Read Bella's Choice Online

Authors: Lynelle Clark

Bella's Choice (7 page)

Willingly, she stepped into his warm embrace, the same arms that had held her protectively earlier, and he gave her a kiss on the forehead. It had become his custom since they met. He battled with this for a long time and knew that if he continued to want to take her as he wanted, it would just complicate things more. Which she didn’t need.

She lifted her face to receive more than just a peck, but he brushed her face instead with his thumb, studying her as his eyes roamed over it. Eyes layered with questions he shielded carefully.

However, reading him correctly, she reached up and whispered, “I am okay, thank you.”

He smiled faintly. Aldrich was thankful for the transformation; in the place of a sad and fearful little girl was a beautiful young lady full of confidence. He still wanted to know what had upset her, but he would have to be patient with her until she was willing to open up to him. He’d had a traumatic past, something he never talked about. Therefore, he respected her silence. After all, they had known each other for only a year, and it was not as if they spent a lot of time with each other to talk about personal issues.

One thing that stood out very strongly in Aldrich, was the need to protect her against whatever it was she faced. She had grown more mature in the past year, making her more attractive and looking older than her nineteen years. She still had a long way to go in growing up, and he wasn’t getting any younger.

For a brief moment, the redhead, Giselle Etsibeth, filtered through his thoughts. Just the day before she’d been at his office, clinging to his arm as they’d discussed the case she wanted him to handle. She was everything that Anabella wasn’t. She was his age, was even willing and ready, but something about her prevented him from becoming too acquainted with her, as she would have liked.

Giselle had invited him for lunch at her apartment in the city as soon as business was wrapped up. He’d gone reluctantly, but was glad to find her father there, although that hadn’t stopped her. She’d given him all of her attention, practically sitting on his lap the entire time her father spoke to him. Aldrich couldn’t find it in himself to be rude to her, but he’d definitely been uncomfortable.

And today, he found Anabella in a state, and the question he’d asked himself earlier raised itself once again.
What have I involved myself in?

He came from a loving family, and he had hoped that he, too, would someday have the same relationship as his parents had had up until his mother passed away ten years ago. His father hadn’t been, and was not interested in anyone else. There were many women who’d tried to catch his attention because his dad was a first-class catch, but for him it had always been Sarah. His two sisters’ marriages were solid, and they were very happy. So far, that same happiness eluded him, but he was more than ready to settle down.

For the rest of the night, he made sure he stayed close to her. His urge to protect her against anything that tried to go against her was enormous. He was enjoying watching her every movement, every flex of her muscles, and the delightful smile curled around her lips. He enjoyed watching her small hand pick up a strand of hair, and then placing it behind her ear. Elegant and graceful; she was everything he wanted. At times, he had to control himself and refrain from touching her, because if he did, he would forget all about his self-discipline. He just couldn’t be the hard-ass attorney he was known for in the court room; indifferent and uncaring when handling a case.

This is how she affected him, brought out his true nature so that he acted differently. He was sure his emotions were openly on display, and did Aldrich care that everyone knew? No, would be the correct deduction.

Anabella noticed that Aldrich was distant, as if his thoughts were preoccupied, but he watched her every move with brooding eyes. Every time she looked around their eyes would meet, and she would give him a shy smile. She enjoyed the quiet strength that emanated from him, his manly smell and his sound, authoritative voice. People listened intensively when he spoke.
, she always thought.



Monica had been watching the interaction between the two; Aldrich’s reluctance to get closer as he stayed in the background, though the attraction between the two was evidently mutual. His eyes were tentative and brooding as he followed Anabella’s movements. She could understand why. Whatever was going on, it didn’t hide the fact that they would make a lovely couple.

Tim had told her that Aldrich was taking it very slow because of the age difference, and because he wanted her to enjoy varsity without any complications from his side. He’d also mentioned that the situation at Anabella’s house confused him, and he wasn’t sure what to think about it all.

Monica couldn’t blame Aldrich. It was hard to understand her friend’s life and the way they lived. Anabella would have to trust him first, and then she would bring him up to speed and as her friend, she couldn’t break the valuable trust they’d had in each other for years. But after today, things could change for the better. She hoped. Except for the nightmares, Aldrich knew nothing at all. She wondered how long he would tolerate being in the dark. He was ready to move on, that much she knew, and she wondered if he’d leave Anabella if someone better came along. She really hoped not as they were perfect for each other. There was definite electricity between them, and it would be no problem to help them along in the right direction if need be.

Again, Monica gave Tim the queue and a song started immediately.

She watched as Aldrich held out his hand to Anabella, and how she accepted without hesitation. She smiled at the couple until they were swept away on to the dance floor, and then she lost sight of them.



Aldrich didn’t let her go during the songs, but instead pulled her closer to him. His soft, shaven skin brushed against her cheek and she loved the feel of him. His masculine smell filled her senses; crisp, clean and all him. His shiny hair begged her to run her fingers through its thickness, and without thought she did just that. She drew his head closer, and he responded to her by placing a kiss on her cheek; soft and gentle and full of emotion behind it. However, he wasn’t yet able to reveal his true feelings.

Again, Anabella found herself in his arms, just like the first time they’d danced together, a year ago, as she trailed a finger down his neck. His heart thumped against her, and she heard him take a sharp, deep breath.

Her forwardness startled her at times, but she was enthralled with everything about him. That he didn’t move away gave her the confidence to explore more, enjoying the proximity the music and night provided. For the next few songs, they didn’t break contact and enjoyed each other’s closeness, content to just be; both knowing the feeling was mutual.

Whoever happened to look at them sensed the growing attraction. As a couple they complimented each other very well, she the dark-haired brunette, and he the dark blond hunk of a man. They melted together as one.

Aldrich found it hard to control himself around the young woman in his arms. Her warm breath on his neck, the feel of her fingers in his hair and skin. He had to concentrate, or he’d drag her away and do with her as he pleased. His body screamed for gratification. It had been a while since he’d had a woman, and ever since she entered the picture, the mere thought of finding someone else, even temporarily to relieve the ache, didn’t enter his mind.

By no means had he become a monk after Pauline’s death, but to hold back was gratifying, knowing that the wait would be worth it in the end. Although she relaxed in his arms, he had the common sense to know that she wasn’t ready for anything more than what they were doing right then. To hasten her in any act of lovemaking would have the opposite effect. But, because he was still a man who loved to have a beautiful woman in his arms, he couldn’t let the opportunity pass; he had to have one last kiss before she went away.

By the fourth song, the lights were dimmed, and Aldrich pulled her closer, steering her to a dark spot in the corner of the patio. He wanted to be alone with her for a while. He wanted to kiss her, time was wasting away. With a finger, he lifted her head and found her lips waiting for his. He kissed her, at first soft, lingering kisses. A year had passed since the last time he’d given himself the luxury of doing this. He wanted her to be comfortable around him. As the mood changed from familiarity to passion, the kiss grew in intensity. The taste of her mouth intoxicated him and his hands wandered, resting on and gripping her slender hips. He couldn’t draw her close enough, his eagerness overwhelming them both.

Anabella enjoyed every stroke of his tongue, making soft, pleasurable noises as it explored her sensual lips. She had longed to kiss him for so long. His arms held her tight against his body, his broad chest concealing them from curious looks. She felt his hands move, then coming to rest on her hips. To feel his strong hands and fingers on her only encouraged her to explore him in return. He intoxicated her senses.

Minutes passed where they were totally lost in each other’s embrace, but Aldrich knew he had to stop. His mind and body, however, were not in agreement. He needed her. He buried a hand in her long, dark tresses and held her head so that he could see how far he’d be allowed to explore her body. He needed to know what was acceptable to her.

He cared for her, that much he knew. And as she gave of herself to him, the desire in his heart grew. His hand probed until it touched her breast; she didn’t move away. He touched it softly, as if it were something very delicate, enjoying the feelings it invoked in him, and her, as she approved. Ever so softly, she released a moan as she wrapped her arms around his neck, and he knew that she felt the same. Still, he knew it had to stop. Deep down, he knew he required more than just this fleeting moment with her and as hard as it was, he had to push her away.

“We need to stop,” he whispered in her ear, his mind in control once again. She smiled at him, and he grinned in return. “If we keep this up, I can only think of one place I want to take you.” He sounded out of breath and a chuckle escaped her.

Anabella’s heart pounded in her ears, she wanted to get lost in him. For a year she’d thought he’d turned cold toward her, making her unsure, but tonight he’d shown her that whatever was between them was still as powerful as the first time they’d met.

The images of the man stroking himself and what had happened that afternoon were vivid in her mind, and although she’d been disgusted by it all, it had planted a seed of want in her, and here in Aldrich’s arms it was playing havoc with her body. The soft moans of the woman in her father’s arms had excited her, and she could feel the need to open up to the man in her arms. She wanted to feel what that woman felt, but then he spoke, breaking the perfect moment. The images came to an abrupt stop. She stepped away and turned to leave, ashamed and embarrassed with herself and what she had allowed him to do. Her mind was in turmoil.

He reached out, but when she looked up at him, desire was written all over her face, her eyes dark pools, inviting him in. Her innocence had made way for something perverse, a look he didn’t understand. Startled, he tried to grasp her again, but before he said a word, she stepped back, her eyes downcast, leaving him at a loss for words once again. His arms fell to his sides, and he had to take a few deep breaths to get himself under control. He followed the slender figure past the guests, into the living room, baffled with the change he was seeing, as well as her sudden departure. He hoped he hadn’t done anything wrong to have affected her this way.

Anabella knew she had to leave. The visuals of her parents and their friends, as well as what they were doing, was still very much alive within her. It flooded her mind; she wanted what they had. Her body screamed for satisfaction. She wanted to hold him; her hands had already examined his narrow hips and his broad shoulders, the thickness of his hair, the feel of his skin; all now ingrained in her. He wanted her, of that she was sure, she’d felt his reaction toward her.

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