Beast Planet 1: Captive Surrender (14 page)

“Does this mean we can not have bud?” Morrdrook dropped onto his knees before
me, pressing his nose into my lower belly and inhaling.

“No, I don’t know. I mean, it means we missed my first fertility cycle. Good news is after my period finishes… a few days after means I'll be fertile. We can try again.”

I saw the concern in his gaze. My stomach pitched as if on a boat with five foot waves. Reaching out I stroked my hand over his face.

“Until someone get’s pregnant, then we won’t really know if human and
can have babies together.”

“No matter to me, I won’t let them take my
. I fight to death against
, you mine. No want to live without my
.” His arms around my waist tightened, his words stuck a deep cord within, waking me up to the fact I slowly, day by day, have been falling in love with him.

I stroked a comforting hand through his hair,
against the emotions swirling within. I can’t love him. Why? The question pounded down with the force of a hammer blow in my mind. I knew why. After already loosing so much from my life, just like Morrdrook, I would have no will
to live without him. It scared the hell out of me.


* * * *

A few days later, I was relieved to find I wasn’t the only one who started their period, made me feel guilty, for knowing I wasn’t the only on
e in such a desperate situation or facing the prospect of the Druel killing us for not getting pregnant.

I gave credit to the strength and determination of the
men, hearing many of them vow to try harder to impregnate their women. From the grins on the women’s faces, they were willing to let them.

Morrdrook was so sweet to cut up a cloth I could use as padding until my bleeding passed. Once it did, Morrdrook took his duty towards me even more seriously. I could barely walk, let alone have strength left for anything else. Heck, if I was going to die, this was how I wanted to go, death by countless orgasms.

Those who didn’t get their periods were watched expectantly, the whole place holding its breath waiting for news—good or bad.

The days became a repetitive pattern of training, eating and fighting in the arena. The free time
when Morrdrook wasn’t making love to me, we talked about each other's home. It was strange how time spent with Morrdrook seemed like no time at all.

It was breakfast, the day of the final battle with the Hurl beasts, when Joan broke her news.

“I’m pregnant

he blurted out when
pulled her onto his lap, a beaming smile of pride across his white face. She glanced up at him and smiled.

Both Abby I stared at her in stunned silence.

“How do you know?” Abby beat me to the question.

have, um, scanners;
ou need to ask the octopus robots. They scanned me and well…”

didn't start
her period either and glanced at
“I want to check, too.”

He nodded and helped her from the bench. I sighed heavily, watching them walk away. Before pulling my attention back to Joan, my head spun with the uncertainty of whether to congratulate the couple or burst into tears.

“At least we now know it's possible, congratulations.” I managed after a moment, knowing she secured a chance of living.

arm wrapped around me, lifted and sat me on his lap. I leaned into the security and warmth of his body. He kissed the top of my head.

“We will have our own, patience, my
.” He rumbled softly near my ear. I nodded, swallowing down the heart-sized lump in my throat. My mind swirled with doubts. What if I couldn’t get pregnant as easily as Joan?

“Tonight is our last battle. We have more to fight for than our own breath.” Morrdrook looked directly at
proud face.

“More to protect, this time we try harder.”

I had a small inkling of what they were talking about; both Joan and I glanced between our men.

“Soon brother, first we kill the beasts, then we plan.”

“It will be good to go home.”

“What are you talking about?” I studied
hardened expression.

“Talk later, when arrive home, must have silence.” He nodded towards one of the hovering bots in the meal room. Curious, but also sensible, I shut my mouth and nodded. My questions can wait.

Morrdrook picked up my
, strawberry
cube. “Must eat, keep up strength.”

I had the sudden urge to giggle, knowing how much strength I needed to keep up with
hungry sexual appetite. He was becoming more than my tower of strength and comforting presence, he is an addiction. Every touch, every kiss, every slide of his cock deep
my body, I couldn’t get enough.

I accepted the food from his
like I did
the first day he fed me, only this time my smile was seductive. God, I wanted him again.

It was harder to spot under the artificial lighting in the meal room, but I felt a thrill when I noticed his skin markings glowing.

“We have training, be good, my
.” He dropped his tone, but I heard the husky arousal.

Abby and
reappeared, and from the grin on both their faces, everyone knew they, too, succeeded.

“Congratulations.” I smiled feeling better about her and Joan’s pregnancies, but more worried about my own situation. I wiggled off
lap when
lifted Abby to the bench beside me.

I embraced my friend and she clasped me tight. “Don’t worry
Anna, I’m sure you’ll be next.”

I nodded, smiling brightly to hide the turmoil churning inside.

“I haven’t given up hope, yet.”

tugged me from Abby’s embrace and lifted me off the seat. “Have small time before training.”

I smiled, knowing exactly what he wanted and I threw my arms around his neck. The rest of the universe forgotten, I stared into his eyes aflame with a passion, which never seemed to die.

My heart thumped in my chest and I couldn’t deny the truth, no matter how I tried. I loved my big, alien gladiator.






Chapter Twelve


The familiar gut churning wait outside the arena never got any better. I leaned against the wall with Joan and Abby, watching our heavily armoured and weaponed
men. The grand final was here—the battle with the Hurl beasts. Every remaining fighter
was ordered to

The activity around the fighters' quarters ramped up
Morrdrook said the whole planet of the
was preparing for hibernation mode. All their advanced technology also accounted for a sophisticated, planetary defence system, in case some neighbouring, space faring planet decided to attack and plunder during their inactive period.

someone would; this
needed to be taken down, one way or another. Half the galaxy was at their mercy.

told me about the tall trees of the forest on
, fresh air and sunshine.
They live in huts called Domiciles; it sounds quaint and peaceful.”

I smiled, even though Morrdrook told me similar stories of the
home world, it was nice to hear Joan’s eager voice. She changed so much from the angry woman she once was.

A dozen Octo bots whizzed into the waiting area
everyone looked up, hearing the familiar humming sound. Strange, I've never seen so many in here
prior to a
battle before.

Used to seeing all sorts of robots and machines moving about, no one was particularly concerned, until they started towards us. Morrdrook and the other
quickly surround us, blocking the machines path. It tweeted at the
men in the same
language none of the human women understood.

A chill of fear trickled down my spine, making my body break out in a cold sweat, watching all the men tense, their hands near their weapons. “No,” growled Morrdrook; he shook his head, but never took his eyes off the bots.

What's going on?
“They stay in the observation cage

Morrdrook said.

More robots
some of them I
seen before, rolling on one
thick, black wheel; I didn't have any idea how they balanced with such a heavy arsenal of weapons on the upper part of the machine. I swallowed hard, hearing the whine of the charging energy weapons pointed at our men standing protectively in front of us.

I shifted forward laying a hand on
arm. “What going on?”

“They want to take you, I not let them.”

“Why do they want to take us, what will they do?” There was no way I would let Morrdrook get killed for something which could be easily avoided.

“They want all
with no bud growing inside.” I heard the barely suppressed rage in
low voice and standing this close to him I
his marks glowing.

My fear spiked into cold, hard dread;
shit they weren’t going to keep their word
. They were going to kill us anyway. “
hey said they would give us time, another four months.”

Several weeks passed since my first period and I was due another soon
for all I knew I could be pregnant this time. Unless the
knew something I didn’t.

I pushed my fear aside to ask. “Why? What are they going to do with us?”

“Not have you.”

I gripped his arm, realising he was going to fight tooth and nail to stop them from taking us, but against the
machines, he didn’t stand a chance. I witnessed them take down three, huge
who tried fighting several
for other human women. When the
rage turned on the machines, they shot them with high pulsed, electric volts. It didn’t kill them, but the
couldn’t move for several hours afterward.

I wouldn’t let him get hurt because of me. If this was how it was meant to be, then so be it. The depth of my love for Morrdrook knew no bounds; even scared witless, I would give my life for him.

“I’ll go.”

His head whipped down, anger gleamed in his blue gaze. “No.”

“Morrdrook, be sensible. If you fight them they may kill you and I will be given to another. Is this what you want?”

I felt the anger pulsing from his pores; he glared down at me. “If we surrender, then we have a chance of living and being together again. I'm brave and you're strong
I know you’ll find a way to get me back. I trust you as much as I love you.” I whispered my last, few words.

His gaze softened, turning to sweep me into his arms, his mouth hot and desperate.

“Sometime, you too smart, my
His voice rough with emotion.
“My heart yours in this life and next.
I will find you. You mine.”

“I know.” I smiled against his lips, before he set me on my feet.

It took a hell of a lot of will power to tug from the safety of his arms.

“I fight for you
, no one else.” His declaration helped sooth my strung nerves,
I stepped forward, surrendering to the bots.


One of the octo bots zoomed in and clicked a collar around my neck. Yanking me forward, I stumbled. Sobbing, the other women stepped out from behind their men after soft words from them.

I turned away, the tears stinging the back of my eyes, before welling and spilling down my cheeks.
I can’t let him see
. Whatever the
were planning, I didn’t care as long as Morrdrook stayed safe.

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