Beyond Famous (Famous #3) (16 page)

Mickey's face was in total shock as I burst out laughing. Cade turned back to kneel at my feet and help me into my sneakers, doing his best to keep a straight face.  He looked up at me as he laced up the shoes and finally gave me that crooked grin that I adored.

"Oh no you
  Did you show him my text? Girlfriend do you share
with him?" he said incredulously.

"Uh...”I stammered.

"Yes, she does. She even shares my uh...
man parts
with me," he laughed as he winked at me and held out his hand.  "Or rather,
share them with
.  Shall we go, Brook? We don't want to be late."

Mickey gasped but I couldn't see his face. I was laughing so hard I was crying and my vision blurred.

"Oh my God!" I gasped and put a hand to my mouth.

Mickey rushed up to me to hand me a tissue.  "I would let you ruin your makeup if it wasn't my artistry, you little traitor!"  He laughed and hugged me. 

Cade put an arm around me as we walked to the door of the hotel suite, smiling at each other.

"Cade, can I just touch your ass?  Just
time?  I'll die a happy man!"  Mickey's voice was close behind us as he followed us to the door.

"No!" Cade and I both said in unison as the door shut behind us.

I was dying and we laughed all the way down to where the limousine was waiting for us. Peter held open the door and gave us a quizzical look, noting how hard we were laughing.

My side was aching, I was laughing so hard as Cade climbed in beside me and pulled me into his arms. We both sobered immediately as our eyes met and I reached up to touch his face, my fingers closing around his chin before he lowered his mouth to mine.

Cade reached over and pushed the button that separated us from Peter as the kiss deepened.  After a few minutes, I pulled my mouth from his and he reached for my face to bring it back to his. 

"Hold on, baby," I whispered against his mouth before pressing the intercom button to speak to the driver.  "Peter, when we get there can you let me out on the red carpet and then take Cade around to the side entrance, please?"

"No problem, Miss Brook," he replied.

"And Peter? Can you give us some extra time? Take a long way, okay?" I was climbing on top of Cade's lap to straddle his legs as I spoke.  I knew I sounded out of breath but I didn't care.  His blue eyes smoldered as he realized my intentions.

"Of course."

I let go of the button and wound both of my hands in Cade's hair, nuzzling his nose with mine as he lifted his face up to kiss me and his hands settled on my thighs.

"Do you care if I mess your hair up, babe?" I breathed into his open mouth that was reaching for mine.

His lips lifted in a smile before he sucked my lower lip into his mouth.  "No.  I'm counting on it, love. This is
so sexy
, Brook.  I've thought about doing this for months."

do it
," I moaned as his hands slid up my legs under my dress and around my flesh.  His mouth closed on mine and we kissed wildly, our tongues mating and filling each other's mouths.

"Oh my God!"  Cade gasped as his hands rose higher on my body to my hips and he discovered I wasn't wearing panties. "You're a beautiful, naughty girl, Brook."

"For you; I'm anything you want." My hands pushed the jacket from his shoulders and went to work on the buttons of his shirt.

His hands pushed my dress up over my hips and his eyes looked at the nakedness that he'd revealed.

"Jesus, Brook. You... amaze me."

I finished with the buttons of his black button-down only to find a white T-Shirt beneath it.  So many fucking layers, but I wanted to feel his bare skin beneath my hands, so I sat back and pulled it up over his head, forcing him to let go of me to raise his arms in assistance.

"No, I just love you," I said as his hands slid to the sides of my face, holding it and pushing the hair back that was hanging down as I leaned toward him to undo his pants.  My hand brushed against his enormous erection and he groaned at my touch.  He wanted me as much as I wanted him and I felt the rush in my body that needed to feel him inside me.  I pulled back his boxers just enough for him to spring free.

His hands lifted my hips as one of mine closed around him to guide him to my entrance.  My other hand closed around the back of his neck and I kissed him as he slid deep inside my body.

"Uhhh..." He gasped before his mouth began to devour mine again.  My thighs trembled as I moved over him, sliding him in and out of me in rhythm with the way our tongues were working together, our mouths as far open as we could get them, dying to get closer, deeper.

"Brook... slow down, baby." His hands stilled my hips to guide me to a slower movement as he stared up in my face.  "You're so gorgeous," he whispered and he brought one hand around to the front of my body to touch me in the place that only he was allowed to touch.  My head fell back at the pleasure he caused and my breath left in a rush.  "That's it, Brook."

His head fell forward against my breast, his breathing harsh as I felt my body start to tremble and clench around him. I couldn't help myself, so I let my hips move faster.  I wanted him to explode, to not be able to hold back, to pour all of his love into me.

"Mmmm, babe—"

I stopped his words with my mouth as we moved together in climax and his mouth sucked on mine.  I wanted to be connected to him in every fucking way possible.  I needed him to want me, crave me and need me when I wasn't with him over the coming months.  I needed him to dream about me and ache for me because that was what I would be doing for him.

Our bodies finally slowed and his arms wrapped around me, pulling me tight against his chest and I kissed his neck and jaw while he held the back of my head and kissed the top of it.

"You surprise me, Brook.  I love you."

I rested my forehead on his shoulder as I heard the screaming in the distance. My breathing was still labored as I rose off of Cade and moved to sit next to him.

"I love you more," I said as I climbed back off of his lap to begin pulling my dress down.

"That’s impossible, Brook, and you know it."

"Fuck.  This was the long way?"  I smirked at him.

"It was the best bloody limo ride I've ever had."  He smirked at me as he threw his T-Shirt back on. I grabbed his button-down and threw it at him before reaching into my purse and pulling out a pair of lace bikini panties.  I held them up and waved them around.  Cade smiled in response.

He watched me clean up and pull the panties over my shoes, before I fell to my knees on the floor of the limo to hike them the rest of the way up under my dress.

"Always prepared, eh?" He shook his head with a small smile.

"A girl's gotta do, what a girl's gotta do to take care of her man."  I reached out to touch him.  He was buttoning up his shirt when Peter pulled up to the red carpet.  I could see Noah through the windows and ran a hand quickly through my hair. 

"And you do that
well, my love. Mickey will be upset when he sees what we've done to his
," Cade scoffed.

I leaned in to kiss him quickly before placing my hand on the door and motioned for him to scoot back far enough so the fans wouldn't see him in the limo with me.

I'd just begun to open the door when I turned back to him one last time.

"Not as mad as he's gonna be when he realizes why it's so fucked up."  I laughed and then stepped outside, donning my sunglasses and waving as I moved toward Noah. 

The screams were thunderous as Noah's arm slid around me and we began the dance of autographs and photo calls. "Sorry I'm late, Noah," I practically had to yell over the din.

"Brook, where's Cade?"

"What's it like to kiss Cade, Brook?"

"Ugh!  Cade!"

"Isn't Cade coming?"

Cade, always, Cade. Over and over they screamed at me.  I smiled up at Noah as they snapped photo after photo.

Well... he just, uh... did.





her seat next to Noah in the front row with two empty seats next to her.

"I'll sit next to Brook," Denise murmured as she touched my arm.  "Pinnacle's orders that you two don't sit next to each other for the entire night." She looked at me apologetically. "Sorry, hon."

She'd met me backstage and was going to escort me to my seat when the bloody mess started.  So many screaming kids, I felt like my head was about to explode.  I was terrible at these things and I didn't really have anything prepared in case I would win anything.  The kiss award would take care of itself without words. I grinned as I thought about it.

"I have to sit by her before the Best Kiss thing.  We might not win, but um... if we do, we haven't talked about what we're doing."

Denise rolled her eyes at me.  "What?  Didn't you two ride over here together?" she admonished.

"Uh... yeah.  We didn't talk much, Denise."  I rubbed the back of my neck when she looked at me, her mouth opening to speak and then shutting again with a snap. 
Enough said, I guess.

I took my seat on the end and then Denise sat between Brook and me for most of the show.  I won the bloody Best Actor award and didn't know what to say in acceptance.  I mumbled something and watched as Brook put her hand over her face, so it must have been really pathetic.

Brook was still laughing when I took my seat, but when Denise got up to go to the bathroom, she moved over to sit by me, finally.

"I can still smell you on me...” she whispered, and instantly my body reacted and I lost my breath.

I smiled and leaned toward her and put a hand over my mouth as I spoke to her.

"Brook, stop if you don't want me to attack you when we win that bloody kiss award."

"Mmmm, as good as that sounds, I don't think we should kiss, Cade."

I heard the uncertainty in her voice and looked at her and she glanced at me out of the corner of her eye. 

"What? I thought...”

“I know, but I want to keep our relationship private, and I'm overly emotional tonight.  I just... I'm not sure I can handle it in front of all these people, okay?"

I sighed as they announced the nominations and the screams drowned out her voice as she spoke, so I just nodded.

Davina Duchman was presenting because the studio figured we’d win and wanted to promote our new movie, which was another reason not to kiss on stage. I heard our names called out and it was like she was having a spastic fit.

"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!  Caden Carlisle and Brook Halloway!"

Applause and endless screaming ensued. We both got up and walked up the stairs leading to the stage and I still didn't know what was going to happen, but I thought I'd play along as much as I could.

Davina hugged both of us, before we took to the podium.

I pulled out a piece of paper from my pocket and removed my gum, wrapping it in the paper.

"I have to remove my gum to give Brook a proper kiss...” I said into the microphone and the fans all screamed even louder.

I shook my arms, and dropped my head, rubbing my hands over my eyes before I raised my head and looked at my girl. I nodded to her, letting her know I was ready and she placed a hand over her mouth.

I closed my eyes and waited. This was her call... so I let her take the lead.  I felt her move closer, her perfume assaulting my senses when she did so and she inched in closer and closer, her forehead coming into contact with my face. I took the cue and bent my head lower, to bring my mouth within reach for her. All she had to do was tilt her face to mine and our lips would meet. 

Seconds passed and the screams increased and my hands moved to her waist to pull her closer and end her hesitation. Suddenly she turned toward the mic and grabbed the silly award. 

"Thank you! But we’ve got to leave you wanting more! Wait until you see the kisses in the next one!" she said, leaving me there wanting... waiting.  My jaw tightened and she pulled my hand.

"Come on, Cade," she said to me so softly that no one but me could hear and dropped my hand to keep up the illusion as we went backstage for pictures and interviews. “Sweetie, come on.”

Her eyes looked at me apologetically.  She knew I had wanted this public display of affection and wanted it badly. Finally there would have been some public acknowledgment of her feelings for me.  I'd told the world a million times I loved her, but she hadn't reciprocated yet.

I wished all of the crowds would disappear and I could take her in my arms like I wanted to.

I appreciated all of the fans and their adoration, but on this day, the day before I was leaving her for three months, there were other places I'd rather be.

We posed for pictures and had a small interview backstage, before making our way around toward our seats in front.

Brook stopped me. "Cade, you need to go to the bathroom and fix your shirt.  The buttons are crooked."  She smirked at me and then left me to go out to her seat.  I looked down and sure enough, my shirt tails were uneven. 

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