Beyond Chance (28 page)

Read Beyond Chance Online

Authors: Karice Bolton





The night was absolutely magical. Our
friends came over early to have a celebratory cocktail before we
all went to the gallery. It was so much fun to be with my best
friends, dressed in cocktail dresses and playing pretend for an
evening in Paris.

I was holding up my martini and toasting
Jason, Gabby and Ayden as Lily ate some of the leftover olives from
my afternoon out on the town. Aaron was standing behind me dressed
in a tuxedo that fit him in all the right places. I was dressed in
a sapphire blue dress that hugged my curves and made me feel like I
was royalty.

“Hate to break it to you, but we should
probably get going,” Aaron said, wrapping his arm around my waist
for one last squeeze.

“Wait until you see everything, guys,” I
started, but Aaron cut me off.

“No…no…no. That’s not how it’s done. Set the
bar low so they’re surprised.” Aaron grinned and gave me one last
peck on the cheek.

Jason laughed and shook his head. “We
already know your work is amazing, brother. You don’t have to sell
us on your brilliance.”

“True. Not many people I’d travel halfway
across the globe for,” Ayden teased and Lily bumped him with her
hips. Ayden wrestled her into an embrace, and my heart warmed to
see them together like that. I caught Ayden’s hand resting on her
stomach, and I almost choked on the last drop of my martini.

“You okay there?” Aaron asked, slapping my

“Yeah. Sorry. Got too excited.”

Ayden flashed a peculiar grin as I followed
them out of the kitchen, turning the lights off as we went.

The SUV was waiting for us at the curb, and
we all managed to crawl in, but I was obsessing over my brother’s
hand placement.

“You okay?” Aaron whispered next to my

“Yup. I’m just sleuthing.”

“I’ll let you be then,” he laughed, and our
vehicle began its journey to the gallery.

The streets were so narrow and the vehicle
was so large that I decided not to look out the window. Instead, I
kept my gaze focused solely on my brother and Lily. I didn’t see
any other suspect gestures or movements. So by the time we arrived
at the gallery, I’d pretty much dismissed my musings.

A huge line had wrapped around the building
and several paparazzi had lined up.

“Seriously, dude? Paparazzi?” Jason

“It’s a long story,” Aaron said, shaking his

“And one we’d like to forget,” I chimed in
as Aaron helped me out of the SUV.

“Leave you two alone in another country and
you get into all kinds of trouble, huh?” Jason grinned as he
stepped out of the vehicle and helped Gabby out onto the sidewalk.
She was dressed in a pale pink chiffon dress. The neckline was
dazzling on her, dipping low enough that ample cleavage mesmerized
Jason with just about any movement.

As Ayden helped Lily out of the vehicle, I
watched his careful movements with her and wondered, just
wondered…but it was quickly squashed once people began hollering
our names, and my cheeks flushed with embarrassment as we walked
quickly down the carpet that had been rolled out in Aaron’s

Feeling like we’d never make it inside, I
was relieved to feel the stuffy air touch my skin just as I heard
the broken English call out the words “hero” and “shooting”. I
hoped Aaron heard neither, and he didn’t show a reaction one way or
another. The gallery was already filled with people admiring
Aaron’s pieces, and my chest felt like it wanted to explode with
pride. Gabby and Lily hugged me as they watched Aaron wander
through the crowd, answering questions and discussing each piece.
This might be his last showing, but it certainly was an amazing one
to end on. Not that I totally believed he was giving it up.

“I’m really proud of my brother,” Gabby
gushed, and I squeezed her hand.

“Me too. He’s an incredible man.”

Gabby nodded and smiled, and I swore I saw a
glimmer of tears come and go as quickly as I spotted them.

“We’re all so lucky,” she said, hugging me
and Lily.

I spotted Tracy and my body stiffened. Lily
immediately felt it and followed my gaze to the woman scowling at
us all huddled together.

“I’ve been waiting for this story,” Lily

“Me too.” Gabby nodded. “Let us have

Elizabeth came up behind Tracy and escorted
her out of view, and my heartbeat quickened when I couldn’t find
Aaron in the crowd. I stood on the tips of my toes as I scanned the
people moving between the pieces, and relief immediately flooded
through my system the moment I spotted him.

Jason and Ayden were making their way around
the backside of the room, studying the pieces, and Lily, Gabby, and
I were weaving through the two tallest ones in the middle of the
room as I proceeded to fill them in on the first couple weeks of my
French experience. Between horror and fits of giggles, it didn’t
take much before I realized it was all a distant memory. As I
relayed the Tracy details, I actually felt sorry for her. Anyone
who got joy out of meddling in such a vicious way had to be
absolutely miserable in their own life to spread the evil so to

Aaron waved us over, and I wandered through
the room, which was really crowded now. I stood next to him as he
introduced me as his fiancée. I was startled at the slip of his
tongue but loved the way it sounded as I shook hands with the man
who was admiring Aaron’s scion piece.

Jason found Gabby and they drifted into the
crowd just as Ayden and Lily walked toward the front of the

The man thanked Aaron and continued studying
the piece as we slowly walked away. Aaron’s arm was wrapped around
my waist as we strolled through the crowd. He’d stop every so often
to converse with one of the attendees, and I swear if he let go of
me, I might actually float away. I was so happy that so many were
recognizing the brilliance that was my boyfriend and proving Tracy
wrong. That was one comment I’d take to the grave with me.

Aaron guided me to a quiet corner and sat me
down on one of the only empty chairs. For some reason, my pulse
started pounding as I watched him kneel in front of me, but he
quickly readjusted, and I realized I was way too ready for that,
especially once I heard him say the word fiancée.

“I’ve been working on something since we
went riding,” Aaron began and my heart sped up again, not knowing
what to expect.

“What would that be?” I asked.

“It’s not much, but I saw this property and
thought of you immediately. It’s just east of the mountains in
Washington. There’s a small vineyard on the land and stables. When
I saw the home, I knew it was meant for us. I mean I know not right
away. You have law school to finish, I’ll be busy in Seattle, but
it’ll be perfect for the weekends…” He grabbed his phone out of his
pocket and slid it on, revealing a photograph of a small white
cottage, eerily similar to the chateau we’d recently stayed at.

“I thought someday you might like to raise
horses and teach our kids to ride. But in the meantime, it could be
our little taste of France in Washington.” His eyes connected with
mine, and I couldn’t help but fall in love with this man one click

He never ceased to amaze me, and I couldn’t
believe that Aaron had done this while we were in Paris. My mind
drifted back to the strange fellow who’d given me the book of
poetry, and my body tingled at the lack of coincidence. Nothing was
beyond chance in this world. Everything happened for a reason. It
was just a question of being open to the world’s possibilities, and
as we stood in a Paris gallery with my boyfriend’s sculptures being
praised by art critics from around the world, I knew that I’d never
be able to imagine what life held for Aaron or me. It also occurred
to me that I never told Aaron about my chance encounter. I’d have
to do that someday.

“I don’t even know what to say,” I
whispered. “It’s absolutely breathtaking and beyond

Aaron’s eyes ignited with carnal desire, and
I wished us to be somewhere else as he pressed his lips to mine.
The bulbs of the cameras flashed in every direction. Even with my
eyes closed, I saw the lights reflecting through, but I didn’t
care. I loved this man with all my heart and couldn’t wait to get
back to Washington and continue our lives together.

He slowly broke his lips from mine and

“Well, maybe that will give the paparazzi
enough of the story they wanted,” he said, standing back up and
lifting me to my feet.

“Maybe so,” I laughed, feeling like I was in
another world.

The rest of the event floated by in such a
dreamy state, I was surprised when it had actually ended. We all
climbed into the SUV when Aaron announced a surprise detour.

We were finally going to the Eiffel Tower. I
was so excited I almost jumped out of my seat.

Gabby was grinning from ear to ear and Lily
slapped Ayden’s knee. “Did you know about this?”

“Maybe. Maybe not.” My brother grinned, and
I knew he had this planned to perfection.

The drive was relatively quick and the SUV
got us quite close. The area surrounding the tower was eerily
still, and I held onto Aaron’s hand a little tighter as we were
ushered right into the elevator without even a wait or hassle.

Something seemed planned really well. Like
perfectly so. I glanced at Ayden and tried to gauge his expression
as we all waited in the elevator. Besides the operator there wasn’t
another person in sight. The doors closed and Lily and Gabby were
babbling away as I eyed the men in the carriage. Every so often
they’d trade glances, which only made me more excited. This had to
be it. Ayden was going to pop the question.

Aaron slipped his arm around my waist, and
nuzzled his chin into the crook of my neck as the elevator glided
up the Eiffel Tower, the lights of the city sparkling below. The
elevator came to a slow stop, and the operator instructed us to
step off the elevator and follow the signs.

The platform was empty. Not a tourist to be
found. Boy, talk about raising the bar high. I squeezed Aaron’s
hand as we walked along the platform and my heart rate began to
increase. Not because of the excitement for my brother but because
we were up so damn high. I slowly made my way over to the edge and
looked below.

My fingertips pressed against the wire cage
as I peered out over the city. Everything was so tiny, but
glittered like gold across the city. A chill dashed over my skin as
I took in the beauty of this city. Finally, Paris had accepted me
and I respected her. My skin tingled with excitement with what was
awaiting my brother and Lily. I wondered how long we’d be up here
before he popped the question.

“Brandy,” Aaron whispered, draping his arms
over my shoulders.

“Mm…” My body melted into Aaron’s as my eyes
canvassed the beautiful city below.

“I don’t ever want to lose you.” His voice
held something I didn’t quite recognize and my body stiffened

“You never would.”

“That makes me a very happy man,” Aaron
murmured as his lips skimmed along the crook of my neck, sending a
spike of electricity through me. As quickly as the pleasure came,
it left when he took a step away from me.

I spun around and noticed that everyone
except Aaron had vanished from our lookout point. Gabby, Jason,
Lily and Ayden were nowhere to be found. I craned my neck slightly
trying to find the slightest hint of movement, but I saw none. My
eyes flashed to Aaron’s, and that’s when my entire world went into
slow motion. A violinist stepped from the shadows and began
serenading us as my head began to spin. Aaron’s expression turned
to sincere contemplation as he reached into his tuxedo jacket.

I heard a sniff from behind a tower wall,
and my heart raced into infinity and back as I watched the man I
loved with all my heart get down on bended knee and remove a ring
box from his jacket. My breath caught and my world spun out of

“Without your love, I’d be nothing, Brandy
Rhodes. You make me whole. I know life hasn’t always taken us where
we thought we’d go, but we certainly can’t complain that it’s been
boring…” Aaron’s eyes locked onto mine and my lips parted, but I
couldn’t say a word. I was in a trance, frozen in front of him as
he opened the ring box. “Will you make me the luckiest man in the
world? Will you become the missing part of me? Will you become my

“Yes.” I nodded and my hands trembled as
Aaron slid the ring on my finger. I was in complete shock as Aaron
stood up and wrapped his arms around me, pressing his lips to mine.
Cheering erupted behind Aaron, and I realized there were far more
voices than just Lily, Gabby, Jason, and Ayden. My mom whooped from
the shadows as Aaron’s mouth broke from mine.

“I love you, Brandy Rhodes. I told you that
you were mine forever and I meant it.”

I dabbed the tears that threatened to spill
down my cheeks as I watched my mom, dad, Mason, Aaron’s parents,
and Katie come from the shadows. My mom threw paper confetti at us
and I had to laugh. If you can’t take the party streamers out of
the girl, you bring the party streamers to Paris like only the
Rhodes family could.

“I love you Mr. Sullivan and I have no idea
how you pulled this off.”

“The fun’s not over,” he whispered. He
pointed at Ayden and I watched as my brother went down on one knee
and asked Lily to be his wife. Lily nodded and cried as Ayden
slipped the ring on her finger.

That was my breaking point. The tears fell
from my eyes just as my mom began to wipe the wetness from hers.
Mason walked over to me and hugged me.

“Congratulations, knucklehead.” He turned
and shook Aaron’s hand. “You better take excellent care of

“Without a doubt.”

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