Read Beautiful Online

Authors: Ella Bordeaux

Beautiful (11 page)


Wyatt had a way of making me laugh when all I really wanted to do was cry. After the whole encounter with Russell and Jenny, I’d wanted to crawl under a rock and hide. But Wyatt brought out the old me, the real me.

We walked, hand in hand, along the path through the park. I was scared I had given Wyatt the wrong impression earlier when I said I wanted to congratulate him later, but somehow, he knew what I meant. It was as if he could see inside my soul. He knew what I was thinking, even before I did.

Oh, please just kiss me, Wyatt!

My heart was racing while we meandered along the trail.

Suddenly, he stopped walking and turned to look at me. I sank my teeth down into my lip. The way he was looking at me had my lower stomach building with desire.

“You’re so beautiful, Sky.”

Lord, does this boy know how to make me melt.

He cupped my face within his hands and slowly walked me back until I was pinned against a tree. His eyes quickly searched my face, like he was waiting for me to tell him no. When I didn’t say anything, he pressed his lips against mine.

Gripping his arms, I held on while the kiss took me to a place I’d never been before. I dared to let myself believe that, with Wyatt, everything would be okay. He would protect me.

He dropped his hands from my face and pulled my body closer to his. I could feel how much he wanted me

How long will he wait until I am ready?

He moaned softly into my mouth, causing me to press myself against him. He was driving me crazy, and I fought hard to keep from begging him to relieve the buildup between my legs.

The kiss quickly turned a bit more frantic as our hands were soon all over each other.

Wyatt pulled back and dragged in a few deep breaths. Leaning his forehead against mine, he tried to calm himself down while I did the same.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered.

I brought my hands up to his chest. The feel of his heart racing made me smile. At least I knew he felt the same way as me.

“For what?”

“I don’t want to rush you, Skylar, and I’m trying hard to keep control of my emotions, but just now, I really wanted to put my hand down your pants and make you come.”

My mouth parted open as I sucked in a breath. I’d never been as turned on as I was in this moment.

What would Wyatt whisper in my ear when he made love to me?

I didn’t dare even imagine.

With a frustrated sigh, he added, “And that makes me a total asshole.”

Pulling my head back, I looked at him. “What? No, it doesn’t. If it does, then that makes me one, too, because the whole time you were kissing me, that’s all
wanted you to do.”

I swore, his eyes glowed when I said that.

“Wyatt, I’m not ready to make love yet…but I’m also not ashamed to say that I want you.”

His lips were back on mine. This time, he kissed me deeply, passionately. I was willing him to touch me. I didn’t even care that we were out in public.

Wyatt pulled slightly back and wrapped his arm around me. Then, we walked back to his truck. Setting me in the passenger seat, he shut the door and ran around the front to his side.

Trying hard to keep my breathing under control, I let my imagination run wild.
Is he taking me somewhere? What is his plan?

Fast, shallow breaths were all I could manage to do. My body was practically trembling with the idea that Wyatt actually wanted to make me feel good.

Shit. Is he taking me home? Maybe he’s afraid he won’t be able to stop.

When he got back into the truck, he started it and put it in drive.

“Where…where are we going?”

“If I didn’t get you out of there, I was going to do something both of us would have regretted.”

His words hit me like something had just been slammed against my chest.

Looking out the window, I fought to hold back my tears.
He regrets this? How can he not feel what I am feeling?

“Are you taking me home?” I said, trying not to sound choked up.

“No! Why would you think that?”

Turning to look at him, I replied, “You just said you regretted what happened just then.”

He laughed. “No, I said I had to get you out of there
I regretted doing something…like making you call out my name while my hand was down your pants. That is the last thing I would ever want anyone to see.”

“Oh,” I whispered.

Suddenly feeling so overwhelmed with emotions, I thought I might cry. Wyatt cared so much about me. I wasn’t used to having someone put themselves second to me, like he did. He was so patient with me.

He pulled into the parking lot of the library and drove around to the back. Throwing the truck in park, he sat there and stared straight ahead.

He was probably trying to figure out how to do what we both wanted to happen next.

“Wyatt, do you believe me when I say I’m not a girl who sleeps around or just has sex to have it?”

His head snapped over to look at me. “Of course I do.”

“Then, please don’t think bad of me right now.”

He narrowed his eyes and looked at me. “Why would I?”

Pressing my lips together, I unbuckled and quickly crawled on him. As I straddled him, my lips moved against his as I began to rock against him. I could tell he was still hard. The feel of him pressed against me was almost more than I could take.

“Jesus, Skylar,” he whispered as he pushed his hand through my hair. He deepened the kiss.

My body moved slowly at first until that feeling quickly started building. I pushed harder against him and rocked faster. The friction of our clothes seemed to intensify the sensation.

Wyatt grabbed my hips, pulling me in closer.

“Oh God,” I whispered as my entire body felt like it was about to explode.

Wyatt’s lips were on my neck, kissing me so gently that I wanted to scream for more yet beg him to go slower.

When he lifted his hips, the friction was perfect. “Angel, you are so beautiful.”

That was my undoing. “Wyatt!” I cried out.

He placed his mouth over mine, quickly swallowing my moans of pleasure, while my body trembled with the force of my orgasm.

When it finally felt like I could breathe again, we both stopped moving. I had just had one of the most amazing orgasms of my life.

“Did that ease your ache, angel?” Wyatt asked.

With a giggle, I nodded my head. “Very much so. But what about—”

He kissed me again, drawing me so close to him that it felt as if we were one. “Don’t worry about me. You’re all I care about.”


“Skylar, I’ll wait for you for as long as it takes, forever if I have to. That wasn’t about me. It was about you, angel.”

The few times Jacob had made me come with his hand, he always expected me to return the gesture by playing with him. I’d hated giving him hand jobs, but I’d refused to use my mouth. It would frustrate him, but he never pushed me into anything.

Staring into Wyatt’s green eyes, I shook my head. “I’ve never met anyone like you. Ever.”

“Good. That gives me an advantage.”

He wiggled his eyebrows, and I couldn’t help but giggle.

With another soft, beautiful kiss, he made everything else disappear but the two of us.

When he pulled away, he smiled. “I’m going to have to make sure that we win every football game now.”

Slapping his chest, I crawled off of him and got back in my seat. “Didn’t you say you had to be in the coach’s office early tomorrow morning?”

Wyatt let out a frustrated moan. “Yes. I guess I should be thinking about taking you home…as much as I don’t want to. I could sit in this truck and talk to you all night, if I thought we could.”

“Me, too,” I replied.

“Sky, can I say something to you?”

“Of course.”

He lifted my hand to his lips, causing my breath to catch.

“I loved watching you fall apart like that. I’m going to replay it over and over in my head tonight.”

My chest tightened. I was falling in love with Wyatt, and in that moment, it seemed to hit me.

“I hope I wasn’t too forward,” I said.

Laughing, he shook his head. “Hell no. You totally made my night.”

Wyatt headed toward my house while we made plans to meet up tomorrow night after I got off work. There was a huge calculus test on Monday that I had to study for.

Pulling up to my house, Wyatt walked me to the front door. We looked into each other’s eyes, and something amazing happened. I wasn’t really sure what it was, but I knew nothing between us would ever be the same.

He placed his hand on the side of my face, and I leaned into it.

“Good night, angel. Sleep well.”

“I will. You, too.”

He leaned over and kissed me. Taking a step back, he winked and replied, “Oh, I will, trust me.”

I watched as he jogged back to his truck. He started it and lifted his hand in a wave. I did the same. Once he was out of sight, I leaned against the front door and giggled.

It had been a long time since I had felt this happy. A very long time.

“Did you enjoy the game last night? You got home almost at the same time as your brother,” Mom said.

With a smile, I nodded. “I did. I enjoyed my evening with Wyatt even more.”

My mother smiled. “It’s nice to see you smiling again. For a while there, you had me worried.”

“Everything is fine, Mom. Wyatt has a way of making me smile when I don’t really feel like it, that’s all.”

“That is your father. I don’t know how he does it, but he does.”

Taking a bite of an apple, I watched my mother smile. I knew she was thinking about my father.

I want a love like that, one that consumes your thoughts when you least expect it.

“I’ll be home a little later tonight. After work, Wyatt and I have a study date.”

She wiggled her eyebrows, and my face burned with embarrassment.

“Oh my gosh, Mom! Did you really just go there?”

With a shrug, she said, “Well, when I was your age, I was already…”

“Ew! No, please stop there, Mom. Honestly, I don’t want to hurl.”

She laughed and went back to washing dishes. Taking another bite of the apple, I smiled as I thought about seeing Wyatt later.

I pulled out my phone and sent him a text message.

Me: Thinking about you.

When he didn’t reply back right away, my heart dropped.

Maybe he is just busy or still at school with the coach.

I closed my eyes and shook my head. I was not going to start reading into things.

He’s busy, and he will text me back when he can.

I needed to learn to control the insecurities I had.

“I’m going to go change for work,” I said to my mother.

I headed out of the kitchen and up to my room. Shutting the door to my bedroom, I leaned against it and frowned.

I had the strangest feeling that my happy world was about to be turned upside down. Just how it would happen, I had no clue. I prayed it wouldn’t have anything to do with Wyatt.


Coach had me and Jacob running pretty much all morning. It was good though. It gave us time to talk and work things out. Jacob admitted that he still had feelings for Skylar, but he understood why she had moved on.

Stepping out onto the track, Coach stopped in front of us, causing both of us to stop running. “You’re both done. The next time you decide to act like a bunch of damn fools in my locker room, you’ll be doing a lot more than running.”

“Yes, sir,” Jacob said.

“Never again, sir,” I responded. Leaning over with my hands on my knees, I tried to catch my breath from the last sprint he’d had us run.

“Now, get the hell out of here. Good game last night.”

Once he got far enough to where he couldn’t hear us, Jacob cursed. “Crazy old bastard. I thought for sure I was going to pass out from that last sprint.”

Laughing, I hit him on the back. “Truce?”

His eyes looked so sad. “You’re the better guy for her, Wyatt. I know that. You didn’t let the rumors or what people thought about you stand in your way. It’s just hard. I really loved her. Maybe that’s part of the problem, too. I loved her innocence, and he robbed that from her. There was a small part of me that felt robbed, too. I don’t even deserve to think about a second chance with her.”

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