever that means.”

“So…what? We have dinners? We talk?”

We need more guidelines here. I can’t go on with him and not
have any clear boundaries.

“Well, we’re going to be busy on tour, so I don’t know about
dinners after this week, but sure. And yes, we can talk.”

“I don’t want to label this,” I say quickly.

Dom gives me a knowing smile. “What? We can’t say we’re
He smirks at the last word.

“Are you always this annoying?”

“This is nothing, babe.”

He sits back in his chair and studies me.

“I’m not really sure what to make of you,” he finally says.

Great. Something all girls love to hear.

I smirk back at him. “Well, then get to know me better.”

The conversation lightens up from there, and I talk about my
string of bad luck in the industry after I demolished Sid’s set. Well, I don’t
bring up demolishing Sid’s set. I just dance around the topic. I’m sure Dom
found out enough on his own.

I yawn, and Dom looks at his watch.

“It’s nearly eleven.” He says, “I should get you home.”

“No, no,” I protest, but I give myself away and yawn again.
He reaches out to touch my hand, and suddenly I’m wide-awake again. Electricity
courses through my hand at his touch, and I feel my body hum to life. As he
strokes the back of my hand, I feel my insides clench in the most delicious

I’m definitely not sleeping with Dom Dresden.

At least not tonight…the mere thought of it has me squirming
in my seat.

We leave the restaurant, and Dom chivalrously holds open the
door and helps me into this car. We talk about some of Diesel’s more memorable
shows and some of the mishaps they’ve had on tour. Dom tells me funny stories
about the guys, and by the time we get back to my apartment, I feel like I know
Avery, Jenner and Johnny as if they were my own brothers.

Dom puts the car in park, and he turns his smoldering eyes
towards me.

“I had a great time,” he says huskily.

I nearly die from his bedroom voice.

“Me too,” I croak.

I know I’m not nearly as smooth as Dom, but I am jumping out
of my skin to touch him. I refuse to make the first move, and I briefly think
of sitting on my hands to stop myself.

But I don’t have to, because Dom leans towards me, and the
next thing I know, he’s kissing me. I close my eyes and savor the moment. Dom
is tender at first, his lips move softly against mine, and I part my lips for
him as he slides his tongue into my mouth. I moan softly as he lusciously
strokes my tongue with his. I put my arms around the back of his neck, and pull
his head towards me as I run my nails through his wild, dark hair.

I push my body harder against him and he groans deep in his
throat. He pulls me even tighter against him and deepens the kiss, kissing me
harder as his wandering hands find my breasts and my ass. I gasp from the
pleasure, and my mouth works feverishly against his as if I’m trying to consume

Our hands are everywhere, and I sigh with pleasure as I feel
Dom’s hands slide under my shirt. His hands are warm and rough against my skin,
and his touch sets me on fire. My entire body is singing for Dom, and I ache to
get more of him.

My breathing comes in ragged pants, as his hands travel up
my stomach. He cups my bra and now I can’t help the loud moan that escapes my

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