Bewitched on Bourbon Street (24 page)

Read Bewitched on Bourbon Street Online

Authors: Deanna Chase

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Fantasy, #General

Vaughn frowned. “I’m not sure. We’ll have to ask Maximus.”

Too bad he was conveniently missing as well. I returned my attention to Chessandra, now standing behind me. Her eyes were fixed on her unconscious son, worry streaming off her in waves. Whatever had passed between the two of them, she clearly cared about him.

“Let’s get on with it,” I said to Bea.

She stood beside me. “You know what to do.”

I’d done a curse transfer before, but I’d taken it from Lucien, filtered it through myself, and forced it back into the witch who’d cursed him. I glanced at Zoe and shook my head. “No. I don’t. If she’s responsible for cursing me, I can’t transfer it to her.”

Bea studied Zoe for a second then asked her, “How did you do it?”

Zoe sucked in a shaky breath. “I spiked Jade’s chai concentrate with the fertility potion Chessandra cursed. I did it on New Year’s Eve when we were all at Jade’s house.”

Son of a… No wonder I’d gotten sick the next day after drinking my morning tea. How simple and utterly stupid that I hadn’t realized anything was off.

“I see.” Bea’s tone was full of anger as she glared at Chessandra. “Then Zoe can be left out of the equation, and we can just give it back to the person it belongs to.”

Chessandra stared at the ground, appearing completely resigned. Most likely, since it was her black spell, she could neutralize it, but it would cost her. She’d be weakened afterward. I just didn’t care. The fact that she’d wanted to control my child was quite possibly the worst thing she could’ve come up with to do to me. I had half a mind to take Ezra’s side and send her off to Hell. But the room where time stood still would be better. She’d be out of commission, and we wouldn’t have to worry about her coming back as a demon.

“You’re a real piece of work, you know that?” I said to her as I grabbed her wrist and squeezed until she winced. “Abandoning your own child and then trying to take mine from me. You deserve everything that happens to you after this night.”

Then before she could say a word, I focused on the dark pit of magic curling in my gut, gritted my teeth against the burning pain, and called it forth. Everything left my mind as the black curse took over, spiraling me into a world of confusion and static. My head spun. My stomach turned. I couldn’t see anything. All I knew was the ugly pain of black magic consuming me. It filled me up and took over, leaving me completely lost.

“Jade! Transfer it,” Bea’s faint voice broke through the walls of confusion. “Do it now!”

It was the sound of her voice more than the actual words that reached me, and in that moment, I fought for her. For Kane. For my future child.

“Release!” I cried.

The magic burst from my hands, and I watched as the dark curse wound its way around Chessandra’s arms and climbed up her neck. She didn’t fight it, just stood there letting it happen.

But before the black magic fully engulfed her, it stopped, balled up, and shot across through the air, straight through the wall of the circle, and slammed into Ezra.

He let out a loud moan and bent at the waist, clutching his chest.

“Oh my God,” I heard Zoe say.

My focus narrowed to Ezra as he straightened and stared straight at me, hatred in his eyes. “What did you do to me?” he asked.

I shook my head, not at all sure myself. I turned to Chessandra.

Tears streamed down her face. “The curse controls the first-born child.”

Holy gods. I’d been forcing her curse back into her, but because she’d already given birth, the curse attached itself to her child. Now he was controlled by…who? Chessandra? Or me? I’d been the one to transfer the curse. I had no idea. But the thought that I might have control over him sickened me. It wasn’t something I wanted.

“Jade!” I turned just in time to see Avery break free of her bonds. When the black magic had penetrated the circle wall, it had weakened the coven’s magic.

She stood tall, with her arms stretched out, blocking all attempted magical attacks. Her eyes blazed red as she pointed to the ground and unleashed a torrent of her own magic. A hole opened up, and she stood at the edge, glaring at Chessandra. “I’ll be back for her.”

“She won’t be here,” I said.

The demon turned her wrath on me. “She’d better be, or you’ll never see your husband again.”

“What?” My heart thundered against my chest.

“You didn’t know?” Her lips turned up into an evil grin. “He’s been taken to Hell. Claimed by one of the most powerful players of our realm. But I’ll make you a deal. You give me Chessandra, and I’ll help you get him out.”

“It’s not true,” I said, praying with every fiber of my being that she was lying. But the fact that Kane wasn’t here… I glanced over at Vaughn. His pitying look told me everything I needed to know. Kane had been taken, and Maximus was either trying to find a way to save him or was too cowardly to face me.

When I met Avery’s wild gaze, she said, “I’m your only chance.” Then she jumped, and the hole slowly started to close.

“No!” I ran forward, stopping at the edge of the portal, teetering on the edge.

“She’s lying,” I heard Ezra call. “No one can help him now.”

I spun. “You knew?”

He glared at me. “Of course I knew. When one spends nine months in Hell, he learns a few things. Rouquette is never coming back. They have plans for him.”

Two thoughts hit me simultaneously. The first was that the longer Kane was in Hell, the harder it would be to get him out. The second was that Ezra had information about the players I didn’t. And while I didn’t trust him, I absolutely believed he’d do whatever he could to survive.

Without weighing exactly what I was doing, I said, “Come here.”

Ezra struggled against Vaughn’s grasp, unable to break free.

“Let him go,” I ordered. The coven’s protective wall had shattered when the black magic had shot through it. Ezra would have no trouble joining me in the circle.

Vaughn did as I said and stepped back.

Ezra scowled but moved forward, his limbs jerky and uncoordinated. “How are you doing this? What’s happening to me?”

“You’re obeying my command.” It was the curse. I had complete control over him. My stomach turned at the thought, but I squared my shoulders and swallowed the unease. Now wasn’t the time to worry about it.

When he got to my side, I wrapped my hand around his and said, “Jump.”

His eyes widened with horror as we both disappeared into Hell.

Chapter 25


My knees ached from where I’d slammed into the stone floor, and sweat coated my skin. Nerves coiled through my belly, and for a minute I thought I was going to vomit right there on the demon hovering over me.

“Have you lost your goddamned mind?” Ezra hissed. He was sprawled on the stone floor of Avery’s quarters.

I ignored him and spied the demon in question standing over us, a snarl on her blood-red lips. Her wild dark locks frizzed in the humidity of Hell, and she looked every bit the evil demon she was. Black sparks of magic hit the stone floor right in front of me, and I jerked back, barely avoiding being taken out with whatever nastiness she’d thrown at me.

“Not now,” I said to Ezra and scrambled to my feet, throwing up a wall of magic to block another attack from Avery.

“Fuck,” he muttered, joining me. To Avery he said, “Stand down, demon. Or you’ll have to answer to Aiken.”

Her sharp gaze landed on him, but she didn’t drop her magic. “What do you mean, I’ll answer to Aiken?”

A smug look filtered over his face. “He owes me. Now back off.”

“Fuck you,” she spat and threw another bolt of power at our magic wall. The pressure in the air between us and the barrier intensified, and I fought to keep from taking a step back.

“You dumb demon,” Ezra said, narrowing his eyes. “I know you’re Wes’s property. What do you think Aiken will do to him if he finds out you failed to inform anyone of my presence—someone who makes deals with demons and is also the son of the high angel?”

“I don’t care what happens to Wes.” Her movements were stiff now, full of agitation.

Ezra sighed and took a step forward, almost pressing himself against the magical barrier. “If anything happens to Wes, you’ll only be sold to the highest bidder. Do you want that? To be a demon slave to those who will do with you as they please?”

I sucked in a sharp breath. Avery was a demon and beyond help, but still, it was hard to see her like this. To not only be damned but to be a demon of the lowest order. My hatred for Chessandra grew. This was her fault. She’d sent Avery to deal with Wes.

“I won’t be…sold,” she said, but nothing about her declaration was convincing. She was worried.

“Just take us straight to Aiken, love,” Ezra said. “You might even gain favor. Maybe find a way to be out from under any other demon’s thumb. Do you have any idea how powerful he is?”

She stepped back, dropping her magical attack. Her nostrils flared with frustration, but then she turned to me. “You sure you want to do this? If I were you, I’d take my happy butt right back up to the surface.”

I nodded. “I’m sure. I’m not leaving here without Kane.”

“Fine. But if you even think of trying anything—”

“I’m not interested in causing you any trouble. If you keep your magic to yourself, I’ll do the same.”

With a sharp nod, Avery pulled back a ratty curtain, revealing a small area where she kept her personal effects. She took out a brush and quickly tried to tame her hair. But it was useless. She’d only succeeded in creating a larger mass of frizz.

“I’m sorry,” I said to her and waved a hand around the dank quarters. The room was small, like a college dormitory with a single bed and no décor except one sad, faded cityscape of New Orleans that hung on the gray-tinged wall. “I wish we could’ve saved you from this.”

She gritted her teeth. “There’s no saving anyone. We’re all doomed.”

Her response saddened me, but I couldn’t say as I could blame her. A life relegated to Hell would quickly become one without hope. I clamped my mouth shut and followed her and Ezra out of the small room.

Avery held her head high and acted as if having an angel and a witch trailing after her was completely normal.

Ezra had an odd mix of confidence and trepidation streaming from him. It wasn’t a comfort. I patted my front pocket, searching for the herbs and potions I’d tucked there before the summoning and scowled. They hadn’t survived the trip into Hell. Damn. That wasn’t a complete surprise. Most objects didn’t, but the potions would’ve been useful against the demons.

I’d been in Hell once before, but I didn’t recognize the area we were in now. In fact, I had no idea where we were or where we were going. The last time, I’d memorized a map and Kane had been with me. Now I had a double-dealing angel who I didn’t trust at all and one pissed-off demon. If I found Kane and we actually made it back home, it would be a dammed miracle.

The pit in my stomach grew, and nerves made my hands start to shake. What in the world had I gotten myself into? And tossing an angel into Hell against his will, no matter what sins he’d committed, was beyond wrong. Shame filled my heart. White witch my ass. My actions were no better than a demon’s.

Stop it, Jade.

I shook my head violently. Second-guessing my choices wasn’t going to change anything. Right then, I had two tasks and two tasks only: find Kane and get us out of there.

We moved along a dirt-walled corridor. Gas lights hung from the rock ceiling. The entryways into new rooms were just carved-out holes, most covered with a fabric partition. It was like the slums of Hell.

I wrapped my arms around myself, stifling a chill despite the heat. Avery was clearly on the bottom rung when it came to the demon social class. I could only hope that Wes treated her with a modicum of decency. She was easily the most reasonable demon I’d ever met. But then, she hadn’t had much choice, had she?

My heart started to ache for her, but as I caught myself clutching my chest, I forced my hands to my sides.

, I told myself one more time.

That meant her humanity was either stripped away or there was so little left that it wasn’t worth looking for. And if I allowed myself to feel sorry for her, it was as good as surrendering myself to her. Avery wouldn’t take pity on me. If she had her way, I’d already be a pile of goo on the floor of her room.

Sliding a shield around my heart, I straightened my shoulders and buried all the fears trying to bubble to the surface.

“Hold up,” Avery said, coming to a stop at the end of the corridor. She pressed her hand to the closed old-fashioned wooden door and scowled.

“What is it?” I asked.

She turned around, her eyes narrowed and glowing red. “There’s a group of demons on the other side of this door. They’re surly and like to drink, which means getting around them is going to be a bitch. We can either wait here until they move on, or you can take your chances.”

I couldn’t wait. Who knew what Kane was going through? The longer this took, the greater the likelihood I’d never see him again. We had to risk it. “We’re not waiting.”

Her nostrils flared again, but she didn’t argue. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

I glanced at Ezra. “Say whatever you have to, but don’t mention we’re here for Kane.”

He gave me a disgusted look. “Do you think I’m an idiot?”

I shrugged. He was the one who’d made deals with demons, wasn’t he?

“When this is over, Calhoun, you’d better watch your back. No one crosses me and gets away with it.”

Anger surged from the depths of my core and got caught at the back of my throat, but I swallowed it, not allowing him to bait me. Now wasn’t the time to battle with the prodigal son of the high angel. “Let’s go,” I said to Avery.

She shook her head but reached for the door handle anyway. Ezra beat her to it in some rare show of male chivalry.

Avery glared at him as she moved past him.

My internal B.S. meter went off, and I stopped in front of Ezra. With the will of my magic behind my words, I said, “Don’t even think about betraying me. You’ll do whatever it takes to ensure I make it safely to Kane’s side.” The impromptu spell I’d cast on him tickled my lips. Good. It was working. “Or I’ll make sure you stay here for good.”

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