Before A Perfect World: Movie Trilogy, Book Two (The Movie Trilogy) (21 page)

Her heavy-lidded gaze took in my face, and she moved closer. “


She flushed, nodding quickly.

“Now, remember last night?” I went on in barely a hush.

She nodded again, tightening her grip on her robe.

“Happy medium, okay?” I suggested gently.

Okay,” she agreed again.

“Say okay again,” I breathed against her lips.

She grinned, letting go of the air she’d been holding.

“Okay,” she answered, smirking.

“Good girl.” I raised one eyebrow. “I’m not going to kiss you. You smell like Salter. Ash, lay off the fucking onions, it’s not funny. I’ll let her puke on you.”

He only chuckled, grabbing his toothbrush and holding it into the air for me to see before disappearing into the restroom.

“How many more takes?” Vivian asked.

“As many as I need. Why, are you getting tired?”

“A little.” She shrugged but held her smile.

“A few more, and if I don’t get what I need, we’ll start again tomorrow.”

“Are you always this… obsessed?” she asked, clinging to the robe as her makeup artist dropped the new nightie to her lap.

“Motivated,” I corrected, peering through the camera. “Craig, no close-ups on this one. Pan out more than in. I want their home, their kitchen. Knowing he’s about to go looking for this killer, I want to create their relationship in the scene. I want to see
the coffee pot, the toaster, things they use every day. Salter,” I called as he emerged from the restroom. “Pick her up and put her on the table, and let the kitchen chair fall. Don’t just push her back.”

We did ten more takes before Vivian’s eyes started to water, and I could finally tell she was exhausted. “Okay, we’re going to try again tomorrow. Everyone get some rest.”

She slid off the table, wrapping her robe around herself again and moving to the couch on the set. I stood with Craig and Mark, the boom operator, giving them the plans for the morning. Keeping my eyes on Vivian, I watched as she rested her head against the back of the couch and closed her eyes.

“Okay, goodnight every
one. Good work. Better tomorrow,” I added. My comments were met with a few kiss-ass acknowledgements for my efforts. I knew that wouldn’t last long, so I made sure not to take for granted their first-day enthusiasm.

Ash was waiting near the door of the set.
“Should I walk her back to the tents?”

I glanced at Vivian. She seemed too tired to care
what happened next, so I nodded.

“I’ll follow right behind. V, go straight to the trailer.”

The police officer waiting outside the set joined us, and I glanced around to catch any photographers. If they were there, they’d hidden themselves well enough for us not to know.

When I got to our trailer, I heard the shower running. I grabbed a Red Bull from the fridge, sitting down at the kitchen table
with my laptop. She emerged, towel drying her long, damp hair and wearing only a long,
Boogie Nights
t-shirt. “Keaton, you should come to bed,” she chided, glancing at my drink.

“I have a few emails to
answer and then I will. Want me to tuck you in?” I asked.

“I’m already asleep,” she
answered weakly.

“Then kiss me and go to bed.”

She obliged, and then added a quick hug, catching me off guard.

“Hey. Come here.” I pulled her into my lap, leaving her arms wrapped around me. “You okay, kiddo?”

“I’m just overly tired. My mind won’t turn off.”

Was it the scene?”

“A little. I know it was only my first. Do you usually do that many takes, or am I just extra bad?”

I tucked my face between her breasts, nudging with soft kisses. She exhaled softly.


“Yes,” she replied, her entire body stiffening.

“I’m a perfectionist. And I was waiting to see you respond to Salter the way I see you respond to me. And I realize that it’s not going to happen. I should be happy about that, since you’re going to be
wife, but the director part of me wants it. I want you to give it to me. To him.”

She listened patiently,
finally resting her head on my shoulder.

“Okay. I’ll try harder tomorrow, after I get more sleep.”

I stood with her in my arms, carrying her to the bedroom with her legs wrapped around my waist. “I’m sure I’ll be up before you tomorrow. I’ll leave you a note.” Tucking the blankets around her, I turned to the air conditioner to adjust it. A cork board hung on the door facing the hallway, and I grinned, retrieving the ultrasound photo from my wallet and pinning it to the board.

“I love that,” she whispered, watching me smooth out the photo of our baby.

“I love
,” I replied, kissing her again softly before moving back into the kitchen.

. . .

I glanced at my watch.
Nine AM.

Sighing, I returned the expectant glares of the crew, running my hands through my hair. “I’ll go get her.”

“I’m sleeping in tomorrow,” someone called from beyond the cameras, and I turned to glare back at the group.

“One more comment like that,
” I threatened, “and you’ll be sleeping in in your own shithole apartment tomorrow.”

The icy silence in the vast building was exactly the reaction I was hoping for.

As I walked between the set and the tents, the press that had already begun to gather tried for a few photos before they were stopped by security. I hurried inside the trailer, stopping short at the corkboard.

My note from that morning was pinned next to the ultrasound photo.



Meet me on the set. Bring my baby.



Below my note, she’s written her own in her neat, wispy handwriting.



I went back to bed. Your baby is almost as exhausting as you are.

XO- Vivian


Grinning, I turned the door handle,
my eyes settling on her sleeping figure. I was starting to recognize her favorite positions; curled on her left side, or on her back with her arm slung over her forehead.

The closer I got to her, the more I realized that she was out. Breathing deeply, she didn’t stir as I brushed her hair out of her eyes.

“V,” I murmured, kneeling at the side of the bed.

When she didn’t reply, I kissed her.

She moved, turning away from me.

Grinning, I crawled in next to her, spooning against her back and drawing her tightly against me. “Vivian Hale,
this is your boss. It’s time to get up for work.”

Go away Boss,
” she exhaled.

I smirked, moving her hair away from her neck to drag my mouth over her bare shoulder. “
I have something for you.”

She sighed, rolling over and squinting my way. “
Jolly Ranchers?”

She caught me off guard, and I snickered. “Candy?”

“I was dreaming that you went to get me some. God I want some right now.”

“Well,” I began, rolling over to reach for my unpacked bag. “
I got this at the airport. For her.”

I handed her the onesie, and she broke into a smile, reading the front of the shirt.

Best Supporting Star?
I love this,” she cried, gripping it to her chest.

I knew you would. I’m going to buy her a pony, too, but they didn’t have those at the airport.” She laughed, thoroughly enjoying the moment between us. “But then again, if she’s anything like her mother… she’ll want a unicorn.”

“And somehow, Keaton Thane,
you’ll find her a unicorn.”

“You know I

She sighed, lifting her pretty eyebrows hopefully. “Do I have to kiss Ash all day today?”

I slid my hand between her legs, pinching her thigh, and she giggled. “There is nothing more sexy than my future wife complaining about having to kiss Ash Salter again.”

“Do I?” she asked again.

“No. We’re doing some outdoor scenes today, since it’s sunny.”

“So that means… you have to keep your distance.”

I’d almost forgotten about the motherfucking paparazzi and the killer at large. Scowling, I shrugged. “Right.”

“Space, Keaton. Just in public. In private, I’m yours,” she assured me, opening her legs to my hand.

How she went from sweet and motherly to goddamn fucking sexy in one point two seconds, I’d never understand.

I glanced at my watch, and then tore the covers away from her.

“Well then, I’d better make this worth it for both of us.”

grinned, surrendering to my kiss.

The Sting



I wished the studio… or
… would just kick them out. Frank made it seem like they
them there.

“Of course we want them here,”
Trent said, sitting on a nearby chair to take his boot off. “It’s publicity for the movie, Viv.”

I wished he’d take his glasses off. He wore black frames, just like Matthew, and I turned away from him quickly.

“I know it’s hard for you,” Ash said, appearing at my side. While Trent was the dark-hair-dark-eyed heartthrob, Ash was more of the surfer boy variety. Seeing them standing right next to each other, my double-X chromosomes did a simultaneous panty-drop maneuver as they grinned at me.

It’s hard for Keaton,” I added, reaching for my ponytail.

Both sets of sexy eyes shifted behind me, and I felt a hand at my hair, tugging at the band.

“No more fucking ponytails. Understand?”

Keaton’s menacing growl made my skin crawl. I turned to him, my fists clenched at my sides.

“Don’t touch me!” I hissed.


. Click.

Cameras clicking, and a rumble across the set. I wasn’t sure who was in on our secret, but several of the cast and crew members turned away uncomfortably.

“Keep your hands to yourself,” Ash barked to Keaton, wrapping one arm around me.

Ash smelled like what I could only describe as a pirate lumberjack. His pits were sweaty, and I cringed.

Keaton glared, his eyes flickering to mine for one soft moment before he turned to stalk away.

“Why doesn’t he act?” Ash
asked, shrugging. “He obviously knows how. He’s pretty fucking good, actually.”

“He is,” I realized, watching Keaton stop to talk to Maya. He leaned in closer to her face than I’d have liked, but I knew it was all for show.

He was hotter than hell, too, and whatever twinge of interest my hormones had shown for Trent and Ash burst into flames as I watched Keaton bend over and lift a little boy, one of the extras, into his arms.

Oh my G

Seeing him with the toddler, I covered my stomach, trying to even my breaths. He was beyond sexy, grinning in those ever present aviators, chatting with the baby.

I wanted a boy.

I wanted a boy exactly like Keaton, one who looked like him, laughed like him…

And loved like him.

Tears burned my eyes, and I gasped quickly, turning away from the scene to meet Frank’s urgent calls. “Look. Tabloids. You and Keaton, all over the news.
‘The end of the line for Hollywood’s High School Sweethearts.’
Good job.”

Today is going to be hard,” I murmured, watching Keaton fist-bump the child playfully before he set him to his feet.

You’re a good actress, honey,” Frank complimented me with a shrug. “Just act. That’s all. You know who you’re going to bed with tonight.”

“Thanks, asshole,” I replied teasingly, and he scratched his chin with a snort.


“Let’s go, people! We’re already off to a late start, thanks to Miss Hale,” he griped, loud enough for the reporters to hear.

“TMZ will have a field day with that one,” Ash mumbled, reaching for his water bottle. “Okay, wife, let’s go.”

I took a deep breath, following them to the set.

. . .

I did every take
wrong at least five times.

I called Keaton an arrogant son of a bitch.

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