Read Badass: Deadly Target (Complete): Military Romantic Suspense Online

Authors: Leslie Johnson,Elle Dawson

Tags: #Military Romantic Suspense

Badass: Deadly Target (Complete): Military Romantic Suspense (15 page)

A few blocks over, I spot what I hope is a good place to park and get out, removing everything I’d just carried a few minutes ago. Locking the doors, I limp back to the hotel. Maybe if I hurry, he won’t even know I was gone.

Chapter 3 – Jax

I’m in shorts and a t-shirt in world record time and am shoving my feet into shoes as I head to the door. Un-fucking-believable.

Open the dictionary and you’ll find my picture directly beside a number of words: stupid, foolish, gullible, short-sighted, and what else? Oh yeah, sucker! And let’s not forget incompetent world annihilator. How the hell did I ever become a CIA agent when it’s pretty clear I have the mental agility of a bar of soap?

Yanking open the door, I charge outside and freeze. Mia is standing directly in front of me.

“Where have—”

“I’m sor—”

Our words tumble over each other.

Then my hands are on her. On her arms, her shoulders, her face. In the next breath, my lips are on hers, crashing us together. I pull her into the room and slam the door shut while she drops all the bags on the floor.

She groans when I push her into the door, and I whisper “sorry” against her lips, remembering her ribs.

She pulls me harder against her, wincing but not letting me get away. “Don’t stop. Please. Nothing else matters but this.” She shoves her hand under my shirt and pushes it up. In a second, it’s on the floor.

Her mouth is pure sin, her skin the richest of silk as I taste her again, devouring her lips and tongue. I taste blood and know her lip has split again, but I don’t care. She doesn’t care. Like she said, nothing else matters.

Pushing her sweater from her shoulders, I taste her skin, biting across her clavicle until I reach her throat and pull that sensitive flesh into my mouth. Delicious. The taste. The warmth. The thrum of her pulse between my lips.

Her fingers are on the buttons of my shorts, then the zipper, then the material is around my ankles. I’d skipped boxers in my rush so there’s nothing to stand between my cock and her hand.

I hiss as her fingers wrap around me, gripping me tight, her thumb tracing over the tip, spreading the moisture there. She lifts her thumb to her mouth, tasting me, and I want to force her to her knees, plunge into her mouth until I’m deep in her throat.

Fisting my hand in her hair, I tug until her head falls back and she’s forced to look into my eyes. “Why did you leave?”

She swallows. “I was scared.”

I search her face for any hint of duplicity. “Why did you come back?”

Her nose turns pink, and she blinks back tears. “You. I came back for you.”

Leaning in, I kiss away a tear, then a second one when it falls. “I’m glad you came back because I would have searched the entire universe for you.”

“This is crazy,” she says as her hand begins to move on me again, long strokes up and down my shaft.

“Insane,” I agree, thrusting into her palm. It’s been so long since I’ve been touched by a soft hand. I’d forgotten how it feels.

“Things like this don’t happen in real life.”

“Apparently it does,” I say into her ear, and she shivers but pushes against my chest.

Pulling away, I meet her gaze again. “Jax, I don’t believe in one night stands.”

I push her hair away from her face. “Me either.” At least, I don’t believe in them anymore.

“I also don’t believe in love at first sight,” she tells me, her fingers playing with my left nipple.

I smile down at her. “That’s okay … because I do.”

Another tear spills down her cheek.

Tracing its path with my tongue, I pull her against me, grasping her lush ass with both hands. I lift her until my cock is at the juncture of her thighs, and her arms are around my neck She grinds against me, whimpering and needy.

Turning us, I walk her to the bed and lower her until she’s standing beside it. She clutches my biceps to keep steady.

“I want you, Mia. And I’m going to want you all night. If I hurt you, or you need me to stop, tell me. Promise me that you will.”

She licks her lips and cups my cheek with her hand. “I promise.”

Pulling her tank top over her head, her beautiful breasts are on display to me again. But this time, I’m thinking clearly and will enjoy every inch. Her nipples are hard points, and gooseflesh appears on her arms when I trail my fingers down her chest to touch the glorious peaks.

“Are you cold?”

Her lashes flutter when I roll her nipples, but she manages to nod and shake her head almost simultaneously. “A little,” she finally admits and shudders when my hand moves over the bandage binding her ribs and farther south, hooking my thumbs in the waistband of her pants and panties, taking them both to the floor.

I kiss one hipbone, then the next, then just above her neatly trimmed curls. I stand up and make her a promise. “You won’t be cold for long.”

Lifting her, I lay her on the bed and follow her down, being careful to keep my weight off her middle. Cupping her breast, I lift it and squeeze, closing my lips around the dusky nipple. She moans and arches, feeding me more that I gladly accept.

When I close my teeth on the tip, biting her flesh, she whimpers, and I pull back immediately. “Please, don’t stop,” she rasps on a ragged breath and pulls my head back down.

Biting her again, I don’t stop this time when a raw moan escapes her throat. Raking my teeth across her breasts, I capture the other nipple, teasing then taking as she twists under me, her fingers grasping at my hair.

“So sensitive,” I murmur as I lick the undersides of each breast, giving each the attention it deserves.

Raising up on my hands, I move down her body, past the bandages and nudge her legs apart. Off the bed now, I kneel on the floor in front of her and push her thighs wider.

She opens for me, like the petals of a flower, dewy pink and so lovely it clutches at my heart. I need to taste her. Drink from her. As much as I enjoy the view, enjoy watching her squirm under my close scrutiny, I can’t wait any longer. I lower my head to feast.

Arching, she cries out, and I push her legs back, spreading her wider and keeping her still. It also gives me access to all of her, each part I want to possess. The pretty pink pussy and the ass underneath. I rim her with my tongue, and she squirms, trying to pull away. This is new for her, I realize. Good.

Flattening my tongue, I lick her from ass to clit, then take the little bundle between my teeth. She’s breathing hard, rough pants that cause her breasts to heave. I reach up and take one in my hand, teasing it, pulling at it, first gentle, then not as I plunge my tongue deep inside her.

She’s sobbing when the first orgasm hits her, but I don’t stop, just hold her hips still so that I can continue to eat my fill. Using my fingers and mouth, I bring her to the edge again, but this time, I stop, waiting for her to back off before plunging my fingers into her again.

“Please,” she begs, her hands in my hair.

“Please what, Mia? Tell me what you want.”

Instead of words, she presses into my mouth harder, grinding against my face. I pull back, and she groans. I lick her slowly, twisting my fingers deep inside. “Please what, Mia?” I ask her again.

“Come. Please make me come.”

I twist my fingers harder, deeper, scissoring her open for my tongue.

“Yes,” she cries, then moans when I pull back again.

“Say my name, Mia.”

“Jax.” The word is a whisper.

I thrust my fingers harder. “Again.”

“Jax.” The syllable is but a burst of air.

Thrusting harder, faster, I take her clit in my teeth. “Again.”


I find the spot inside her, rubbing and pressing it as I stroke her clit hard with my tongue. “Again.”


She’s close. I feel her core tightening around my fingers. I rise above her, fingering her hard and watch her face, her eyes rolling back into her head. “Again.”

“Jax!” she screams and explodes, her face a twisted agony of pleasure and exquisite pain. It’s beautiful, as is the way her breasts heave with exertion. As is the sheen of sweat on her skin. I move up the bed and take her mouth with mine.

“Taste yourself on me,” I order her and her eyes open, but she complies, her tongue tracing the outline of my lips. When I give her my fingers, she doesn’t hesitate, simply takes them into her mouth and sucks.

“Play with your nipples, Mia,” I tell her as I step away from the bed to get my wallet from the desk. There’s a condom in the back, one I stuck in there long ago but never used. The moment I pull it out, I curse.

“What’s wrong?” she asks and rolls onto her side, her hands still cupping her breasts.

I hold out the fucked up condom wrapper and the dry rotted condom inside. Her eyes grow big, then she giggles. “How long has that been in there?”

I toss it in the trash. “Way too long.”

Her hand moves from her breast and down between her legs. I growl as her fingers sink between her folds. “What are we going to do?” she asks, her eyes all innocent.

“Are you on the pill?”

She bites her lower lip and shakes her head. “Sorry. No real reason to be lately.”

I curse again, and she sits up, scooting to the edge of the bed. “You took care of me.” Her hand wraps around my cock, and she pulls me to her. “Let me take care of you.”

Pushing her hair back from her face, I trace her lower lip with my thumb. I’d fantasized about having those lips wrapped around me, but… “I want to fuck—” I don’t finish because, in one motion, I’m deep in her mouth.

Heat. Wet. Pressure. The trifecta of every boy’s wet dream.

She sucks on the tip even as she strokes what she can’t swallow with her hand. She tries again, opening her throat, taking more of me this time. I push my hand through her hair, curling it around my fist and press her, urging her on. When I let go, she gasps a long lungful of air and tries again, taking another inch this time.

As desperate as I am to come, I’m just as desperate to watch her play, fascinated by her small tongue stroking my length. As she takes me in her mouth again, she looks up, and our eyes meet.

“So good,” I encourage her as my cock disappears. And it is good; so good I won’t last much longer.

As she bobs her head, stroking my base with her hand, I warn her, “Baby, I’m close.” She doesn’t stop, sucks harder, strokes faster, and I hold on to her hair as the semen surges from my balls and races through my cock. My vision blurs, the edges going pure white with the pleasure. Then she’s swallowing, then pulling away, leaving the rest to escape onto her breasts. I’m coming and coming what feels like gallons in a tidal wave that won’t seem to end. It’s incredible and so desperately needed. I hadn’t allowed myself to remember how fantastic this was.

When my vision clears, I look down at the mess I made and can’t stop the laugh that escapes. She wrinkles her nose but laughs too as I pull her to her feet. “Thank you,” I whisper into her ear and walk her backwards to the bathroom. “Let’s shower, then I’ll go buy some condoms. I need to be inside you.”

She turns on the water, and I unbind her ribs and unwrap her foot, then step under the spray behind her. My lips seem to refuse to stop kissing her, just as my hands refuse to stop cupping her breasts. Then my fingers are inside her again, and she’s screaming my name as she comes.

Chapter 4 – Mia

I didn’t know sex could be this way.

I’m nowhere close to being a virgin, but sex had always only been sex. Moments of pleasure that created a release that was enjoyable. Sometimes I craved it, but usually I didn’t. My last boyfriend told me I was a cold fish and urged me to lighten up. I’d tossed him out of the door and hadn’t had a man in my bed since.

But dear God, I had one in my bed now.

After a run to the pharmacy where he’d bought two boxes of condoms, we began to put them to good use. The man is a machine, taking short breaks before wanting me again. I love it. I’ve never been made to feel so beautiful. So desired. So needed.

He’s asleep now and I should be too. I’m deliciously tired, worn out, and sore. But I can’t sleep because I don’t want to miss a single moment of this horrible and wonderful day.

Snuggling closer, I smile when he shifts, turns more fully toward me and automatically pulls me tighter, one hand on my butt. My nose is pressed into his chest and I inhale his scent. The sandalwood is gone, replaced by the hotel soap and that underlying scent that I’m drawn to because its him. Only him.

Nuzzling the small spray of hair there, I shift just enough to stick my tongue out and taste his nipple. It tightens under my touch, but his breathing doesn’t change. I force myself to stay still so he doesn’t awaken. But I want him to wake up. I want him again. I want to feel him inside me. Want to feel the build-up of an orgasm. The release. The utter lack of control when my body shakes and trembles before it quiets.

His cock pulses against my belly and I gently press forward, trapping it between my body and his. It pulses again, thickening, growing, but he’s still asleep. His breathing is as steady as ocean waves.

“You didn’t steal the covers,” he murmurs against my hair and I wonder if he’s dreaming because he’s remained so still. Then I know better. Rolling onto his back, he pulls me with him until I’m lying on his chest. My ribs protest the movement, but I ignore the discomfort as he pulls me up his body. I groan as my clit is centered on his erection. “Use me,” he murmurs and I do, grinding, masturbating up and down his many inches.

Reaching across the bed, he pulls a condom from the box and hands it to me. I sit up and move until I’m sitting on his thighs. Rolling it on is a sensual experience and I wonder if I’ll one day get an opportunity to make love with him bare. I hope so. I’d love to feel him skin to skin.

His hands are behind his head and a smile is on his face when I once again meet his eyes. I hover over him, holding his cock until he’s barely nudging my entrance. “Stop,” he says and I freeze. “Lean back and put your hands on my thighs. I want to watch.” My insides twist, and I do what he wants, fully exposing myself to his gaze.

Slowly, I consume him and Jax groans, lifting his hips, but his eyes never leave where our bodies connect. “So beautiful,” he murmurs as I lift up, exposing his cock now glistening with my arousal. “So wet for me. So tight.”

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