Benjamin Franklin: An American Life (84 page)

Read Benjamin Franklin: An American Life Online

Authors: Walter Isaacson

Tags: #Azizex666, #General, #United States, #Historical, #Revolutionary Period (1775-1800), #Biography & Autobiography, #History

in twentieth century
Civic Activities
BF on
community associations
fire brigade
insurance association
Junto (Leather Apron Club)
moral perfection project
police patrols
post office reform
self-improvement and
street maintenance
bifocal glasses
copperplate press design
copy machine design
daylight savings idea
hot water system design
light globe model
lightning rod
mechanical arm
musical instrument
new words
phonetic alphabet
storage battery
street lamp design
swimming pads
urinary catheter
Scientific Interests
air currents
assessment of
BF’s writing style and
common cold
Gulf Stream
hull design
importance and significance of
lead poisoning
maritime topics
mock essays on
population growth
pragmatism of
saltiness of oceans
ship speeds in canals
smoky chimneys
study of exercise
weather forecasting

Franklin, Benjamin (BF’s uncle)

Franklin, Deborah Read (BF’s wife)

BF on
BF’s common-law marriage with
BF’s correspondence with
BF’s flirtations and
BF’s relationship with
children of;
see also
specific children
death of
home defended by
personality of
Strahan’s letters to
stroke suffered by

Franklin, Ebenezer (BF’s brother)

Franklin, Elizabeth Downes (BF’s daughter-in-law)

Franklin, Ellen (BF’s granddaughter)

Franklin, Francis Folger (Franky) (BF’s son)

Franklin, Henry (BF’s great-grandfather)

Franklin, James (BF’s brother)

BF’s break with
BF’s reconciliation with

Franklin, Jane (BF’s sister)

BF’s correspondence with

Franklin, John (BF’s brother)

Franklin, John (BF’s uncle)

Franklin, Josiah (BF’s father)

BF’s description of
BF’s education and
BF’s printing venture and
in chandler trade
character of
children of
first marriage of
library of
in migration to America
second marriage of

Franklin, Josiah, Jr. (BF’s half-brother)

Franklin, Mary (BF’s sister)

Franklin, Peter (BF’s brother)

Franklin, Sally (BF’s cousin)

Franklin, Samuel (BF’s cousin)

Franklin, Sarah (BF’s sister)

Franklin, Sarah “Sally,”
Bache, Sarah Franklin “Sally”

Franklin, Theodore (BF’s great-grandson)

Franklin, Thomas (BF’s great-great-grandfather)

Franklin, Thomas, II (BF’s grandfather)

Franklin, Thomas, III (BF’s uncle)

Franklin, William (BF’s son)

age of
appointed governor of New Jersey
Asgill affair and
BF’s correspondence with
BF’s relationship with
in BF’s will
in Braddock expedition
death of
in flight to England
Graeme courtship and
illegitimate children of
kite experiment and
in London mission
loyalist outlook of
marriage of
in Scotland
Shelburne’s meeting with
Temple Franklin’s relationship with
in Trevose meeting
trial of

Franklin, William Temple (BF’s grandson)

appointed to peace delegation
BF’s relationship with
birth of
dandyish behavior of
illegitimate son of
Lee-BF feud and
in Paris mission
peace negotiations and
Polly Stevenson and
in visit to England
William Franklin’s relationship with

Franklin, The

“Franklin Covey Organizers,”

Franklin Drawing Electricity From the Sky

Franklin family:

derivation of name
dissenting streak of
genealogical records of
in migration to America
religion and
traits of

Franklin Gothic (typeface)

Franklin Institute

Franklin Union

Frederick II, King of Prussia


free press

free speech

free will

Freke, John

French and Indian War

French Revolution

BF’s perception of

“Friendly Societies” (Defoe)


Gadsen, Christopher

Gage, Thomas

Galileo Galilee

Galloway, Joseph

Garrick, David



General Magazine

Gentleman’s Magazine

George II, King of England

George III, King of England



Gerry, Elbridge


Gilded Age

“God and Liberty” benediction

Godfrey, Mrs. Thomas

Godfrey, Thomas

Goode, Wilson

Grace, Robert

Graeme, Elizabeth

Graeme, Thomas

Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons

Grand Ohio Company

Granville, Lord

Great Awakening

Great Britain

BF’s effort to join government of
BF’s Paris mission and
in peace negotiations
Anglo-American peace negotiations of 1782
Staten Island summit and

Great Depression

Great Seal

Greene, Catherine Ray

Greene, William

Grenville, George

Grenville, Thomas

Griswold, A. Whitney

Guillotin, Joseph-Ignace

Gulf Stream


Hadley, John

Hall, David

Hamilton, Alexander

Hamilton, Andrew

Hamilton, James

Hancock, John


Hartley, David

Harvard College

Hauksbee, Francis

Hawthorne, Nathaniel

“Heads of Complaint” (Franklin)

Hell-Fire Club

Helvétius, Anne-Catherine

Helvétius, Claude-Adrien

Hemphill, Samuel

Henry, Patrick

Henry VIII, King of England

Herbert, Eugenia

Herbert of Cherbury, Lord

Herschbach, Dudley

Hewson, Elizabeth

Hewson, Mary Stevenson “Polly,”

BF’s correspondence with
death of
marriage of
Temple Franklin and

Hewson, Tom

Hewson, William (father)

Hewson, William (son)

Hillsborough, Lord

“Hints for a Conversation” (Franklin)

History and Present State of Electricity, The

History of England


Honest Whigs


hot-air balloons

Houdon, Jean-Antoine

House of Burgesses, Virginia

House of Commons, British

House of Lords, British

House of Representatives Massachusetts

House of Representatives, U.S.

Howe, Caroline

Howe, Richard

BF’s Staten Island summit with

Howe, William

Howells, William Dean

How to Win Friends and Influence People

“Hue and Cry after the Busy-Body” (Keimer)

Hughes, John

hull design

Hume, David

“Hume’s fork,”

Hunt, Leigh

Hunter, William

Hutchinson, Thomas

purloined letters of
Stamp Act crisis and

Hutton, James

Hyde, Lord


Illinois Company

Indiana Company


Albany Plan and
in Carlyle conference
Paxton Boys uprising and
Proprietors and
see also specific tribes

Industrial Revolution

“Information to Those Who Would Remove to America” (Franklin)

Ingenhousz, Jan

insurance associations

“Interest of Great Britain Considered with Regard to Her Colonies” (Franklin)


Iroquois confederacy

Israel Potter

Izard, Ralph


Jackson, James

Jackson, Richard

Jay, John

Jefferson, Thomas

Declaration of Independence written by
Great Seal and
in Paris mission

Jeffrey, Francis, Lord

Jenkins Ear, War of

Jerman, John


Johnson, Lyndon B.

Johonnot, Samuel

Jones, John Paul

background of
Lafayette’s proposed attack and
rape incident and

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