Bernard, Lynnette - Laurie's Loves [Beckett's Wolf Pack, Triad Mates] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (41 page)

Jackson looked down at the woman he loved with all his heart and smiled at the way she accepted and enjoyed him. Pulling out until just the head of his cock remained inside her, he pushed back into her sweet warmth.

Jace held her against his chest, supporting and petting her body as Jackson pumped into her with deep, careful thrusts. He smiled at the care Jackson was taking with their pregnant mate. He placed his hand on Laurie’s belly, feeling the connection to their child immediately. His heart swelled with love for their little one. They were truly blessed with this beautiful gift that Laurie was giving them.

Laurie’s moans made him smile. She was an unbelievable lover who was the perfect fit for them both. He kissed his mating mark gently, reaching down to search for the bundle of nerves that would send her flying. Jackson’s thrusts grew erratic, and he knew his triad partner was close to completion. They were both determined to make Laurie enjoy every moment of lovemaking with them. He rubbed her clit roughly as he saw Jackson lean forward and bite her shoulder, claiming her once again and sending Laurie over the edge as he stilled and emptied his seed within her. His cock swelled, and the mating knot held them together, joined in intimacy and love.

“Love you, Jackson,” Laurie whispered against his shoulder as he held her.

“Love you, baby,” Jackson whispered, kissing the top of her head tenderly, his heart overflowing with emotion.

They lay in each other’s arms, allowing the water to support their bodies as they recovered. Laurie wondered if it would always be this way. She hoped so.

“You guys are going to have to carry me home,” she whispered as she lay against both men in the warm water. “I’m so tired, I can barely move.”

Jace looked at Jackson and smiled, knowing the secret that slept so safely within Laurie’s body was part of the reason for her tiredness. “Don’t worry, sweetheart,” Jace told her quietly. “You go on and get some rest. We’ll carry you home and tuck you into our bed.”

Laurie sighed and smiled, closing her eyes tiredly. “Okay,” she whispered. “You both have filled me up with love.”

“Baby, we’ve filled you with more than that,” Jackson whispered against her mouth as he kissed her tenderly.

But she didn’t hear him. She was already asleep.

Chapter 23

Laurie stood silently before the lake, looking across its serene stillness as her mind raced with thoughts of the night before. She smiled, unable to keep the happiness at bay. She never in her life had ever hoped to find such love and tenderness as she found with Jace and Jackson.

And the sex! Man! Earth shattering would be putting it mildly. They make me want to do things with them that I’ve never in my entire life desired to do, let alone knew how to do!

I can hear you, Laurie.
Jackson’s voice entered her thoughts.

She jumped slightly, blushing immediately. His laughter warmed her, but embarrassed her nevertheless.

Stay out of my head, Jackson!
Her voice was stern, but she couldn’t keep the laughter or her embarrassment from his knowing presence.

Baby, you’re the one who is showing me your thoughts. And I have to say, I love every minute of it. I think Jace and I need to take you up to our bedroom and make you scream as you come.

Laurie’s voice admonished him quickly, embarrassment making her look around quickly as if someone could hear his words.

Don’t worry, sweetheart. No one can hear us. Jace and I are just finishing up with Doc. As soon as we’re finished we’ll head out to the lake to meet you.

You’re with Doc? Are you two all right?

She could hear Jace’s laughter in her head, and the warmth of his happiness spread through her like a warm blanket.
We’re fine, Laurie. Doc just wanted some blood samples. He’s still working on trying to figure out why Mitchell isn’t able to shift. He already took samples from unmated triad partners, and he wants to compare them to those of us in a bonded triad.

Laurie smiled. She liked that they were good and truly a bonded triad. In fact, she was so happy she could cry. What the heck was wrong with her? Her emotions were all over the place lately.

I’ll wait for you both at the lake.

She felt the push of warmth that both men sent her through their bond and pictured herself opening her arms to them to hold them to her tightly. She was really starting to like this bond connection thing. At first it had scared her and had made her nervous that everything she thought and felt was no longer private, but with both men’s help, she was beginning to learn to control it so that she still had her sense of self and privacy when she needed it.

“There you are, Mom,” Dean called to her.

Turning, she smiled as she saw Dean, Mitchell, and Mia walking toward her. It seemed that the three of them had become fast friends, and Laurie couldn’t be happier about it. Dean’s easy humor was a good influence on Mitchell, who seemed to be less jumpy lately. And her son’s strength and sense of right and wrong also gave the abused shifter a good indication of what a true friend should be.

She smiled at the three of them, glad to see that Mia’s injuries were starting to fade and both her body and her spirit were healing. Her daughter was slowly returning to the confident and strong young woman that she had always been. Mia’s protectiveness and caring for all of them was also something that had had a major impact on Mitchell. Laurie could see how much it amazed him that the three of them were such a loving family who really were a team that helped each other in every aspect of their lives.

Mitchell was also learning that Jace’s pack was much the same. Although Jace was the alpha and ruled with undeniable strength and power, he was also fair and caring—something Mitchell never knew could be a possibility in pack dynamics.

“What are you three up to?” she asked them, smiling as they neared her.

“We were just gonna go to the movies and wanted to know if you wanted to come with us,” Mia told her as she stood next to her mother. “Do you feel like getting away for a while?”

Laurie smiled and looked at the three of them, fighting back tears once again at the thought that they wanted to hang out with her. “I think you guys should go and enjoy yourselves. You don’t need your old mother hanging around.”

“Ma, you’re not old.” Dean stopped her immediately. “Come on, come with us.”

Laurie smiled at him. “Okay,” she relented. “Let me just grab my purse, and we can go.”

Mia smiled at her brother and nodded. Mission accomplished. Once they got their mom away from the ranch, Nikki and Martha would be decorating the back deck for her surprise birthday party. Although their mother’s birthday wasn’t for another three days, they had all plotted together.

Jace and Jackson had been adamant that no one slip up and ruin the surprise for her. And their generosity in getting all of the supplies for the party and the way they helped to organize it with them shocked both Mia and Dean. Their mother had never been the recipient of such unselfish giving in her life. The two men’s obvious love for their mother had gone a long way in endearing them to both Mia and Dean. Their mom deserved every bit of happiness that the men were determined to give her.

Mates, I’m heading up toward the lodge. The kids and I are going to the movies.

Jace and Jackson’s contented growls vibrated through her chest, making her smile.
I like the sound of that, honey.
Jace’s deep voice sent a shiver of desire through her.



Laurie smiled, knowing that her use of the word had just made both men happy. Without hesitation, she pushed her thoughts of kissing them both with passion through their link.

Laurie, you’re going to make me come.
Jackson’s voice was strained.


Her giggle echoed in her mates’ heads, and they knew she wasn’t sorry at all. But they wouldn’t change her honest feelings toward them for the world. It had taken them forever to find her, and they cherished every thought, every emotion, every touch she sent their way.

Remember what they say about payback, sweetheart.
Jackson’s teasing voice filled her with desire as he pushed his thoughts of both men taking her at the same time.

Laurie stumbled slightly as she fought to control her shaking.

“Are you okay, Mom?” Mia asked, reaching for her arm to help steady her.

“I’ll be fine,” Laurie answered quickly. “Just a little daydreaming, and I didn’t watch my footing.”

Good save, Laurie.

Jackson, just see what happens when I get you alone.

I can’t wait, baby.

* * * *

Jace’s cell phone vibrated at his hip. Reaching down, he pulled the phone from his belt and pressed to connect the call, bringing it quickly to his ear as he leaned back in the chair at Doc Barrett’s office.

“Jace,” he answered gruffly, turning to face Jackson as he sat across from the doctor.

“Alpha, there was a man here asking questions about your mate and her children,” Janine’s voice spoke quickly across the phone connection. She was whispering, and Jace could hear the fear in her voice. “He was really creepy. He gave me a really bad feeling.”

Jace stood immediately. “Where is he?” he growled, his anger consuming him.

Jackson stood and stepped toward him. He knew something was wrong, and his stomach knotted in fear as he felt Jace’s anger curl around him. His immediate thought was that their mate was in danger.

“He just walked out the front door of the main lodge,” Janine answered quickly. “I told him I didn’t know anyone named Laurie Young, but I don’t think he believed me. I told Lucian, and he just followed him out the door.”

“Call Alexander and Butler and have them go to Laurie and the children. They’re heading toward the back deck of our lodge. Make sure the men guard them until we get there.”

He disconnected the call and turned to Jackson, his wolf close to the surface as the anger consumed him. “Jackson,” he began.

“I heard. Let’s go.”

Both men burst through the door of Doc Barrett’s clinic, shifting immediately as they went.

Laurie, where are you and the children?
Jace’s voice growled through their bond.

We’re almost to the lodge. Why? Are you okay?

Baby, we need you to take the children and get inside the lodge as soon as you can. Alexander and Butler will meet you.

Why, Jace? What’s wrong?

I think Patrick is here and is looking for the three of you.

Laurie’s instant fear gripped them both, and they stumbled as her panic slammed into them.
Don’t worry, honey. Just get all of you inside our room and lock the door behind you. We’ll be there in just a few minutes.

Laurie turned and reached for Mia’s hand. “We have to hurry up to the lodge. Your father is here.”

Dean turned to face her immediately. “How do you know?”

“Jace just told me,” she explained quickly. “I’ll explain it to you later. Just trust me. We have to get inside the lodge. Alexander and Butler will meet us and make sure Patrick won’t hurt us. Jace and Jackson are on their way. Come on. Let’s go.”

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