Bearview Bride (BBW Bear Shifter Paranormal Romance) (12 page)

She stumbled on into the night, tears beginning to blind her. She had failed him.

Chapter Ten

to keep things quiet until the next morning, when Adam related an overheard rumor at the breakfast table.

“She said
?” Dean shouted.

Logan turned to Cade. “Is this true?”

Cade sighed. “Unfortunately, it is.”

His six brothers stared back at him, incredulous.

“I know. It’s bad.” Cade took a deep breath. “Luckily, I smoothed things over with the couple. All I needed to do was comp the honeymoon cabin.”

Ethan covered his face with one hand.

“That’s just what we need right now,” Dean said, “less money.”

Cade held back a growl. “You weren’t there. That bride was awful.”

“It doesn’t matter. She could ask you to set up a dais for a human sacrifice, and you should say you’ll see what you can do.”

“Since you think you can do a better job, how about you take point at the next wedding?”

“I can’t believe this,” Jake said. “You’re actually defending her?”

Adam stabbed a fork into his eggs. “Cade’s gone soft for her. Isn’t that why you only interviewed one person for this job?”

“She was the only person who showed up to interview!” This was beginning to feel like so many childhood arguments—six against one.

“At least she didn’t say the bride was fat,” Sawyer said. “There’s no coming back from that.”

“This is only the second wedding she’s photographed,” Cade said, “and she made a mistake. I’m sure she won’t make it again.”

Adam crossed his arms. “She shouldn’t get a chance to make that big of a mistake again, because you should fire her.”

This time, Cade did growl. “I’m not firing her.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you wanted the lodge to make money, not lose it all.”

“Adam…” Cade’s bear was close to the surface, roaring to protect his mate. They couldn’t fight here, but if he got mad enough, his bear wouldn’t care.

“He’s right, Cade,” Ethan said. “How can we trust her now?”

The words were like a knife in his gut. Not even Ethan was on his side. He was alone.

“She’s a great photographer,” Cade said in low, measured tones to try and avoid riling his bear. “She made a mistake that she won’t repeat. We won’t find another photographer as good as she is.”

“We don’t need a great photographer,” Dean said. “We need someone who won’t piss off our guests.”

“Do you want the job, then? Any of you?” Cade stared at each of them in turn. “Do you want to have to deal with a bride’s insane demands? Do you want to make sure you don’t miss moments that can never be replicated? Do you even know how to edit photos?”

“I don’t mean one of us,” Dean muttered. “We should just get another photographer.”

“Great. Then put out an ad. Interview candidates. Draw up a contract for them.”

Dean shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “I don’t have time for that.”

“Neither do I,” Cade snapped. “But since I’m the one setting up the new lift system, you’ll have to find a new photographer if you’re so unhappy.”

“Damn, Cade,” Adam said. “Did you actually sit on a beehive this time? Is that why I hear buzzing?”

Cade fixed him with an unflappable stare. “I’m giving Tess one more chance. If any of you have a problem with that, you’re welcome to find another photographer yourself.”

“All right,” Jake said. “It’s obvious we aren’t going to change your mind. But you need to make it clear that this is also her last chance.”

Around the table, his brothers nodded.

Abandoning his rapidly cooling breakfast, Cade pushed back his chair. “I’ll inform her.” Rising, he strode out of the room.

Once he was out of earshot, Cade swore. He couldn’t make a habit of storming out. It made him feel like a petulant child.

Resigning himself, he went upstairs. Last night, Tess had been asleep—or pretending to be asleep—by the time the wedding had wound down. But she couldn’t sleep forever.

Cade stopped outside her door, raising his fist to knock. Damn. He should have brought her breakfast. When had she last eaten?

He thought about turning around, but he couldn’t go back to the kitchen. And he couldn’t put off talking to her. All he could do was rap twice on the door.

“Tess? It’s me. Can I come in?”

There was a mumble from within, which Cade decided to take as permission. Carefully, he opened the door.

Tess sat on her bed, her laptop lighting her face. The curtains were drawn. She winced when he flicked on the lights.

“Have you been up all night?” he asked.

“Only most of it.” She still hadn’t looked at him. Her focus was on the screen, her finger darting over the touchpad.

Unsure whether he was crossing a boundary, Cade eased himself onto the bed next to her.

Tess stiffened. “Are you going to yell at me?”


“I know you are. You can go ahead. I’m used to it.”

He peered at her. Was that a tear running down her cheek?

“I’m not going to yell at you. We both know what happened. Olivia isn’t an easy person to—” Cade looked at her screen. “Are you editing the photos you took last night?”

Tess nodded. “I wanted to get them done before you asked me to leave.”

Cade’s heart ached, as if someone had punched him in the chest. Though Tess was clearly trying to hide how terrible she felt, she wasn’t doing it well. The corner of her mouth trembled as he pulled an envelope out of his pocket.

“I’m not going to ask you to leave,” Cade said. “You’re an incredible photographer, and I wasn’t lying when I said we were lucky to have you. I think we got unlucky in a lot of ways last night, and I don’t think I have to tell you that nothing like this can ever happen again. Does that sound about right?”

She nodded miserably.

“Here.” Cade held out the envelope.

Warily, she took it.

“Open it,” he said.

She lifted the flap, gazing inside. Startled, she shut it instantly. “Cade!” Her eyes were wide. “There must be thousands of dollars in here!”

“Five thousand. For the whole summer, like I promised.”

She held the envelope out like it contained moose droppings. “But what if I screw up again? Or just run away with it?”

“I trust you.”


He laughed. “You’re a good photographer, and a good person. I haven’t known you that long, but I’ve seen how much you care about your work.” Cade folded her hand over the envelope. “You deserve another chance, Tess.”

She hung her head. “So does your family hate me now?”

“They don’t hate you.” Cade laid his hand over hers. “They aren’t especially happy right now, but they don’t hate you.”

“They should. I put your lodge in jeopardy. Olivia could leave such a scathing review, and keep brides from coming here for years. Cade, I’m so sorry. It’s just…” She trailed off as tears began to fall in her lap.

“Just what?” Cade brushed a falling tear away with one finger. He didn’t want her to cry.

She took a shuddering breath. “Weddings are… painful for me. It’s supposed to be a special day, and the bride and groom usually are very happy—on that day. I’ve seen my parents’ wedding photos. They looked happy too, until they weren’t anymore. I saw that same look on the faces of the couples I’ve photographed, and it felt like I was documenting the last happy day of their lives, because who stays in love forever?”

Tess paused, closing her eyes. “Every time I photograph a bride coming down the aisle, I want to grab her arm, to yell at her to stop. I want to tell her that marriage is a terrible decision, because love doesn’t last.”

“You don’t think love can last?”

She looked up at him with those dark amber eyes, almost rebellious. “I’ve never seen it.”

A lock of hair fell over her face, and Cade couldn’t help but reach out and tuck it behind her ear. She looked so radiant in this moment, even though she was full of doubt and dread. He wished he could ease her pain, her fear. More than anything, he wanted to make her believe in love again.

Cade took both her hands in his. “Tess Holt, you may not believe in love, but I do. And I love you.”

She stared at him, disbelieving. “What?”

“You heard me.” Leaning forward, he kissed her.

She hesitated for the barest second, then gave in, pressing her lips to his.

Cade’s bear roared his approval.

Her flesh was soft beneath his fingers. He held tight, greedy for her. Her hands found his back, pulling him closer.

Cade was all too happy to oblige.

Her lips were warm, needy against his. Her tongue darted out to taste him, and Cade thought he might lose control right there. Taking as deep a breath as he dared, he reined in his bear. The beast would kill the mood if it erupted onto her bed. Cade focused on the scent of her hair, like wildflowers after a summer rain. It soothed him like nothing ever had before.

Tess’s lips were insistent on his. She tasted sweeter than honey.

Cade could take no more. With one motion, he pulled her into his arms.

Her hands working quickly, Tess tore off his shirt. Cade’s breath came shallow as he returned the favor. His hands trembled as he unhooked her bra. It fell to the floor, but he didn’t notice. He was captivated by her soft curves, the swell of her breasts. All he needed in the world was to see the rest of her.

Sweeping her low, he laid her on the bed.

“Wait!” She sat bolt upright. “Cade, my laptop. I don’t want it to fall.”

Impatient, Cade moved it to the top of the dresser. He was kneeling on the bed when Tess rose again. “My camera’s right there. Be careful!”

Enough of this. Scooping her up, Cade strode into the hall. He brought her inside his room, then kicked the door closed. Laying her on the bed, he rolled on top of her. He was careful to keep his weight off her, but he needed her in his arms. Cade planted kisses on her neck and breasts, reveling in every inch of her. He was going to make her his.

All he had to do now was get rid of the pesky formal pants she was still wearing from last night. Rearing back, he undid her zipper and slid them off. He pulled her underwear off too, tossing everything on the floor. She lay bare before him. He couldn’t help the low, satisfied growl that escaped him. He had never seen anyone more delectably curvy.

“Cade.” She propped herself up on her elbows. “Are you sure—”

He silenced her with a kiss. “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my entire life.”




Tess stared as Cade leaned back, abs rippling, and took off his jeans. Even while distracted by the task, he didn’t seem able to take his eyes off of her. Tess felt herself blush. When had any man ever looked at her like that?

Cade hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his boxers, pulling them down. Tess almost couldn’t believe the size of the cock that was standing at attention. While Cade was a large man, she still hadn’t expected it to be so huge. It should have scared her, but it only made her want him more.

There was a hint of animal lust in his eyes as he settled over her. His chest was pressed to hers, and his cock slid between her thighs. It seared her, and she could swear she felt it pulse in anticipation.

Someone was breathing raggedly. It took her a moment to realize that she was hearing herself. This felt like a dream. Even though she was almost certain it was actually happening, she still struggled to fathom why someone as ruggedly handsome as him would want a girl like her.

He cupped her breasts in his hands, kissing them softly. His breath was hot against her. Cade looked up at her, brown eyes fervent. “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?”

Tess didn’t know how to respond to that. She was about to say something self-deprecating when he put his lips to hers. Once again, she was lost in his touch.

She put her hands on his strong back, caressing him. If she was being honest with herself, she’d wanted him ever since he pulled her out of that stream. It was just so hard to believe that he wanted her back. He was such a good man—did she even deserve him?

Cade lowered an arm, slipping one hand between her legs. He found her wetness, driving all thought from her mind. Tess gasped as he stroked her, his fingers curling upward and making her buck against him.

She was almost embarrassed to be so slick for him, but then he moaned, burying his face in her shoulder. He curled his fingers even faster, until she was writhing beneath him. His every motion sent shockwaves of pleasure through her.

“Cade,” she gasped, “shouldn’t you stop?”

“Why would I do that?” His voice was a rumble in her ear.

She could barely manage to form words. “If you don’t, I’m going to come right here.”

With two fingers, he slowly slid into her wetness. “Good.”

It was too much. Tess moaned as spasms tore through her. Cade kept stroking her until her shaking subsided. Then he held her as her breathing steadied. Tess felt so good in his arms, but she wanted more. She wanted all of him.

Gazing into his eyes, she spread her legs for him.

He stared at her. “Are you sure?”

Tess wrapped a hand around his cock. “Fuck me, Cade.”

He didn’t need to be told twice. Tess guided him to her entrance, and he plunged in.

Cade was so big that he drove the breath from her lungs. Tess clutched at the sheets, her fingers tangling in the fabric. She was wet enough that he slid in easily, despite his size. Still, he was larger than Tess had ever imagined. He went deeper, deeper, until she was full with him.

Tess grabbed his shoulders, her fingers convulsing on his skin. She couldn’t breathe for the waves of pleasure he was sending through her. His cock deep inside her felt
, more than anything had before. He completed her, and she wanted only to satisfy him.

“Tess,” he groaned, “you feel so good.”

She wanted to tell him that he was wrong, that he was the one who felt so good, but she seemed to have lost the ability to speak. Instead, she wrapped her legs around his waist. She needed all of him, as deep as she could take him.

Cade let out an animal noise that only made her wetter. His face in the crook of her neck, he slid his hands under her ass. He grabbed her, fingers hot on her flesh, pulling her closer to him. Tess couldn’t help the sounds that escaped her, wild sounds of need. Cade thrust harder, faster, until she thought she might black out from sheer ecstasy.

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