Bear Mechanic: BBW Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance (4 page)

His lips descended on her exposed throat, nipping and nibbling. His stubble scratched against her delicate skin, making her shiver.

Finally Elise pulled away with regret. “I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to stand up,” she informed him breathily, “so we should do something about that.”

His mischievous grin made her wonder what she’d just gotten herself into.

He leaned down and, hooking an arm behind her knees swept her into his arms. She couldn’t contain her squeal as she was upended, wrapping her arms around his neck instinctively.

“Does that help?” he murmured, leaning down for a kiss.

“I think you already know the answer to that, smart-ass,” she told him, but the gasp behind her words took the sting out of them. He was still grinning as she kissed him again, flicking out her tongue to taste him.

He set her down on the bed, which was so enormous that it seemed to swallow her up. He braced himself over her, muscles standing out in his arms and torso. Elise ran her hands over them, feeling each dip and curve. She tried to memorize him, all of him, in case she didn’t get the chance to touch him again. He'd taken off his jeans at some point. His boxers did nothing to hide the bulge of his erection.

“I won’t be distracted,” he teased in a low, sexy rumble, and bent his head to take one clothed nipple between his teeth.

Elise cried out and arched her back. One hand reached behind her and unsnapped her bra; she shimmied out of it and tossed it across the room blindly.

Against her bare skin, his mouth felt even more heavenly, if that was possible. Warm wetness engulfed her nipple. He toyed with her, running his tongue over it, coaxing it to peak, sucking on it, flicking his tongue against it in light, sharp movements that made sparks fly behind her eyes.

Elise quivered on the bed beneath him. She’d already known that her breasts were especially sensitive, but his expert mouth was making her think she could come from this alone.

When she finally thought she couldn’t take it anymore, he kissed his way across the valley between and lavished her other breast with the same attention.

“Okay, enough!” Elise cried, pushing at his head.

He looked up, and gave her nipple one last nibble. He kissed her again, and this time it was hungrier, more primal than before. His tongue delved into her mouth, and his cock was hot and hard against her belly. Elise lifted her hips to grind against him, reveling in his groan.

Together they tugged her panties down her legs until she could kick them off. His hand dove between her legs, sliding three fingers inside her easily, taking her just as he had taken her mouth. She was dripping wet already, so ready for him. Her hips bucked against him, trying to take him deeper.

She reached for him, skimming over his chest and down to his erection. His boxers did nothing to hide his formidable size; he was easily the most well-endowed man she'd ever been with. When she slid her hand beneath the waistband of his boxers to grasp his cock, she couldn't even get her hand all the way around it. She shivered at the thought of him inside her, making her pussy throb with desire.

Her palm slid against the tip and further down his hard shaft, spreading his pre-come around and slicking her grip as she began to pump.

His hips stuttered as he thrust into her hand, and he groaned appreciatively, dipping his head to rest on her shoulder. His powerful shoulders shuddered at her touch.

She spread her knees wider to cradle his hips between them, and guided him to her entrance. Her pussy was so slick the head of his cock slipped over her nub, making her throw her head back wantonly and moan. Her fingers dug into the muscles of his back, and he growled, an animalistic sound that made something in her snap.

“Now,” she gasped.

He slammed into her
She nearly arched off the bed. His cock was heavy and thick, and even though she was about as wet as Niagara Falls, the feeling of being stretched open so wide was even more intense than she could have been imagined. She clutched at him dizzily.

He moved, pulling out almost all the way, until her pussy felt empty, and then thrust back in, filling her completely.

“Noah!” At the sound of his name, he growled again, and his pace quickened.

It was so good she almost couldn't stand it. She'd never felt anything in her life like Noah's cock moving inside her, bringing her even closer to the edge. It wasn't just good or great, it was
. Elise wrapped her legs around him, rocking her hips to take him in further.

“Yes!” The changed angle nearly made her eyes cross with pleasure. Every thrust sent sparks shooting through her body from her head to her toes. Every moment brought her higher and higher, until his teeth skimmed across the side of her neck, just threatening to bite down.

She cried out. Her climax washed over her in waves that took hold of her whole body. Spots swam before her eyes, and her mind went white with sheer pleasure.

As she came down from the high, her thighs started to tremble. Noah wasn't done yet; his thrusts extracted aftershocks of her orgasm, ripples of pleasure like tiny earthquakes in her center.

His teeth scraped harder against her throat, and she gasped, more in surprise than pain. He jerked away, lifting himself to his elbows so he was looking at her instead, and his thrusts became quicker, harder, more erratic. His jaw was clenched tight like he was denying himself some impulse. In response, Elise squeezed her thighs and rocked against him. There was nothing more she wanted than to see him come, to see him lose control for her.

A long, low groan slipped out of him, and his hips stuttered during his final few thrusts as he spilled into her. She squeezed tight, letting her muscles milk him for every last drop.

His forehead dropped to her chest, and his lips brushed her chest. A few drops of sweat fell from the tip of his nose.

A sleepy, blissful contentment stole over her as she stroked the back of his neck, his shoulders, his upper arms and back.

He lifted his head and kissed the bottom of her chin, making her giggle.

“I hope you don't mind if I invite myself to stay right here,” he murmured.

“I won't kick you out of your own bed,” she promised.

He went to the side, their bodies separating. He dropped a kiss on her nose, and one of his arms wound around her and pulled her against him.

“Are you worried?” he asked. “About your brother, and the Wild Dogs.”

Elise tucked her head into the crook of his neck and nodded.

He stroked her hair. “Don't be. We'll figure everything out tomorrow.”

“Do you trust me?”

Elise had never felt as safe as she did then, wrapped in Noah’s strong arms and listening to his reassurances.

“Yes,” she whispered.  She tucked her body closer to his, taking a leap of faith.


* * *


The smell of coffee—that heavenly, delicious nectar of the gods—was what woke Elise up.

“Mmm,” she murmured, breathing in the scent deeply but not opening her eyes.

A weight settled on the bed next to her, and Elise rolled toward it and cracked one eye open.

The sight of Noah arrayed in an apron and holding a tray greeted her.

“Is that what I think it is?” she asked. “Don’t tease me, now.”

He looked grave. “I would never. Coffee is serious business.”

“Damn straight.” Elise sat up, pulling the sheet over her torso. His eyes followed the gesture, dipping between the folds at what were clearly the outlines of her breasts. Smirking, she gestured toward the tray.

Hastily he jerked his eyes away. “I wasn’t sure how you take it, though, so I brought a little of everything.”

The tray, now laid out on her lap, was brimming with milk, cream, sugar, and every artificial sweetener known to mankind. There was even a little carton of soy milk.

“In case you’re vegan,” he said when he caught her eyeing it.

“I ate a jalapeño cheeseburger last night,” she pointed out, unable to stop the silly grin rising to her face.

“Or lactose-intolerant,” he added.

She giggled. She hadn’t known what he would do, how he would treat her or think of her after their one-night stand, but now she realized she had been afraid. Afraid that it was just a one-time thing. Instead, he was making her feel like a princess.

“I’m not lactose-intolerant,” she assured him, and reached for the milk and sugar. The aroma of the coffee was beyond enticing. But beneath that, behind it—

Elise sniffed. “Is that bacon?”

Noah smiled. “Sausage, I think. And more. If you come downstairs.”

“Did you cook breakfast for me?” she demanded, her words faint.

He looked evasive. “Maybe. Sort of. Come down and see.”

The prospect of breakfast, especially breakfast that someone else had made, made her get dressed like nothing else could. Noah kept his hand at the small of her back as they descended the stairs, reassuring her. The heavenly breakfast smells increased. She really hoped that it wasn't just some kind of duplicitous breakfast-scented candle. She was going to be very disappointed if it was. Surely Noah wouldn't be that cruel.

The sounds of conversation got louder, too.

“Who else is here?” she stage-whispered to Noah, her nervousness rising.

He grinned. “Some people I want you to meet.”

They passed through the waiting room, where Cecil was on one of the couches, still conked out and tucked into a blanket, and into a private room behind.

Elise gaped. It was a spacious, if plain, dining area and kitchen. There were six people sitting at a table that was large enough to seat ten at least. But what really got her goose was that the table was laid out with a veritable cornucopia of breakfast foods. Plates towered with sausages and scrambled eggs.

At Elise's entrance, a quiet “ooh” rose up from a few of the strangers. She felt herself turn pink.

“Everyone, this is Elise.” Noah hadn't taken his hand from her back. “Elise, this is everyone. Which is to say, this is the crew of Sweetwater Automotive.”

“Hi, Elise,” the group chorused. Several people shot knowing or amused looks at Noah. He returned them steadily.

“Come on, don't make me put on my chief hat. Introduce yourselves,” he chided.

One guy, who had been leaning back in his chair with a nonchalant, diffident air, gave her a winning smile that was charming enough to be not quite a leer and leaned toward her, nudging himself into her personal space. “I'm Tyler.”

Elise took his outstretched hand. He had bronze skin and blond hair that said he spent a lot of time outdoors—or with a spray tan kit and hair bleach. She shook his hand firmly. He held it for longer than was really necessary, letting go only when Noah shot him a glare.

“Nice to meet you,” she said, slipping her hand back into Noah's pointedly.

The introductions went around the table. She tried to assign everyone a memorable characteristic so she would remember their names later. She named Tyler
The Playboy

There was Oliver, who wore glasses and had dark hair that curled at the nape of his neck. Elise recognized a kindred spirit. He had a bit of a bookish air about him. She called him
The Nerd
in her head.

Next was Gabriel, whose brown hair was buzzed even shorter than Noah's. “I served with Noah in the Army,” he explained. Elise couldn't quite put her finger on it, but although he was perfectly friendly, there was something a little melancholy about him. Distant. She filed him under
The Lost Ex-Soldier

“I'm Will,” said the last man, with a brief wave from the other side of the table. His voice was quiet, but it carried easily across the chatter. He and the only other woman in the room were sitting with their chairs close together at one end of the table. She wondered if they were together, but then reconsidered her assessment. They resembled each other, both with strong jaws and straight black hair, though the woman was curvy while Will was more slim.

“And this is my sister Cam,” he added, jerking his head toward the woman in question while she was swallowing a bite. “Short for Cameron.” She didn't speak, but gave Elise an acknowledging chin-nod.

She wasn't quite sure how to classify these two, who seemed a bit distant from the rest of the group but close to each other; mentally she grouped them together under
The Siblings

Noah pulled out a chair for Elise and handed her a plate. “Dig in.”

The food tasted as good as it smelled. Everyone else seemed to be piling their plates high, so she followed suit.

“Is this normal?” she asked Noah in an aside.

“We do this every Monday before the shop opens,” he confirmed.

“We rotate,” Tyler chimed in. “Today was my day to make breakfast. I chose classic Americana.” He gestured at the table with a flourish, as if it held haute cuisine.

“I think you meant to say 'world's laziest breakfast’,” said Oliver dryly. “Given that scrambled eggs and sausage are about as simple as it gets when it comes to cooking. Except maybe toast.”

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