Read Be Brave Online

Authors: Fyn Alexander

Tags: #Romance MM, #erotic MM, #General Fiction

Be Brave (11 page)

watching where Kael"s hands were, afraid of another smack. But it was all true.

“Stick to what you do best. You belong in the field. You"ll be happier, and when

you"re happy, your young man will be happy too.”

“He"s happy now.”

“I"m glad to hear it, but you"re not.” From his pocket he pulled an envelope.

“Your airline ticket and visitor"s visa. Do you still have your passports?”

“Yes.” Kael walked so fast that Conran had to jog to keep up with him. The

discrepancy in their heights was at least seven inches, but aside from that, Kael"s

fitness level was that of an elite athlete and Conran worked in an office with only

the occasional game of golf or tennis to keep fit. Kael eyed the envelope. He had


Fyn Alexander

been determined last Christmas not to go back into the field. What if he died like

Misha had? What would happen to Angel then?

I’m indestructible.

“Just this one job.” He snatched the envelope from Conran"s hand and walked

away, crossing the grass into Pall Mall. The changing of the guard was just

beginning. Angel loved to walk to the palace to watch them. Kael walked home

grinning from ear to ear. He felt like doing what Angel did when he was happy—

jumping up and punching the air.

I’m an assassin, and I miss my work.

* * *

By the time Kael walked into the flat after his afternoon class, he could hardly

wait to leave for the hit. Angel skipped into the hallways as he always did when

Kael arrived home, and threw himself at Kael. Kael grabbed him in a tight hug.

“How"s my boy?”

Angel kissed him and took his coat. “I"m good, Daddy. Dinner"s in the oven.

Lasagna, yum!” He licked his lips. “And I have my essay almost done, but it"s not

due until Friday. I"m starving. Are you?”

“The dinner can wait,” Kael said.

“Yes, Sir.” Kael admired Angel for always trying to be stoic. Though sometimes

his boyish needs got the better of him. “Is there something you want to do, Daddy?”

“Yes, I want you in the dungeon.”

Angel released a long, deep “aaaah” and followed him through the flat to the


“Strip and shower,” Kael ordered.

They undressed together and showered quickly. Kael loved to be naked in the

dungeon. He loved pressing his bare skin against a sub"s. He loved letting his cock

brush against a buttock or thigh.

Angel had an erection even before Kael locked the dungeon door and put the

key out of reach. “I have to go out of the country in the morning.” Kael lowered the

lights, leaving it bright enough to see but soft enough to make Angel"s sensitive eyes


Angel glanced at the dog cage and the standing cage against the wall, and Kael

laughed. “No, sweetheart, I won"t lock you up this time. There"s no need. Anyway,

you have to go to school and be a good boy. I"ll be gone only two nights, maybe only

one. But you must stick to your routine and be good while I"m gone. Don"t do

anything you wouldn"t do if I was here.”

“Daddy, where are you going?” Angel asked.

“Don"t ask questions.”

“Is it a job?”

Kael raised his voice very slightly. “I said do not ask questions.”

Angel and the Assassin: Be Brave


Standing to attention, Angel swallowed hard. “Yes, Sir.”

“Aside from the other day when you had it coming, have I ever used a paddle

on you?” Kael took the studs in Angel"s nipples between his fingers and thumbs and

gently twisted them until Angel gasped.

“No, Sir.”

“Good, we"ll do that today.” He watched the boy"s cock stiffen at the casual

assertion. A true sub always got excited when his master implied that not only did

his boy have no choice in the matter, but that ultimately the boy would be edified by

the experience.

Angel"s cheeks and neck were beginning to grow pink with anticipation. He

dropped slowly to his knees and pressed his lips to Kael"s feet. “Thank you, Daddy.”

Kael"s cock thickened and lengthened, jutting out. Angel sat back on his heels,

looking up at it. Kael looked down into his boy"s beautiful silver eyes. It was

possibly those eyes, wide with fear, that had saved Angel"s life six months ago. But

that was only in the initial seconds after Kael first saw him. The fact that Angel

had a strength and an intelligence that was palpably real was the next thing Kael

had sensed about the boy. But there was no fear now—only complete acceptance

and love and admiration in Angel"s eyes. “What should I do to you, boy?”

“Anything you want, Sir.”

“That"s what I like to hear.” Liquid warmth shot through Kael at the words.

He was aroused both sexually and emotionally by his boy"s trust.

“Come.” He stretched out his arms. Angel rose and put his hands on Kael"s

shoulders. He jumped, wrapping his legs around Kael"s waist. “First you"re going to

have an enema.”

A spontaneous look of disappointment crossed Angel"s face, quickly followed by

acceptance. He knew his boy hated enemas. He knew also that Angel prided himself

on being impeccably obedient in the dungeon. “Yes, Sir.”

Angel got down and walked over to the metal shelf where the enema

equipment waited. About halfway there, he visibly straightened his back and

shoulders as if he had taken a deep breath and let acceptance wash over him. It was

that kind of maturity that made Kael know Angel was a boy he could train and

watch blossom into a man.

Only a few months ago, the main thing on Kael"s mind, aside from work, was

to dominate and have sex with as many different subs as he could. Now every time

he thought about sex—which was often—Angel"s delicate face and slender body was

the only image in his mind. Angel stopped at the sink, which stood beside the

shower stall and toilet. He attached the long metal hose with its smooth steel nozzle

to the tap. Kael took the nozzle and turned on the water, running it for several

seconds until the temperature was perfect, comfortably warm. He pointed at the

hardwood floor, and Angel dropped to his hands and knees. Kael grabbed a tube of

K-Y from the sink and squeezed a large blob of it onto his fingertips. Bending at the


Fyn Alexander

waist, he slapped the lubricant between Angel"s buttocks, massaging it into his


“Ready, boy?”

“Yes, Sir.” He saw Angel squeeze his eyes tightly shut, waiting.

Kael pushed the sleek nozzle between Angel"s buttocks and pressed it gently

against his anus, then pushed it deep inside. “I had a boy some years ago who loved

enemas.” He released the water and watched the tension leave Angel"s long, pale

limbs and tight, round buttocks. “He was an older boy, twenty years older than me,

but he never questioned submitting to a top still in his twenties as I was then. I was

very flattered to receive the trust of an experienced, mature boy like him. He taught

me a lot.”

Gauging Angel"s fullness by the length of time the water had been running,

Kael turned off the tap, removed the nozzle from Angel"s rectum and left the hose in

the sink. “Remember the first enema I gave you? You hated it. You cramped fairly

quickly. Now look at you. Taking it in your stride.”

Angel looked at him, pride on his face. “Whatever Daddy wants, I want.”

“Get on the toilet.”

Angel rose slowly, clenching his buttocks. He sat down on the seat, took a

breath, and slowly released it as his bowels opened. Kael left him to clean himself

and wandered over to the beautifully crafted kneeling bench they had bought

together at a new shop he had found in Voho, London"s best gay nightlife area.

Angel had climbed on to try it out in the shop and had been dying to get on it ever

since, but Kael had made him wait, prolonging the pleasure.

The frame was made from dark, polished wood, and the leg rests were leather-

topped for comfort and separated so the dom could easily access a boy"s cock and

balls. The bench to strap the torso onto was also leather-topped and very

comfortable, with a chin rest to prevent the sub from hiding his face during his

punishment. Soft leather straps were strategically placed to tie a sub down. All in

all it was a fine addition to the dungeon.

Angel came to stand at his side, and Kael wrapped his arm around his boy"s

shoulders. “Daddy, is it time to try the spanking bench?” Without even looking at

him, Kael could hear the smile in Angel"s voice.

“Yes.” He looked over at the hoods that had so terrified Angel his first time in

the dungeon. “No, not today. Get up on the bench.”

Angel placed his knees on the leg rests and leaned his belly on the torso rest.

“Shall I strap you down?” Kael said, but he was speaking to himself, and Angel

knew him well enough at this point to know that. He remained silent. “Yes, I will.”

With quick, practiced movements, Kael brought up the waist straps on either side

and buckled them tightly across Angel"s waist. He fastened Angel"s ankles down

tightly, and finally his wrists. Standing at his head, he settled Angel"s chin into the

chin rest, holding his head firmly. “There, that looks comfortable.” He bent to kiss

Angel"s forehead. “Beautiful boy.”

Angel and the Assassin: Be Brave


“Thank you, Sir,” Angel said.

From the shelf Kael took a bottle of cream—plain, no scents—and began to rub

a handful into Angel"s buttocks. He massaged and slapped, massaged and slapped,

each blow stinging a little more than the last. Then he began slapping hard at

Angel"s thighs. “This is just a warm-up. The paddle is going to hurt.”

“Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir.” Angel"s voice was high and thin, a sign of his

arousal. A cock restraint would probably be a good idea to help him keep control.

Kael went to his accessory shelves and ran his forefinger along the row of cock

rings, deciding which one to use, and looked at his selection of neoprene butt plugs.

Maybe a small one of those would be nice too. With every strike of the paddle, the

butt plug would push in, in a gentle fucking motion. Kael chose a four-inch plug and

a leather cock ring.

“Here we go, boy.” He put the cock ring on the edge of the bench and lubricated

the plug with K-Y before pushing it against Angel"s anus. The sudden smooth, cold

pressure made Angel moan out loud. His already stiff cock strained, and his balls

seemed to swell in the thin sac that held them close to his perineum. “Keep control

of yourself, boy. I"m going to help you with a cock ring in a second.”

He pushed the butt plug in slowly but relentlessly. Angel cried out, and his

fluids hit the floor between his legs. The boy panted as the aftermath of his orgasm

washed over him. Anger flashed through Kael. His need to control did not include

having a sub orgasm without permission, but he acknowledged it was his own fault.

Angel was already very aroused from being restrained; then Kael had shoved in a

butt plug.

“I"m sorry, Daddy. I couldn"t help it.”

The anger that had risen so quickly inside Kael subsided just as quickly at the

pained apology. If Angel was an experienced sub, he would flog him without mercy

for such an indiscretion. But he was an eighteen-year-old novice. Kael walked

around in front of him and squatted to find tears dripping down the boy"s cheeks.

He took a handful of paper tissues from the box and wiped the boy"s eyes. “Blow.”

He held the tissues over Angel"s nose and waited. Angel blew hard, and Kael wiped

him clean. “Stop crying, boy,” he said firmly. “You made a mistake, but I take half

the responsibility. I should have put the cock ring on you first.”

Angel"s cheeks were scarlet with embarrassment at his mistake. “Sorry,

Daddy. It"s bad enough doing it in the bedroom, but in the dungeon, it"s just wrong.”

His passion was comical, but Kael accepted the apology with gravity.

“Good boy. I"m going to put the cock ring on you now. That will help. I want

you to succeed, not fail through lack of support.” Kael opened the cock ring and

fastened it snugly with the metal snap around Angel"s cock and balls, forcing them

forward, the balls straining in their red sac. The butt plug remained in place, and

the rim and gravity would keep it there.

“Speak to me, Angel,” Kael said, walking to the wall to select a paddle.

“Daddy, I"m sorry I screwed up.”


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“You are completely forgiven. Now be in the moment and talk to me.”

“I"m ready to be paddled, Daddy.”

“Good boy.”

Kael had four paddles, two wooden and two leather. One had flexible steel

sandwiched between two pieces of black leather. No, that would be far too harsh.

Over the months he had pushed Angel to his limit, and as his limits expanded, he

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