Beyond Famous (Famous #3) (10 page)

"No, I know, but maybe there's another way.  I could wear it around my neck on some sort of chain or something."

"Eh... chain? That's just nasty," I teased and wrinkled my nose.  "No, how about a cord of some sort?

"Yeah, whatever. We'll figure it out," he said as his fingers brushed my cheek and he brought his mouth back to mine.  The morning ended with another marathon make-out session before meeting his parents for brunch.

Yesterday we ended up asking Cade's production assistant to get a few of the necklace assortment they'd brought in for props on the film, for some of the college students.  We picked the most functional one that was a black rawhide cord with a shark tooth on it.  I objected to it, thinking that it wasn't really his style, but Cade just shook his head and took it.

"Brook, the necklace isn't the point we're trying to make, so what does it matter?" He yanked the tooth off and tossed it unceremoniously toward the trash can under the desk in the hotel room. It hit the mark with a hollow clank, and then Cade was sliding Julia’s ring onto it and tying it around his neck. 

He was right.  So now my ring was on its way to Cannes, with Cade, and Julia’s R & J bracelet was firmly in place on my wrist; both pieces from the film and so a subtle hint to the die-hard fans we were together without setting off Pinnacle’s watch dogs.

I let out a big sigh as I remembered the past few days that had become a series of work, having meals with Lillian and Carter and then making love for long hours every night.  Both of us were trying to store up the closeness for the lonely months ahead.  Not sleeping much left us both exhausted, but the moments in his arms were worth it.

I felt the now familiar aching in my heart begin again and tried to swallow back the pain.  I was going to get my hair done and then spend the day shopping with Jennifer and Noah: something I wasn't particularly enthused about; not because I didn't want to spend time with them, but because I couldn’t shake the sadness.  Maybe this would help.  Jennifer insisted it was better than moping around my room all day long.

I went into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. 

What a mess.

My face was swollen from all of the tears, and there were bags under my eyes from lack of sleep. The tears I did manage to hide from Cade, not giving into them until after he'd gone.  It killed me because I could hear his voice crack and feel his pain in the way he held me as he told me goodbye.  I knew my crying would make it even worse for him, and I'd shed enough tears over the past week as it was.

I turned on the shower and started to peel off the T-Shirt and sweats I was wearing when my phone vibrated on the nightstand.  I ran to get it, and found a message from Cade.


Mum and Dad have just gone, and Denise and I are boarded for Frankfurt, where we make our connection to France.  I'll call you when I land. You're always with me, love.







and waited for Brook’s response

Denise glanced at me and laid a hand on my arm.

"Aren't you excited?  You'll be the biggest attraction at Cannes," she said softly.

Bloody Hell. Who said so?

"Who cares and who wants it, anyway?  I hate it.  It's completely ridiculous.  I feel like a moron on parade." I was exhausted.  Brook and I hadn't gotten much sleep lately and then the time difference, once we got to Cannes, was going to kill me.

"I know it's hard Cade, but this is the price of fame."

"The price might be too high.  This level of fam
was never what I wanted.  I just want to make films. It's gotten way out of control," I scoffed as I settled into my seat and looked anxiously at my phone. "It all gives me a bloody headache."

"Waiting for a message from Brook?" Denise asked, knowingly.

I nodded. "She must be in the shower or something or she would have responded by now.  I have to turn the phone off soon and then I won't be able to contact her for eight hours." When I said the words, I realized how pathetic I must have sounded and sighed. 

Yes. Okay? I miss the fucking shit out of her and I've barely left her. 

I swallowed hard at the thought of the coming madness at Cannes and then the brief time we had left together in Italy. Denise squeezed my arm where her hand rested.

"Jeanne and I are trying to work with the studios to get some of your schedule rearranged.  As it stands, you two only have one weekend off together around the Fourth of July. Did you know that?" Her voice took on an edge whenever she was angry.

"Yeah.  I've been trying to keep it from Brook and hoping to hell that something can be done about it before then.  Damn them. I guess there's more than one way to keep us apart." 

My phone pinged in my hand and I had the message open before the tone was even done playing.


I miss you every second you're not with me, but try to have fun... just not TOO MUCH!  LOL


I smiled when I read the message.  "Hmmph!"

Denise smiled when she saw the look on my face.  "She's handling it better than you, huh?"

"Something like that, yeah.  She's amazing."


OK, my love. You, too, but don't be kissing any frogs while I'm gone.


I knew she'd be laughing when she got the message. 



we attended a party on someone's yacht, and I didn't even remember who it belonged to or what the party was even for. It was an endless stream of introductions, women fawning and asking me questions about my films and too much alcohol, but what the hell? My full glass had been the most comforting part of the evening.

 In the back of my mind, I was sure there would be paparazzi telling the wrong story, pushing photos and trying to make it seem like I was out and completely single.  To the world I was, but in my heart, I couldn't have been less available.

It was eight hours earlier in Los Angeles, so I called Brook when I got back to my hotel suite.  I was over-tired, slightly drunk, and I missed her.

"Hey."  Her voice was low and sexy, at least to my alcohol infused brain.  "How's Cannes?"

"Lonely. I miss you, Brook."

"Um... you sound a little...”

"Inebriated? Yeah, I am," I laughed.

"I saw some pictures online of you tonight. You looked hot, babe."

hot.  I wish you were here with me," I sighed into the phone and pictured her lying in her bed, all warm and soft. 

She laughed softly into the phone and the sound did strange things to my body.  "Maybe I'll have to get you drunk more often, you're awfully cute."

"What did you do today?"

"Well, it's been raining, so Martin had us do some retakes on the office set… " Her words dropped off as I pictured her working with Noah. "And, um... I had to tell Martin I lost Julia’s ring.  Props had a back-up, so it was fine."

"Did Noah behave himself?" I was aware he was trying to spend more time with her off set while I was away and my guard was up.

She sighed.  "Yes.  He’s been sweet."

"That's not what I asked."  I rubbed my hand over my eyes.  I was lying on the bed with my head hanging off of the foot of it and my neck was starting to hurt.

"Hey, you're the one getting mobbed with legions of women.  I'd relax about Noah if I were you."

"I know. I just miss you, love.  And I'm a little jealous that he gets to be near you when I don't." I moved up off of the bed and over to my laptop and turned it on.

"It's only a couple more days. At least, that's what I keep telling myself.  And he doesn't get to
be near
me.  Not like you are." Her voice dropped and I heard the rustling of the blankets that must be wrapped around her body. "I miss your body, your hands, your mouth... ugh...”

"Oh God, Brook." My body reacted to her words and the tone in her voice. "Are you trying to kill me?" My voice ached along with my dick as it grew and strained in my pants. 

"I'll make it up to you in Italy."

"You promise?" I knew I sounded like a pathetic baby, but that's how I felt.

"Like I'll be able to help myself, Cade! Come on!" I heard her breath leave her body in a rush and more rustling of the blankets. "I miss you."

I pulled up iTunes and searched for a song to send her.

"Me, too, honey.  Jesus."  I ran my hand through my hair as I tried to control my breathing. "It's early for you to be in bed, yeah?" I asked as I found the song I wanted. "I'm sending you something on email, sweetheart. Can you go get it?"

"Mmmm... yes, I guess, but I'd rather lay here and pretend I'm kissing you...”

My heart stopped at her words considering the song I'd just sent, but I heard her move to her computer and call up her email.

"I sent you a song.  Listen to it and think of me, Brook, ok?  I'm going to listen before I try to sleep, too."

"Cade, it's 4 AM there, isn't it? You need to go to bed," she admonished.

"I will, but after the song is done.  Brook... is it still raining?"

"Yes.  I've been listening to it pound on the windows," the dulcet tone of her voice was like music to my ears.

"I'll be thinking of you.  I love you so much and I'll call you tomorrow, okay? You can tell me how you liked the song," I said softly. 

"I will.  I'm sure it will be perfect.  Everything you do is perfect, isn't it?" Her words left me speechless and I closed my eyes. "Bye, sweet boy."

"Bye, love."  I was reluctant to let go of the sound of her voice as the phone went dead.

I shed my clothes and put my earbuds in my ears and cranked the volume as I crawled into bed alone.





As I hung up the phone, I was already missing the velvet voice that had become the most important sound in my world, but I smiled as I opened my email.



I wish I could kiss you right now... But since I can’t, Kiss the Rain. Listen to the song and go outside and kiss the rain, Brook.  It's me kissing you.  I can taste you and I love you so much.  Counting the minutes until we're together again.



I downloaded the song of the same title to my iPod and then threw on my clothes and Vans.   I looked out into the hall to see if anyone was there, before making a mad dash for the stairs. I climbed to the top floor pool deck and pushed open the doors so I could rush out into the rain. My heart was pounding as I pressed play on the song and turned up the volume.

The music pulsed in my ears, followed by single piano notes... and then the lyrics began. It fit our separation perfectly and the fact that he found a song referencing rain when it was pouring in Vancouver was so typical of him.

“Whenever you need me, Kiss the rain…”
The chorus played as the rain fell softly around me, soaking through my hoodie and jeans, but I didn't care. I listened to the words of the song and smiled as I lifted my face to the wetness, and laughed happily as the drops ran down my face. 

When the song ended, I played it again and again, before finally making my way back down to my suite.  My heart was full and I was completely soaked to the skin, but I was smiling. I’d memorized the lyrics and the artist’s name. Billie Meyers. I’d never heard of him, but now I’d be looking up every song he’d ever recorded.

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