Between Us: Sex on the Beach (4 page)

Read Between Us: Sex on the Beach Online

Authors: Jen McLaughlin

Tags: #Romance

And I was okay with that now. She might not understand, but it was true. I didn’t want fame and fortune. “I’m fine like I am. I’m a bartender, and I’m cool with that. I sing for fun, and I’m cool with that. Will that be a problem for you?”

. She wasn’t the only one who could turn a person’s words around on them.

She blinked at me. “No, but—”

I stopped walking and swung her into the alley right next to her hotel. I pressed her up against the concrete wall, trapping her in with my body. Before we set foot inside that hotel, we needed to get a few things straight.

She took a deep breath, all shaky, and tilted her head back so she could look up at me. “A-Austin?”

I pressed against her, showing her how badly I wanted her. I lowered my head and stopped when my lips were barely touching her ear. “This isn’t about saving me from myself, or even about changing my life. It’s about you and me having some fun, remember?”

She nodded frantically, her nails digging into my shoulders. “Y-Yes. I remember.”

“Good.” I nibbled on the side of her neck, just hard enough to sting. “Now here’s how it’s going to be. If you still want me tomorrow, I’ll make you come so many times you’ll never be able to look at a bed…or a beach, if that’s what you want, without thinking about me. But not till tomorrow.”

“But—” she said, but cut off when I rocked my hips into hers, lifting her leg slightly so I fit easily against her in all the right places. She whimpered and leaned her head against the wall, her eyes closing. “O…kay. But why tomorrow?”

“I want to be sure you want this.” I flicked my tongue over her racing pulse. “And if you do, you’ll have me. I’ll be yours for the day, and then you can walk away with a clear conscience. Don’t worry, I won’t try to stop you. It will be pure, simple, scorching hot
. Just you and me, any way you want me. Got it?”

She swallowed hard and gave a small nod. “Of course.”

I nipped at her earlobe. “Good. Now what floor are you on?”

“The top one,” she breathed.

I pushed off the wall, heading toward the elevator. Of course she’d be on the top floor. Only the penthouse for Mackenzie
Forbes. At some point, I’d come to a decision about what to do with her. I wouldn’t be taking her picture, and I wouldn’t be selling her out.

I’d be fucking her, plain and simple.

She swiped her card in the elevator lock, which allowed her access to the penthouse floor, and then we rode the elevator in silence, with her stealing quick glances at me every once in a while. I tried not to fidget. I’d hated small spaces ever since my father started locking me in dark closets when I was bad.

I was bad a lot, so you’d think I’d be immune to the fear by now, but that wasn’t the case. I hated them, and I wanted out of the elevator. As I stood there, letting her look her fill, I stared right back at her. It couldn’t be any clearer that I wasn’t like
at all.

The elevator doors finally opened and we stepped out together. She smiled at me, and headed for the room to the left. I stopped her in front of it, my hand lightly gripping her elbow. She looked at me in surprise, her mouth a little bit open. I cupped her cheek, pushing off her hat with the tip of my thumb. It hit the floor behind her.

I backed her against the door, pressing my body to hers, and then lowered my mouth to hers. I kissed her, keeping it light and easy. She let out a breathy sigh and melted into me, her hands fisting the front of my shirt. My stomach clenched with need, but I didn’t press too close. I needed to keep my distance for now.

She’d come to me, trusting that I wouldn’t be an asshole. And for some strange reason, I didn’t want to be one to her. I wanted to be here for her. Give her what she wanted. I broke off the kiss and stepped back, immediately missing the soft curves of her body pressing against mine.

She blinked up at me, her lips slightly moist and swollen, watching as I pulled a piece of paper—a bar receipt—from my pocket and scribbled my name and number on it. “If you wake up and still want to do this? I’ll be at the hotel pool at noon. Here’s my name and my number, in case you forget it. Meet me down there if you want to continue this without any drinks in your system.”

“I’m not drunk,” she said. She watched me closely, her brow furrowed. “I’m fine.”

I couldn’t tell what she was thinking about my refusal to follow her inside her hotel room. She should be grateful I wasn’t taking advantage of her drunken state. Lots of other guys would, and then they’d sell the photos they took of her.

“Good.” I slipped the piece of paper in her hand before brushing my lips across her forehead. “Then I’ll see you tomorrow, won’t I? And if you show up, I’ll make it worth your time. I promise you that.”

I tucked the hat back onto her head, smiling at her one last time before I turned away. She didn’t answer me. Just wrapped her arms around herself and watched me leave without blinking. I memorized the way her dress hugged her curves and her long, lean legs that seemed to stretch on for miles, and then…I walked away.

Even though it was the last thing I wanted to do.


morning I woke up a little on the late side. Not a huge shocker there, considering the fact that I’d spent most of the night reliving every second I’d spent with Austin, up to the moment when I realized he wasn’t going to come inside my room with me. I had to be honest with myself: His refusal
had been both a letdown and a turn-on.

It was honorable that he didn’t want to take advantage of me, but
, I’d wanted to be taken advantage of so freaking bad. I’d been waiting years and years to find the right moment, the right guy. It was really hard to do.

First, there was the drummer at the club Heaven—it had been decorated in all blues and whites. There had been private rooms in it, and I remember laying in the fluffy, cotton ball-like bed staring up at the ceiling. It had been gorgeously painted, with white clouds and blue sky behind it, and I’d been so nervous and excited to finally get to experience life. And then he’d told his whole group of friends he was about to bang Mackenzie Forbes, and had tried to catch me on camera. The tabloid had read: “America’s Sweetheart Caught Having Sex in Tawdry Club.”

Then there had been the hottie at a private party who I’d been sure was a winner. He’d sweet-talked me into thinking he didn’t have a clue who I was or what I did for a living. Heck, he acted as if he only liked me for me, and I’d believed him. I’d gone to the bathroom to freshen up, certain I’d finally found the perfect guy, and that’s when he’d called the freaking paparazzi. They’d been waiting for me by the time we left the house, arm in arm. The tabloids that time had read: “America’s Sweetheart At It Again: All the Naughty Details.”

After that, I’d understandably taken a break from men.

But now I’d finally found a man who fit the bill, and he’d turned me down. Would he be at the pool at noon, or had he been letting me down nicely last night? Heck, the number he’d scribbled down might not even be his. It could be some random number that I’d call and they’d be all, “You totally got dissed at the bar last night, didn’t you?”

Maybe that would be all over the tabloids, too. I could see it now: “America’s Sweetheart Gets Dissed: Details Inside!”

I rolled over and checked my phone. I had texts from Cassie and Quinn. I shot them both a few replies, spending some time getting caught up on their plans for the day. Quinn was spending the day with some rich boy she’d met the other night, and Cassie was sightseeing. A part of me wanted to go with Cassie and say “screw it” to this whole “getting laid” plan.

But that would be breaking our pact.

We’d gotten separate rooms and vowed to spend as much time as possible trying to live life to its fullest, while also trying our best to have some spring flings in the process. And that meant not hanging out with my girls for once, no matter how hard that was.

I jotted off a last text to Cassie.
Going to get ready for the day. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Barely a second passed before Cassie replied.
All right! Have fun and be safe

I dropped the phone to the side and gazed at the clock. It was time to go find my man. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and trotted over to the mirror to eye my reflection. Green eyes and disheveled brown hair stared back at me. I tugged on a strand of hair and bit my lower lip. The dark brown hair had been a big change for me, but I thought it might help me blend in.

It seemed to be working. Austin hadn’t recognized me.

Funny how something as simple as a different hair color could throw off a person’s perspective. Well, that and I wasn’t all made up like I was for videos and awards shows. I looked like a normal woman out to have some fun. It was so refreshing to feel and act normal. To blend into a crowd and have no one notice me.

That’s something normal people took for granted. Not that I was complaining or anything. Far from it. I loved my life, and I was blessed to have so many wonderful fans. But sometimes… Sometimes I just wanted to be a twenty-one-year-old.

I turned on my heel, went into the bathroom, and hopped in the shower. After a quick shave and some much-needed moisturizing, I slipped into my tiny bikini, threw on a sarong, and fluffed my wet hair with my fingers. I could blow-dry it, but what was the point? If we ended up actually swimming, it would only get wet anyway.

I slipped into a pair of wedges and left the room, my heart racing the whole time. Would he be there? I had no idea, but I was about to find out.

The elevator doors opened, and I stepped on. It stopped on the floor below mine, and for a second I thought maybe Cassie would step on. They’d let me pay for their vacation, but they’d refused to take a penthouse suite, and this was her floor. If she came onto the elevator with me, I’d take it as a sign that I should hang with her today. Stick with the known rather than venturing into the unknown.

But instead, a small family stepped onto the elevator. Looks like I had to stick with the unknown after all.
Austin, here I come
. My heart raced at the mere thought.

Seeking a distraction, I looked down at the young girl at my side and smiled at her, wiggling my fingers in a small wave. She was already watching me, her eyes narrowed. I held my breath, waiting to see if my cover was blown. I never denied a fan an autograph or a photo, and I wasn’t about to start with a girl this young, no matter how badly I wanted my privacy. That wasn’t me.

After a couple of seconds, she shook her head and looked away without a squeal. I let out the breath I’d been holding and leaned against the elevator wall, wishing I could tell her she was right about me, without letting the rest of the world know. The remainder of the ride passed quickly, and as I left the elevator I slammed my hat down on my head and headed for the pool, my legs shaky and my palms sweaty.

Would he be there? God, I hoped so.

I walked out in to the sun, scanning the people surrounding the pool. I caught sight of Cassie, but I didn’t head over to her, despite my inclination to do so. I had to see if Austin was here. I’d come this far; I wasn’t backing down now. After a cursory glance across the crowded pool area, I almost started her way since I didn’t see him, but then…

I did. I saw him.

He reclined on the opposite side of the pool from Cassie, an empty lounge chair next to him. He’d set his shirt on the chair next to it, presumably saving it for me. Two girls chatted him up, flirting with him. He replied, but he looked almost bored. Definitely uninterested, if nothing else.

Tattoos covered his chest, and a couple extended to his hard abs, making me stand there motionless, staring like an idiot. I mean, God. He was
. His brown hair was spiked, but it looked natural as opposed to gelled down, and he wore a pair of black swim trunks. Oh, and he also had a six-pack—or maybe there was more than six, geez.

In his hand he held a pair of shades, but he’d taken them off to chat with the girls who were obviously trying to gain his attention. His gaze scanned the entrance, and then fell on me. Even from this distance, I saw his bright blue eyes light up. He shifted his weight, straightening his spine, and then turned his attention back to the girls.

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