Beautifully Decadent (Beautifully Damaged Book 3) (31 page)

The woman studied me for a few seconds, her gaze not critical but definitely interested. She was attractive, dark brown hair, pale green eyes and dressed from head to toe in some fabulous designer. The gentleman with her was older than her fifty or so years, distinguished in a suit clearly tailored just for him. He had what was left of the walnut cake on his plate. Her plate was nearly cleaned of the pumpkin torte.

“Our dinners were perfectly prepared and the desserts were just divine.”

“Thank you.”

“The walnut cake was outstanding as you can see. This is our first time dining here, but it won’t be our last.” The gentleman added.

“Thank you, I’ll pass on your compliments to the kitchen.”

“Have you worked here long?” The woman asked.

“No, just a few weeks.”

“Well, I can’t wait to see what you come up with after you’ve been here longer, since I can’t imagine you topping this.”

Pride burned through me, affirmation that I had found my calling. “I’m enjoying pushing the boundaries of flavors, finding the unique combinations that work.”

“You’ve definitely got a gift, Ms. Collins.”

“Thank you—”

The man’s cell cut me off; the expression on his face when he saw who was calling was chilling. The dynamic at the table changed, the happy energy replaced with tension.

“We need to go, Allie.” He said at the same time he flagged down their waiter.

She nodded her head before her gaze returned to me. “Congratulations on a wonderful success.”

In less than a minute, they were walking out the door.

Rafe arrived exactly at nine. As soon as our eyes locked, his promise from earlier about tasting every inch of me had a naughty grin curving my lips.

He moved toward me, but said nothing. If my grin was naughty, his was downright sinful. And then the wicked man said, “I’m really hungry.”

I’d often read in romance novels about the woman’s body clenching in desire. I had no idea what that meant, but I got it now. I ached everywhere. “You keep talking and looking at me like that and we aren’t going to make dinner.”

His fingertip ran from my neck, down to my shoulder sparking a trail of heat in its wake. “Promise?”

I had to change the subject before I did something uncharacteristic like jump him in the parking lot. “I was called out to the dining area to receive compliments on my desserts. That’s a first for me.”

He had the nerve to ask. “Changing the subject?”

“That or get arrested for lewd behavior.”

He moved into me, his chest rising and falling as his breathing grew a bit erratic. I couldn’t pull my eyes from him, my mouth watered and I wanted nothing more than to get incredibly inappropriate in the parking lot.


“Um…wait, what?”

He chuckled as he pulled the elastic from my hair. “On the tableside compliment.”

Right. It was amazing how your brain stopped working when it wasn’t being supplied with blood. “Thank you.”

He held open the door to his truck. “Ready?”

“Very.” As soon as I took my seat, he leaned over and traced my lips with his tongue. I moaned, it could not be stopped, and pressed my legs together because I actually experienced a mini orgasm. Yep, right there in his truck. He knew too, the sexy sound that rumbled in the back of his throat prolonged the spasm. “Fuck. You just came.”

I should have felt embarrassed; I didn’t though, just really, really turned on.

“Do you know how badly I want to taste you right now? I want to spread you wide and bury my tongue between your legs.”

“You’re going to make me come again.”

He was thinking about it, dragging me into the back of his truck and what was worse, I was seriously thinking about letting him.

His mouth closed over mine, his tongue driving past my lips as he all but swallowed me whole. His cock was pressing against my thigh and I wanted that, God did I want that. Yanking his mouth away, he gulped air as if in an attempt to cool off. He held my heavy-lidded stare. “Dinner first and then you’re going to come again in my mouth.”

I likely would not be living through this evening and I so could not wait.

We returned home and while Rafe took Loki for a walk, I showered, a really cold shower, and changed. I was done before he returned, but in fairness I had taken the fastest shower of my life. My thinking, the sooner we ate, the sooner we came home and got naked. I sat in one of my chairs refusing to give in to my lustful thoughts because I’d never make it through dinner. Instead I pondered the addition of a vegetable garden by the back door. Yes, that was a safe subject to contemplate. Loki came trotting up the drive, right to me. He seemed to have more energy than he did when I first arrived and even so, he dropped down on his butt as soon as he reached me.

“Did you have a nice walk?” I asked that of Loki, his attempt to lick me I took as a yes. Rafe appeared not long after, my attention shifted from the affectionate fur ball next to me to his sexy as hell human. I loved the way he moved, deliberate but with a graceful flow that had visions of that body over me, in me, moving in just the right rhythm. He was dressed in jeans but they were darker, his button down shirt was a grayish/green and the black boots were nicer than the ones he normally wore. After dinner I was going to lick every inch of the body under those clothes, so much for not giving in to my lustful thoughts.

As soon as he saw me, he didn’t hide the inspection he gave me, one that started at the tip of my head and moved slowly down my body to my toes. I was dressed in black: pants, cropped sweater and boots. My hair was down since I knew how much he liked that.

“You’re beautiful.”

His compliment settled very comfortably in the center of my chest.

“Let me get Loki settled and we’ll go.”

Joining him, he reached for my hand as we walked to his house. “What would you think about a vegetable garden here?”

If he was surprised by the question, considering that really wasn’t where my thoughts were, I couldn’t tell. “Does it get enough sun?”


“Sounds good. I guess that’s phase five?” he asked in humor.

“It is. Giovanni will be so happy.”

Rafe stopped walking, his expression indiscernible. “Who’s Giovanni?”

“The owner of the garden center.”

“When did you get his name?”

“As soon as we arrived. That’s the first and most important step in haggling, familiarity with the one you’re haggling with.”

He chuckled as we resumed our walk to the back door. “Good to know.”

Once we entered, Rafe walked to the pantry to get Loki’s dinner. I moved into the living room, loved the feel of the room. As I stood studying one of the pictures he had on the wall, I felt Rafe behind me seconds before his hands settled on my hips. Chills danced down my arms, his warm breath bringing goosebumps, right before he touched his lips to the spot at the curve of my neck. Tingles swept through me and as his lips moved over my shoulder, the tingles followed. My body burned and yet felt chilled all at once.

His hold on me tightened as he pulled me back against him. I felt him, hard and thick, against the small of my back, which elicited a whimper from deep in my throat.

“I can’t tell you how long I’ve wanted to taste you right here.” He whispered as he kissed me in the same spot, his tongue darting out for a taste.

Tilting my head to offer him more, I leaned back into him. His fingers caressed the bare skin at my hip. “Please don’t stop.” I was going to come again just from his mouth on my neck.

His hands roamed under my sweater, up my sides, to my breasts where he brushed his thumb over the hard nipple.

“Fuck.” That one word from his mouth was the sexiest sound I’d ever heard. “I can’t wait. Dessert first,” he said, right as he grabbed my sweater and lifted it up over my head. Even though there was a chill in the air, I was burning up. His hands over my skin felt so incredible. He flicked the clasp on my bra at the same time he turned me to him, his eyes on my breasts that spilled out into his hands.

“So fucking beautiful.” And to emphasize that point, he touched his tongue to me. I was aching, a throbbing ache that begged to be soothed. Pressing me back against the wall, he sucked me deep into his mouth as he worked the snap on my pants. Moving to the neglected breast, his fingers traced the skin where my panties met my hips. Dropping to his knees, my heart galloped in my chest because I wanted his mouth on me, could think of nothing else. He pulled my pants down and I moaned, and just as I stepped out of them, he buried his face between my legs.

“Oh God, yes.” Opening my legs wider for him, his hands splayed on my ass as he pulled me closer. His hot mouth settled over my clit through the silk of my panties. Lacing my fingers though his hair, my head fell back against the wall and my legs shook as my stomach knotted with lust.

“So fucking sweet.” His warm breath across the part of me that throbbed caused a surge of moisture.

He inhaled and moaned before he growled, “Sorry.” In the next second, he ripped my panties from me and drove his tongue in deep.

My eyes rolled into the back of my head and my legs were now useless. I was being held up by Rafe’s hands on my ass and his mouth. My hips worked though, as I moved into his mouth, grinding myself against him as my body crested on the cusp of an orgasm that I knew would blow every other orgasm I’d ever had right out of the water. Just seconds before glorious release, Rafe’s mouth was gone.

He stood, hooked his arm around my waist and lifted me into his arms. “Not yet.”

It was while he walked us to his room that I realized I was completely naked and he was fully clothed.

“You’re wearing too many clothes.”


He dropped me to my feet at the foot of his bed. “Can you help me with that?”


My fingers were shaking when I started unbuttoning his shirt. When I spread it open and pulled it down his arms, flawless tan skin pulled tight over hard muscle met my gaze. I ran my fingertips down his chest and his muscles flexed in response. His abs, my fingers traced those muscles and then I traced them again with my tongue.

Looking at him, his eyes were hot and I could feel his cock, hard in his jeans, pressing against my tummy. Slowly I worked the snap, lowered the zipper, and pulled his jeans down enough to free him. Seeing him, little trembles went off in my body, so perfectly formed, hard and ready. Touching the tip with my tongue, we both moaned. Kneeling in front of him, I gripped the base and slid my hand up his shaft as I worked the tip with my tongue. The sound coming from him was like an aphrodisiac, encouraging me to be bolder. Fondling the heavy sac between his legs, I closed my lips around the tip, before I slowly pulled him deeper until I could practically feel him at the back of my throat. God he tasted good.

His hips moved, his fingers in my hair tightened and mine on his ass dug into his flesh leaving crescent shapes I was sure. I wanted him to come in my mouth, wanted to taste him, but he moved, grabbing me under the arms and tossing me on the bed before he pounced. His mouth slammed down on mine as his fingers curled around my thighs, spreading me wide. He rubbed himself over me, but I wanted him inside me.

“Rafe, please.”

Reaching for his bedside table, he grabbed a condom, unwrapped it and rolled it on and then he was right there, exactly where I wanted him.

Locking eyes, he said nothing as he slowly pushed forward, stretching me wide as he sank himself deep in an excruciatingly slow pace. His gaze shifted, but I didn’t know where to look—his eyes that were hot and fixed on where we were connected, his chest and arms as he held himself over me, the muscles flexing as he moved or lower to where his cock filled me, claimed me with every shift of his hips. Arching my spine, I took him deeper, as my hips lifted to take even more. We moved, reaching together for climax, and when it crashed over me I cried out as my body splintered apart into tiny little pieces. His focus shifted to my face, seeming to derive pleasure from witnessing me come. He was holding back, knew he was when his movements became harder, deeper and then he lowered his head and kissed me: a deep, open mouth kiss just as he seated himself seconds before his body shuddered in release. Sucking my lower lip into his mouth, he caught it between his teeth, applying enough pressure to make it hurt so good.

Wrapping my legs around his waist, so he couldn’t move, I held his stare. “I’ve always believed in dessert first.”

He laughed, causing pleasant shivers since he was still inside me and, surprisingly, hard.

“I should feed you.” He brushed his lips down my neck before he added, “And then I’m eating you again.”

I so loved this plan.

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