Read Beautiful Lies Online

Authors: Sharlay

Beautiful Lies (3 page)

“I remember,” I say as the images slowly fill my head competing with the memories of my dream.

“You do?”

“Up until getting out of the car to buy the wine, yes. After that, no; I don’t remember anything except waking up in this hospital bed. What exactly happened?”

“Let’s talk about it later. I’m just glad to have you back. If I’m honest, I’d rather just forget that it ever happened.” I see the emotions in his eyes as he pleads with me. I nod my head.
sounds like a perfect plan right now.


But I was about to learn how hard
would truly be....








he message on my phone read...


Be home by 6:30pm, don’t be late ;)


I had been excited from the moment that I’d seen it. But then, my heart jumps anytime that Taylor’s name appears on my phone. He has a way of doing that; a way that I have grown to love about him.

I unlock the door of our apartment. I feel a gust of air leave my mouth as I see the red petals scattered neatly on the floor. They make a path, probably to the bedroom. I feel the smile widen my lips as I shut the door behind me, wondering where he is. Bending down, I retrieve the neatly folded note from the floor. I open it up eagerly, reading every word...


Find me in the bedroom...


I don’t waste any time; the excitement won’t let me. My fingertips gently nudge the door open. A slight feeling of disappointment fills me as I realize that he is not there. I walk into the empty bedroom and stare down at the bed that we share every night. I miss him. I miss him all the time. Lying on the bed is the most beautiful blue dress that I have ever seen. I should know, since I pointed it out to him a couple of weeks ago in a store window that we were passing. He remembered. I smile. Leaning down, I pick up the note lying on top of the dress. Unfolding it, I discover two simple words...


Wear me...


It’s beautiful. It’s sleeveless and the bodice is decorated completely in shiny blue sequins. The bottom half puffs out slightly. I can’t wait to put it on. Lying next to it is a pair of tiny silver earrings and a blue, sequin covered purse. My eyes shift to the floor, where a pair of blue heeled, open toe shoes are.

It takes no time for me to strip down my clothes and jump in the shower. I can just about concentrate with the levels of excitement that are racing through my body. Still, I welcome the hot beads of water as they run down every inch of my tiny frame. I have no idea what is going to happen tonight but I know that it will be something that I’ve never done before. I can guarantee that.

By the time that I am finally ready, the clock reads seven twenty and I have no idea where Taylor is or what I’m supposed to do next. The blue dress fits like it was made for me. Everything is just right. I let the locks of my brown hair cascade down my right shoulder, leaving one earring and half of my neck on display. Taylor loves seeing my neck. I walk down the hall to look at myself in the full length mirror on the wall. I smile as I read the note stuck on the glass...


You look beautiful...go outside.


I follow the instructions easily. Opening the front door, my eyes widen as I see the white limo parked outside our home. I giggle to myself, remembering that I told him that I hated black limos since they reminded me of funerals. I lock the door behind me as I take several measured steps toward the car, unsure of what to do next.

“Ms Carter.” The voice causes me to jump. My eyes swing in the direction of the voice, to find a well dressed man in his late fifties. Tipping his hat slightly, he opens the back door of the limo and gestures for me to get inside. I obey. I don’t know him but I feel safe because Taylor sent him. “Not long now,” he states, before gently closing the door, leaving me alone once again. My eyes scan the white leather interior of the car as I take a deep breath. I hear the soothing sound of Jazz music playing in the background and get comfortable in my seat. My hands find the hem of my dress, tugging it down nervously.

I watch the outside world whizz by as we drive to the unknown destination. My stomach flutters from a mix of nerves and excitement. I close my eyes and smile as I think about the many outcomes of the night ahead. I’m jerked out of my thoughts as a ping alerts me of a new message. I pull out my phone and see Taylor’s name. The flutter in my stomach returns.


Paige Carter...I was just stood here setting up everything for tonight and I just realized something...I’m completely in love with you!


I burst out laughing.


“Is everything ok?” The driver asks, his voice laced with concern.

“Yes, sorry.” I mutter as I feel my cheeks burning up.



I draw my attention back to my phone and begin typing my own message.


And here’s me thinking you already knew...


I did but it hit a ton of bricks.


Did it hurt?


Like hell, baby ;)


I look down at our conversation and laugh before I realize that the car has stopped moving. I wait in anticipation, staring at the door, wondering who will open it. I am a little disappointed to see the driver again. He holds out his hand for me and I take it politely.

“Thank you,” it comes out as a whisper.

I take my chance to look around. It is the middle of the night and we are standing on a deserted beach. It is beautiful. It’s still warm but the goose bumps cover my arms anyway. That’s when I spot it--the table lit by a single candle; it’s stunning. I catch my breath, my eyes scanning every inch of the scene ahead of me.

“I can take it from here, James, thanks,” I recognize his voice straight away. My toes curl and my body tingles all over. Every inch of me feels warm. I don’t move; I’m frozen. I feel him as he moves closer behind me. “Take your shoes off,” he whispers gently in my ear. I do, without question. I smile, unwittingly. I can’t help it, it just happens. My body knows him, responds to him.

“Walk with me, Paige,” I feel the warmth of his hand as it mingles with mine. I feel at home.

“You don’t have any bruises,” I say as we walk along the sand.

“Why would I?” He looks confused.

“From the ton of bricks,” I chuckle.

I see the smile tug at the sides of his mouth but he holds it back. We continue walking forward in a comfortable silence. The feel of his thumb drawing circles on the back of my hand calms me. It feels good. I feel the warm breeze lifting the strands of my hair through the night air. The sand feels so soft between my toes and every couple of steps I wiggle them, letting it fall through them like a waterfall. Everything feels surreal. I catch a glimpse of his midnight black hair, blowing in the wind out of the corner of my eye, and his dark eyes are watching me, so intensely. They are always watching me. Claiming me a little bit more every time that we meet. As we reach the table, he turns me toward him and pulls me dangerously close.

“Care to join me for dinner, Ms Carter?” he whispers as he stares into my eyes.

“I do.” I reply playfully.

“Good,” he says, turning me to face the open water.

“It’s beautiful,” I gasp. He nods, before I feel the slight touch of his lips on my neck. They linger there for what feels like endless minutes until he breaks the contact that my body desires so intensely.

“Here,” he says, pulling out one of the chairs at the table.

Smoothing down the back of my dress, I take a seat. I feel the chair sink slightly into the sand before I make myself comfortable. He sits across from me, hands under his chin, scanning my face with his eyes.

“This is amazing.”

He just smiles, before his eyes flit to something over my shoulder. I turn to see a girl carrying two plates covered with silver cloches. I turn my gaze toward Taylor, eyes wide with surprise.

“How do you manage to plan these things?” I chuckle.

His answer is interrupted.

“Dinner is served, enjoy.” One simple sentence and she disappears into the night.

“Wow.” I whisper to myself. I sit, smiling at him for a few seconds before he breaks the silence.

“Before we eat I just want to say sorry.”

“For what?” I ask.

“The dress,” he says sincerely, as his hand traces each one of my fingers slowly from across the table.

I look at him in confusion.

“For getting it dirty,” he continues.

I look at the dress quickly before my puzzled eyes meet his again.

“It’s not dirty.” It comes out more like a question than a statement. He takes a deep breath. He pauses before picking up his glass of wine and taking a long, drawn out sip. He places it back down leisurely, before raising his eyes to meet mine. I feel my stomach fluttering again.

“No, but I’m going to make love to you on this beach, on the sand, tonight. Your dress is going to get dirty, Paige, and for that, I am sorry...”

My eyes widen with shock, excitement and an intense passion that only Taylor ignites inside my soul.



“I’m here,” I whisper.


“Yes, Taylor?”

I hear a groan and then I feel movement. My eyes snap open and reality hits me like a
ton of bricks
. I sit up, clutching on to the sheets on my bed and stare at him. He is sat on the edge of the bed staring at me. His eyes are sad. I did that.

“Sorry to disappoint,” he says softly.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper but he’s already walking away. He’s leaving the room.

“Rick, I’m sorry,” I mutter to his back.

I lie back down and stare at the ceiling in frustration. I look over at the clock.
2:33 am.
I was dreaming...again. The same heartbreaking feeling fills my stomach and I feel sick.
It was just a dream. Taylor isn’t real.

I slide my feet over the side of the bed. I go in search of Rick. When I find him he’s sat on the loveseat in the living room. It’s dark and I can just about make out his face. I stroll, haltingly toward the seat in front of him. I sit down and close my eyes. Five silent minutes pass. I listen to the wind blowing outside of the window and the creaks of our home in the silence of the night. Even the sound of my own beating heart fills my ears as we sit silently. I slowly open my eyes and just stare at him. I don’t know what to say, I never do.

“I’m sorry-”

“Don’t,” it’s a quiet but stern reply. “I can’t listen to you telling me that it’s not your fault again. I’m tired of it, Paige.”

“But it’s the truth. I didn’t ask for this anymore than you did,” I whisper.

“It’s been a year, Paige. A whole year and you’re fantasizing about some other man-”

“They’re not fantasies, Rick, they are dreams.”

“What’s the difference?”

“The difference is I didn’t choose this. Just like you,
didn’t choose it. You think that I enjoy watching you suffer like this?”

“No, but I think that you love him.” My body goes cold and I feel sick. I feel tingles in my hands and feet and I want to run out of the room. “Do you?” He continues.

“Why are you doing this?”

“Answer the question, Paige.”

“Rick, I love
Please don’t do this...”

“Do you love him? Yes or no?”

“Rick, I can’t. This isn’t fair and you know it. This isn’t going to solve anything-”

“Answer the question!”

“Yes!” I scream before I even realize what I am saying.

He gets up.

“Rick, wait, please,” I can feel the warm tears racing down my cheeks as I follow behind him.

“I’m sleeping in here tonight,” he says as he enters the doorway of the spare bedroom.

“Rick, I’m sorry, I...” I can’t find the right words.

“We’ll talk in the morning. I can’t do this now, please,” his eyes are pleading with me and I can see his heart breaking before my very eyes. I nod before he gently closes the door.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper. I turn my body and lean my back against the wall. I slowly slide down until I hit the floor. I bring my knees up to my chest, creating my own cocoon of pain, and then I cry. I know that Rick can hear me. I know that he won’t come out but I don’t care. I cry because I do love Taylor. I cry because he’s not real. I cry because Rick is real. I cry because he is hurting. I cry because I caused his pain. I cry because I have no idea how to fix it. I cry because my tears are all the words that my heart cannot say.






feel his eyes on me but I don’t move. I keep my eyes closed and stay perfectly still. I hear the sound of a heavy breath leaving his mouth as he steps closer to me. The bed underneath me rises as he takes a seat. I feel the warmth of his hand stroking my face and I feel safe. He moves the hair behind my ear and his hand lingers on my cheek. Still, I pretend to sleep. I don’t know what to say, so I say nothing. He sits staring at me. I can’t see him but I can
him. Sadness fills my heart, knowing that I am the sole cause of his pain.

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