Because Naughty Holidays Can Be Oh So Nice 2015 (23 page)

Three people made their attempt to take Braydon down, but each of them missed. That was when Kaleb noticed Sawyer had snuck into the line, sweet-talking a couple of girls so he could get in front of them. Sawyer handed over a wad of cash to Lorrie before taking one of the balls and making his way to the pitching line.

“Man, this is so not cool,” Braydon hollered from behind the Plexiglas.

“It’s payback,” Sawyer said evenly.

“Right. And just remember, you’re next.”

Sawyer, who had played baseball in high school, reared back and threw the ball, hitting the target in one shot, sending Braydon into the water with a loud yell and making Mason giggle and squeal in Kaleb’s arms.

It only took a minute for Braydon to drag himself out of the water, completely drenched, and for Sawyer to get into position. Kaleb glanced over at the table to see who the lucky person was going to be, and that was when he noticed Kennedy Endsley whispering something to the person at the front of the line, smiling brightly when the guy allowed her in front of him.

She handed over money, but rather than take one ball from the table, she took three.

“You worried you can’t get it in one shot?” Sawyer asked her from the booth.

“It’s just a precaution,” Kennedy said smoothly.

Kaleb’s brothers joined him, all of them standing together, including Zane and Braydon, who had towels around their necks.

“Come on, Kennedy!” V shouted. “Take him down!”

The group laughed as Sawyer narrowed his eyes on Kennedy, promise of revenge in his eyes. Funny how he tried to look ominous, but even Kaleb could see the heat in his gaze when he looked at the pretty vet.

“You ready?” she taunted Sawyer.

“As I’ll ever be, darlin’.”

Kennedy threw the first ball and missed. She immediately geared up to throw the second. She missed with that one, as well. She was smiling and giggling as she got ready with the third. Just when she pulled her arm back to throw the ball, she stopped, running forward and nailing the target with her hand, sending Sawyer into the water.

Kaleb laughed at Mason’s little-boy giggle while the rest of the crowd hooted and hollered about Sawyer going down.

“It’s your turn,” Zoey said softly, pulling Kaleb’s attention down to her.

“Let me guess, you’re gonna buy a pie.”

“Oh, no, I’ve got others to do that for me.”

Kaleb glanced over at the line of people to see none other than Zoey’s father at the front, sitting in his wheelchair with a wide grin on his face.


Just fucking lovely.


CURTIS HANDED ONE of the balls to Zoey’s father as Kaleb made his way into the booth. For the last couple of minutes, Curtis had been chatting with Carl while they waited for Kaleb to take his turn. Although Carl happened to be quite fond of Kaleb, Curtis couldn’t blame the guy for wanting to take a shot at sending him into the water. Hell, he couldn’t blame any of these people, which was why, when Lorrie had informed him of her plan, he’d gotten right to work on securing a dunking booth for the occasion.

Not only were they bringing in a lot of money selling off all the pies that Lorrie and the girls had worked so hard on these last few days, but everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. And that was the highlight of the day. Even though Zane had grumbled about going first, Curtis had seen a glimmer of excitement in his youngest boy’s eyes.

Yeah, his boys were definitely good sports.

No matter how much trouble they liked to cause, they were still good kids.

Once Kaleb was in place, Carl made an attempt to take him down. He missed, but he laughed when he did, moving back out of the way so the next person could take their chance. Curtis glanced over at his grandson, noticing Mason was alight with excitement as he watched his daddy in the booth. His little-boy giggle had everyone laughing.

Finally, Kaleb went down after three more tries, and then it was Travis’s turn. Of course, Curtis’s oldest boy moaned and groaned the most, but he still made his way inside. When he was getting settled, Gage came over and tried to sweet-talk his way into the line, but Curtis intervened.

“I’ve got this one,” Curtis told Gage.


Travis’s warning went in one ear and out the other, sort of the way all the warnings that he’d dished out to them over the years had.

“Yes, son?” Curtis asked innocently.

“What are you doin’?” Travis asked, his deep, gruff voice reflecting his irritation.

“I’m donatin’ to a good cause. What does it look like I’m doin’?” Curtis asked, taking his spot on the line.

“Well, I hope you don’t miss,” Travis goaded.

“Boy, I’ve been waitin’ for this my whole life.”

“Of course you have. Doesn’t mean you’re gonna…”

Travis’s sentence trailed off when Curtis reared back, sending the ball heading right for the target. A second later, Travis was in the water and the crowd was cheering.

“Beau, your turn, boy,” Curtis said, observing Beau and Ethan as they stood together on the sidelines watching the action. As he thought back to all the shit that had happened earlier in the year, Curtis couldn’t help but smile at his son. It was about damn time Ethan had come out of his shell, living life rather than just existing. Funny how it’d taken Beau to get him there.

Whatever works
, Curtis thought to himself.

Backing away from the pitching line, Curtis made his way over to his wife. She was currently standing near the table with Jessie and Zoey, trying to take money and make change as the line in front of them continued to grow.

“Looks like the boys may have to take another turn in that booth,” Lorrie told him.

Glancing over his shoulder, Curtis laughed as Beau got into position, Ethan already in place to take him down.

“I’m sure they’ll be up for it,” Curtis told them.

“We could call Jared and Jaxson,” Lorrie suggested.

“Oh, they’re already on their way. Did you think I’d let them miss out on the fun?” Curtis replied. “This is a family event, after all.”

“So does that mean you’re gonna take your turn up there?” Lorrie asked sweetly, placing her soft hand on his arm.

“Do you want me to go up there?” he asked her. “’Cause you know I will.”

“I think it’s only fair,” came the rough voice from behind him. Curtis glanced over his shoulder to see Travis. He was rubbing the towel over his sodden clothes.

“Fair, huh?” Curtis joked.

“Yes, sir,” Travis said, just as Braydon, Zane, and Sawyer came over to join them.

“I’m first,” Zane shouted.

Arguing ensued between the boys as they all fought over who would get to take him down. Curtis didn’t mind one bit. If they wanted to send him into a pool of water as payback, more power to them. He could be a good sport if they were.

“Fine. I’ll go after Brendon,” Curtis told them.

They all turned to see Brendon climbing in while Beau grabbed a towel and dried himself off.

“But then y’all have to go again.”

“Fine,” they all agreed easily.

Sawyer chuckled, his gaze traveling past Curtis, so he turned to see what his son was looking at, and that was when he noticed Cheyenne Montgomery making her way to the front of the line. Of course, she was being mauled by her obvious fans until Ethan—the only one who wasn’t wet at this point—made his way over and helped her through. Once she was at the front of the line, she handed over some money and took one of the balls.

“Seriously?” Brendon shouted from inside the booth.

“Yes, sir,” Cheyenne hollered back.

“Hold up!” Brendon called back, reaching for the hem of his shirt and lifting it over his head, tossing it out of the booth before turning his attention back to the beautiful young woman standing there watching him. “Okay. Do your worst, honey.”

A chorus of applause erupted from the other ladies in the line, obviously showing their appreciation for Brendon, who was now shirtless.

Lord, have mercy, Curtis thought to himself. That boy was in over his head.


BEAU COULDN’T HELP but laugh when Brendon removed his shirt in an apparent attempt to torment Cheyenne. He had to give her credit, though, she was doing a good job of pretending she wasn’t affected by the guy. Pretty good, just not good enough. Her eyes were still traveling over Brendon’s shirtless form as he sat there staring back at her.

“There’s gonna be a riot,” Jessie said, laughing.

“That should be a new rule,” someone from the crowd yelled. A female someone. “They have to do it again. With their shirts off.”

Beau glanced over at Ethan, finding him staring back at him. “What?”

“Nothin’,” Ethan said softly.

“That look says a helluva lot more than
,” Beau retorted.

“I was just thinkin’ maybe she’s right. I wouldn’t mind seein’ you up there without your shirt on.”

Ethan’s words were spoken so low Beau hardly heard them. But he
heard them, and his body heated instantly. “Is that right?”

“Yep,” Ethan said quietly, turning his attention back to Brendon up in the booth.

Beau smiled to himself.

Yeah, he loved this man with everything that he was. And he loved how Ethan continued to open up more and more as time passed.

“You ready?” Cheyenne provoked Brendon, who was still staring at her. She was taking her own sweet time as she stood there, tossing the ball into the air and catching it with her other hand.

“Ready as I’ll ever be,” Brendon replied.

If Beau wasn’t mistaken, there was a world of innuendo in those few words. Brendon was ready for a lot more than just to have that woman dunk him in a pool of water. Maybe one day they’d figure out how to make that work. And if not, maybe they’d quit torturing one another.

Cheyenne made her first shot.

And missed.

Brendon’s grin grew wider, more wicked as he watched her.

“That kinda sucked,” Brendon told her.

Travis stepped up behind Cheyenne, handing her another ball. Beau noticed that Ethan’s oldest brother was holding at least five more in his hand. Well, if she didn’t make it with one of those, she could always pull the same stunt Kennedy had.

The excitement grew as the crowd spurred on the country music superstar. With each pitch, she missed, but no one seemed to care. No one except for Brendon, who hadn’t taken his eyes off Cheyenne since she’d walked up.

“All right,” Cheyenne said firmly. “I’ll stop playin’ around now.”

“Playin’ around, huh? Is that what you call that?” Brendon shouted.

“It is,” Cheyenne said, changing her stance and focusing on the target.

This time, when she pulled back, she threw it underhanded and nailed the target instantly.

“By the way, did I mention I played softball?” she asked when Brendon sputtered as he got to his feet in the pool of water.

Based on the look he shot Cheyenne, he hadn’t known that.

Beau laughed.

As did everyone else.


NOW THAT ALL of his brothers had taken their turn in the booth—with the exception of Ethan, who had somehow managed to weasel his way out of it—Travis was ready to watch his father go down. They’d turned the tables on them when Lorrie mentioned they would all be taking turns, and since paying her back wasn’t an option—she was their mother, after all—Travis would settle for the next best thing.

Taking their father down.

Not that Travis really minded the change in events that had occurred. Granted, he wasn’t going to let everyone else know that. As it was, he continued to get sideways glances from his brothers all the damn time. He still couldn’t believe he’d really made that much of a change since he’d given in to his love for Kylie and Gage, but maybe he had.

“Your turn, ol’ man,” Travis told his father. “If you’re lucky, I’ll get you out on the first shot.”

“Let’s just hope you’ve got it in you,” Curtis replied.

Suddenly, a chant started from the ladies in the crowd. “Shirt off! Shirt off! Shirt off!”

Travis laughed, thinking about his father up there without his shirt. The guy was in his sixties, but he was still in his prime.

“Ladies,” Curtis addressed the group before stepping into the booth. “I’d gladly take my shirt off for you, but I’d really hate to make my boys look bad.”

Everyone laughed. Everyone. Including Lorrie and the girls. The old man was something else, there was no doubt about that.

When Curtis got in place, Travis went over to the table, handed his mother some more money, and took one ball. That was all he was going to need.

“You’re goin’ down, Pops,” Travis told his father.

Curtis glanced down at the water beneath him and then back up to meet Travis’s gaze.

“That’s kinda the idea.”

Travis smirked.

He noticed Kylie, Jessie, Zoey, V, and Cheyenne were all looking at him. Their gazes were darting back and forth between where he stood and the target in front of him. That was when he felt someone move up beside him.

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