Be Were (Southern Shifters) (12 page)



Chapter Fifteen


Almost four full days had passed and Niki had reached her limit for bed rest and interfering shifters. She needed freedom and some freaking quiet. Being cooped up indoors in a clinic felt a lot like being locked down in a research facility—minus the restraints and endless hours of solitude with nothing more than a beeping machine to provide a distraction.

The only thing that kept her sane at this point was Dean. When they were in a room together they couldn't keep their hands off each other. She healed quickly and after day two, they'd given in and started screwing. She'd crawled on his lap with nothing on but one of his long T-shirts he'd brought her and teased him until he gave in. Niki smiled at the memory. It hadn't taken long.

She reached between them and popped open the button of his jeans.

"Niki," he warned.

Her nipples tightened at the sound. Damn she loved when he got all growly. Ignoring his weak protest, she worked his zipper down and freed his erection.

"C'mon babe. You're going to kill me."

"No," she said. "We gotta do this. I can't take it anymore." They were practically locked together in a twelve by twelve room twenty-four-seven and her hormones were going insane. It's all she could think about besides escape.

Her words spurred him to action as he carefully lifted her and carried her to the bed. He placed her on her back and then tugged her toward him till her ass was hanging halfway off the bed. "Hurry, before someone comes in here and makes you stop."

"Fuck that. Ain't stopping now." He pushed halfway inside her. "They come in now they better pull up a fucking chair and watch cause this show is started."

Her stomach jerked at his words. Yes. He was almost there. "Dean," she cried out, trying to wriggle closer. "All of it. Now. Please."

He shoved forward and ground against her ass.

"Yes. More. Yes." She clawed at his stomach and arms trying to get him even closer.

He grabbed her hips and stilled her movements. "This is mine now." He lifted to his toes and changed the angle of his penetration and her eyes rolled to the back of her head.


Her heart pounded as heat rolled through her. Whatever happened she couldn't stop it. Hormones or fate or whatever, but as long as they were in the same room and even when they weren't, she couldn't stop wanting him.

How they'd come together had been purely an accident. One night. That's all it was supposed to be.

"Open your eyes and look at me, babe. Watch me as I take what is mine. Because I fucking love it."

She looked and melted around him at what she saw. Raw power. Raw emotion. He needed her as much as she needed him.

He let go of her right hip and pressed his thumb to her clit. Her breath caught and she wondered why her head hadn't exploded. He kept his movements slow and measured and she cried for more. It was too good. One minute she was begging and clawing and the next her muscles clenched violently and her world tilted sideways as she came...

Niki opened her eyes and pressed her hands to her flushed face. They definitely had no issues whatsoever in that department. Of course that didn't change the fact they were all sitting around on pins and needles waiting for something to happen. Rafe had not been wrong when he ordered lockdown of the facility. She was impressed with the security. It had been the best for everyone at the time. But now she needed out. Desperately.

"If I keep finding you starting at the window like this I'm going to think you are planning your escape."

She didn't turn at the sound of Kitty's voice. She didn't need the feline to see the truth of her words on Niki's face.

When she didn't respond, Kitty continued. "I came to tell you that Bhric, Dean and Rafe have left meet with some of alphas. But they won't be gone long. So if you're going to do this, you need to do it now."

Niki whirled to face the other woman. "What did you say?"

"C'mon I'm not stupid. I've noticed all your tiny tells. Always staring at the window, watching Dean with sadness in your eyes every time he's not looking and you're refusal to refer to your baby as anything other than 'it' makes your intentions pretty clear. You're trying to stay detached so when you leave, you'll hurt less.

The feline moved to the end of the bed and took a seat. "Although I don't think that's the case. I think as soon as you walk away, you're going to leave a piece of you behind. Something you might not be able to get back."

Niki sighed. "I really hate it when you get like this."

"Like what?" Kitty asked.

"The weird know-it-all who may or may not be psychic. It's really annoying." Niki paced across the room, pivoted and repeated the same path. Feeling caged made her pace. A lot.

"If you knew me better you'd know how ridiculous that is. It's been a while since I thought I knew everything. Thank the Goddess. Now if you wanted to call me a bitch, I'd be more inclined to embrace that. I had a well-deserved reputation in my clan."

"Is that how you got those scars?"

Kitty's hand twitched and Niki got the impression she had to stop herself from touching them. "Suppose so. I had a lot of hatred in me and it often came out ugly. Eventually you have to pay for shit like that."

Niki nodded. In a way she understood. Nature seemed to even things out when they got out of hand. She'd seen it in the people she had to kill when some of them chose to face their fate with dignity, knowing they had to die. When she stood with nature she had to believe in balance. It kept her sane.

"So what are you going to do?" Kitty hopped down and strode to the window to look out.

"Why are you helping me? Dean isn't going to care for your interference. This is asking for trouble."

"I may be a reformed bad kitty, but that doesn't mean I always do what I'm supposed to. If you want your freedom, that's your choice. No one else has the right to stop you. Not even a mate."

"I can go anytime I want."

"If that's so then why are you still here?"

She shrugged. "Various reasons. None of which matter right now."

"I don't believe you. I think everything matters."

Niki refused to be baited. She placed a hand on the barely there curve of her stomach. "The baby is growing and soon I'll become weaker."

"There's a difference between vulnerable and weak."

"If I'm captured it won't make a difference. You have no idea what these people are capable of. Hell, I don't even know. But every shifter in two states is desperate to solve their fertility problems. What do you think a baby from a genetically engineered cougar might be worth to someone in the name of science? Would you be willing to give them your baby?"

Her new cohort ignored her question. "You have to take Calder with you," Kitty said.


"Then we're done here." She opened the door and started to leave.

"Okay, wait."

The woman turned around with a grin plastered across her face.

"You know I'll ditch him right after I leave, right? He's a smart bear and a good friend, but that won't stop me."


Niki shook her head. "You're being weird again."

"Might as well embrace it then."

"What the hell ever." Niki squatted to tie her shoes then she followed Kitty from the room and down the empty corridor.

"Where is everyone?"

"In the lab. Simon is having way too much fun with your blood."

She rolled her shoulders and moved her head side to side. "Why does that not make me feel any better?"

At the end of the hall she spotted Calder waiting for them. She didn't care much about the why of Kitty wanting to help her, but the bear... He was loyal to Bhric and this could cost him too much.

"Hey big guy." She greeted him with a touch on his wrist. The two of them weren't as touchy-feely as some of the other shifters, but she'd found just a brief contact soothed them both.

"Hey yourself," he said.

"You really want to go through with his?"

"Are you leaving with or without our help?" he asked.

"Yep. I can't stay here waiting for something to happen any longer. It's time to go home and settle this."

"Then let's go lure us a cat. I'm hungry." He opened the outside door and pushed his big body through it first, making sure the coast was clear before he allowed her to follow. It really was sweet when he did stuff like that.

Once outside, the first thing she noticed was the setting sun peeking through the trees on the horizon. It wouldn't be long and she'd have the cover of darkness to work in her favor. Some of the snow had melted the last few days so it was easier to travel on foot. She debated on whether to dump Calder now or after she found a car and made her way across the mountain to the secret location of her home.

"Hey." Calder tossed a set of keys in her direction as if reading her mind. "Black Jeep at the edge of the parking lot."

She started to ask where he got them and changed her mind. It didn't matter. If she remembered this stretch of the mountain, a gas station was about thirty miles to the west. She'd stop there for fuel and food and leave Calder behind. Just far enough away to buy her some time and close enough he could walk back if he didn't want to call for a pick up.

From there she only had another thirty or so miles to her destination, with the last seven only accessible by foot. Her scientist-creator had been one paranoid bastard and he made sure getting to his property was a pain in the ass. No roads or paths in and out and only rough terrain littered with boulders and trees. Easy if she shifted, a little more challenging if she didn't.

Simon's thoughts on what might happen to the baby if she shifted worried her. She hoped like hell he was being overly cautious because she doubted she'd get through the night without her cat.



Chapter Sixteen


Long after the sun set, Niki stood under the night sky and bathed in the moonlight. To ensure she had a backup plan, she hid the vehicle off the main road several miles away and hiked in. She'd made it this far without shifting and she felt pretty damned strong. Her side didn't hurt even after the climb and the fresh air rejuvenated her. Health wise she felt perfect. If only the rest of her felt that good. As much as she hated to admit it, Kitty had been right. Every step she'd taken after leaving the clinic had been the hardest of her life. Like before, she missed Dean, only this time it was a hundred times worse. She'd gotten to know him, creating a level of guilt she was not accustomed to.

Taking the baby away, even if it was in its best interest would devastate him. There was no telling how he'd take it or how long he'd search. And there were only so many places to hide a shifter. For the safety of shifters, few humans were privy to their existence.

Dean lived in an isolated location that would make him easy prey for hunters seeking the child. She had to do what was best for everyone, not just Dean. Even if that meant he hated her for the rest of her life.

She also felt kind of bad for ditching Calder. He trusted her enough to go against Dean's wishes, and probably Bhric's too, and she'd betrayed him by sneaking off with the Jeep when he'd been hunting for something sweet.

He'd probably thought without the keys she'd be stuck waiting for him. Niki smiled. Nope. She'd been hot-wiring cars since she was fifteen years old.

"Well, well, what do we have here?"

Startled, Niki whirled at the voice. Her sister Carmen had snuck up behind her. Not just her sister though, also the highest ranking scientist in her family. Only a few feet away she stood ramrod straight, wearing black leggings, tunic and leather boots.

"Carmen. What are you doing here?" The think-tank she operated from wasn't even close to this location.

"I knew the minute you got free you'd come here. This has always been your favorite place to hide. So I've been waiting. Took you long enough though."

Niki didn't know what to think here. Was Carmen the one after her? "Why in the world would you do that? I was bound to show up at home before long. I always do." The cat was sitting at attention inside her but so far had not gone on alert. It wasn't easy to read any of her genetic siblings.

"Not this time though, huh? You weren't planning to go home at least not until after you had the baby you're keeping a secret. Why is that?"

Shit. This turn of events sucked. She and Carmen had been pretty friendly over the years and hadn't even made her short list of suspects.

"I'm going to take a wild guess here and say you already know the answer to that question."

Carmen ignored her and took a few steps toward Niki. "I'm happy to see you've recovered from your wound. I wanted to visit you at the clinic, but your new shifter friends had you locked down enough I decided not to risk it."

"Wound? You mean the nice little stabbing I got from the wolf you hired?"

"He wasn't supposed to hurt you. I gave him tranquilizer, the knife was his idea."

Niki crossed her arms. "Oh, thanks. Now that you've cleared that up I feel so much better. Which reminds me. Why wolves? Especially the Pickwick idiots."

Carmen curled her lip in obvious disgust. "The Pickwicks for all their faults, wanted a female to birth them pups more than anything. Fortunately, they had the money to pay for it."

"This is about money now?"

"Look," Carmen said. "You're blowing this way out of proportion. We need you here. We've got to do some testing and it's your duty to comply."

"I'm not going to be your lab rat, Carmen. We shut down the facility for a reason, or have you forgotten?"

"It's not like that. It's for the good of our species not for a lone man determined to purify the race. If we can understand what happened and how you got pregnant, we can figure out a way to make things better for everyone."

Niki shook her head. She'd heard it all before. For years the scientists testing her had fed that line every time they put her through something particularly painful. They always had justification for hurting her.

"How did you find out anyway? I've only been here once in months and I made sure no one was home."

"It was a fluke. I was in the house the afternoon you came by for some of your things. I'm always in the lab as you know. I was about to call out to you when I smelled it. By the time I believed what it was, you were gone."

"So kidnapping me was your first thought? No phone call. No letter. A smoke signal? Just let's hire some whacked out wolves to grab her and then we'll strap her down and test her. That was a fucked up plan."

"Don't pretend I could have asked and you would have said yes. What we need requires extensive studying of the pregnancy, the child and you after the birth to see if we can replicate the reproduction process."

Niki's stomach plummeted. "What you're talking about is possibly years of research. I'm too busy for that kind of work." And what her sister listed sounded a lot like forced breeding.

"Don't be silly. You'll live in the research facility again and you won't have to go out on assignments anymore. I've already gotten it all set up and we'll have no problem with funding."

This was getting worse by the second. She had to fight the urge to run. Carmen sounded obsessed. "I appreciate what you want to learn, but I'm not going back in lockdown. I have a life now."

Carmen shook her head. "With that ridiculous half-breed? I don't think so. They live like outlaws because they aren't smart enough or powerful enough to organize and stand up for themselves. You are far better than that trash."

It was hard to argue that point. Not long ago, she'd pretty much turned her nose up at the shifters in the neutral zone too. Until she'd needed them, and they'd taken her in no problem. They weren't at all what she'd thought.

"With that baby, you have a calling. It's time to put all of this wild madness behind you and return to where you belong."

"Do you hear what you're saying, Carmen? I thought we'd moved past all of that. We endured all of that crap for two decades. Wasn't it enough?"

She took another step toward Niki. "That's because I didn't understand the passion behind the science. Now I do. Behind one man's crazy idea is real information that can work. If we can solve the fertility issue, we can save the race and make it stronger."

Her sister scared her. The animal hissed and snarled in her head to eliminate the threat and her human genes told her to run. Fast.

She had to keep trying diplomacy or she'd spend the rest of her life running. And if more family members were working with Carmen, she couldn't take them all on alone. "I can't. What you are asking for is too much. Did you all vote on this? I find it hard to believe everyone in the family is on this bandwagon." Now she had to leave and see what happened. Had Carmen truly gone off the deep end or would she settle for no? Considering the lengths she'd gone to this far, it didn't look good.

Hoping for the best, Niki turned to go, and sucked in a sharp breath.


Her big, badass jaguar stood in the brush directly in front of her, barely visible in the dark.

In a flash of movement, he lunged toward her as pain exploded at the back of her head, radiating through her entire skull. Her vision wavered and started to go dark.

Shit. No.

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