Read Bella's Choice Online

Authors: Lynelle Clark

Bella's Choice (35 page)


Later, as they sat on the porch sipping their drinks, two cars pulled up with four people in each.

“Hi, there,” shouted Monica as they stepped out, “here we are.”

With a lot of welcoming laughter, they greeted each other

Anabella, who moved between them, was glad to see them all. “Hi, guys. Let me show you to your rooms. Hope you won’t mind sharing.”

“Nope. It will be fine, but I will sleep outside most of the time,” said Herman, “that’s if you don’t mind?”

“Not at all.”

He was a big man with fiery, red hair and big, brown eyes. His rugged face spoke of the outdoors; darkly tanned and his beard nicely trimmed, which gave him a chiseled look.

When Anabella met him at varsity, she had liked him immediately. They had a few classes together, and he always had a keen interest in her sport. She suspected he liked her, but she’d never given him the opportunity to follow up on it. Now, she noticed that there was something going on between him and Christel, and she was happy for him.

“It is beautiful here. You don’t see this every day,” he shared with a grin.

“Agreed! Count us in, we will join him outside,” said the rest of the group in choir formation, except for Monica and Sam.

Anabella suspected that they would be mostly on their own. The man hadn’t left her side since they had stepped out of the house, the electricity between them undoubtedly visible to all. Anabella was happy for her friend, because she deserved a good man in her life.

“As you wish. You can unpack in the rooms as there is enough closet space for all your things.”

They moved off and quickly started to arrange the beds and luggage until every person was settled in. Mattresses lined the porch, ready to be laid upon and slept on.

“Come, I want to show you where the pool is and all the other activities before we light the fires. I believe you must be starving?”

“Starving? That is an understatement,” boomed Hein, one of the men she only knew from friends; a quiet man who kept to himself mostly.

At his words, laughter broke out because everyone was in agreement.

“Let’s go. We cannot keep starving people too long from food.” Anabella laughed at their playful tone, enjoying the company of friends. She had really missed them and couldn’t wait to return to her classes. She showed them around, walking at a leisurely pace as they took in the sights and sounds.

Mr. Copeland, of course, was delighted to see so many young people, and he introduced them to the resort and all its activities with flourish. “We have a well-known band playing tonight, you must join us,” he informed them just before they left.

“That sounds good,” Sam winked as he held Monica close, making her blush. “It’s a reason to hold my heart close to me,” he quipped whilst sneaking a kiss on to her rosy cheek.

Two hours later they were finally back home. The men started with the fires, and the women congregated inside to prepare the salads.

“When will Aldrich be here?” Monica asked curiously, while she added potatoes to a pot of water and flicked the gas burner on.

“He’ll only be here in two weeks. He’s busy with a big case that needs all of his attention,” replied Anabella, chopping the cucumber into slices. She was already missing him tremendously.

“So, tell us about Sam,” asked Christel, who stood and watched as they scurried around the spacious kitchen.

Monica proceeded to explain how they met with dreamy eyes, giggles bursting forth now and then with pure pleasure as she recalled the first two weeks of their relationship. It had happened so fast that Monica almost felt overwhelmed with the sudden turn of events in her life, but yet ecstatic that he was a part of it. She couldn’t wait to join him again outside, already missing him.

The rest of the conversation was light while they busied themselves with the cutlery and plates, poured drinks for the men, and when all was done, joined them at the fire.

They had a nice dinner, joking continuously, the men teasing the women relentlessly until there wasn’t a dry eye in the house as they laughed at the pranks played on them. It went on till late into the night, the band completely forgotten.

Just after dinner, Sam excused them both while pulling Monica along with him in the direction of the beach. He obviously wanted some alone time. He had thought of a better way to occupy their time and didn’t hide the fact. Monica was shy at first, but with a nudge from Anabella, she left with him.

Anabella missed Aldrich even more, forcing herself to laugh along as she watched the couple disappear into the shadows of the night, wrapped in each others arms.

The three days passed quickly. She trained diligently and early every morning while they slept, and by the time she got back everyone was up and chattering away as they sipped their coffees, then became quiet as they enjoyed the view from the porch. This gave her the opportunity to clean the place and enjoy a peaceful few moments before the group joined her in the kitchen. The interaction between Sam and Monica made her aware of her own longing for her love, their last kiss still engraved on her lips.

They had a lot of fun throughout the weekend, finally joining the band for some dancing on the Saturday night. Anabella sat quietly outside enjoying the evening, not willing to dance with anyone. She ached for Aldrich and didn’t want any other man touching her intimately.

They swam often with Sam going as far as daring Anabella to a friendly swimming contest, and she had to admit he was good. She’d had to really dig deep to win, but in the end he had had to admit to Monica that she was fast, very fast. However, it was good exercise for them both and she loved it.

Her friend’s happiness was tangible, they blossomed as a couple and remained close, always doing things together. He really enjoyed Monica’s company. Clearly, the man cared for her, and she could see her friend was head over heels in love. Her eyes sparkled when she looked at him, and as with her she knew that this would be her friend’s first and last love.

During the time Anabella wasn’t at varsity, the relationship between Herman and Christel blossomed, too, and soon they followed Sam and Monica on their moonlight walks, coming back later and later. It caused much teasing w
ithin the rest of the group, but the two men just laughed it away and the two women blushed, which Anabella thought was adorable.

Monday came too quickly. Everyone wanted to stay, but they all had other plans―the weekend was over. After a filling breakfast
they packed the cars and were ready to leave.

“Thanks for the visit. I truly enjoyed having you guys here so much,” said Anabella as they climbed into their cars.

“When will Aldrich be here?” Monica asked again, leaning against the window, already buckled up.

“I’m not sure. He wasn’t certain when I spoke with him yesterday.” Anabella shrugged with a faint smile.

“Don’t miss us too much,” Monica said ruefully. “I will try to come again. I know Mom and Dad planned a few things for the remaining few days. Let me see how it goes. Sam invited me to his parents’ home before varsity starts as well, so I will phone and let you know, okay?”

“Great, Moni. Drive safe.”

With that, they left, honking up the hill.

She slowly made her way up the steps, went inside and closed the door, refusing to feel sorry for herself. The silence was overwhelming, but she welcomed it after the weekend of constant noise. Never before had she had friends over, which made for a new experience altogether. An experience she would love to repeat when possible.

The house was in a mess, and although they had helped her clean it there were still a few things that needed her attention. She picked up magazines from the floor, put back chairs that were scattered around in their correct places, swept the floor, and ensured that the kitchen was in order. Her friends had already made sure that the sheets were in the washing machine before leaving.

When she heard soft footfall behind her, she turned around and right in front of her was Aldrich, his gorgeous face close to hers.

“Bella!” His eyes dark shinning with want for her.

“Aldi, my love!” Her heart thudded with the sudden intrusion, and what a welcoming intrusion it was.

They were in each other’s space, and with one sweep of his arms their mouths melted together, doing all the talking for them.

“I’ve missed you so much,” said Aldrich, close to her ear.

“You have no idea,” Anabella murmured, her voice jingling with excitement.

“Are you happy to see me?”

“Oh, Aldi, what a question.” A tear ran down her cheek.

He kissed her again, not missing her beautiful smile and the message in her eyes. “Let me look at you,” he said, stepping back. “Can it be?”

“What?” she asked hesitantly, not sure how she looked. She hadn’t made much effort when she’d gotten out of the pool that morning.
Surely, I can’t look that bad. Monica would have said something.

“You are more beautiful than ever.”

She sighed with relief. “Have I ever told you that you talk too much, Aldrich?”

He chuckled, and with a strong pull she took his mout
h into possession. He lifted her from her feet―which dangled in the air with the bliss of their union―while they enjoyed the pleasure of being together. Once he released her mouth, his eyes swept through the house; everything seemed in order. He could feel the house vibrating with energy, a feeling he appreciated. It had been built to entertain and relax, not stand as a ghostly reminder of the past. Taking Bella there was the best decision he could’ve made.

“How was the visit with Monica and your friends?”

“Wonderful, Aldi, thank you.” She hugged him and he returned the gesture by kissing her lightly on the forehead.

He asked what they did, and she told him about Monica’s new friend, Sam, as she dragged him to sit on the couch, tugging her feet beneath her as she divulged everything about the weekend.

He smiled as he watched her face light up with every story she shared, enjoying her body even more as she leaned against him, when his stomach growled announcing its presence.

She laughed. “Are you hungry?”

“Yes, I believe I am.” He, too, laughed. “I left early this morning to surprise you, so there was no time for a quick bite.”

“And surprised me you did! When do you have to go back?”

“I can stay for three days, and then I must return.”

“Wonderful!” She kissed him on the cheek, inhaled his scent and snuggled deeper against him.

“You missed me?” he asked, grinning madly.

“You have no idea.”

“I think I do.” Their mouths melded together once again until it seemed their lungs lacked oxygen. Their hands explored as they reacquainted themselves with fine comb detail. The feel of her skin under his touch mesmerized him, and soon his hand explored every inch of her well-toned body, the material the only barrier that kept him in line.

He had missed her more than he was willing to admit to himself, while trying to focus on his work the past week. She was always on his mind, and at night he couldn’t help himself as his body’s want for her intensified. Now, having her back in his arms he could feel her body surrender to him and like chocolate he melted over her tucked snuggly beneath him. She was the loveliest woman he knew and he wanted her, every part of her. As his mouth started its own exploration, he could feel her reaction; she was ready. He couldn’t wait anymore, he want
ed her like plants needed water, his hands doing what they had wanted to do for a very long time.

When her body arched beneath his―inviting him in―he stopped, not having realized how far he’d gone until he lifted his head. She lay there, eyes revealing her
own need for him, her breasts glistening from his wet kisses. Hard and pointed, they stood erect, inviting him to take more.

He groaned softly, “You’re so beautiful, Bella. Just look at you, you’re so ready for me.” It was the first time he was seeing her naked, the first time he could savor more than just her smile or kisses.

She smiled, lifting herself closer to him, seeking to have his mouth on her again, but he had to stop.
Damn! I have to
. He’d promised himself he would wait, even if it killed him. His own body strained against his clothes, screaming its release. Her hands nestled in his hair; she was ready for him, he knew it and he took advantage of it, as if there were no limits. He couldn’t believe his own indulgence where she was concerned that he lost himself so completely in her.

She was addictive.

With a body like that, who could blame him? With one final sweep over her exposed chest, he sat up straight and covered her. She made for an exquisite picture, her hair fanned out over the couch’s material, legs apart that mere moments ago had been wrapped around his hips, her mouth wearing the telltale signs of his lust, before she moved as well. Disappointment was etched on her face as she sat upright, her quick puffs of breath the only sound she released, acknowledgement that she had been on the same rollercoaster ride with him as she righted her clothes without meeting his eyes.

Have I taken it too far? Why is she so quiet?

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