Bella Notte (10 page)

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Authors: Jesse Kimmel-Freeman

Slowly all the
happenings from the night before started to flood back to me. I
didn't know whether to be sick or pissed.

Grandpa, what
did he give me?”

sweetheart, I can't tell you exactly what he gave you but it was
meant to help you change. Think of it as an accelerant …
catalyst.” He seemed very upset.

Okay, I get
that there are some things you can't tell me- but why? What would it
hurt if I knew more about this change?” I could feel my temper
rising and I couldn't even justify it to myself.

Emma, the
reason we've not talked to you about what's going to happen is
because of two reasons. The first is that we're worried how you'll
handle the information. The second is because it's a family secret
and we couldn't risk you telling anyone.” I knew he was trying
to be kind but I could tell something was bothering him.

I felt angry for
being lied to about what was happening with my own body and not being
trusted. “Grandpa, I'm extremely upset. I don't understand why
I'm not being trusted enough to know what's going on inside me- or
whatever this change is.” I knew my eyes were flashing
dangerously as my temper grew.

I'm sorry,
Emma, it isn't my place. You'll have to take it up with your parents.
If they agree then I'll tell you- until then my hands are tied.”
With that Grandpa walked off.

That's when I felt
like something inside me broke. I stormed up to my room and screamed
into my pillows. My temper was raging when I heard the light rap at
my door and I knew it was my mother.
does she want?

Come in,
Mom,” I said trying to control the fire burning inside me.

You're much
like your grandfather- do you know that? Speaking of him, he said you
wanted to ask about something?” She was smiling but clearly
examining my room with obvious disappointment.
does she even bother? Ugh!

Yes, I would
like to know why exactly I cannot be trusted with the information of
what this “change” is?” I made sure to use finger
quotations when I said the word “change.”

Oh. Well,
you've not progressed enough for it to be safe to tell you. I know
you don't understand my darling, but once you find out more, then you
will,” she said and reached out for my hand.

What the Hell
do you mean, I've not progressed enough? Shouldn't I get to know what
the devil is going to happen to me? How would you even know if I've
changed if you never even notice me?” The little control I had
mustered was dissolving.
wrong with me?

I'll leave
you then, Emma.” Something flashed across her face- it seemed
as though she was afraid of me. She got up and left.

Great now she's
scared of me.
I sighed. I lied down and let the darkness take me. The whole night
was plagued by images of my party, of Dominic, of his fangs. I woke
up in a deep sweat-
had fangs!
Something inside me clicked but I didn't know what it was, the
sleepiness was pulling me back under.
had fangs! I knew it- but what does it mean?

I woke as I do most
early mornings- crying.
I hate that dream.
I decided to try and let it go. I needed sleep, the world felt like a
trap door waiting to fall out from under me. The dream didn't change-
it never did. But I was ... and that scared me.

I felt the strange
sensation that I was forgetting something important, something I had
dreamt- but it was gone.
I covered my head with my comforter and forced myself back into

By the time my brain
got my eye lids open it was sunny. I grabbed my cell to check the
two o'clock, and still no word from Mike. Fine screw them all!
Today I was staying in my room and not bothering with the world.
stay in my pjs and watch some classics like

I cuddled deeper
into my blanket and wished the day away. It passed quick enough
without incident or word from the outside world. Normally I'd worry-
but today I had my own pity party going. I went to sleep early.
should eat something- otherwise you'll have nightmares.
didn't care.

Monday brought hope
to my smelly self.
will be at school and will fix everything
I showered, got dressed, and actually ate a full breakfast, instead
of a quick bite.

When I got to school
I found Mike but he was lost in some world of thoughts. I waved my
hand in front of his face and held out the journal.

Your turn.”
I smiled and winked at him.

He blinked at the
journal and then looked from it to me.
is clearly wrong.

What's up
buttercup?” I sat down next to him on the cold, gray concrete
of the curb.

Uh, nothing.
I had a really long weekend. How'd Friday go? I'm sorry I was m.i.a.
all weekend.” He seemed to be letting something go for now.

Oh, you know,
the usual- my father announced my betrothal to my childhood best
friend's brother, got tipsy as a result, got drugged by said guy, and
then I blacked out. You know the usual.” I tried to keep my
voice neutral as I said these things.

His voice carried anger with it and his mouth dropped open slightly.

I tried to
call you, but you were busy.” I could see the hurt in his eyes.
shouldn't have said that
“I'm sorry Mike.”

No, you're
right, I wasn't available and now I so wish that I had been. You're
betrothed? Do you want me to knock this guy out and hide the body?”

I couldn't tell if
he was kidding or not- something inside seemed to warn me that he

apparently no one felt the need to tell me that I am going to be
married to some almost complete stranger. But screw that. So I read
the journal.” I wanted to change the subject; I batted my
lashes at him.

You did? Did
you find it interesting?” I could see the struggle for him to
let go of the stuff I told him.

I grabbed him close
to me and kissed him hard. “Yes, I read the journal,” I
whispered as the bell rang and I headed to class.

Mike stared after me
for a few minutes and then he ran to catch up to me. “Hey, wait
for me.”

And just like that
all was quieted- at least for now. The week passed uneventfully. I
didn't talk to my family- I avoided them at all costs. I found that I
couldn't forgive them for my birthday and that horrid boy. Mike and I
hung out and started to plan for the Halloween dance that always
seemed to come out of nowhere. I was excited because it was Mike's
birthday as well. I got him his present already and all I wanted to
do was tell him what it was. I had to have it custom made- it being a
silver bracelet with a scene etched into it. I thought that a little
full moon with the silhouette of a wolf and a bat against it would be
awesome. I, of course, was right. The twisted black leather band had
been worn so it was comfortable to wear. And the back said, “We're
quite an odd pair that surely will last forever.”

The town turned from
its normal dullness to the perfectly haunted Halloween town.
Everything was decorated and took on an eerie atmosphere. It was
absolutely splendid- of course Christmas was like this too, but then
I wanted to toss my red and green cookies.

You see, Halloween
will forever be my favorite holiday- it's the one day when I can be
myself and no one gives a damn. Everyone- well not everyone- becomes
like me. It's absolutely marvelous.

Mike and I decided
that he was going to be Wolfman from the old black and white movies
and I was going to be Dracula's bride. The next week we spent all our
spare time getting the costumes made and we had to special order
custom accessories. It was so awesome to have a pair of real fangs
sent to me.
he had fangs.
I felt like I had lost my mind. I put them on as I followed the
directions to a T. When I looked at myself in the mirror, I found
something strangely familiar. I smiled and the fangs looked so

That guy did
an awesome job,” I said to the mirror as I touched my
like my vision of my birthday.

I shook my head at
the thought as I had chosen to ignore the happenings of that day. But
I knew I had not managed to do that as I could feel my temper burn
bright within me. I needed to do something anything to make me feel
like I was in control. I grabbed my cell as I headed downstairs to my
Jeep- fangs still in place.

Hey, Mike.”
It sounded slightly slurred and sharp.

Em. What's a
matter? Have you been drinkin' or somethin'?” He sounded

No, I just
got my fangs and I forgot to take them out. I'm coming to pick you
up, get dressed.” It all sounded a little snake-like to me and
I had a mental image of me with a forked tongue- I giggled.

Okay, where
are we going and how do you know I'm not dressed?” It was
almost as though I could hear him lift his eyebrow with a smirk.

Ugh. You
perv! It's Sunday so I know you're sitting on your butt, watching
t.v. or something, now get dressed. I'll be there in twentyish
minutes. Bye.” I smiled at my phone knowing I'd won this round.

There was no traffic
so the ride went quickly. I pulled up to the gates outside his house
and he was standing there. I blushed as I gave him the once over. He
was in black cargo pants, his combat boots, and a tight black tank.
he is sexy.

Are you just
going to gawk at me, or can I get in the car?” His eyes were
bright with excitement.

I thought I'd
gawk a bit more, but if you're gonna whine- get in my beast,” I
said as I leaned across the seats and pushed open the door.

So, what's
up, Em? You look like you mean trouble.” He always could tell
what was going on with me.

Let's go get
tattoos.” I blurted out- I had clearly not thought this through
all the way.

How about we
have a chat about what's up, and then maybe we can get tats?”
He looked at me with concern again.

Sorry, mate,
this is a live free vessel and I'm the cap'n- so you in or not?”
I didn't want to discuss what I didn't even understand.

Okay- never
call me mate, it should be matey, you dork. And what are you
getting?” He knew it was a moot point to argue with me right

may-tee,” I drew it out. “I'm getting a bat on my inner
wrist- what about you?” I eyed him as we pulled away from his
house and headed for the highway leading away from the town.

Well, if
you're getting a bat then I'll get a wolf howling silhouette.”
He smiled at me and lightly brushed a hair away from my face.
those gestures that make me crazy on the inside.

Then we're
off to see the wizard,” I said as we hit the highway like a bat
outta Hell.

It takes an hour to
get into the city, but it is bustling with life and I knew the drive
was worth it. Every time I had gone to the world outside our little
haven, I was amazed and most of all- happy. This was one of the few
places where I could be myself and not be seen as the freak. Mike
seemed to have paled by the time I'd found parking.

Oh, don't be
such a baby. I'm sure it won't hurt at all. Jeeze, boys are such
wimps!” I leaned over and punched him lightly in the arm.

Em, I'm not a
baby. I merely enjoy not thinking about being stabbed repeatedly over
and over again with needles,” he said as he hopped out of my

I said as we walked across the street.

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