Beautifully Broken (8 page)

Read Beautifully Broken Online

Authors: Bethany Bazile

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Adult

stay when her hand wraps around my cock.

stay when she drops down to her knees and licks me.

the time she has me fully seated in the back of her throat, I’m so sick with
myself I want to hurl my dinner up. I shove her warm mouth off me and pull my
cloths back on. She’s on her knees gazing up at me with questioning eyes, not
sure where she went wrong.

leave without a word. I’m such a fucking dick. I wasn’t satisfied with hurting
one woman today I had to hurt two.

came to Chicago feeling like a conqueror. I would take the company away from
Lucas and his dad and my father and I would be free of them for good. Now a
month later I’m walking the streets of Chicago sick over a woman. A woman who
would choose to be with a Fields over me just as my mother did. A mother who
loves another man’s son more than her own, in all the years she’s been gone she’s
never even made a small gesture to acknowledge my existence.

chosen Lucas over me. He was the son she always wanted. Now Ella would choose
him too. Maybe they were both right, Lucas is a better man than I am. He would
never do to Ella what I did tonight. But I refuse to be the blind fool he’s
been for all these years. I know she’s capable of doing exactly what I did
tonight, maybe more. Whatever she feels for me is not enough to have stopped
her in a similar situation.


still here.

god she’s still here is all I can think when I see Ella’s sleeping form in the
middle of my bed. I hate myself for it but I love this woman. I don’t know how
much longer she’ll let me have her but I don’t want to waste my time with her. If
she leaves me tomorrow for Lucas I want to at least be able to hold her one more

remove my cloths and join her in bed, gathering her against my skin. She flinches
at my touch and her head pops up as she looks around trying to identify her
surroundings. Even in the dark I can tell she’s been crying. The moonlight
shines on her tear–stained face. She drops her head back on the pillow gazing
into my eyes.

was your date?”  Her voice distant and cold.

shrug not wanting to talk about anything that happened with Alice.

you fuck her?”

thank god I didn’t because I really don’t want to lie to her.

shivers as I run my hand down her arm, “You smell like her.”

was so excited to have her in my arms I forgot to wash away Alice’s scent. “She
kissed me,” I tell her knowing if I don’t give her something she’ll never stop

pushes her body closer to mine, burrowing her head under my chin. As I begin to
drift she whispers into my chest, “Don’t hurt me again.”

words form a fist around my heart.

wanted to hurt her tonight.

wanted to hurt her for choosing Lucas.

don’t anymore, I just want to love her.


next morning Ella is a cold shell of the woman I love. She mopes around the
apartment like she’s lost. After being mute all through breakfast I decide I
need to take her out before she goes deeper into her cocoon. Of course she
refuses. I have to hold her down and strip her sweats from her body to finally
get her to get dressed.

comes out of the room looking sexy as ever in tight jeans, fitted t-shirt and
heeled boots. I adjust my growing erection and she finally smiles at my
efforts. She loves the affect she has on me.

take her to the sky deck but she absolutely refuses to even enter the building.

Liam, you know I’m afraid of heights. Your rooftop patio makes me nervous, this
is out of the question.” She grips my hand her eye wide and anxious.

not afraid of anything Ella. Let’s just explore the building. You don’t have to
step out on the ledge.” I urge her on with my eyes until she finally gives in
with a nod.

death grip on my hand loosens as we go thru the exhibits but she freezes up at
the elevator. I tug her in and wrap my arms around her soft curves as she leans
her ass against me, her sweet smell enveloping me, making my cock twitch. She
rears her head back and cocks an eyebrow at me.

shaking with fear and you want to fuck,” she smirks at me. The man next to her
glances over, running his eyes over her body, he snaps his head away after
seeing my murderous glare. Smart guy.

always want you,” I whisper into her ears, pulling her up closer against me.
When we get off the elevator she grips my bicep, shielding her body behind
mine. She so freaking cute, she can hold her own against me any day but put her
103 stories up and she’s cowering behind me.

know how to conquer fear, don’t you?” I ask her. She looks at me annoyed by my
comment. She knows the answer she just doesn’t want to do it. “You have to face
it head on.”

not stepping on that ledge Liam.”  I push her ahead of me wrapping my arm
around her waist to prevent her escape. I slowly walk her closer to the ledge
as she tries to dig her heels into the floor.

a glass ledge Liam, what if it breaks?”

won’t. Remember how hard I fucked you on my glass desk,” I whisper into her ear,
loving the way her body trembles just thinking about it. “Glass is stronger
than you think.” When I finally get her unto the balcony I have to pry her
hands from her face to get her to glimpse at the view. She quickly gets down
and heads for the elevator before I can stop her. I’m satisfied at getting her
up there even though we were headed down the elevator less than five minutes

so relieved to be out of the sky deck that by the time we made it to the
sidewalk she is all smiles. Sultry seductive smiles that promise me hours of
pleasure when we get home.

Chapter 7




walk into my office the next day still riding my Liam high. That man pulled me
out of my huff yesterday and got me to face my fear. It’s like he sensed the
inner battle I was having with my fear and made me face it. I know the rest of
my fears will be no where as easy to face as yesterday but I can see a
possibility now. Standing out on that glass ledge I realized my fear wouldn’t
suffocate me.

the sky deck we ate lunch at a bistro and laughed about any and everything. He
brought up my family again but I ignored him by changing the subject, one fear
is all I could face in one day. The past would have to stay buried for a while
longer. The burden on my shoulder always feels a lot lighter around Liam, even
when he was prying. Soon as the door to his place closed I was all over him,
practically ripping the cloths off his body. He’d been teasing me all day with
that delicious bulge in his pant and I couldn’t wait to get to it.

stood there all calm and collected, not even making a move to touch me as I
tore at his clothes. If it weren’t for his rock hard erection, I would’ve
thought he was uninterested. I step back and remove my cloths slowly, knowing
he loves to watch me strip. He begins caressing himself to ease the tension as
I drag my thong off and throw it at his face. He catches it with his other
hand, puts the crotch against his noise and sniffs it.

so sexy standing there totally naked with my panties in one hand and his cock
in the other. Moisture begins to leak down my legs, I wipe it up with my
finger. I place that finger in my mouth and suck on it, watching his eye flare.
I know I broke his resolve as he marches over to me.

drags me to the couch and pushes me over the arm with my ass in the air.

I start as his palm hits my ass. “You’re such a dirty girl. Did you like
tasting yourself?”


time I’m ready for it. The stinging sensation excites me. I stick my ass up
further anticipating the next one. He runs his palm over my wetness. Chills run
up my spine as he grazes my clit.

time when he smacks me his palm is wet with my juices. The sting causes my
pussy to tingle. I push my ass against his hand urging him on. He grabs my hip,
spreads my thighs and slams into me. I scream out from the impact. His pounding
rhythm causing my breast to jiggle and my nipples rub against the couch, the
friction sending jolt of pleasure to my pussy. He grabs a handful of my hair
and continues to piston into my soaked folds.

he demands letting go of my hair to grab me by the thighs. He spreads them
wider shifting his position so he’s hitting my g-spot with every thrust.
Flashes of bright lights dance behind my eyes as the pleasure become too
intense. Liquid gushes down my leg everytime he pulls out. My channel contracts
holding his cock in a vise grip. He continues on, gritting his teeth from the
pleasure. By the time I scream out my second orgasm I see stars behind my eyes
and I pretty sure I’m on the verge of passing out from the pleasure.

roars loudly as he shoots into me, his warm seed mixing with my nectar. He
continues pumping his hips until my pussy has sucked every last ounce of
pleasure from his body, his heavy limbs collapsing over me. I can still feel his
cock twitching between us matching the tremors running through our bodies.


the only word that can begin to describe the feelings I experience in this
man’s arms.

knock on my office door interrupt my wet daydream.


strolls in and drops a folder on my desk, her usually radiant eyes dark and
melancholy. She turns to leave without a word.


you alright?” I don’t want to ask but she looks so sad. Maybe I just want to
know if this has something to do with her date with Liam, “How was your date?”
She sighs loudly, returning to plop her ass in the chair across from me.

you think I’m sexy?”


mean do you think a man like Liam Maddox would find me attractive?”

what am I supposed to say? That I don’t want him to think anyone is sexier than

the date was good, he was quiet but attentive. Then he takes me back to my
place and things are really looking up. Just when I know I have him he walks
out without a word.”

he didn’t want to rush things.” God I really wish I never asked her anything. I
don’t want to know about her and Liam.

mean how is a women supposed to feel when a man leaves her naked on her knees,
panting for him.”

I didn’t mean to scream at her; I didn’t but-
what the fuck!

I was,” she continues getting up and pacing in front of me. “Totally hot in
nothing but my thong, I had him. And when I tell you I had him, I mean I had
him down my throat and it was so delicious. Then he just pulls away, gets dressed
and leaves.”

don’t even hear anything past him being down her throat. The fire at the pit of
my stomach is roaring so loudly.

I cut off her storytelling. “I’m sorry but I have an important phone call I
have to make, can we continue this later.”

she says making her way out the room. I dash into my bathroom and heave up my
entire breakfast. After I’ve thrown up everything I ate the sick feeling in my
stomach remains. I brush my teeth and return to my office throwing myself into
my work. The graphic images replay in my mind over and over until I can’t stand
it anymore. At three I let Alice know I’m leaving. I walk past her with my head
down, not able to stomach looking at her face.


is out on the patio talking on his phone when I arrive. I drop my briefcase and
blazer on the couch making my way towards his room. I grab my duffel bag from
the back of the closet and quickly begin throwing all my belonging in it. I
don’t know how much time I have before he ends his phone call but I need to be
done by then. I rush into the bathroom grabbing my make-up kit and toiletries, zip
up the bag throwing it over my shoulder. Liam sees me trying to make an escape
through the glass doors and rushes in, hands raised to the air in question.

the fuck are you going?” he roars pointing the phone at me.

lied to me. I’m leaving.”

hits end on his phone and tosses it on the kitchen counter. He marches thru the
living room to stand in front of me. “Ok I’ll bite; what did I lie about?”

cross my arms as if to shield my heart. “You told me nothing happened with
Alice. Her wrapping her lips around what’s supposed to be mine is not

I scream into his face. “Last time I checked that’s called getting head.” His
eyes close as he sighs in defeat. I tilt my head shooting daggers at his
beautiful face waiting for his excuses to start.

didn’t say nothing happened, I said I didn’t fuck her.” he starts

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