Beautifully Unnatural: A Young Adult Paranormal Boxed Set (67 page)

Read Beautifully Unnatural: A Young Adult Paranormal Boxed Set Online

Authors: Amy Miles,Susan Hatler,Veronica Blade,Ciara Knight

Tags: #Romance, #Teen & Young Adult, #Young adult fiction, #Paranormal & Urban, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Paranormal & Fantasy, #Fantasy

As if knowing I was watching, he turned. I silently cursed for getting caught staring, yet couldn’t take my eyes off him. After a long moment, he returned his attention to

Was it extra noisy in the cafeteria today or just my imagination? Whatever. I took my tray to the trash bin, knowing the warning bell would ring soon.

Daniel waved at me from across the cafeteria and mouthed, “See you later.”

I hoped not. Except I still needed to break up with him.

Gina approached Daniel and his posse. Zack still chatted with John and Maya — which made both groups off limits. Damn.

If I had superhuman powers, I’d turn invisible right then. And no one would’ve noticed.

I headed to English Lit. Alone.

My phone vibrated and I sighed, reaching into my pocket. It was my mom again, reminding me I was grounded and offering to let Maya stay over. Knowing she’d keep texting me if I didn’t answer her right away, I stopped to type in my thanks, then I continued down the corridor. Thankfully, my mom knew I wasn’t allowed to text during class, which gave me a reprieve.

Seeing the restroom, I darted inside to finally put on some makeup, since I had a little time to spare. A few minutes later, feeling cute for the first time all day, I rushed into the crowded classroom and claimed my usual spot.

Oh, goody, Zack was in that class and he’d taken a seat two rows over to my left. He was facing the front of the class as though I didn’t exist. I inwardly groaned, then flipped my hair over to form a wall between us. Peering between the dark strands, I eyed him on the sly. I only got his profile, but that and his muscular shoulders were plenty satisfying.

Once class began, I tried to forget Zack was a few seats away, but I couldn’t. His presence added an awkward tension I could live without. And we had a pop quiz to brighten my day — which I hadn’t prepared for.

On the upside, my day probably couldn’t get any worse.

† † †

When the final bell rang at the end of last class, I gathered my books and bailed.

Seeing Gina in the corridor ahead of me, I hoped she’d ignore me. Luckily, she kept a brisk pace and didn’t look back. Closer to the exit, she slowed until she stood in front of Zack. He smiled at her and listened attentively. After scribbling on a piece of paper, she handed it to him, then walked backward grinning. He mouthed, “I’ll call you.”

Flirting when he had a girlfriend. Yuck.

I continued on toward the parking lot, passing them. A moment later, I sensed Zack behind me, but didn’t turn around to confirm it, since he might think I was keeping tabs on him. Just before the curb on the way to my car, Ashley waved me over.

Gina didn’t approve of being friendly to juniors, but I liked Ashley. She was one of those people who didn’t make you wonder where you stood.

“Hey, Autumn.” She gave me a shy smile. “I’m having some people over on Saturday night and thought you might like to come.”

I couldn’t go to
party, much less blow off Gina for someone else. Wait… throwing a party on the same night as Daniel? I couldn’t imagine her competing with the most popular guy at school
on purpose
. She wanted a good turnout, right? I frowned. “Uhm, this Saturday is Daniel’s party.”

“Oh,” she said in a small voice. “I thought it was
weekend.” Ashley’s gaze dropped to her feet, her bottom lip jutting into a pout before wandering off. Poor Ashley.

I turned in a circle to scan the crowd, searching for Daniel, who usually met me at my car. I couldn’t wait to say my piece and finally be free of him. Instead, I saw Zack sitting on a wall about three feet away. Except for his narrowed eyes, his face was a mask as he stared at me.

Over the sound of skateboard wheels banging against the sidewalk, honks signaling rides to potential passengers and car doors slamming, I heard Zack scoff.

“What a piece of work,” he whispered to himself, his eyes still glued to me.

I shouldn’t have been able to hear him over the noise, right? But his words had been so clear. Wait… had he heard me too? I paused a moment to replay my conversation with Ashley and cringed. I’d sounded kind of snobby. Yeah, as if that was going to make Zack think any better of me.

Whatever. He wasn’t going to give me a chance anyway and why should I care what he thought? I just hoped Ashley hadn’t taken it the wrong way, too. I scanned the parking lot, just in time to see her drive away with her mom. I’d have to fix it with her later.

I spun around, headed to my car and shoved my backpack through the window. I didn’t know where Daniel was or how long he’d be, but if I didn’t text my mom soon, she’d probably show up. I hated it when she did that. I hit the buttons of my cell saying I was hanging out with Daniel for a few minutes, but would be on my way soon.

Leaning against the door, I waved at John and Maya as they cruised by.

Daniel’s dirty-blond head and beefy body suddenly blocked my view. “Hey, babe.”

“Hi.” I gave him a weak smile, not looking forward to a confrontation. After what he’d said earlier about no one ever touching me again, he probably wouldn’t let me go easily. I could totally pass on the inevitable drama.

“I’m grounded,” I blurted out. “I can’t go to your party.”

His face fell. “Oh. I had plans for us.”

I didn’t even want to know what those plans were. “Yeah, about that. Uh, we need to talk.”

“Daniel!” a guy shouted from across the lot.

“Gotta go.” He gave me a quick kiss without giving me a chance to evade it, then took off.

Damn. I was still officially stuck to him. Resigned, I nudged my backpack over and settled in the driver’s seat of my ancient sedan. I turned the key in the ignition, then cursed under my breath. Today had sucked so much, I’d forgotten all about my car needing resuscitation.

John and Maya had already left. I could call one of them back to get me, but John depended on rides from someone else and Maya wouldn’t have time to come back, drop me off and still make it home in time to babysit her little brother.

Unless I could get my car to start, my only choice would be to call my mom or dad for a ride. Taking a deep breath and crossing my fingers, I waited a moment, then turned the key again.


A head appeared in my window and I jumped. Realizing it was Zack and not a serial killer, my muscles relaxed a little. I gazed at him, mesmerized by his deep, green eyes.

The corners of his mouth twitched. “Car trouble?”


Apparently, Zack shared his smiles with everyone

“Yeah.” I teeter-tottered between being embarrassed for being seen by him in my dilapidated car, and fear that he couldn’t or wouldn’t save me. “Car won’t start.”

Zack blew out a breath, then motioned to the hood of the car. When I didn’t move, he stared at the sky for a moment before saying, “Release the hood, so I can check it out.”

He’d spoken slowly, like I had a learning disability. Heat rushed into my cheeks. I reached around my knees where the lever should’ve been, but my hand came up empty. Where was it? I’d found it before. If I just had another minute…

“Move and I’ll do it.”

I scrambled out, bumping shoulders with him as I squeezed past. Wow, the guy was all muscle. I cursed the butterflies fluttering like crazy in my stomach, vowing not to get a crush on a guy who had such a low opinion of me.

Zack immediately found the release, then propped up the hood. I darted around to the front to see what he’d do. The engine looked like grease-covered metal. It could’ve been a time machine and I wouldn’t have known the difference.

“So what do you think?” I asked.

“If I knew…” he paused to eye me from under his brows, “I’d already be fixing it and one step closer to being gone.”

I gritted my teeth. “If you’re going to be a jerk about it, why bother helping me at all?”

“Because my mom raised me right.” His gaze fell on my mouth and, for an instant, his eyes darkened. Just when I thought we were having a moment, his lips thinned as he met my eyes. “If you prefer, I could leave.”

“That would make you even more of a douche,” I said, sticking a hand on my hip and praying he’d stay.

The corner of his mouth quirked and he resumed scrutinizing the engine.

I breathed a sigh of relief, but I didn’t want to press my luck. To keep myself occupied, I counted the flattened gum spots in the asphalt while listening to his occasional mutters. What I really wanted to do was get a closer look at the seat of his pants, but I didn’t want to get caught ogling him. Again.

“Rear passenger side tire is a little low,” he said, almost like he was talking to my car. “You should stop and get some air soon.”

“Okay, thanks.” Sure, he’d been rude before, but he didn’t have to stop to help me and he could’ve let my tire go completely flat. Maybe he was finally warming up to me. My insides turned to jelly at the thought. I sidled up next to him and leaned over to peer at the engine. “So… you know a lot about cars?”

Except for his eyes that studied the engine as if mentally taking it apart, Zack didn’t move a muscle or even glance my way. “I know enough.”

That didn’t curb my curiosity. “Where’d you learn? Your dad teach you?”


Several seconds passed and he didn’t say anything more. So much for making conversation. Considering how little he apparently thought of me, what had I expected? Maybe he’d lighten up if I apologized for bumping into him and told him I was dumping Daniel. I opened my mouth to speak, but Zack beat me to it.

“See the way the clamp isn’t connecting to the battery?” He pointed at a big, rectangular thing.

Grateful for the break in his silence, I studied the box. “The vibrations wiggled it free?”

“That would be my guess.” He flashed me a grin and nudged me with his elbow. My insides warmed. “Maybe under all that hair and spiffy clothes is a car geek just itching to bust free,” he said.

That was probably as close to a compliment as I was going to get from Zack. I returned his smile.

His grin disappeared in a flash and his eyes grew cold as he jiggled the cables. “Okay, try it again,” he ordered, averting his gaze.

Climbing back into the car, I turned the key and it sparked to life. Oh, thank God! I got out again to thank him, but left the motor running, just in case. “So it was just the connection?”

He mumbled, then let the hood drop shut and strode off without saying another word.

Just because he had atrocious manners — when he wasn’t saving my ass — didn’t mean I had to stoop to his level. Besides, people were always nicer when you were friendly. “Thank you!”

He didn’t even turn around. Sometimes, taking the high road sucked.

Oh, what the hell. “Maybe you should fix that personality next!” I shouted, but he was already driving away in an old, faded red Jeep. As Zack cleared the gate, a yellow Corvette eased away from the curb and into the lane behind him.

† † †

I whooshed through the front door of my house, dropping my backpack in the entryway. This house was newer than the others we’d lived in, with high ceilings and plenty of wide-open spaces. Mom managed to make it homey despite the lack of furniture and knick-knacks, always keeping fresh flowers on the fireplace mantle, a soft rug over the hardwood floors and warm hues covering the walls.

“Mom? Dad?” I called out.

Faint voices from their bedroom wafted down to the ground floor, reminding me how much I’d be working over the weekend in my dad’s office upstairs.

But I’d have to embrace slavedom in order to win back my freedom. Maybe if I started working tonight and only stopped to eat and sleep… A thrill rippled through me at the thought of salvaging my Sunday. One thing at a time though. Right now, the only thing on my mind was talking my parents out of uprooting me again.

Bolting to the bottom of the stairs, I sprang, intending to take them two at a time. Instead, I soared over four steps, my feet landing with a thud on the fifth.

Sure, five-feet-eight was tall for a girl, but even my dad couldn’t hop that many steps as effortlessly as I just had. Unless, I’d already taken one step before doing the three. Had I?

My heart pounded, not with exertion, but sudden fear. Was my body freaking out or was I going crazy?

Eyeing the first landing, I braced myself, then leapt again. My foot slipped on the third step and my knee smacked into the hard corner. I teetered backward and caught the railing before tumbling to level ground. Pain sliced through my leg.

My knee throbbed as I hobbled the rest of the stairs one step at a time, then limped down the hallway toward my parents’ bedroom. Testing myself for suddenly developed superpowers had been a lame idea.

By the time I stood over the threshold to their room, any discomfort had completely vanished. Like I hadn’t already had enough weirdness for one day with my freaky sense of smell and heightened hearing.

Speaking of smell, the nicotine stench in the house was particularly pungent today. Before I could give it more thought, I noticed my mom smiling up at me from her cross-legged position on the floor. A thin mist of smoke from the lit cigarette between her fingers swirled up toward the ceiling. I glanced at the window that was cracked open only a smidgen and wondered why my parents hadn’t already flung themselves through the window to get some oxygen.

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