Believe: The Complete Channie Series (190 page)

Read Believe: The Complete Channie Series Online

Authors: Charlotte Abel

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Teen & Young Adult, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Witches & Wizards, #Paranormal & Urban

That’s all it took. She unlatched both their seat belts and backed out of the car, dragging Hunter along with her. He grabbed the door frame to keep from stumbling out as Kassie continued to tug on his collar.

Signing in at the front desk was a blur. So was the ride up the elevator. By the time they got to their room, Hunter’s hands were shaking so much he couldn’t get the key card in the slot. Kassie yanked it out of his hands and opened the door herself.

He stuck one foot in the door to keep it open then grabbed Kassie and swept her off her feet. They weren’t married, but this was about as close to a honeymoon as they were likely to get anytime soon. No way was he letting her in that room without carrying her across the threshold.

Her little gasp of surprise was sexy as hell. Hunter crashed his mouth to hers as he carried her to the bed. He propped a knee on the mattress and lowered her onto the king-sized bed, kissing a trail from her jaw to the middle of her chest. Her heart thumped against his lips. He smiled at the living proof that he affected her just as much as she did him.

Hunter laid down beside Kassie and traced her swollen lips with his thumb as he cupped her cheek. “We have about an hour before room service delivers dinner.”

“You mean lunch.” It was a correction, not a question. Something Kassie did a little too often. But Hunter refused to let it annoy him today.

“What would you like to do until then?” He slid his hand lower, following the V-shaped neckline of her soft-as-a-cloud, bright red sweater. “Is this new?”

She nodded. “It’s cashmere. Do you like it?”

“Mm-hmm.” He cupped her breast and smirked when she arched her back, pressing herself more firmly into his hand. “But I like what’s under it even more.”

Kassie grimaced then rolled onto her side.

“Does your back hurt?” Hunter slid his hand around to her lower back and rubbed the spot that seemed to bother her the most. She was six months into her pregnancy and couldn’t lie on her back for more than a few minutes at a time.

“Get up.”

Hunter didn’t want to get out of bed. This room was costing him a month’s pay, but he was a gentleman and gentlemen did not refuse a lady’s request, especially in bed.

Kassie sat up then unbuttoned Hunter’s shirt, skimming her fingers over his skin.

An involuntary moan rumbled out of his chest. This was definitely worth getting out of bed. They’d never been fully undressed with each other. Hunter was too afraid of getting caught so he just shifted clothing out of the way instead of removing it completely. Even when he snuck into Kassie’s room late at night, he never lowered his pants past his knees or let her take off her night clothes. He’d been shot at more than once back home in Arkansas and he’d learned right fast that it was downright dangerous to run through the brush with nothing between a fella’s tenderest parts and a briar patch. Kassie swore that no one “in the civilized world” would shoot him, even if they got caught in the act. But Hunter wasn’t willing to take that chance. Until now. Nobody could get into their hotel room without a key.

When Kassie got to the last exposed button, she inched his shirt tail out of his jeans then kissed his belly.

He shivered as goosebumps puckered his skin. “This is nice.”

“You like that?” She did it again.

“You’re driving me insane, woman. Come here.” Hunter grabbed Kassie’s shoulders and pulled her to her feet.

“I’m not done.” She unbuckled his belt then unbuttoned his jeans and lowered his zipper

Hunter’s eyes rolled to the back of his head when she touched him. Every muscle in his body tightened. He opened his eyes and found Kassie’s gaze locked on his. Her pupils dilated. This had to be the sexiest thing he’d ever seen…or experienced.

“You better quit. I ain’t gonna last much longer.”

“It’s okay.”

He jerked away from her just in time and grabbed his shirt off the bed to contain the mess. “Ah…shit!”

“Hunter? What’s wrong?”

“This is the only shirt I have.” Not only was it the only shirt he had with him, it was the only dress shirt he owned.

“I can wash it out in the sink and then hang it over the shower rod.” Kassie’s eyes sparkled with mischief. “But you won’t be able to leave this room until it dries. You’re my prisoner.”

Hunter turned his back to drop the shirt and yank up his pants. The heat rushing up the back of his neck only added to his humiliation. He hadn’t lasted five minutes. You’d think he was a damn virgin. “We have supper reservations tonight at seven-thirty.”

Kassie wrapped her arms around his waist from behind, her pregnant belly pressed into his back. “I’m sorry. I should have stopped when you told me to, but I wanted to do something special for Valentine’s Day.”

Hunter cleared his throat. The last thing he wanted was for Kassie to know how embarrassed he felt. He forced a laugh, something he was very good at. “Well, that was pretty dang special, so thank you.”

“I was joking about holding you hostage. But I can wash your shirt and then iron it dry. We’ll still make our dinner reservation.”

“You’d do that?” Hunter was doing his own laundry as soon as he was big enough to reach the pump handle on the well. And no one had ever ironed his clothes for him.

Kassie bent over to pick up his shirt, but Hunter snatched it off the floor before she touched it. His cheeks still burned. He was probably redder than a rotten tomato. “Why don’t you soak in that fancy bathtub while I wash my shirt. I’ll hang it up to dry then join you in the tub. When we’re done, you can iron it dry.”

“That’s an excellent idea.” Kassie grinned then shoved Hunter into the bathroom and closed the door. “And no peeking until I tell you I’m ready.”

“What do you mean no peeking? I cain’t wait to see you naked.”

“No.” She dropped her head and blushed. “I look like a cow.”

Hunter grasped her chin between his thumb and fingers and lifted her face. “You’re beautiful.”

“I’m huge.”

Hunter ran his hands over her belly and smiled when the baby kicked him. “Did you feel that?”

She rolled her eyes. “It’s sort of hard to miss.”

He lowered himself to his knees, dropping kisses over her swollen belly as he went. “You are a sacred vessel of new life.”

“Okay, Shakespeare, that’s enough.”

“What?” Hunter grinned up at her.

“Laying it on a little thick, don’t you think?”

“Just trying to get laid, that’s all.”

She smacked the top of his head and pointed at the bathroom. “Get in there and don’t come out until I tell you to.”

“You’re sexy when you’re bossy.” Hunter stood up and headed into the bathroom. He paused and looked over his shoulder. “Which is pretty much all the time.”

Kassie threw a pillow at him, but he dodged it and shut the door.

scrubbed his shirt with a tiny bar of soap. The Omni was awful stingy with their cleaning supplies for such an expensive hotel. He smiled when he heard the sound of running water on the other side of the door. He rinsed his shirt, wrung it out in a towel then hung it over the shower rod so it could drip dry. The water was still running. How long was it going to take to fill a tub that size? He hoped it wasn’t too much longer. He was ready for round two.

The water shut off. “Okay…I’m ready.”

Hunter smiled when he opened the door. Kassie had turned off the lights and lit a bunch of candles. She was covered from the neck down in bubbles with only her red-polished toes peeking out at the other end of the tub. She was so damn sexy. He hoped he could convince her of that before they had to leave. It’d be a shame if he didn’t get to see her naked. “Hey, gorgeous, is there enough room in there for me?”

“It’s a two person tub.” The candle closest to her head flickered as she heaved a dramatic sigh. “I’m not

“Why do you do that?” Hunter’s shoulders sagged. “You know how I feel about you.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to ruin the mood.” Kassie’s toes disappeared under the bubbles as she sat up. “Yes, there’s plenty of room in here for you.”

“Close your eyes.”


He smirked at her. “It’s hardly fair for you to see me, if I cain’t see you.”

Kassie rolled her eyes. “You’re not pregnant.”

Hunter crossed his arms over his chest. He could be stubborn, too.

“All right, fine.” Kassie closed her eyes and put her hands over her face, but she was obviously peeking through the cracks between her fingers. He might not have noticed if her eyes hadn’t caught the flickering candlelight.

Hunter was surprised by how much he liked it. He unzipped his pants, real slow. Might as well give the girl a show. He hooked his thumbs under the waistband of his jeans, over his hips, then splayed his fingers so his hands slid over his thighs as he lowered his pants.

Kassie’s chest rose and fell faster with every breath.

He stopped when he reached his knees then stood up, expanding his chest with a deep breath and flexing his arms.

All the Feenie boys were lean, but muscular. It came from eating a diet of whatever they could catch, trap, shoot or steal and the hard physical labor required just to survive in the Ozarks. Hunter’s diet had vastly improved after moving in with Channie’s family, and the only work he had to do was push a broom and a mop through the halls of Monarch High School, but it would take more than a couple months of easy living to ruin the muscle-tone he’d acquired over the years. If anything, his muscles had gotten bigger.

He cast a balance spell on himself then lifted his right foot. It would ruin the effect if he fell on his ass. He worked the fabric of his jeans over his calf muscle then pointed his foot to slide it all the way off. Unfortunately, he’d forgotten to remove his shoes.

Kassie kept her hands over her face even though her giggles proved she was watching.

Hunter chuckled then sat down on the edge of the tub. “So much for my sexy show.”

Kassie lowered her hands and shifted her body to rest her forearms on the tub, next to Hunter’s hips. “Take off your shoes and socks and start over.”

“You want me to put my pants back on, just so you can watch me take ‘em off again?”

“Please?” She batted her eyes at him.

“What are you willing to offer in exchange?”

“This.” Kassie swallowed then gripped Hunter’s shoulders and pushed herself to her feet.

“Oh, Kassie.” Hunter’s gaze skimmed her body. Bubbles clung to her skin, hiding the best parts, but just knowing that she’d ignored her shyness to please him…aroused him even more than her earlier gift. “You are breathtaking.”

He stepped on the heels of his shoes to remove them then walked out of his pants. He grabbed the waist of his cherry-red boxer briefs, but before he could yank them off, Kassie put her hands over his. “Oh no you don’t. You owe me a show.”

Hunter grinned then stepped back into his jeans and pulled them up in slow motion.

“It’s way hotter when you take them off.”

“How about a little music to set the mood?” One of the brochures about the hotel claimed each room had a sound system that plugged into any iPod or iPhone. He didn’t have either, but Kassie did. “Can I borrow your iPod?”

“It’s in my purse.” Kassie started to sit back down in the tub, but Hunter grabbed her elbow.

“I ain’t done looking at you.”

“I’m getting cold.”

“Oh. Okay.” Hunter held on to her arms and helped lower her back into the water. “Do you want me to get in there and warm you up?”

“I want you to give me the show you promised.” She said the words lightly as if she were joking, but the fire in her eyes showed her true desire.

“Do you want a slow, sensuous show, or a high-energy, hot and heavy show?”

Kassie smirked at him. “Both.”

Hunter was the best dancer back home and a fast learner. He didn’t have to watch many music videos before he’d picked up the nuances of the different dance styles that were popular in Kassie’s world. He found the perfect song then moved to the center of the room.

He closed his eyes as the music washed over him like a caress. He ran his hands over his pecs, across his abs and down his thighs. He repeated his strip-tease, sliding his jeans off in slow motion. It was a lot easier without shoes.

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