Read Betrayed by Love Online

Authors: Hailey Hogan

Betrayed by Love (19 page)

~ 38 ~


“This must be from your new man,” Jackie said, as she walked in Eva’s office with a bouquet of red roses and a box of candy.

“They are beautiful,”
Eva said, anxious to read the card.

Jackie handed both to her.
Eva looked but didn’t see a card. “Where’s the card?” Eva asked.

Jackie responded, “There wasn’t any.”

Disappointed, Eva said, “You can eat some of the candy. Just save me a piece for later.”

“You sure. This is the expensive chocolate.”

“And that means what to me?” Eva asked.

Jackie said, “Well, you don’t have to tell me twice.” Jackie removed a round thick piece of chocolate that looked like turtles and ate it. In between bites, “It’s good but it has a funny taste to it.”

“Let me taste one,” Eva said.

Jackie reached out to hand her the box of candy but before
Eva could take it, Jackie started panting hard and fell to the floor barely missing the edge of the desk.

screamed, “Oh my God. Somebody help me please.” She rushed from around her desk. Bach happened to be walking down the hall and heard her. “What’s going on?” he asked as soon as he entered the room.

“Hurry, call 9-1-1,”
Eva yelled.

Bach retrieved his phone and made the call. “I’m not sure what happened.”

Eva said, “She was eating candy and then she passed out. Oh my God, the candy could be poisoned.”

Bach attempted CPR on Jackie, but she remained passed out. It didn’t take long for the paramedics to arrive. She moved out of the way as she listened to Bach explain to them what happened. One of the paramedics said, “She could have had an allergic reaction, but we won’t know that for sure until we get her to the hospital.”

Eva rocked back and forth as the paramedics tried to revive Jackie. Bach and John tried to calm her. “Where’s Garth?” she asked.

Bach responded, “His secretary said he was on his way.”

The paramedic said, “She’s coming around.”

“Thank God,”
Eva said.

One of the officers walked up to her. “Has her next of kin been notified?”

John responded, “I’ve contacted her parents. They will be meeting us at the hospital.”

by now was standing by Jackie’s side. She said, as Jackie’s eyes flittered open and close. “You got to get better. Who else can put up with my mood swings?”

She thought she saw a slight smile on Jackie’s face, but wasn’t sure. The paramedic said, “Ma’am, we got to get her in the ambulance now.”

Eva released Jackie’s hand so they could do their job. Mo wrapped his arms around her. “I’ll ride in the ambulance with her. You don’t need to be there. The media is going to be all over this.”

“I don’t care. Jackie has to be okay.”

Mo said to John. “Take care of her. Let me go before they leave me.”

He placed
Eva’s hand in John’s and left to enter the back of the ambulance. “Eva, I got here as soon as I could,” Garth said, making his way through the small crowd that had gathered from other parts of the studio.

She ran into
Garth’s arms not caring what anyone said. “Someone tried to kill me, but instead they almost got her. I had received a bouquet of flowers and candy. I thought they were from you. She asked for a piece of candy so I was like sure—take the whole box.”

“Where’s the package now?”
Garth asked.

“You’ll have to ask one of them,”
Eva said, pointing in the direction of the police officers.

“John, stay with her.”

“I’m coming with you,” Eva protested.

Garth made his way through the small crowd.

followed behind Garth and listened in as he asked the detective questions about the contents of the box.

Detective Thomas said, “Until we get our lab to confirm, I can’t say for sure what was in the candy. Ms.
Ward here says after she ate the candy, she started heaving and passed out. It’ll be two days before we learn of anything.”

“I have connections that can get it back sooner,”
Garth stated.

“Sir, that might be the case, but this is my investigation.”

Garth pulled out his card. “I’ve been working with Special Agent Morrison and he has assured me that…”

Detective Thomas interrupted him. “Why didn’t you say so?” He got the attention of another detective. “Have this rushed. We need to know what was in the candy no later than this time tomorrow.”

Eva was impressed with how Garth handled the situation. She stood in the background and continued to listen as they exchanged information. Garth said, “We would appreciate it if you wouldn’t speak with the press about any of this.”

Garth finished talking with the officers, Eva made it known that she wanted to go to Cedars to check on Jackie. “It might be best not to,” Garth said.

Special Agent Morrison walked up to them. After their initial greeting, he said, “Good, I caught you both before you left. I overheard you say you were going to Cedars. I’ll take you there myself. I know a secret entrance.”
Garth said, “But we’re trying to avoid any media attention.”

“I have an idea. Media attention is exactly what we need.”

Eva looked between Garth and Morrison. “I just want to check on Jackie.”

Ward. In order for what I have planned to work. I will need your full cooperation.”

retrieved her purse from her office. Thirty minutes later, Morrison had snuck Eva in. Only she didn’t walk in, she was wheeled in on a stretcher. As they went down the hallway, she noticed the surprised look on several people’s face, when they recognized her. Garth was on one side of the stretcher and the detective and some paramedic who she didn’t remember his name, was on the other.

“We need a nurse,” the paramedic said.

Eva was officially admitted into the hospital. Morrison had it set up where she was in a room right next door to Jackie with an adjourning door. “I’m not sure if this was a good idea,” Garth said.

“I’ll do anything if this will end this madness,”
Eva said, as she slipped into the room to check on Jackie.

Mo put his fingers up to his hand to hush her. Jackie had several IVs in her and was resting. Mo whispered, “They pumped her stomach. The nurse said she’ll be in and out. I was going to stay until her parents get here.”

Eva let Mo in on their plans. Mo’s facial expression changed dramatically as if he was watching a thriller. Eva said, “This is a time where I don’t care if you talk to the media.”

Mo said, “Now you know I can make the story real good. Do you want it mild or wild?” he asked.

“Don’t make it too far fetched. Then again, a few boo hoos might help.”

“Oh I got this,” Mo assured her.

Garth walked through the adjoining door and said, “Eva, the phone calls have started.”

hugged Mo. “Showtime.”

“And you know I was born to be a star. Just tune in to the news. When I leave here, I’ll make sure I go through the front entrance.”

Garth shook his head at Mo’s over dramatic display. Eva went back into her hospital room and laid in the bed and got under the covers because she was cold. She looked at Garth. “I hope this works.”

“Morrison is one of the best. I trust his judgment,”
Garth responded.

“That should be me laid up in a bed like that,”
Eva said, as her body shivered from the cold.

“I wish it was neither one of you,”
Garth said. “Move over,” he said, as he got in the bed beside her. “Now lean on my chest.” Garth wrapped his arms around Eva, instantly warming her up. 


~ 39 ~


Morrison cleared his throat a few times. Eva and Garth woke up. Eva stretched her arms. “I came baring gifts,” Morrison said, as he placed two containers on the tray near the bed. Eva was glad because with everything that had been going on she hadn’t been hungry. Now that she didn’t have access to food, she finally had an appetite. She refused to eat the bland hospital food one of the hospital staff had brought her.

sat in the chair beside the bed and Eva remained in the bed as they ate their food. Morrison gave them an update on what was going on outside. He said, “You might want to watch the news.” He flipped on the television to one of the local stations. Standing outside of Cedars was Mo surrounded by cameras and microphones. One reporter asked, “Were you the one who found Eva and her assistant?”

“Yes and I almost passed out myself. But I knew time was important so I immediately called 9-1-1.” Mo’s bright red shirt really stood out on television.

“Were they conscious when you found them?” another reporter asked.

“No. That’s what concerned me. I called another co-worker and we immediately started trying to do CPR.”

Sandy Blair, the tabloid reporter, asked, “How is Eva and her assistant doing?”

Tears started flowing down Mo’s cheeks. “Jackie was sleeping when I left. The doctors won’t let me in to see
Eva. Eva’s my best friend and I just hope that she’s alright,” Mo said. “Whoever is responsible for this, they need to come after me. Going after someone who has never done anything to anybody,” Mo paused and then continued, “it’s just not right.”

Reporters started throwing out more questions. Mo said, “It’s just not right,” he shook his head and fielded his way through the reporters down the walk way. The cameras followed him to a waiting cab.

Garth spoke out first. “Mo’s good.”

“Told you,”
Eva said, as they continued to watch the news.

The anchorwoman said, “Sources tells us that
Eva is still not conscious. We’ll update you on the ten o’clock news. Back to you Jim.”

Morrison said, “Now all we have to do now is wait.”

Garth said, “I’ll be right back.”

said, “This bed is not too comfortable. Can you get me another bed?”

“I’m afraid the air mattress is the best they have,” Morrison responded.

Eva didn’t look too pleased with his answer. Morrison pretended he didn’t notice. He went on to say, “Garth said he has one person watching Cheryl Johnson. I also have someone watching her. There’s also someone outside your hospital door. If she makes a move, we’ll know it.”

said, “Here’s another option since this is the best they can do…is there any way, you can slip me out of here so I can go home? My back is not going to make it on this bed.”

walked back into the room and answered for him. “I spoke with Mo. When he comes back, he’ll transform you and nobody will know it’s you.”

“Good thinking,” Morrison said.

While they were waiting on Mo to return, Eva met Jackie’s parents. They were informed of the importance of not letting on that Eva hadn’t been poisoned too. They agreed to cooperate because they wanted to find out who was behind their baby girl’s stint in the hospital. Jackie’s prognosis was good because they were able to pump her stomach in time. Fortunately someone was around when she ate the candy or it could have been deadly.

“So it has been confirmed it was poison?” Jackie’s mom asked.

Garth answered, “We’re not certain, but we’re not ruling it out.”

Jackie’s dad said, “I need to know something as soon as you find out.” He was looking directly at

“Sir, you will be one of the first.”

“She’s our only daughter and if anything ever happened to her. Elaine and I, well we don’t know what we’ll do.”

The sight of him crying tugged at
Eva’s heart. She squeezed Garth’s hand a little bit tighter.

said, “I’m going to do everything within my power to find out who did this to your daughter.”

and Garth left and went back into the other room to give Jackie’s family privacy. Garth remained with Eva as they waited on Mo to return. Mo came back with looked like an overnight bag. “Are you ready to be transformed?” Mo asked Eva.

“Work your magic,”
Eva responded.

sat in the chair as Garth laid down in the bed and watched television. Mo said, “Garth was able to recognize raw talent so it didn’t surprise me when he asked me to do this.”  He picked out a concealer in his kit and changed Eva’s complexion several shades darker. Mo pulled out a blond wig. He said, “I don’t have time to do anything to your hair, so we'll hide your black hair under this wig.”

picked up the wig and admired it. “It’ll work.”

Mo pulled out an outfit from his bag. “I decided you needed to be more casual so I brought you a jogging suit and a pair of tennis shoes.”

Eva went to the bathroom and changed into the outfit. The clothes and tennis shoes were a perfect fit. Mo, did a few more things to her face. Mo said, “Garth what do you think?”

Mo, used his hands, and guided
Eva to turn around to face Garth.

Once Mo was through,
Garth could barely recognize Eva. “Mo. I have to say you’re good. In fact, if you ever need a side job, GT Securities could use your services.”

Mo placed his hand over his heart. “I would love to moonlight for you.
Eva’s he’s a keeper.”

looked at Garth and her eyes were beaming. “That he is.”

said, “What should I call you?”

switched her head from side to side as they wig bounced. “Hmm. Call me Mimi.”

Well come on Mimi or whatever you want to be called.” Garth opened the hospital door and whispered something in the police guard’s ear. The guard pointed down the hall.

Mo went in one direction.
Eva and Garth went in another. “We’re going to use the exit we came in, but your disguise will work just in case someone’s discovered it.”

“Paparazzi are everywhere.”

An hour later, Eva was pulling off the wig. “Home sweet home,” she said, as she threw the wig on her bed and then flopped on it.

laid down next to her. “Ms. Ward if you really had eaten that candy and was laid up in the hospital, I don’t know what I would do.”

“You really do care.”

“I thought you knew that by now. I’ve practically dropped everything else and been by your side since Brenda left.”

planted kisses all over Garth’s face. “I know.” Eva felt Garth’s pocket vibrate. She continued to kiss on him as he talked.

Trevor was calling to check on you.”

“I still don’t trust him.”

“Until I can prove he’s not guilty, I chose not to let him know that it was only an act. That you are perfectly fine.”

responded, “Good, because I am still convinced Trevor is not as innocent in all of this as he claims.”


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