Bartered (3 page)

Read Bartered Online

Authors: Pamela Ann

Chapter 5



“Can you make a fresh espresso, s'il vous plait,” Hugo directed without flicking his eyes towards me as
they roamed the computer screens before him, studying the red and green graphs.

paused, eyes stuck staring at his striking side profile before making a curt nod to myself. “Of course, Mister Xavier.”

, Isobel.” Dark pools of chocolate brown eyes zeroed in on me, making me breathy and out of sorts.

“Hugo,” I breathed his name, feeling flushed. “All right, Hugo. I’ll go make you your espresso.” Closing my eyes briefly to push my embarrassment aside, I slowly made my way out of his plush office and into the kitchen right outside the
area for his secretary and two of his personal assistants, who were working in a hushed, serene manner.

It’s been a week since that night I signed my contract
, and for the past seven days, this was something I hadn’t expected to be doing—fetching everything he wanted and needed.

I unassumingly became his assistant—
his third one
. The man had a great team that offered more help than any man should need, and still, he bossed me around like a pet or an irrelevant person.

It wasn’t anger I felt but more of
a feeling between unappreciated and devalued. It was as though I wasn’t good enough to be with him like how Sherry or Chantel were. A blessing was how I saw it because it truly was. I had thought the second I signed he’d become this brute of a man who wouldn’t care about what the terms and conditions I stipulated were. Then, true to his word, he had surprisingly stuck to them, and I had been almost sure he would break it. However, seven days later, the man had yet to do anything sexual with me.

After that night, nothing
had happened. I wasn’t complaining—not really—but I was more apprehensive because there had to be a meaning behind all of this, shouldn’t there? A man couldn’t want one woman then change his mind the second she said she wouldn’t be willing to have vaginal sex with him. Some would even argue that men would see this as a challenge. Still, Hugo Xavier had not shown any interest in me at all except for giving me orders to get him this and that. For three hundred thousand euros, this job I was doing was puny, but who was I to complain? This was what I had hoped for when I signed, although I couldn’t help feeling the bite of his rejection.

y imagination had run amuck, and I had pictured all sorts of ugly scenarios in my head the moment I signed those six months of my life away, yet he had become the polar opposite of that hungered, over-eager man. What had happened? Every night I would try to remember, but nothing caught my attention to satisfy my question.

He’d been civilized and courteous, asking me every
day if everything was okay for me, and I couldn’t be more baffled at his personality. Apart from his appallingly beautiful good looks that always left me dumbfounded, I had learned he was well-received and well-loved by the people he employed, in the villa and his casinos.

Being Greek, I knew a lot about male pride and ego, which Hugo Xavier had in spades; however, it was a first for me to see a man that prided himself and yet never forgot to greet his employees when it was their birthday, or when it was their we
dding anniversary. He even went as far as to give them free hotel stays and other perks they loved getting by being employed by him. Granted, my father’s business wasn’t as grand or lavish as this one, however he never treated his people this way. Cracking a smile towards your workers would be a sin in my father’s eyes.

It was a refreshing change, and after learning bit
s and pieces of him for the past week, I felt almost secure he wouldn’t harm me—not at all the way I had pictured it in my head.

Taking a fresh cup from the cupboard, I absentmindedly took a call when my phone rang in my hand. “Hello?”


I stilled, shutting my eyes as I cherished the sound of my name. “Damen.”

He groaned in vain. “Please tell me you’ve changed your mind. You can’t seriously break- up with me through a voicemail, Izz.”

Izz. That was his nickname for me. Damen was my first boyfriend, my first love. My first everything
. Breaking up with him a week before had not been easy, but I had to do what I must to save my family.

In my heart, if
what Hugo had said was true, then six months of waiting for me wouldn’t be a problem. Could it? Hopefully, by then, I could have all of this behind me. Damen was the reason I had requested the clause in the contract. Because I knew, deep down, what I was doing was wrong, yet values wouldn’t save my family. Subsequently, I had needed a couple alterations to avoid betraying the man I loved in all aspects. It was a small compromise, I knew, but it was all I could do at the moment.

My heart was Damen’s
, and it would always stay that way, even if Hugo Xavier made me feel things—things that were forbidden. One penetrating look of his eyes never failed to draw something out of my body. It was raw. Carnal. Magnetizing.

The man exuded power and beauty with each breath he took, women sighed at the sight of him.
Moreover, even though I found his handsomeness disarming most of the time, it would be a mistake if I got carried away and submitted to the animalistic, passionate man hiding behind those tantalizing eyes.

He was
the kind of man who needed full submission from his woman, most especially in the bedroom. It was something I had never feared because I wasn’t like Sherry or Chantel, who both had fallen into the Xavier spell. No. I was a woman in love with another man. A man whom I had vowed to spend the rest of my life with at the tender age of sixteen—before we had even shared our first kiss.

Hugo Xavier was just a man—nothing extraordinary. Six months with him wouldn’t jeopardize me emotionally. I was certain of it.

Chapter 6



I watched as
Isobel carefully placed the espresso cup and saucer next to me, and how gracefully she slightly bent her body while protruding her delectable bottom as her provocative scent blanketed my space. I tensed as her scent filled me from my nostrils all the way down to my chest, sitting low in my stomach before settling in my groin. Cocking my head to the side, I silently cursed in vain, hating the fact she had this effect on me. She was just so… feminine and so achingly gorgeous that it was hard not to be affected by her. One look was all it took. It stoked the temptation I had pushed aside for the past week.

Normally, it was
up to
if I wanted to be affected by their displays of subtle flirtations and such, but it was different with her.
I wondered, frustrated at the contracts we had signed a week before. I simply couldn’t fathom her request, and had thought it a joke, that she’d change her mind the next morning. However, the joke had been on me.

I toyed with the idea of making her change her mind through seduction. I wanted her—badly
. She would eventually beg me to take her. After all, that was the only way I would take her, and that was if she’d let me, giving me her full consent because, if I crossed that line, the contract would no longer be valid, and I would be the one paying her the same amount her father owed me.

Seducing her into submission
was my way of showing her I would be willing to honor her wishes and, at the same time, get what I wanted in the end. I loved a good challenge, and Isobel offered that in spades. It was a wager I had with my ego and pride that I couldn’t turn down.

Seeing as she stood to the side
, awaiting orders, I focused on the coffee before me, picking up the steaming cup as I took the dark espresso shot in one go. The scalding hot contents burned my tongue all the way down to my throat, the bite making me grit my teeth as I lavished on the instant effect it had on my body.

My sex drive was far from abysmal. Even after I had taken one of my lovers,
with one look at Isobel, I would immediately get hard again. It had been difficult to be around her in the villa, which was why I had tried to keep it platonic for a whole week, because I wasn’t sure I could handle being alone with her. Most especially after that horrid clause in the contract. My hunger hadn’t dissipated. In fact, I believed the damn clause had only made her even more appetizing in my eyes.

After a week of avoiding her, I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to take her out tonight to an event I had committed to attending. It would also suit the other purpose of wanting to get to know her better, and being as it was a public place, there would be a slim chance I would try to devour her on the spot.

Clearing my throat, I checked the time before giving her a quick, swiping glance then focused back on my computer screen. “I have a gala to attend tonight, and I’m taking you with me.”

Her brow rose, giving me that sexy look while her
lips glowered at me. “Oh, Sherry is not available?”

There was a subtle hint of bite in her words. It made me feel the need to reinstate who was the boss here.

“I take whomever I choose, Isobel. And tonight, I choose
. Do you have a problem with that?”

She paused, staring at me
, before blinking those tantalizing, long, sooty lashes at me. “No, Hugo, I don’t have a problem with that.” Pressing her lips together, she straightened her stance. “What time do you need me ready by?”

“I need you by six. You can leave to get ready whenever you like—spa, dress shopping
, and whatever else you need. There’s a driver waiting for your disposal.”

“In that case, I better get going to get myself primed and pretty for yours truly.” Her brow rose, challenging me.

She was already primed and pretty; I doubted she could get any prettier than this. “You go ahead and do just that, ma belle. I’ll see you at six.”

“See you then,” she murmured as she quietly strode towards the doors, my eyes following her stride, watching her hips sway from one side to the other.

Hard and frustrated, I took my phone to call Chantel, asking her to come by and give me a quick visit. It had been like this for the past seven days—me always ending up calling Sherry or Chantel mid-day to cater to my needs even at the office. Furthermore, when those times happened, Isobel wouldn’t look me in the eye before she exited the room to leave me to do my business. Abstinence wasn’t in my DNA. Besides, I was a hot-blooded French man who always got what he wanted. Sex was one aspect in my life I could fully enjoy without restrictions, and I tried to supply my life with it as much as possible.

Twenty-five minutes later, there was a knock on the door before Chantel ushered he
rself in, wearing a seductive smile. “Mon Roi.” (
My King

“Chantel.” I gave her a knowing look
when she halted before my desk. I leaned back in my chair and watched her carefully take her garments off, one at a time. I liked my women to seductively unwrap themselves like a present before me, getting me excited as I looked at what was going to be mine.

When she was left with her underwear on, I stopped her, asking her to leave it on before she sensually strode towards me. The moment she reached me, she immediat
ely got on her knees, unzipped my pants and took me in her mouth. She did it nice and slow, making me feel her enticing licks as my cock started to throb. I shut my lids and imagined Isobel taking me in her mouth. Mon Dieu! I became harder than I was, grunting as I took her head with my right hand and pushed her mouth deeper, taking what she could until I felt her throat close around me. After I felt her gag, I wrenched her off my shaft, pulled her to her feet and licked the side of her ear.

“Bend over my desk, spread your legs wide and open
. I want to see both holes as you stretch your body.”

She did as I asked,
taking her panties off languorously slow first, and in reward, I gave her a hard spank on her bottom, making her moan in earnest.

“Hugo,” she gasped my name as I palmed her soaking wet cunt. “Baise-moi.”
(Fuck me.)

I smirked, knowing quite well how loud she’d be the moment I
slipped my cock into her pussy.

“As you wish, mon amant.”

Chapter 7



Casually giving the silent man sitting next to me a glance, I tried to breach the vast stretch of silence. “Where are we headed to?” After he
’d arrived in the villa to get me, all dressed up and showered, from his office, he merely gave me a quick inspection with a stale greeting of “Good evening, Isobel” before opening the door for me to get inside his swanky, two-door sports car. Apart from that, Hugo hadn’t supplied me with any words.

He stretched his neck from side to side then cleared his throat. “To a wine auction that will benefit homeless children.”

He was making this difficult. He wasn’t very forthcoming at all, and since this was our first official outing together, I had thought he’d be more accommodating, but he was proving to be standoffish. “Sounds exciting. Are you setting your sights on anything in particular?”

Eyes stuck to the road, he used his left hand to tug his tie a little before respon
ding to me. “For a while now… yes,” he murmured. “And I intend to acquire it at all costs.”

There was something about the way he said it that made me glance at his dark
ly handsome profile. I felt my stomach drop as I took in his masculine perfection. Greek men were passionate; however, French men were something else. Their passions seemed to go with everything they did—like limited edition spirits.

“Must be a fine wine then. I’m sure it’s pricey.”

is always expensive. Nothing in life is free.”

The bite in his tone made me feel at odds; therefore, I remained silent for I had no smart retort.
After all, if one looked at it in black and white, my father had offered me like a barter to pay of his debts in return for my willing servitude.

He was right. Nothing in life was free…



“And who is this
belle enchanteresse
, Xavier?” The famous racer Jacques Bertrand inquired the moment Hugo and I joined their close circle of friends.

Hugo touched the back of my hips, letting his hand stay there as he introduced me. “This is Isobel
. She’s spending the summer with me.” He then paused as he stared ahead before gazing back to his friends, frowning. “Give me a moment to speak to someone.” He made a quick nod towards me before whispering, “I’ll be right back.”

I watched after him
as strode towards the opposite side of the hall, feeling a little odd yet again because his parting seemed awkward. Hugo and I didn’t know each other, so maybe that was the reason behind his weird behavior.

Someone cleared
their throat, picking up my attention as I looked up and found Jacques Bertrand’s amused face. “Well, it’s quite lovely to meet you, Isobel.”

Smiling shyly, I made the same sentiment. “Same here, Monsieur Bertrand.”

“Call me Jacques.” He offered his hand, and when I shook it, he hung on to mine before giving me a questioning look. “I thought you were Italian at first sight, but your accent denies it…”

I was
unbelievably out of my league here. These men were used to women that could flirt back with them with ease, but I was having a hard time not being completely star-struck at the handsome and well-known racer and womanizer extraordinaire.

,” I offered to solve his problem, feeling out of my comfort zone as I watched the women saunter about, looking ever so glamorous while I felt like an interloper playing pretend.

“Simply beautiful,” he murmured before placing his lips on the back of my hand, ma
king me gasp from shock and excitement.

, Jacques. She’s already taken,” the woman standing next to him butted in with a playful smile. “I’m Stella von Berg.”

I was about to say
“Nice to meet you” when the man next to her interrupted me. “
von Berg.
Kensington, my lovely wife.”

She exaggeratedly rolled her eyes before tapping his lapel. “And
this is Callum, my husband.”

Married couple. How sweet and endearing.

“It’s great to meet you both,” I said pleasantly at the couple before my eyes found the last member of their circle; another tall, dark, and handsome man. Swallowing my shyness, I greeted him, “Hello.”

“Julien Geroux
. Some might say I’m Hugo’s closest friend to date.” There was wickedness to his smile as he audaciously shifted and took Hugo’s spot before excusing us from his friends, who were already starting to talk about Jacques’s upcoming race. “Let’s get you something to drink. Champagne?”

, please.”

He plucked
up two flutes from the passing waiter before securing us a spot in a corner. I was still feeling out of depth, yet my curiosity had been piqued the second Julien wanted some privacy to speak to me.

Casually offering me the flute, he gave me a warm smile as I took it with ease before those intelligent eyes sharpened on me. “You speak French?”

“A little… only the basics,” I murmured before taking a cautious sip, eyes unwavering at the newly introduced man.

“Très bien.”

He seemed forward yet accommodating enough. I supposed it wouldn’t be too bad if I let my guard down a little. He didn’t seem the type to have their claws out just because I was dating his friend.

, Julien… closest friend to Hugo; that must be something.” My brow arched as I waited for him to supply me with some information.

Apart from what I had seen and
knew of Hugo, there wasn’t much about him on the internet other than how his family started and how their wealth accumulated from smart investments. There was nothing to clue me in about his personal life, much other than photographs. I needed the puny details—something to tell me what made the man tick. After all, I was to be in his “care” for the next six months. Wanting to know more about the man who would see to my welfare didn’t seem unreasonable.

Julien shrugged my question off, looking noncommittal. “We have our moments like the rest. We
’ve grown up together since toddlers.” Another casual French shrug before he appointed me another question. “How do you find him and everything else?”

Hugo surprisingly seemed harmless. Well
, if I took out that first time we met and how he daringly came in my hands and how powerful I felt then. He’d been distant since, leaving me to my own devices.

“It’s okay…” Blushing as I murmured my answer, feeling quite bothered each time I recalled that incident in my mind. Every time, it never failed to make me feel…

“And the

Sherry and Chantel were distant but seemed friendly enough. I could only be thankful the three of us
, though we lived in the same wing, all led separate lives. They had their own sets of friends and lived as if they were boarding in the villa, and not mistresses of Hugo Xavier. It was surprisingly harmonious given the odd circumstances.

“They are reserved but pleasant.” Taking another sip, I pondered my next question, hoping I wasn’t probing on a subject that was off-limits. “May I ask why
he prefers triple?”

Julien beamed at me, giving me a glimpse of his own dark
, sexy beauty. He and Hugo shared that whole laissez-faire attitude, yet it was done with subtle elegance, great confidence, and an underlying power even right up to the way they held their heads high. They had some male ego competition going on, from what I was gathering. I wasn’t sure if it was by birthright or simply by being raised together, but I must admit, it was mesmeric to be around their casual air of certainty.

“How do I explain this delicately…
?” Clearing his throat, he took a sip of his drink before focusing on our conversation. “Years ago, this woman he was in a relationship with fell in love with him even though he told her that nothing was going to come out of their union.”

There was always that poor woman who fell for the bad boy. Thank goodness that wouldn’t be the case with me.

“Let’s just say she made a big deal out of it and caused a lot of complications in his life.” When he broke his lips for a smile this time, it appeared sad. “From then on, he thinks having only one is dangerous to the woman’s mental health.”

“A security blanket. One was surely complicated
, having two would merely spark competition, but three? Three is perfect harmony.” I figured it out for myself. My thoughts travelled into the villa, picturing a woman smitten and doomed with her love for a man who didn’t accept it. How tragic it must’ve been for her.

, you can call it that.”

Well, whatever Hugo was harboring, he could rest assured I wouldn’t ever be in that same fate because
, even though he was the most beautiful creature I had ever been graced to meet, my heart remained forever with Damen, who was patiently waiting for me to finish this “job” I had vaguely explained to him, needing space and an excuse for breaking his heart. My father was a selfish brute of a bastard. If it weren’t for my brother and mother, I wouldn’t be standing here tonight.

Breathing out my frustration, I carried on with the conversation. “What about you? Do you have a similar outlook with women?”

Julien laughed wholeheartedly. “You’re forward, aren’t you, viande fraîche?” I gave him a puzzled look before he produced the answer. “Fresh meat.
Viande fraîche
is what I shall call you from now on.”

, please. Maybe to his standards I was. I was far from being one, but I didn’t dare argue with him.

“More champagne?”

“I’m afraid your waiting services are no longer needed, Julien.” Hugo’s arctic voice interrupted us, making us both turn while my breath caught as our eyes clashed. I supposed whoever he had spoken to earlier on, it hadn’t gone as planned.

Hugo harshly said something in rapid French, making me bite my lip as I stared at the both of
them, uncertain if I should hide. He sounded like he was infuriated, but Julien’s easy smile contradicted my assumptions.

“Isobel, it was marvelous to speak to you this evening. I will see you again.” He made a gallant bow before he brazenly winked at Hugo
and then left us in quite a heavy shroud of thick silence.


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