Because of His Past (9 page)

Read Because of His Past Online

Authors: Kelly Favor

“Good,” he said, nodding, as he pulled
the wire, simultaneously stepping forward, his cock pushing towards her.

She grabbed the base of his cock with her
hands and then dipped her head, as his cock slid between her open lips.
She worked her tongue around the tip of
it and then went deeper, taking him in all the way, before moving back and
sucking just the tip once more.

As she sucked, she also worked his shaft
with her hands.

“Fuck, that’s good,” he whispered,
throwing his head back.

Now she was sucking him in and out, going
as fast as she could, wanting him to explode, finish in her mouth so she could
take every last drop and swallow it.

But just when she thought he was going
to, Liam pulled out and stared at her, his eyes wide, almost
“I need to fuck
you, Grace,” he said.

She threw her legs open wide, pleading
with her eyes and now her mouth too.
“Oh, God, please just do it.
Please, I need you, Liam.
Inside me, deep.”

He stepped forward again, letting go of
the wire as he pushed the head of his cock into her private place, pushing
against her bare folds with a cock so hard she thought he could probably break
a brick with it.

“You want this?
You’re sure, Grace?” he said.

She looked back into his eyes.
“But promise me this isn’t some game to

“No, it isn’t,” he said, and then he
thrust into her, going all the way in immediately, and she cried out and
grabbed his shirt in her hands, even though they were still tied together.

“You feel unbelievable,” he told her,
moaning, his breath coming in short gasps as he waited momentarily.
“I’m going to fucking split that pussy
in half.”

“Do it,” she said, pulling him towards
her, spreading her legs that much wider as his cock spread her pussy lips.

He filled her up, achingly, and she
dripped for him, so wet, so tight, so much of him inside of her that she gasped
and moaned and couldn’t be quiet anymore.

She buried her face in his chest as he
pumped, fucking her so right, so good that she wanted to scream his name at the
top of her lungs.

Just before she was about to come,
though, something terrible happened.

In the outer suite, she could hear a door
opening and voices.

Liam stopped, still inside her, but his
body froze.
She grew still and
quiet also, waiting, like a trapped animal.

“Hello?” a woman’s voice called out.

“Guess she went home or something,”
another woman’s voice said.

“That’s strange.
I was sure she was here just a few
minutes ago.”

Now Grace realized who it was.
The HR woman, Joan something or other,
been showing her the paperwork and policies earlier
that day.

“It’s no problem,” the other woman
“You can introduce me

“You don’t think Easton’s in his office,
do you?
I think the light’s on,”
Joan said.

Grace felt like she was going to have a
heart attack.
If Joan came and
tried the door, it would open and she would see them fucking on Easton Rather’s
mahogany desk.

Liam leaned close to her ear and started
talking as he began slowly fucking her again, despite what was happening.
“I’m going to make you come right now,”
he said.
“No matter what happens,
you’re going to fucking come.”

And it was true, because she was so
unbelievably wet, and his cock was so good, so big and hard and his hips moved
perfectly, making her body crave release.

“No, I don’t think anyone’s in there,”
the other woman said.
“Besides, I
just got a text from Rudy and I need to go and check in with him.
Are you coming, Joan?”

Liam pounded harder against Grace’s
pussy, in and out, as she strained to hear what was happening just outside the
office door, even as her climax began.

“I guess I’ll come with you,” Joan
sighed, and then Grace heard their footsteps trailing out of the suite, and she
began coming in earnest.

“You like getting fucked in your office,”
Liam whispered, as he pounded her hard and she moaned.

“I’m coming,” she cried, trying to muffle
the outcry against his chest.

“I’m going to come too,” he said, and
then he pulled out and he shot his cum all over her pussy, spraying it across
her belly and her folds.

“Fuck,” he said.
“Come suck the rest out, baby.”

“Yes, please,” she replied, leaning
forward and taking the rest of it into her mouth.




Liam was gone.
He’d wanted her to leave with him, but
she’d insisted on staying.

Grace spent about forty-five minutes
cleaning Easton’s office, making sure that everything was disinfected and
hopefully put back almost exactly as it had been prior to their ill-advised
romp on his desk.

As she cleaned, she couldn’t stop
thinking about the way it had felt to be with Liam.
They’d had sex for the very first time,
and in this office of all places.

She shook her head, confused.

Grace couldn’t believe that the chemistry
between two people could be so powerful, so addictive,

That word wasn’t an exaggeration.
It was
, she thought, as she put the finishing touches on
Easton’s once-again gleaming mahogany desk and stepped back to admire her work.

She smiled, remembering Liam’s final kiss
before she’d shooed him out of the office suite.
His lips had been just as red, just as
fiery, and his cool blue eyes had somehow thrilled and warmed her soul as he’d
given her his trademark grin.

“I want to see you again,” he’d said, on
his way out the door.

“Let’s not talk about that right now,”
she’d told him, pretending to be stern when in actuality she couldn’t have
agreed more.

“I want to see you tonight.
Come to The Willis near Central Park,”
he’d replied, not at all put off.
“I’m going to make sure the penthouse is available for us.”

“What’s The Willis?”

“It’s a five-star hotel that my family

“You say that like it’s nothing,” Grace
had marveled.

“It’s not nothing.
It’s where I’m going to see you
That makes it special to

Just remembering what he’d said was
enough to make her gin ear-to-ear once more.

Grace took her cleaning supplies and left
Easton’s office, shutting the door and returning the spray bottle and sponges
to their rightful place beneath the sink in the kitchenette.

She stood up, wiping her forehead with
the back of her hand.
Her pulse was
finally slowing, after hours of operating at a breakneck pace.

, she

exhausted to go to The Willis like Liam requested?

She’d never be too exhausted to see Liam—not on her worst day.

Every single time she thought his name or
pictured his face, it got her smiling like a teenager mooning over her first
real crush.
And that made her
wonder if that’s all this was—an infatuation, an immature obsession that
would end tragically.

As if on cue, her cell phone began
ringing and she went to her desk and found it, nested in her purse.
Scott was calling.

She debated answering, but decided it
might be important.
“Hey,” she

“Were you just running sprints?” he
“Because you sound out of

“No, just doing some cleaning.”

“Cleaning what?”
His voice was suspicious.

“Why do you care what I’m cleaning?
Is there a reason for this call, or are
you just trying to poke at me?”

“Of course there’s a reason, Grace.
I have better things to do with my time
than think up random reasons to call you.”

you sure about that
? She
wanted to ask, but thought better of it.

“So what’s up?” she asked, looking around
the outer suite, as if she might’ve left a piece of incriminating evidence for
someone to find.

“What’s up is that I finally heard from
Mom,” he told her.

“Oh, wow.”
She wasn’t sure whether Scott was happy
about it or not.
“So how’d the
conversation go?”

“It went okay,” he said.
He sounded like he’d begun chewing
something, as he continued talking.
“She said hi, made small talk like not a day had gone by.”

“I’m still not sure why the two of you
weren’t talking, Scott.”

“That’s not even the point,” he said, his
voice growing edgy.

“Well, what is the point?”

“She told me that you got a job with Red
Jameson’s company,” Scott said.
“Were you ever planning on telling me that?”

“Of course, but everything happened so

She felt guilty now, even though she’d
done nothing wrong.

“Why do I feel like this has something to
do with Liam Houston?” Scott asked.
“Did he pull strings to get you that job?
Tell me the truth.”

“No, Liam had nothing to do with it.
I swear.”

“Because you do know that if you’re
seeing him or speaking to him again, then you’re putting me at risk too.”

“Scott, I really don’t appreciate being
accused of things,” she said, noticing that she couldn’t actually say
things I didn’t do
Because Scott had sniffed out the rat
and he was onto her.

what’s this job
actually consist
of?” Scott said
sounding like
it was a story he wasn’t willing to believe.
“Mom didn’t seem to have a
clue—something about being an assistant to somebody important.”

Grace exhaled through her nose.
“I’m actually here at work, right now,
I don’t have time to play
twenty questions with you.”

“This isn’t twenty questions, it’s one
simple question.
What’s your job

“I’m an executive assistant.”

“Oh, that totally makes sense and fits
your qualifications to a T,” Scot replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Jealous?” she said.

And you shouldn’t be working for Red
He’s one of

“One of who?”

“Remember what we talked about,
You’re trying to get into a
club that will never have you.
you aren’t
rich or born into their club, they
don’t let you in, ever.
The best
you can hope for is to be someone they take pity on, throw a few scraps, and
then when they’re finished, they’ll toss you into the gutter like the trash
they think you are.”

“Oh, that’s a really nice thing to
I hate to tell you this, but
just because I’m working in Red Jameson’s building
mean I’m trying to be part of some stupid rich person’s club.
I’m not like you—I really couldn’t
care less about belonging with the cool kids.”

“Sure,” Scott said.
“I’m sure none of this has anything to
do with Liam Houston, either.
convincing story, sis.”

“Stop pushing me, Scott.
I don’t owe you any explanations or any
excuses about how I choose to live my life and spend my time.
I don’t know who you think you are—“

“I’m your brother, remember?
The one you always come crawling to when
you need money, when you need to be bailed out, or emotional support because
you screwed up yet again?”

“Don’t count on that happening anymore,”
she said, wanting to hang up on him now.

Scott’s voice grew low and
“You better not be
seeing Liam Houston, Grace.
not just screwing with your own life anymore—I won’t see my business be
killed due to your self-esteem problems and your disregard for all of my hard
I built my life and my
business up from nothing and you don’t just get to shit on it because you
haven’t done a damn thing to deserve a life, so you’ll just cheat me to get it
for yourself—“

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