Beautiful Goodbye (2 page)

Read Beautiful Goodbye Online

Authors: Chandin Whitten

Tags: #Romance

I could tell
this was building up into a family fight, and I didn't want that
for our last night at home.

"Are we all
about finished? If we want to leave at the ass crack of dawn we
need to get home so I can get my beauty sleep."

After settling
the bill Gage and I rode together in his truck. Turning to look at
Gage I asked, "Gage, you ok?"

"Fine. Why?"
Gage snapped.

"Liar. I know
when you’re upset."

"Not upset
Jenna," Gage spoke with a tight voice.

"And that's
how I know you’re upset. You never call me Jenna, ever. Unless
you’re upset or pissed."

"Just tired of
my parents pushing my dreams to the side. They think I need to
focus on school and forget about ball, they don't see what a big
part football is in my life."

"Gage, they
love you and want to you see happy. I think you should focus on
what makes you happy and do that. If it's school and following in
your dad's footsteps and being a lawyer then great but if its
football and going to the NFL and winning the Superbowl then do it.
Go for it and prove everyone wrong."

"I knew you
were my best friend for a reason. I love you, babe."

"Love you

"I'll be over
at five so your ass better be ready,” Gage said slapping my

"Ay ay
captain." I saluted him.

Gage hugged me
and kissed the top of my head. "Night, babe."


I went into my
house and found my parents sitting on the couch while Mac was on
her phone and Kota played on his Nintendo DS.

all set now?" My mom asked looking up at me.

"Yep, Gage
said he would be here at five so I think I'm going to go to bed.
Not looking forward to driving all day tomorrow."

"Ok honey. Try
to get some sleep and we will see you in the morning,” My mom

I walked into
the living room to hug my brother, knowing he would not want to
wake up in the morning to say bye. "Bye Kota. Be good and stay out
of trouble. I love you punk."

"Love you
too." Kota squeezed me hard then kissed my cheek.

I walked over
to Mac saying, "Give me a hug."

"Nope, not
saying bye. I want you to wake me up in the morning before you

"You sure?
It's going to be early."

"Yep. I will
see you bright and early."

"Ok, well
night guys." I walked out of the room and up the stairs. I went
into the bathroom to take a shower before I went to bed. I was
pulling a towel out when my phone went off. I had a text from

Gage: 1 last sleep over?


Gage: 1 last shebang before we leave

u realize we will be having a sleepover every night when we

Gage: not the same. so what do u say?

im getting in the shower. txt you when im done.

Gage: u know what they say. save water & shower

lame. not happening

Gage: we used 2

when we were like 4!

Gage: we have the same parts as we did then

not happening sir. txt u n a few

I put my phone
back on the counter and stepped into the shower. I took a longer
shower than normal letting the hot water soak into my muscles. When
the water started turning cold I got out and wrapped myself in a
towel. I walked across the hall and into my room. Without turning
the light on, I walked to my window, and I saw Gage sitting in his
chair playing his guitar. Our windows were across from each other.
I stood there watching him for a while before pulling myself away
to get dressed. As I was pulling my shirt over my head my phone
went off again.

Gage: if u didnt watch me like a stalker u could have been
dressed by now

whatever. get ur ass over here so we can go 2 sleep. some psycho is
making me wake up at the ass crack of dawn 2moro

Gage: hater. b there in 5

I walked back
to the bathroom, grabbed my sister’s brush and ran in through my
hair. I put my lotion and pajamas on, shut off the light and
returned to my room. I lay down on my bed waiting for Gage. I heard
the front door open and heard voices downstairs. I rolled over, so
my back was to the door, and I shut my eyes.

"Hey babe,
scoot over."

I turned my
head to look at him. He was shirtless and staring down at

"You going to
move over or am I going to have to move you?"

"Cool your
jets, maybe if you weren't so big you wouldn't have a problem
getting in,” I said.

"Not the first
time I've heard that," Gage smirked.

"Ew! Get away
dirty ass. Go back to your own bed."

happening, now scoot!" Gage said leaning down to get into my

I grumbled as
I moved over so Gage could lie down. I felt my bed dip as he got
into bed. I rolled to face him, and rested my head on his

"I'm going to
miss this." I said tilting my head to look at Gage.

"What?" He

"Our snuggle
time, how close we are."

"Babe, we will
always be close."

"No, what
happens when you meet some sexy chick and I meet some hot

"We tell them
we are a package deal. But I already have a sexy chick and I'm not
looking for a girlfriend. You know that’s not me." Gage ran his
fingers through my hair.

"We are a
package deal but I mean most people don't get us. And maybe you’re
not looking for a girl now but what about in the

"Babe, you’re
the only girl who will ever be in my life forever. You know I'm not
the settle down type. Besides I can only handle so many hormones
and you’re like a fuckin factory."

"Have I
mentioned you’re an ass?"

"Maybe once or
twice. Now go to sleep. You need all the beauty sleep you can


Gage kissed my
forehead, "Night, hormonal Helga." I could hear the smile in his

"Goodnight Mr.

I woke to the
alarm on my phone going off. I rolled over shutting it off, "Gage
get up." He didn't move. He has always been hard to wake up, "Wake
up!" I said a little louder. Still nothing. I lightly smacked his
shoulder, "Damn Gage, wake the hell up!"

"Chill babe,
I'm up." Gage slowly opened his eyes trying to focus, "What time is

"Five dumbass,
the time you told me to get up."

"Grumpy," Gage
grumbled as he got out of bed. "Well come on lets go, get up and
get ready. Times a-wastin'."

I rolled out
of bed, grabbed my jean shorts and tank top, and I walked into the
bathroom to get myself ready. After I was done I opened the door
and walked back to my room where Gage was sitting in my chair
playing on his phone.

"Hell! You’re
not seriously wearing that are you?"

I looked down
at myself, I thought I looked fine. "Um yes, why? What’s wrong with

"Are you
kidding me? Your ass is hanging out and I see more of your boobs
than I don't see."

seriously? Its shorts and a tank top. What would you like me to
wear, sweatpants and a hoodie?"

"I'm fine with

"No way! It's
hot as hell outside and I look fine. Now let’s go."

Gage mumbled
something under his breath before standing and shuffling out of my
room. I could already tell he was in a mood and I was in no mood to
deal with him. Joy.

"Sweetie I
want you to call me as soon as you get there, I don't care what
time it is. Please be safe. This is your first time driving by
yourself all the way to Columbus. Oh why couldn't you go to a
college closer to home? I hate that you’re so far away."

I let out a
little sigh and hugged my mom tighter, "Mom, I will be fine. I will
call you the moment we park. Don't worry about me."

Dad pulled me
into a hug, "That will never happen. We will always worry about
you, whether you’re eighteen or forty-eight. We just don't want you
hurt again, after everything you have been through, we

I felt my
tears building up. "Dad, I promise I will be fine. No one will ever
hurt me that way again, I won't let it happen."

After a few
more hugs and tears Gage and I were in our vehicles and on our way
back to college life. Lynyrd Skynyrd blared through my speakers. We
didn't make it ten minutes and my phone was ringing. "What

"Nothing just

pathetic, we haven't been gone ten minutes and you’re already
bored? What the hell are you going to do for thirteen and a half

"Well I'm
hoping when we get on the interstate we run into some

"You’re such a
guy. I'm going now. Don't call again unless it’s something

"Don't hate
the player. Peace."

I tossed my
phone into the cup holder and turned my radio up, blaring Green
Day. We drove for almost an hour before my phone rang

I answered,
"Yes dear?"


I let out a
small sigh, "Gage I can see you, why the hell would I miss

"Don't try to
hide your feelings. Anyway, I wanted to see if you were ready to
stop and eat. I'm hungry."

"Eh not
feeling food, too early. But I'm up for coffee."

"Ok I’ll
search for a Starbucks. Just follow me."

"Sir, yes

"Over and

I tossed my
phone into my purse and followed Gage to the closest Starbucks. I
pulled into a parking space next to him and got out.

"What do you
want babe?"

"Usual please.
I need to dig through the box in my backseat and find the
directions to our new place. I forgot and packed them. I was being
rushed by some asshole."

"Ha ha, funny.
Be back in a few. Just the Caramel Mocha?"


As Gage walked
into Starbucks I began to dig through the box for the piece of
paper I needed. As I was pulling it out Gage walked up and handed
me my coffee. He snatched the paper from my hands and looked it

"Hmm I think
we will be close to Jenson and Trent."

"Really?" I
asked with a little flush creeping up my cheeks. Trent Slone and I
had a thing last year, sex was great...relationship not so much.
Our sex was wallbanging, headboard grabbing, off the charts hot.
Maybe living near him would have its perks.

"Don't be
gettin any ideas. Last I heard he was back with Tori." Gage’s voice
was stern, not something I was used to.

"No ideas.
Trent and I had a thing for a minute, no biggie."

"Yeah, looks
like it."

"Whatever, can
we get back on the road?"

"Chill babe.
Get your ass in the car and follow me."

"What do you
think I have been doing?" I was slowly losing my

Gage grabbed
both my hands pulling me into him, "Relax and enjoy the drive. This
will be the last quiet you get."

"Sorry, I'm a
bitch. You should be used to it by now." I hugged him.

"Oh I am. I
just hate when you’re not smiling. I love to see you happy." Gage
leaned down kissing the top of my head.

"I know. I’m
sorry, now can we go?"


I followed
Gage for hours and hours. I hated this drive. It was boring. We
decided to stop in Nashville to grab something to eat then we were
on our way again. Only six hours left but it seemed like we had six
days left. After driving for what seemed like forever we pulled
into a large parking lot outside the Tribeca apartment

I got out of
my car and walked to Gage's truck. I opened the door, "So what do
you think?"

"Nice babe.
But after driving all day all I want to do is order dinner and have
a few of the guys over. I will be more excited about the apartment

"Ok well I
have the keys so let’s go." I couldn't help the little pep in my
step as we walked to our new apartment.

"You’re such a

"Just one of
the many reasons why you love me."


I opened the
front door and I was amazed. The place was huge and brand spakin’
new! I couldn't believe this was home, well for the next twelve

Looking around
I saw two doors to my right, opening the first I saw it was a coat
closet. Closing that door I opened the next door and I was in awe.
It was a huge walk-in pantry. I walked in a little farther and saw
our new kitchen, stainless steel, dark wood cabinets, and granite
countertops. There was a bar separating the kitchen from the living
room with cabinets above, creating a cafe effect. A few steps past
the kitchen was the living room and dining room. To the right there
were three doors, all open. One was the laundry room, one Gage's
room, and the other a bathroom.

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