Read Banishing Shadows Online

Authors: Lorna Jean Roberts

Tags: #Erotica

Banishing Shadows (11 page)

“That was over an hour ago. Where have you been? You should never have gotten in that car with Reed. Anything could have happened to you!” He roared the last few words, and Kayla winced as he effectively caged her against the wall, his hard body not touching hers, but intimidating nevertheless.

She drew in a shaky breath. “You could have rung Reed.”

“I tried. He didn’t answer.”

She hadn’t heard his phone ring. But it had been kind of noisy in the restaurant.

“Oh,” Kayla said.

“That’s all you have to say, ‘Oh’? What the hell were you thinking?”

“You know, there’s no need to be such a jerk.” The best defense was a good offense. “He’s a friend. I was perfectly safe. You’re being too controlling.”

Breathing heavily, she glared at him as he stared coldly back at her.

“I will keep you safe, Kayla, even if that means I offend your independent, woman’s lib beliefs. Do you know how worried I was? Shit, I have to call Joe.” He broke off, giving her a reprieve as he made a phone call.

“Come on, let’s get back to the motel. I’m sure you don’t want to be here when Joe or Quinn get back.”

She gulped, imagining the way Quinn would explode.

The drive to the motel was quick and silent. Once they were inside, Kayla kicked off her shoes and turned to Cord.

“We just went out for dinner, it wasn’t planned and I’m sorry you were concerned. But it was dinner with a friend. That’s all.” He was acting like a jealous boyfriend.

“If something had happened, if he had hurt you, we’d have no idea where to find you. Is that smart?”

He had a point. “You’re right, you’re right. But I’m fine. Reed’s lonely, I felt sorry for him. And I wanted to do something normal like going out to dinner.”

“He’s not lonely. He has a crush on you. And next time you want to go to dinner, you’ll go with me.”

“Is that an invite or a command?”

“I don’t want you having dinner with another man. You’re my woman.”

She stared at him, her stomach dropping with fear and excitement. “We’ve made no commitment to each other, Cord. I’m not yours.”

He stalked toward her. “No commitment? You’ve come with my tongue in your pussy. You’ve screamed my name as you’ve pulsed around my cock. You live with me, you sleep with me. You are my woman and you do not have dinner with another man.”

“That’s not a commitment. It’s sex. And I told you, he’s just a friend.”

“And is that all Reed wants to be? Friends?”

She lowered her eyes.

“Just as I thought.”

She raised her gaze again, angry at the guilt he’d invoked. Why should she feel guilty? “It’s not like we’re dating, Cord. This is sex and I’m okay with that. I went into this with my eyes open. I know how you feel about me—”

“Do you? Do you really?”

A little frightened, she backed away from his intense gaze.

“How do I feel about you?”

“You-you care about me,” she replied. “You’re attracted to me. We’re friends.”

“How can you have it so wrong? You mean
to me. We are way past friendship. Caring has been left in the dust. You are my world. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you. I love you.”

Chapter Five


She gaped at him, her ability to speak having temporarily fled.

“You-you love me?”

“I came back for you, Kayla. You’ve haunted me since the night I took your virginity. I only stayed away from you for these last two years because I thought you deserved better than me. Yet you have a hold over me I can’t shake free of. I had to return to you, to see whether you still wanted me. My need has escalated with every day I’ve spent with you. I’ve been holding myself back, going slowly, because I was worried about frightening you.

“You’re the one for me, Kayla. I’ve never loved anyone else. I never will. Everything I do is focused on you. Your happiness, your safety. Because I love you. What do I have to do to show that to you, hmm?” He loomed over her and she met his gaze with her own.

“You are mine. You belong to me. Just like I belong to you. You will not go out to dinner or coffee or anything date-like with another man again. Understood?”

“And you?” she asked, almost too overwhelmed to take it all in. To be the sole focus of this man was a terrifying and exhilarating thought. Part of her was afraid. The rest of her wanted to jump into his arms and never let go. “Will you be going on dates?”

He stared down at her incredulously. “Of course I fucking won’t, what part of I belong to you don’t you understand? I am yours. I don’t even notice other women.”

“Wait, you came back for me? But you told me you were protecting me because of your friendship with Jed.”

“I said that because I didn’t want to frighten you. I know I can be overwhelming. I wanted you to accept my protection, to give you time to build up some trust in me again.”

He clasped her shoulders and kissed her hard. “I’ve wanted you for a long time, Kayla. Before you even walked into Purgatory two years ago, I lusted after you. It took all my concentration and energy to avoid you, to act like you didn’t affect me. Last night meant everything to me. I have a lot of faults. I’m certainly not good enough for you. But I’ve never stopped wanting you. I’ve never stopped thinking of you. I was going to tell you all this, until Luke told me what had happened to you. I didn’t want to scare you.

“Kayla, there is nothing I wouldn’t do for you. Except walk away. That is not going to happen again. I don’t lie and I don’t make false promises. I want forever, Kayla. Can you give me a chance to prove that to you? What I said before goes. As slow as you need, you just tell me if I make you nervous or if you don’t want to do something and I will back off. Just don’t push me from your life altogether.”

He’d been arrogant to think he knew what was best for her—had caused her pain with his stupid belief that he wasn’t good enough for her. This could be her perfect chance for revenge. To rebuff him, cause him pain.

“How can I trust that you won’t leave me again?”

“Like I said before, I thought I was doing what was best for you. Now I know you need me as much as I need you. I can’t be without you. To leave you would harm something inside me. I learn from my mistakes and I never make the same one twice. But I understand if you can’t believe that yet. I just hope you’ll give me a chance to show you I mean it.”

Kayla saw the pain, the very raw honesty in his eyes. He was opening himself up. She didn’t want to hurt him. She loved him, always had. And she didn’t want to let him go.

She hugged him tight. “I love you too. I can’t promise things will go smoothly, that I won’t have doubts. But I don’t want to be without you.”

“Thank God.” He lifted her and she wrapped her legs around his lean waist.

“I promise, I’m going to try my hardest to make you happy. I won’t be perfect but I—”

“Cord,” she interrupted him, smothering a smile. “Don’t make promises you won’t be able to keep. I fell in love with you years ago, warts and all. Nobody is perfect. Just love me. It’s all I ask.”

He kissed her then, pulling back, stared intently into her eyes.

“Baby, you have got to promise that you will not take off again without telling me.”

She narrowed her eyes. “I’m not a child, Cord. I’m capable of making my own decisions.”

“When we’re certain your life isn’t under threat, yes, I agree. But you cannot go wandering off, Kayla. Anything could have happened to you and I’d have no idea where you were or if you were okay.”

His skin was pale, worry present in the shadows in his eyes.

“I’m sorry. I thought it would be okay. After all, it’s just Reed. I didn’t see much difference between him taking me home or Joe.”

“And you also didn’t think I’d find out.”

“I won’t go anywhere without telling you, okay? Not until this is sorted. I promise.”

He nodded, relief in his eyes.

She shifted against him, his erection pressing against her belly.

“Do you want me, baby?” he asked, the tenderness in his voice a direct contrast to the harsh heat in his eyes.

“God, yes,” her voice ended on a low hiss when he shifted her weight in his arms and cupped a breast, rubbing his thumb over her stiff nipple. He stared at her, a wicked grin lighting his face.

“I love your breasts.” His touch burned her as her skin seemed to stretch tighter and tighter, like a rope in a tug of war.

“Easy, baby,” he murmured as she shuddered in sensation.

“No.” She shook her head, need moistening her folds, a direct response to the inferno burning her alive. “Not easy, not slow.”

His mouth covered her lips in sensual warmth. She’d expected something hard, commanding, like the man himself, yet his touch was as gentle as a feather, almost hesitant. Her lips parted, allowing his clever tongue to penetrate as he continued to kiss her sweetly.

He carried her into the bedroom and dropped her on the bed. Slithering off, she knelt at his feet, moving her hands to the buttons on his jeans. Despite the tremors of want making her hands shake, she managed to undo the top button. The rest obligingly followed.

“Kayla.” He ran his hands through her hair as she tugged his boxers down slowly, savoring the sight of his cock standing at attention, begging to be kissed. Suddenly she was in a huge hurry, ridding him quickly of his underwear.

Clasping the base of his shaft, she pumped lightly, delighting in his slick heat
. The exquisitely plump head pulsed, beckoning to her as she leaned forward and sucked it into her mouth.

“My god, that is fucking good. Like liquid sunshine surrounding me, warming me. Baby, I’m not going to last long.”

She pulled him farther into her mouth.

“Suck me down deep, angel.” His husky voice sent spasms through her womb as she followed his directive.

“That’s it. That feels so damn good. You have no idea. Now swirl your tongue around the head. Oh god. Suck me.” His breathing quickened as he thrust within her mouth.

“I’ve got to move, baby. Let me, oh hell. Clasp my balls in your hand, angel, lightly. Now massage them. Fuck.” Abruptly he drew back and she whimpered, reaching for him, annoyed that she was being deprived of her treat.
Reaching under her arms, he lifted her, placing her on the bed. He stood there for a moment, naked, proud, strong. All it took was his gaze, so erotic and hot, to have her on the edge of begging. She wanted that thick, heavy cock inside her. Now.

He climbed over her.

“Put your legs around my waist,” he growled.
“Now, before I explode.” She slid her legs around his trim waist as he slid inside her, pumping in and out. Fast, intense. Kayla was boiling alive, her bones turning to liquid as she fought for her release.

“Relax, let it go.
I’m close now, when I come so do you, Kayla.”

“Ohh,” she sobbed.

His yell echoed about the room as he came, shooting his seed down her rippling passage. Her body grew taut, her head rolling back as rapture overtook her in long, sweeping waves. More exhausted than she could ever remember being, she lay limp as a rag doll as he rolled to her side and pulled her close to his chest.

His stomach grumbled loudly.

Kayla giggled.

“Cheeky wench. If you had any sympathy you’d be up making me dinner.”

She snorted. “You tired me out, can’t move,” she mumbled. He slapped her butt before sitting.

“I’m going to order some pizza then hop into the shower. You stay and rest, okay?” Kayla could hear the smile in his voice. Dozing lightly, she was comforted by the sounds of him bustling around in the bathroom before the shower started.

A knock on the motel door pulled her out of her doze. Sighing, she shuffled out of bed, grabbing her satin robe and some cash for the pizza.

Yanking open the door, she gaped in shock.

“You’re not the pizza guy.” There was no pimply teenager standing before her. This man was huge, solid and dangerous.

“Nope, although I once had a paper route,” he replied. “That’s the last time you ever open a door without looking first, sugar.”

Kayla took a stumbling step backward, feeling the nausea bubbling in her stomach as she shook. They’d found her. The sheer power that this man emanated rendered her numb, her scream of horror trapped in her throat as it closed in on her.

“Hey!” He reached for her when she collapsed to the floor. Scuttling back on her hands and feet, Kayla took a deep breath and screamed.


She coughed, struggling for another breath. Then Cord was there. But instead of attacking the man in front of her, he knelt beside her, dragging her into his arms.

“Breathe, baby. Come on, in and out that’s all you have to do. You’re safe. No one is trying to hurt you. I would never let anyone hurt you. Breathe in and out. In and out. I’m here and you’re safe.” Strong arms lifted her, carrying her, cradled against a firm, warm chest.

Sandalwood and spice surrounded her, pulling her back from the edge of unconsciousness. When her vision cleared, Kayla focused on Cord’s face as he rocked her. The compassion in his eyes brought tears to hers until she saw the strange man staring down at her. Her breath caught once again and Cord glanced up.

“It’s okay, baby. He’s with me.”

“W-who?” she asked, feeling herself blush. It was starting to feel like a freak show, and she was the freak on show. When there was another knock at the door, she stiffened, but Cord merely rubbed her shoulders.

“Get that, will you?” he spoke to the other man. “Should be the pizza.”

“Typical, you order the food and I have to pay for it.” The stranger’s voice was tinged with a soft Southern drawl.

Cord snorted. “Like you won’t eat most of it, you big bastard.”

“Well, I guess it’s best you don’t open the door. Not dressed like that anyway.”

He turned away, laughing as Cord looked down at himself and swore. Kayla realized then that he was naked.

Cord stood and pulled Kayla along with him to the bedroom, where he hastily pulled on some jeans and a t-shirt.

“Cord?” Kayla stared up at him, hating the tremor in her voice. He clasped her face in his hands.

“It’s okay, baby.” He brushed his lips over her forehead tenderly. “I’m here with you, you’re not alone. I’m here.”

She nodded slowly, letting herself trust in him. They walked back into the living area to find the other man already eating a slice of pizza. “Baby, meet Nash. Nash, this is Kayla.”

Cord sat again and tugged Kayla down onto his lap.

Nash nodded, his eyes gleaming within his solemn face. She’d thought Cord was large, but Nash almost managed to make him look small.

“Hey, squirt. So you’re Jed’s little sister. I’m pleased to say you look nothing like that fucker.”

“Language,” Cord warned.

“Sorry about scaring you there, kid.”

She nodded, breathing deeply in and out. She slid off Cord’s lap to sit beside him. But she remained close, gaining strength from his presence.

“It’s nice to meet you. Sorry about the greeting.”

“No worries, short stuff. Although I meant what I said. Don’t go around opening any more doors without looking. Got it?”

Temper sparked her blood. She had enough people trying to boss her around. She didn’t need another one.

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