Bent not Broken (64 page)

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Authors: Lisa de Jong

“Are you up for any more visitors?” Erin popped her head through the door, her eyes glistening. Daniel and I welcomed her in. She hugged me and then wrapped her arms around Daniel.

Erin convinced Daniel to go take a shower and get something to eat. He looked to me and I could see how hesitant he was to leave.

My chest constricted at the thought of him walking out the door, an irrational fear taking hold. I wanted to beg him to stay, but I forced myself to assure him I would be fine. I was going to have to get over that. After what had happened, I didn’t think I’d ever want to be away from him again, but I still had to go back home to Colorado Springs. I still had two months of school left.

Erin settled in beside me and took my hand. “Hey, sister.” She smiled at me and I smiled back. I loved when she called me that. “How are you? And don’t give me any of that bullshit that you’re fine, either.”

I laughed, thankful that she always forced me to be honest with her. She wouldn’t have it any other way.

“I really can’t say, Erin. I mean, I can’t even begin to describe the heartbreak I feel over her. It’s like this huge piece of me is missing and I don’t think I’ll ever stop feeling that way. But when Daniel’s nearby, I know everything is going to be all right.” Her lip trembled as she nodded in understanding.

“Erin, what happened? I can’t ask Daniel because he blames himself.”

She took a deep breath. “Yeah, I know. He really does, Melanie. I don’t know if he’ll ever stop, but there was nothing he could have done. The guy hit you, not the other way around.” She shook her head and picked at her fingernails before looking back to me. “They charged him with manslaughter this morning. He’d been drinking—all night—and was on his way back to Denver. Apparently, he fell asleep at the wheel. His blood alcohol level was more than double the limit.” She paused to give me time to absorb what she’d said.

Anger welled up from a place inside me I didn’t know, a foreign hatred that I didn’t understand. I fought to push it aside. I knew that would be something I would have to deal with over time, forgiving someone I didn’t even know. For now, her news was too much for my broken heart to deal with.

“What about my parents?” Daniel told me everything was fine, even when I knew it wasn’t.

“Well, I think your mom is okay. She was really upset when she first got here and got into it with Mom. She hadn’t slept all night on her way here. When she came in and saw you in this bed, I think she just...snapped. She didn’t really talk to anyone that first day, but once she saw…Eva,” she said, hesitating on Eva’s name as tears filled her eyes. “Oh, Melanie, that little girl could soften anyone’s heart. Peggy apologized to Mom. She hasn’t really spoken much to Daniel, but she stayed beside him that whole morning after Eva passed. She’s hurt, Melanie, but she loves you and is willing to forgive you.”

“And Dad?”

Anger flashed across her face.

“Erin, what did he do?”

She finally spoke. “He, uh...hit Daniel.”


“Melanie, he really messed Daniel up. He broke open all the stitches on his face.” She groaned, putting her hands over her face. “I don’t want to feel so angry at your dad, but how could he do that after everything you guys had been through? And now, he just hovers outside your door, not saying anything to anyone. It’s kinda creepy.”

He did exactly what I’d feared he’d do all these months. He’d hurt Daniel. If I could, I would have taken any punishment to prevent this, but I knew Daniel would always be the bad guy in my dad’s eyes no matter what he did.

“So, what are you going to do now?” Erin asked, ringing her hands together. “Are we canceling the wedding?”

Right. I was supposed to get married in three weeks. All of my insecurities were back. Would Daniel still want me to be his wife? I wanted it more than anything. Tears started to stream down my face.

“Melanie...” Erin released a sympathetic breath as she leaned in closer. “You don’t have to, you know. We can wait until you’ve healed.”

“No, it’s not that, Erin.”

“Then what? you blame him?” The hurt on her face told me she had been fearful I would.

“No...” I shook my head. “Never.” Relief swept over her face before confusion took its place.


“Erin,” I spoke barely above a whisper. “What if he doesn’t want me anymore? I can’t give him a family.”

I felt ashamed—I wasn’t whole—and Daniel deserved someone who was. He told me he wanted me, but what about in five years? Or ten? Would he still feel the same when he realized he would never have a normal life with me?

“Melanie...” Her stern voice took me by surprise. “Are you insane? That man loves you more than anything. He can’t even look at another woman. What could possibly make you think that?”

Even though I knew she was right, I couldn’t help but feel as if I was no longer good enough for him.

“I just want him to have everything...everything he’s ever wanted.”

“You realize that’s you, right?”

My heart did know that. Now I just had to convince my stupid head of it.

“Yeah, Erin. I know. I think we should wait though, maybe until summer.” Daniel at least deserved that time. I forced a bright smile to wash the disappointment from her face. “You know, I’d like to actually be able to walk down the aisle to marry your brother.” As I gestured to my leg, we laughed, dispelling the tension in the room. And for the first time, I felt real hope for the future.

I spent the rest of the day figuring out what to do from there. Privately, I’d asked Patrick if I could come and stay with them while I finished school. There was no way I could be in the same house with my father.

Patrick seemed thrilled and said he’d been thinking the same thing. Daniel’s face glowed when I told him of the plans.

I dreaded being separated from Daniel. Really, I just wanted to go back to Boulder with him, but I was going to need care he couldn’t provide if he was in school. I knew he’d take the rest of the semester off in a heartbeat, and there was no way I could allow that.

Mom fretted over me, trying to make up for the time we’d been apart. I loved her even more for it. It made me sad that Julia seemed to feel she had to step back. She was a mother to me too, and I wanted them both. I didn’t want one to replace the other.

The day came and went. Daniel gave up trying to sleep on the chair and snuggled beside me on the bed instead. The nurses were not happy about it. It was, of course, against the rules, but it was the only way either of us could sleep. Friday morning I actually felt rested and I could tell by the look on Daniel’s face he did too.

Today I had to tell Mom my plans. I figured it was going to be a fight, but I was tired of hiding things from her.

I found my opportunity when she was cleaning up my area after lunch.

“Hey, Mom?”

Pausing, she smiled as she glanced my direction. “What is it, sweetie?”

I had to wipe the sweat from my palms I was so nervous, but it was time I grew up and told my parents what I wanted from my life. “I, uh, wanted to let you know I’m not going back to Dad’s. I’m going to stay with Patrick and Julia until I finish school. It just makes sense. Patrick will be able to monitor my therapy, and Erin can bring me my school work until I can actually go back to class.”

Disappointment clouded her face.

“Honey, I thought maybe you’d come home with me.”

I didn’t want to hurt her more than I already had, but I couldn’t go with her. That wasn’t my home anymore.

“Mom, I can’t. I love him.”

She needed to understand my home was with Daniel now. She was quiet as she stared at her feet before looking up at me, grimacing. She pushed a lock of hair from my face. “Honey, I think you and Daniel should take some time away from each other.”

“What?” I looked at her in confusion and hurt.

She sighed and seemed to struggle with what to say. “It’s might be the right time for the two of you to take some time to decide what you want to do with your lives. You both moved so quickly in this relationship, and I think it would be wise for you to take a step back.”

I shook my head. “Daniel is what I want.”

“But are you sure this is what he wants, Melanie? He’s an eighteen year old boy. Can you be certain he’s ready to decide who he wants to spend the rest of his life with?” Her face was sympathetic, but her words stung.

“Yes,” flew from my mouth, though her words brought questions—doubt. I pushed them aside and reiterated, “Yes.”

She closed her eyes and exhaled. “Just think about it, Melanie.”

I didn’t want to think about it. “No, Mom. I’m staying here.”

She nodded and hugged me for a long time, her nose in my hair before she whispered, “Okay,” against my head.

When Mom left to get some rest, Daniel took her place. He was trying to give me time with her, but my heart hurt every time he walked out the door. He was never far and always returned the moment she left. I wanted to talk to him about the things my mom had said, her suggestion eating at me as every hour passed. But every time he smiled at me and kissed me, I’d convince myself I was just being foolish.

We were both exhausted, and as soon as the sun set, Daniel crawled in beside me, holding me close as we drifted to sleep.

I woke up Saturday feeling anxious to get out of there. Only one more day. I could tell that everyone else was excited to get out of there, as well. Julia’s eyes were brighter than they’d been all week, Patrick stayed busy preparing for me to come home with them, and Erin was bouncing with excitement for her “sister” to come and live with her.

Daniel stepped out with his dad so they could discuss the details, and Mom came in. When I saw her face, I knew something was very wrong. She was nervous, not making eye contact or saying anything. My heart sped up as her anxiety filled the room.

“Mom, what’s wrong?”

She stood beside me, all the compassion she’d shown over the week wiped from her face. “Melanie, you’re coming home with me.”

“What?” I shook my head.

“You’re coming home with me.”

“No, Mom. I’m not.”

“You don’t have a choice, Melanie. You’re still a minor, and I’m telling you that you’re coming with me.” She still wouldn’t look at me.

“What? You can’t force me. I turn eighteen next month.”

“Melanie, you either come freely with me, or we’re pressing charges against Daniel.”

Pressing charges? Against Daniel?

“How could you? After everything we’ve been through, you’d do this to us? Just yesterday you told me you wanted me to be happy! Please, Mom, don’t do this!” I begged her.

I jumped when I noticed my father standing against the wall. Fear raced up my spine. I could see it on his face; he was here to destroy—not me—but Daniel.

My eyes darted between the two of them, silently begging them not to do this. Mom turned her back to me, unwilling to face me. She kept her voice cool, but wasn’t able to hide the way it shook. “Just be ready to go tomorrow. I’ll be here at nine. I’ll speak with Daniel’s parents to let them know I’m taking you home.”

“Mom, please!” I cried, but she walked from the room, never turning back. Dad didn’t say a word. He just pushed from the wall and followed her out.

I sobbed against my pillow. How could they do this? For months, I’d hidden my pregnancy from my father to protect Daniel, and now he’d done what I’d feared most. He was taking Daniel from me. I was terrified of being away from Daniel, but I would do anything to protect him. I’d just have to stay away until I was eighteen. Then my parents could do nothing to stop me from going back to him.

But would he still want me? Would the time away make him realize he was better off without me?

Gasping against the pain, I accepted that I at least owed him that time to decide, reasoned that this was all meant to be.

“Hey.” Daniel smiled as he walked through the door, his face dropping as soon as he saw mine. “What happened? Are you okay?”

This was going to be the hardest thing I’d ever done.

“I’m just having a really hard time, Daniel. I think I need some time away to heal.” How could I sit here and lie to him? The last thing I wanted was time away from him. But I’d never allow my father to hurt him, and beyond that, I owed him that time

“What do you mean?”

“I’m going home with my mom for a few months. I just need to deal with this on my own.”

Lie, lie, lie.

“No.” He shook his head adamantly. “No, Melanie. You need me as much as I need you. Please, don’t leave me.” Tears flooded his eyes as I broke our hearts just a little bit more.

I didn’t know how we would get through this. I needed him more than anything, and I couldn’t imagine life without him, even if it were only for a month or two.

“Please, Daniel. Just let me go, just for a little while. Then I’ll come back to you. I promise. I love you more than anything. I just have to go now.” At least this time my words were the truth. I touched his face, praying he could feel my love, praying he’d understand that the last thing I’d ever want to do was to be away from him. I was doing this for him.

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