Before the Moon Rises (5 page)

Read Before the Moon Rises Online

Authors: Catherine Bybee

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Anthologies, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Two Hours or More (65-100 Pages), #Anthologies & Literature Collections, #Genre Fiction, #Werewolves & Shifters

bookshelf came down over the monitors hiding all evidence of

their existence.

"She's not for your eyes."

"Someone's a bit touchy." Richard took a seat on the large

leather couch, crossed an ankle over his knee. "Who is she?"

Max went to the liquor cabinet and poured himself a drink.

"Her name is Janet. She's our next assignment."

Richard's brow shot up in surprise. "You brought her


"I didn't have a choice. Gorman knows I have her. This is

the only place to keep her safe."

"Does she know about him?"

Max told Richard about the vandalism on her house and

the messages on her machine.

"Why trash her place? It doesn't sound like him."

"I think it was his way of goading me."


Before the Moon Rises

by Catherine Bybee

Richard sent him a questioning look. He had something to

ask but he kept it to himself. Good thing, because Max wasn't

up to answering anything personal.

"Does she know about you?"

Max tipped the remainder of bourbon down his throat. He

savored the burn. "I just met her, Richard. What do you

think? I go around telling everyone I turn into a wolf three

nights a month?"

"She's going to figure it out pretty damn fast once the sun


"Don't you think I know that?" He slammed his glass on

the desk. He seldom cursed his affliction. But today he wished

he was anything but a werewolf.

"You should get some rest. It's been a long night. We

wouldn't want Gorman to catch you sleeping."

"He wouldn't dare try and invade here."

"His pack is growing, Max. Ever since we took out their last

leader, Gorman is sporting for the top position. I wouldn't put

anything past him."

Max flopped onto the couch next to his brother, his head

tilted back. "It would help if you took the change."

Richard put a hand in the air. "We've gone over this.

Someone needs to cover your ass every month."

"I can't let him get to her."

Richard nodded toward the door. "Sexy little thing, I

imagine he wants her for a mate."

"Over my dead body," Max's voice was deadpan, his

expression firm.


Before the Moon Rises

by Catherine Bybee

"Whoa, wait up. Since when do you take assignments so

literally? We try to keep him from turning people. Never do

you risk your life for them."

"She's different."

Richard rolled his eyes. "If you say so."

"I mean it, Richard. She's mine, he can't have her!"

"Slow down, you just met her, remember?"

Max leaned forward, debated with how much to tell his

brother. "She's mine."

Richard stood. "If you say so."

"I say so."

Richard had the good sense to change the subject. "How

did you end up in the hospital anyway?"

"I'm not all that sure. During last night's fight I managed a

couple of good bites. I remember feeling lightheaded."

"Do you think the other werewolf was on drugs?"

"Must have been. But, whatever he took filtered out of my

system before the hospital managed to draw my blood.

According to Janet my tox screen was negative." Max covered

a yawn.

Richard took the hint and started to leave the room. "Get

some sleep. I'll wake you in a few hours."

"Two, don't let me sleep more than two."

Richard waved him off. "Whatever."

Gentle strokes across her forehead woke her from restless

dreams. Max stared down at her. His face freshly shaven his

clothes changed. He smelled of musk and soap. Clean.

Janet smiled and rolled on her back. "Hey."

"You were out."


Before the Moon Rises

by Catherine Bybee

"What time is it?" She stretched her arms to the side. The

blankets fell to her waist exposing a simple sleeveless

nightgown that revealed more than it covered. She caught

him staring at her chest.

"Six, like you asked." He forced his eyes to hers.

"Did you sleep?" To her disappointment, he stood from the

bed to put distance between them.

"A little. I have to work in a couple hours."

The thought of him leaving her alone in his home unsettled


As if sensing her concern he added, "I've asked my brother

to stay with you. And James is always here. You have nothing

to fear."

"What do you do?"

He turned away. "I own a security management firm,

tonight I have to run surveillance for a client."

Knowing nothing about what he spoke of, Janet didn't

question him. "When are you leaving?"

He checked his watch. "In about an hour."

Janet tossed the blankets back, when she stood her

nightgown went to her knees. "I'll get dressed, make us some


"You cook?"

His question caught her off guard. "Don't you?"

"If you call microwave dinners cooking, then yes."

Janet chuckled. "I'll meet you downstairs."

Richard was pleasant, even if he kept a watchful eye on

her during their brief meal.


Before the Moon Rises

by Catherine Bybee

He resembled his brother in appearance, except younger,

more innocent around the eyes. He didn't question why he

was asked to stay and watch over her while Max went to

work. He seemed to take it as if he did so everyday, which

struck Janet as a little odd.

She wished it were Max staying, instead of his brother. But

beggars can't be choosers, she told herself.

The sun had begun to sink in vibrant hues when she

walked Max out.

"I'm sorry I have to leave," he told her.

"You have to pay the bills, right?"


His thoughtful expression made her think he worried for

her. "I'll be okay," she told him.

"I know. I hate to leave you." Max gathered her in his


The thought to pull away never entered Janet's mind. His

eyes were swirling again, in turn her stomach fluttered in

anticipation of his touch. "I'll be here when you get back."

The words a promise, one she didn't regret.

She reached up and stroked his face. She caught his smile

before he dropped his lips to hers. His tongue explored every

corner of her mouth, her body molded to his trying to soak in

every detail before he left.

Her knees went weak. Desire shot through her and had her

panting for more. His hands caressed her waist, inched up

slowly and settled on her breast. His fingers tugged and sent

a spark of lust through her body.

He whispered in heated desire. "I want to finish this."


Before the Moon Rises

by Catherine Bybee

Against her normal behavior, Janet leaned in and said,

"Hurry home."

He captured her lips for one last searing kiss before


Richard wore a knowing smile when she came back inside.

"So, Miss O'Brien, what movie should we watch?"

Janet followed him into the den, completely at home with

her personal bodyguard. She turned her attention to the

movie selections. They were entirely male. Not one 'chick

flick' to be found. Picking something at random, she gave it to

Richard to put in the player.

He checked the title and starting laughing.

"What is it?"

"Oh, man. You have no idea." He kept up the chuckles and

fired up the DVD. "I'll get the popcorn."

Richard left the room, laughing hysterically.

Janet tucked her feet under her and removed the throw

from the back of the couch. The opening credits of "An

American Werewolf in London" hit the screen.

Richard returned five minutes later, though the telltale

smell of popcorn hit her senses first. "I hope you added extra


"A woman after my own heart," he said before plopping

down the bowl of popcorn.

A yelp behind the couch had Janet tense into a rigid sit.

From behind Richard, the cause of the noise walked up and

pressed its nose against her arm.

Janet sprang away and backed up against the wall in

alarm. "What is that?"


Before the Moon Rises

by Catherine Bybee

Richard smirked and grabbed a handful of popcorn. "Didn't

Max tell you he had a dog?"

"No! He didn't. That..." She motioned toward the four

legged, pointed-eared animal. "Doesn't look like a dog."

"Well, he thinks he's more human than dog. But you're

right, he's a wolf."

Janet started backing out of the room, never taking her

eyes off the animal.

"He's harmless, really. You have nothing to be afraid of."

As if in understanding, the wolf walked up to her and tried

to lick her hand to prove Richard's point.

"I'm deathly allergic to dogs." She snatched her hand


Richard's laughter returned. This time the cola he sipped

sputtered out and onto the floor.

"I don't see what is so funny." Annoyed with his

amusement, Janet continued to back out of the room. "I start

sneezing, swelling and tearing up within two feet of a dog."

"You hear that, ah... Rex? Janet is allergic to you."

The wolf sent out a yip in response.

"Can you take it outside?"

"Ah, no. Rex is an indoor dog, a very protective indoor

dog. Max wanted him to stay by your side while he's away."

How could that be? Janet asked herself. Outside of the

tears over the intrusion on her life, she hadn't as much as

sniffled since she came into Max's home. "Huh..." She relaxed

slightly, but waited for the sneezing to start.

"You don't seem to be sneezing now."


Before the Moon Rises

by Catherine Bybee

Rex moved toward her, his head lowered. Once directly in

front of her, he sat on his haunches and sniffed the air.

She reached her hand out and touched his fur. His coat

was silver with tips of black and soft like mink. Accepting her

touch as an invitation, Rex stood up and rubbed against her


"You big flirt," Richard called from the couch.

Janet held her breath, but the sneezes never came. "He's a


"Yeah, Max doesn't like anything conventional."

Having never been this close to an, otherwise, wild breed

of dog, Janet assumed her lack of an allergy attack was due

to his heritage. "What was his name again?"

"Rex. Isn't that right, Rex?" Richard called in a sing-song


"If I start swelling up, I'm going to retreat to my room."

"Fine by me."

Janet sat back down. To her distress, Rex hopped on the

couch and made himself comfortable. He dropped his head in

her lap as if he had done so a thousand times. Not willing to

shoo the dog off, Janet mumbled, "I'm asking for trouble."

Richard started to laugh again. He smacked Rex's leg and

pointed to the TV. "Look there, Rex. One of your family


Rex growled at Richard in response.

Max rested in her lap, her scent filled him more in this

form than it did in his human state. He felt her body relax as

she grew more accustomed to his presence.


Before the Moon Rises

by Catherine Bybee

Richard continued to prod him during the ridiculous movie,

a gag gift his baby brother gave him years before.

Once it was over, he followed Janet up the stairs, never

leaving her side.

Inside her room, she stopped him at the door. "Stay." She

pointed to the space outside her room.

She started to close the door, but Max moved to follow her


"I said, stay." She pushed him back.

He let out a yip and bolted between her legs and into the


"You can't be in here."

She bent down and tried to move him, but instead of

budging, he smeared her face with his tongue.

Janet laughed and wiped her face clean. "Aren't you

supposed to be loyal to your master? That would be Max, not


Max lay down, put his head on his paws, and settled in for

the night.

"Oh, whatever." Janet tugged her shirt from her pants and

started undoing the buttons. She walked into the bathroom

and ran the water in the sink.

Unable to stop himself, Max moved in closer to get a better

view. She tugged the shirt off her shoulders, under was a

black lacy bra, her creamy breasts heaved over the top of the

thin material.

He watched her brush her teeth and hair, completely

oblivious to his presence. She peeled off her jeans and kicked

them clear of her feet.


Before the Moon Rises

by Catherine Bybee

Dear God, her panties matched. He felt the growl in the pit

of his stomach and couldn't control his reaction. She cocked

her head to one side. "Okay, out with you," she waved him

away before shutting the door in his face.

Just as well, I can't do anything until I'm human again


Max slept off and on during the night, confident that any

alarm raised would bring him around. He heard nothing of

Gorman, or any of his pack in the distance. Most full moons

Max spent his time watching out for Gorman, or others like

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