Between Her Cowboys: (Taken by Cowboys: Part 4) A Billionaire Western Romance (3 page)

She removed her shoes and dipped her feet in. She looked around her. How was it possible that no one was around on such a pleasant day? She stripped out of her mud-streaked jeans and tee shirt and dove in.

The water felt like heaven. She almost moaned underwater. She swam several strokes, then broke through the surface and took a deep breath. She flopped onto her back and took a few strokes, looking up at the fluffy white clouds that rolled past the blue.

Her mind began to wander back to the night before. It barely felt like reality. Her body went lax as she remembered the way Spencer and Nate had rendered her powerless with every kiss and every touch until she was quaking with need. She thought of lying against Spencer, his powerful legs holding her in place as he drove her wild playing with her breasts, while Nate teased her bare body with his mouth until he finally separated her with his tongue and dove in. By the time Spencer had turned her around to face him, she was still dizzy with the orgasm Nate had given her, and he had slid into her effortlessly. He had been so hard, his length and girth making her gasp, giving way to a pleasure that was like floodgates opening within herself. She had been panting, gasping, yelling by the time her second climax hit her, as Nate stood behind her, raking her hair back and diving his tongue into her mouth with passion while she and Spencer shook with the tremors of their shared orgasm.

She was suddenly overcome with the memory. Her abdomen was heating up and below that, she was getting wetter and wetter in a way that had nothing to do with the chlorinated pool water. She had never felt so desirous in her life, nor more desired. Nate and Spencer had tapped into something deep within her—an awareness of her own beauty and sensuality. She had always felt self-conscious of her curves, preferring to make love in the dark or when she was a little tipsy. But Spencer and Nate made her feel like a goddess to be worshipped. They had tapped into a wellspring of desire that she hadn’t known she possessed.

And she wanted to give them pleasure in kind. If she could make Spencer and Nate feel an ounce of the satisfaction that she had that night, she felt that her own enjoyment would deepen a hundred times.
How can I do it?
Her mind began to race with the possibilities. She imagined both men taking turns entering her, the feeling of their hard, swollen members inside her from different angles. She imagined taking each into her mouth, how full and smooth they would be. She was surprised to find her mind going there—she had never really enjoyed going down on her previous boyfriends—but the idea of doing it to Nate and Spencer was exciting her beyond belief.

“Look at this bathing beauty,” came a voice from not far away, shattering her reverie.

Startled, she turned her head, breaking her float. A group of familiar faces was approaching, led by Spencer. So that’s where all the guests were—on the nature walk. Of course.

The guests started putting down towels and bags, stripping off outer layers. The owner of the voice was gray-haired Bill, who was walking up next to his wife Nancy. The couple were two of Jess’s resort chums. He peered at her from the edge of the pool with a smile. “You should have joined us on our nature walk today, Jess. Spencer is the best guide I’ve ever had.”

“I’m sure it was lovely,” she said, treading water and trying to hide her embarrassment—and her breasts, which were all but popping out of her lacy bra.

“But you’re not much for the group activities, it seems. You modern girls prefer to do your own thing,” he said.

“Something like that,” she said, while she was thinking,
if you only knew.

Spencer came up to the side of the pool. “Would you like a towel, Jess?” he asked gently, holding one out to her. She swam to him gratefully.

“I didn’t have my bathing suit on me, and the pool just looked so tempting,” she muttered with embarrassment as she climbed onto the ladder and out of the pool.

“You look so beautiful,” he murmured to her softly as he wrapped the towel around her, pulling her close as he did so for one brief, tantalizing moment. Her heart stuttered in her chest as her body yelled,
Take me right here.

“I want to show you something,” Spencer said. “Come this way.”

He led her away from the pool, where a small path led down a slope into some trees. She followed him, wrapping the towel around her, barefoot over soft pine needles. The path led to an open field where a shallow creek glistened in the sunlight.

“We saw moose here earlier today,” he said, then stopped and pointed. “Look!”

Sure enough, a moose with antlers, another without antlers and one that looked like a baby were standing in the shallow waters of the creek, their necks bent over into the water. He continued towards them, and she followed cautiously. He stopped not ten yards away from the animals, who seemed to pay them no mind.

“They like to feed off of the fronds in the warmer months,” he said softly.

She was awed by the animals’ calm majesty as they stood close enough to see their ears twitch. She wasn’t used to seeing animals outside of a zoo—unless you counted the raccoons in Central Park or the rats running around the subway tracks.

“Mr. Johnston said something about shooting one and taking the antlers home as a trophy,” he said, rolling his eyes. He looked at Jess. His gaze flooded her with warmth from the inside even as the sun dried the droplets of water on her bare skin.

“Thank you for taking me here,” she said softly. “This is truly special.”

“You are truly special,” he said, putting a hand to her hair and letting the long, wet strands fall through his fingers. She melted into his touch.

“I’m so happy you came, Jess,” he said. “I felt something the first time we spoke on the phone. There was something about your voice.”

“I felt the same thing,” she said. She paused, remembering that evening at her apartment in New York, which now felt so far away. “This strange connection.”

He put his hands gently on her hips. She moved towards him, pressing her body to his and tilting her head up. He placed his lips on hers, filling her with a simmering heat. Quickly she lost herself in the kiss, the warmth of Spencer’s lips pulling her further and further in.

“I better get back,” he said, gently pulling away. “They’ll be asking after me soon.”

She nodded. “Me too,” she said. “I have a date to get ready for.”

Chapter 3

At seven o’clock sharp, there was a knock at her door. Jess smacked her lips, closed her tube of lip gloss, and surveyed herself in the water. She was wearing a short white eyelet dress—a particularly flirty flock. She went to the door and threw it open.

“Ready to go, boys?” she said she with a smile.

Spencer went wide-eyed while Nate whistled. “You’ll be turning heads tonight, girl,” he said.

Let’s hope it’s for the right reasons,
she thought as she followed them out the door.

They got in the car and drove into town. They parked and got out to walk around the main drag. It turned out that Big Horn was quaint and charming, with an all-American, old Western feel. People milled around in the warm summer night, too many for Jess to register any strange looks. She found herself relaxing and easing into it, even linking elbows with Spencer and Nate. It was fun being out on the arms of two handsome men.

They stopped to gaze into the shop windows. Jess’s eye was immediately caught by a boutique selling cowboy boots.

She looked down at her feet, which were clad in strappy sandals. She realized she was shivering slightly. She’d forgotten how cold it got out here in the evenings.

“I think the lady might need to be outfitted for some new footwear,” Spencer said.

“Oh, no, I couldn’t possibly—” she began.

“Come on, let’s go inside!” Nate said eagerly, cutting her off. He pulled open the door and held it for Jess. She walked in, curious despite herself, and Nate and Spencer followed.

“How can I help you?” the saleswoman asked brightly.

“This pretty young thing is looking for a pair of cowboy boots,” Nate said.

“Just browsing,” Jess interjected. The rows of boots on the wooden shelves looked beautiful—and expensive. She had already blown most of what she had in her bank account on this vacation, and there was no way she could afford to spend any more.

“Take a look and see what you like,” Spencer urged.

She approached the shelf of women’s boots. They were undoubtedly beautiful. Her eyes ran over the rows of rich black, brown, and red leather until it settled on one pair. The design was understated but elegant, with a low but shapely heel, brown leather with deep red detailing. She picked one up. The leather was soft and supple, the stitches tiny and neat.

She put it on and looked in the mirror. The boots looked perfect with the flouncy white skirt of her dress.

“Very sexy,” Nate said approvingly, approaching her from behind and putting an arm around her hips.

“Those boots were made for you,” Spencer said, his eyes glued to Jess’s image in the mirror as approached her from the other side, his hand sliding dangerously low on her back. She flushed and swallowed hard.

The saleswoman cleared her throat behind them. All three of them turned their heads.

“Will that be all?” she said coldly.

“That’s all we need, thank you,” Spencer said crisply. “I’m sure you won’t mind giving the lady a bag for her sandals, so she can wear her new boots out of the store?”

“Oh, Spencer, I don’t think I can—” Jess began.

Nate raised his hand. “Not another word,” he said.

Did Nate and Spencer intend to buy her these boots? She hadn’t even dared look at the price tag. Judging from the quality and the ambiance of the store—and the attitude of the saleswoman—they must cost a small fortune. She couldn’t let Spencer and Nate buy them. But before she could protest, they had already headed to the counter.

She glanced into the mirror again. The boots were divine—it was undeniable. She wanted to go and tell Spencer and Nate that she couldn’t accept such a gift, but she remained rooted to the spot.

“All ready,” Spencer said after a minute. He handed Jess a canvas bag containing her sandals.

shouldn’t have,” Jess said as they trooped out of the store, the saleswoman watching them the whole time. “But thank you.”

“Of course we should have,” Spencer said simply. “No thanks necessary. But you’re welcome.”

“Now, how about some grub?” Nate said, rubbing his hands together. “Now that we have the leather, can we get into some cow of the steak variety?”

Jess laughed. “That sounds perfect.”

As they walked to the restaurant, Jess thought about how happy she was in Nate and Spencer’s company—new boots aside. She liked Nate’s humor and reckless spirit, but she also liked how Spencer made her feel cared for and safe. The two of them together, though, was what she really loved. She had been dreaming for months about meeting a dashing cowboy in a frontier paradise…and now she had two.

They stopped in front of a large restaurant bearing a wooden sign with the words “Big Horn Steakhouse and Saloon.”

“Home of the best prime rib dinner you’ve ever had,” Nate said as he held the door open for her. “Those New York steakhouses can shove it.”

The large restaurant was outfitted with a wooden bar where people sat chatting and nursing pints, as well as several large tables where people sat eating platters of steak, ribs, and other delicious-looking food.

At the center of the restaurant was a mechanical bull in an inflatable pit. “That looks familiar,” she said teasingly. “Are you guys going to have another contest?”

“This night’s not about competing,” Spencer said.

“It’s about you,” Nate added.

The waitress showed them to a table. Jess reached her hand towards the chair, but in a flash both Spencer and Nate had pulled it away for her, one man on either side like a princess’s escorts.

“Why, thank you,” she said, blushing, as she sat down. This was a lot of attention being lavished on her. She noticed a man sitting at the bar look at their table curiously, and her blush deepened.

Spencer and Nate sat down on either side of her. Instantly she felt a knee make contact with hers from Spencer’s side, while an ankle crossed hers on Nate’s. She felt her heart rate pick up.

The waitress came by. “The usual for you boys?” she asked, then glanced at Jess. “And your—friend?”

“We’ll have three prime rib dinners—rare,” he said, raising an eyebrow at Jess. He remembered that she liked her meat bloody. “And a bottle of pinot grigio.”

“You got it,” the waitress said, turning to walk away.

“Do you come here often?” she asked nervously, watching the waitress’s retreating back.

“One in a while, when we want to celebrate something,” Spencer said. “The staff all know us. Plus we bring them a lot of business with our guests.”

“Everyone seems to like the atmosphere, and the food can’t be beat,” Nate said. “Not like those overpriced New York gin joints. I remember all the boring evenings we had to spend wining and dining investors.”

“Tell me about it,” Spencer said, shaking his head. To Jess’s amusement, they began swapping memories about their times entertaining clients in New York, which usually involved trying to get the client drunk and sneak out as early as possible.

The waitress approached carrying a tray laden with steaming plates. She set it down on a tray stand and passed the large white plates around. Jess’s mouth instantly began to water as she looked down at the juicy slab of prime rib, baked potato, and pile of steamed vegetables.

The baked potato was loaded with butter, sour cream, and cheese, and the vegetables were delectably salted and seasoned. They paled in comparison to the prime rib, though. Spencer was right—it was by far the best she’d had. This beef was enough to convince her to move out West permanently.

“Good?” Nate said with a playful smile.

She chewed and swallowed the bite in her mouth. “Exquisite.”

Spencer refilled her wineglass, looking pleased. “Is it cooked the way you like it?”

“It’s perfect!” she assured him, digging her fork into the steaming potato. Her enjoyment was marred, though, as she looked nervously around her.

“I feel like we’re getting a lot of strange looks in this town,” she said. “First the woman at the boot store, now the waitress…”

“Forget about them,” Spencer scoffed. “That’s just how people react when they see something they don’t understand.”

“Yeah. They can take their judgment and shove it you-know-where,” Nate added. Jess giggled. She was already beginning to feel a little better.

“It really doesn’t bother you?” she asked. “This is your town. Your business is based here. You have a lot on the line.”

Spencer reached for her hand and took it into his own. “Jess, we didn’t come to Big Horn so we could worry about what people thought of us,” he said. “We left New York so we could get away from all that. We wanted to start a business that would allow us to live in nature and enjoy our lives. And that’s exactly what we’re doing.”

“Besides, what do these people have to do with Getaway?” Nate added, picking up her other hand. “It might be a little different if some of our guests or staff found out, but a few random townspeople…”

As if on cue, a blond woman sitting at the bar turned her head and looked squarely into Jess’s eye. Her blood froze in her veins. It was Caroline.


Caroline’s eyes went wide. She put the beer she was holding down on the bar. She attempted a smile and raised her hand at Jess in a weak wave. She leaned over and whispered something in the ear of the bearded man sitting next to her, who glanced around at Jess.

“I think we have a problem,” Jess squeaked. She freed her right hand from Nate’s grasp and raised it in a wave. It felt like lead.

Nate and Spencer looked towards the bar. She heard Spencer breathe in sharply on her left, while Nate cursed under his breath.

Irene and the man next to her had stood up from her bar stool and begun walking towards their table. Nate and Spencer had both moved away from her as if instinctually, so they were no longer touching. She felt them tense.

“Well, isn’t this a pleasant surprise!” Caroline said, but above her smile, her eyes betrayed her confusion. “You look beautiful, Jess.”

“Thank you,” Jess managed.

A moment of silence hung in the air. Jess’s mind raced as she tried to fish for something, anything, to say that would defray the awkwardness. To her relief, Nate finally did it for her.

“Well, coincidence or not, it’s great to see you!” he said. “How are you doing, Mike? It’s been awhile.”

“It has, hasn’t it?” Mike said, pumping Nate’s hand, and then Spencer’s. “I’m doing spectacular.”

“I’m Mike, Caroline’s husband,” he said, giving Jess a quizzical smile as he offered his hand.

“Lovely to meet you,” she said, forcing her brightest smile as she took his hand and gave it a hard shake. If there was one thing she had learned working in fashion PR, it was never to let them see you sweat, no matter how much of a mess you were on the inside.

“Have a seat!” Nate said. “Plenty of room!”

Caroline glanced at Mike and hesitated. “I don’t want to interrupt your dinner.”

“You’re not interrupting at all!” Spencer said. “The more the merrier.”

Jess winced as Spencer turned bright red.
Oh, boy.
She grabbed the bottle of pinot grigio as stealthily as she could and slid it towards her. If she was going to get through this night, she was going to need some liquid courage.

“Well, in that case, we’d love to join you for drink,” Caroline said.

“Sure would. It’d be great to catch up,” Mike said. “Let me grab our drinks from the bar.”

“Jess was missing those New York steakhouses, so we decided to show her Big Horn’s best,” Nate said as Caroline sat down.

“I told them they didn’t have to use their precious night out to hush up a complaining city girl,” Jess jumped in after taking a large swig of wine. “But I guess my whining was just insufferable.”

“There are no lengths that Nate and Spencer won’t go to to make their guests feel at home,” Caroline said with a polite smile.

Shit. Does she suspect?
Jess wondered. “You all do such a great job making us feel welcome at Getaway—you included, Caroline,” she said in an attempt to change the subject. “When I first came, you were right there to show me to my cabin and help me get settled in.”

Mike returned with the drinks and pulled up a chair next to Caroline. Even though Spencer and Nate had moved slightly away from Jess, it was still an odd arrangement: she sat on one side of the square table with Nate and Spencer on either side, slightly closer to her than was normal at a four-person table, while Caroline and Mike were crowded together on the opposite side. They looked like they were on a slightly imbalanced double date.

“I was just telling Caroline how welcome she made me feel when I first got to Getaway,” Jess said to him as she cut another piece of prime rib. At least she had her meal to occupy her amid the awkwardness.

“That’s my Caroline. I always thought the hospitality industry was a natural fit for her,” Mike said.

“Oh, I don’t do anything except give people their cabin keys and point them towards the dining hall,” Caroline said, waving her hand. “It’s Spencer and Nate that do the real caretaking. Mike, I told you about the time that Spencer drove all the way to Cheyenne just to pick up Mrs. Havermeyer’s luggage after it got lost on her flight.”

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