Between A Rake And A Hard Place [Pirates of London Book 2] (14 page)

Read Between A Rake And A Hard Place [Pirates of London Book 2] Online

Authors: Emma Wildes writing as Annabel Wolfe

Tags: #Erotic Romance/Historical

“You are as lovely as ever.”

“You are too kind.”

Are we really going to play this game

“Not at all.”

“And where is Mr. Ives?” she inquired, glancing pointedly around the gracious drawing room as if Christopher could be lurking in the corner, his tall form unnoticed. “I don’t think I have properly thanked him.”

For one moment, visible amusement flickered in the eyes of their guest. Faint, but there in the glimmering candlelight. “Haven’t you?”

Ah, she thought as heat stole into her cheeks, Christopher had told his friend of their relationship. Or else it was possible his lordship was just clever enough to come to the correct conclusion on his own.

She wasn’t the only one who caught the innuendo for Hannah hastily interjected into the conversation, “I believe we would all like to thank him, my lord.”

“Indeed we would,” her father said heartily. “He and I have some unfinished business to settle as well in the matter of the reward. He came through admirably, just as you said he would.”

No doubt Lord Auberville registered his host’s good will toward his friend, and perhaps that was why he had called; so he could inform Christopher what kind of a reception to expect, but Cassandra dismissed that at once. Christopher was not afraid of her father. He’d left it entirely to her to decide how much to reveal without a qualm.

“Understandably he has some correspondence to attend to after being away. I believe he intended on calling on his father also. I am sure he will arrange an appointment soon. Now then, as the rain has appeared to have cleared off, I wonder if I might take Hannah for a stroll in the garden?”

“I didn’t think you came to see me, Auberville.” Her father chuckled. “Of course, of course.”

When he rose, the earl turned politely to her. “Would you care to join us, Lady Cassandra?”

From the revealing expression on her sister’s face when his lordship had been announced, she declined with a small smile. “Thank you, but it has been an eventful day. I think I will retire early.”

After they left, she also rose and went over to give her aunt and her father a dutiful kiss on the cheek, her father taking her hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. “Tomorrow we will discuss your engagement when you are more settled. As you just said, it has been an eventful day.”

Though she was glad to be home and had missed her family deeply, she refused to give in. “I doubt Lord Jameson wishes to still honor the agreement, but even should he be stalwart enough to stand up to the inevitable gossip concerning my abduction, I will not marry him.”

Her father’s mouth tightened a fraction at her defiance, but then he sighed. “I am not sure he will hold to our agreement anyway, and if you are so opposed, I will have a word with him.”

Aunt Rose sniffed. “I’ve always thought he’s somewhat of a peacock anyway. Good night, my dear.”

At least that is settled
. Cassandra went up the stairs to the family apartments, more tired emotionally than physically. Returning home had proven a bittersweet experience so far.

After undressing for bed she dismissed her maid and brushed out her hair, wistfully pondering the vagaries of life, paying so little attention that when a figure materialized in the mirror, she didn’t even realize it for a moment.

When she whirled with a gasp, she would have fallen off the chair if a strong hand hadn’t easily caught and steadied her.

“I was hoping you wouldn’t scream,” Christopher said with a wicked grin, leaning in. “It was a gamble, I’ll grant you, but so far you have proven to be a fairly unflappable female. The looks of an angel and the courage of lion…what more could a man ask for? I couldn’t even stay away one damned night.”

Who knows what she might have said if he hadn’t kissed her. Hot, hungry, and with a certain sense of possession she celebrated. When he finally released her mouth, she was upright but didn’t remember standing, and her arms were around his neck. “I thought you said you couldn’t climb in my bedroom window.”

“I didn’t.” His mouth brushed hers again. “I came in an entirely different way. I haven’t seen you since this morning. The separation was far too long.”

His hair was thick and soft under her fingers. “Lord Auberville is the garden with my sister. Did you—”

“He somehow didn’t see me. I cannot wait to give him grief for his inattention but it was entirely understandable. He was otherwise occupied.”

She might have asked just what he meant but at that moment he swept her up and carried her to the bed and instead she laughed on an exhaled breath. “Christopher.”

He laid her down and eased her nightdress downward. “I believe I like the idea of making love to you in England.”

“I do too.” She slid her hands across his chest and started to unbutton his shirt.

“And just about anywhere else in the world.” His mouth trailed across her cheek and he nibbled at the sensitive spot just below her ear. “Will you travel with me? If the answer is no, I will stay here with you. It is your choice.”

She touched his cheek. “My choice is you. Where we are doesn’t matter.”

“That,” he said with evident sincerity as he rose above her, his gaze fiercely intent, “is a mutual sentiment, Cassie.”

Then his mouth was on her breast, his fingers kneading and moving, and she surrendered because there was nothing she wanted more.

Than the offer, but also than

He entered her so swiftly she gasped at the force of his rigid cock sliding deep, but his hunger didn’t frighten as much as arouse her. She reveled in the way he took her, hot and fast, as if even the few hours they’d been separated really were much too long.

Skin to skin, their breathing escalating with the rhythm of their joined bodies, she believed he was absolutely being candid which was a rarity for the enigmatic Christopher Ives.

“I love you,” she whispered on a heated breath. “Oh Christopher. I love you.”

How rapture could hold another level she wasn’t sure, but it did this night. She moved with him, against him, up and up until they were both gasping and his mouth covered hers to capture her cry when it happened. She quivered, her inner muscles clenching around his erection, and he went very still as his release poured into her.

Afterward, when he had relaxed and braced his elbows on either side of her, he said lazily, “We are not to be trusted together.”

“No.” Cassandra managed a muffled laugh even in the haze of orgasmic pleasure. “I think that is obvious.”

He wasn’t going to say it. Even as his gaze held hers and their bodies were still joined, he wasn’t going to say he loved her voluntarily. The gentle stroke of his finger over her nipple could be not representative of his feelings, but just desire.

Well, if he had given her one thing, it was the ability to know what she
want. She did not want the stilted and self-important Lord Jameson and she wasn’t going to have him.

She didn’t want to

But he’d come to her, and if he would only acknowledge it, there was a reason.

Cassandra opened her mouth, but at that moment he surprised her by softly kissing her lips with lingering pressure. “Believe it or not, this takes a great deal more courage than entering a dark cave in the quest for a treasure that supposedly has a curse on it, or wading through a swamp infamous for its abundance of venomous reptiles. Just let me speak and then carefully consider your reply, agreed?”

She nodded, holding his gaze, aware of him still deep in her body, the pleasant weight of his tall form balanced perfectly on top of her.

“I am willing to change my life for you, but unfortunately, it is impossible to change the man. The kind of life I am offering you is not the staid respectable existence you were raised to expect. There is no title, and my wealth is modest by the standards of someone like Jameson. You could still make a much more advantageous match. Were I a friend and not your lover, I would advise you to make sure to not mistake our undeniable passion for each other as love.”


He kissed her again to silence her, a slight smile on his face when he lifted his head. “I am not quite done.”

She waited, feeling the muscles in his back under her palms tighten as he took in a deep breath and continued. “As I returned to my lodgings this afternoon, it did not take me long to realize that the solitude I usually embrace upon my return had changed to a sensation that resembled loneliness. I also realized that my conviction to stay in England until I was certain you were not carrying my child, was based on a fervent hope you were, which is hardly an honorable way to win a woman. Seduction and coercion…I have said before I think ethics can be an elastic set of rules, but I refuse to force you into a decision by necessity. I wish to marry you, child or no. Will you have me?”

It was not as if she didn’t know the answer to his question, but Cassandra was rather enjoying his discomfort over asking as he was usually so sure and self-possessed. Besides, she was waiting.


His fingers touched her cheek, his eyes inquiring. “Cassie?”

“Just as you don’t wish to force me, I do not wish to force you by a sense of responsibility.” Hopefully her smile was pure innocence.

“To bloody hell with responsibility,” he said vehemently, “I love you.”

At last


* * * *

In the end, Auberville knew.

But then again, the blasted man knew everything.

“I trust you left discreetly.” Straightening from his negligent pose by the exit from the garden at Oakham House, Beau smiled in a gleam of white teeth. “And that you enjoyed your visit to the beauteous Cassandra.”

“Both.” Christopher waved his friend away and produced a set of picklocks to unlatch the gate. “Shall we talk about Lady Hannah? When I went by in the shadows of the garden you two seemed to be having a discussion that involved no conversation.”

“I like her.” Beau strolled out after him and clicked the gate shut. “And she’s very attractive. Not a bad combination.”

“You are telling

Auberville laughed. “I suppose it is redundant. You couldn’t stay away for only one night?”

Christopher shoved his hands in his pockets and admitted the truth as they walked down the street. “No.”

“I can understand that.”

“Can you now?”

They exchanged speculative glances.

“What are you going to do?” Beau asked, deflecting the subject, which Christopher recognized.

He said without hesitation, “Make her my wife. We will work out later whether or not we stay in England. She has a certain intrepid streak that might incite her to travel now and then. I think you can safely say we simply wish to be together.”

“And her father?”

“Can agree, or I will just spirit her away. When it is put in those terms I think he will see my point of view.”

“You’d kidnap her?”

“Seems fitting. Isn’t that how this all started? Besides, she is quite in favor of the idea.”

“You’ve always been a cheeky lad.” Auberville laughed. “I suppose you’ll want to borrow the
for your wedding voyage.”

“I might.”

“Consider it yours for however long you want it.”

“I’m not sure I can stand the crew.” Christopher gave a mock grumble. “They adore her, and it can be a problem on a supposedly private journey. Your chef, for example, was forever barging in and wanting to know what she’d like for dinner.”

“Gaston? He actually
?” Beau looked suitably impressed.

“Can you believe it? He likes no one.”

“Well, she is exceptional.”

Softly, Christopher agreed. “Yes, she is.”

For a moment they just walked, the streets quiet and not necessarily safe even in this fashionable neighborhood but they were both armed and had certainly survived much more dangerous locations than Mayfair. Finally, Beau murmured, “You’ve succumbed. I never thought I would see it, Ives.”

Dawn was touching the London rooftops and Christopher could not help but smile. “I’ve succumbed and I never thought I would
it. If you will duly note the observation, I highly recommend it.”

Auberville said neutrally, “We shall see.”


Three months later

The turquoise waters were so crystalline that Cassandra was sure she could count every grain of sand on the bottom of the seabed as she peered over the side of the ship. Tiny fish darted everywhere, the jeweled colors incomparable.

“So beautiful.”

“I couldn’t agree more.”

When she turned, her husband was looking at her, not the water.

“Can we swim?” It was a newly acquired skill and she loved the caress of the sea over her skin.

“You are far too daring.” Christopher lounged against the railing next to her, his teasing smile familiar. “I think I have taken an English lady and transformed her into a hoyden of the first order.”

“You are not allowed to take credit.” She laughed. “I was a hoyden all along, remember? It only needed to be revealed. Once I met a certain pirate, I was no longer a lady.”

He slowly drew her into his arms, his silver eyes soft. “You are indeed a lady. Not to mention passionate, intelligent, and a most alluring woman who likes a bit of adventure. I love both of you; the lady and hoyden.”

She artlessly kissed him on the chin. “I believe I fell in love with you first.”

“I am not so certain.” His grin was a wicked curve of his sensual mouth. “I think the moment the pirate saw the lady, deliciously nude mind you, for the first time, he was instantly smitten.”

“I still cannot believe you blackmailed my father into agreeing to our marriage by telling him that story.”

Ebony brows arched upward. “It worked, did it not? I merely pointed out that most men would not like the idea of their future wife naked in front of another man, but in my case, that problem did not apply at all. Quite frankly, I think that without the words being said, he still understood quite well our involvement went quite a bit deeper than a friendship between the rescued damsel and the man he sent after her.”

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