Bidding On The Billionaire (The Sherbrookes of Newport Book 8) (21 page)

Read Bidding On The Billionaire (The Sherbrookes of Newport Book 8) Online

Authors: Christina Tetreault

Tags: #wealthy, #family saga, #friends to lovers, #billionaire, #millioniare, #B Novak, #beaches, #office love, #sensual romance

The mental reminder got her feet moving again, and she quickly changed into the shorts and tank top she’d packed before heading back up.

Derek was relaxed on the circular sofa above deck, his shirt unbuttoned and bare feet propped up, but when she joined him he stood. “I’ve been waiting for this all week.” He gathered her close. The heat from his skin seeped through her thin tank top, waking up her body.

“Mmm, me too.” She breathed in deep. Derek never bothered with cologne or aftershave. He didn’t need to. She found the fresh scent of soap and Derek’s skin more alluring than any musky cologne. “I’m sorry I couldn’t see you much this week. Darn migraine drained me.”

“Doesn’t matter, sweetheart. I’ve got you all to myself now. Just the way I want it.”

Her heart expanded, threatening to break free of her rib cage.

“My plan was to spend all our time at Rosewood, but this weekend is all about you. Say the word and we’ll do whatever you want.”

Tears prickled the back of her eyes. “Your plan sounds perfect.” Pulling his head toward her, she kissed him, using her lips to communicate the words she was still too afraid to say.




While her parents had several gorgeous homes, none of them compared to Rosewood. And if the view from Derek’s condo left her breathless, there were no words to explain what the one from his dad’s estate did. Perched on a piece of land that jutted out in the ocean, the house was surrounded on three sides by water. Several acres of pristine lawns and gardens kept the fourth side of the home protected from prying eyes and unwanted guests. All in all, it was a small slice of paradise located on Cape Cod.

“Why aren’t your dad and stepmom here this weekend?” She gazed out the floor-to-ceiling windows at the waves rolling onto the beach below. If Rosewood belonged to her, she’d never spend time anywhere else.

Derek stepped up behind her, his arms wrapping around her waist as he pulled her against him. “Told them I needed a secluded location for the weekend so I could seduce a certain woman without neighbors complaining we were making too much noise.”

The man was impossible. She gave his arm a swat. “You did not.”

He kissed her hair and she felt his smile against her scalp. “They went to visit Abby’s sister,” he said, referring to his stepmom. “We have the whole place to ourselves. No one will bother us.”

His hands slipped under her top and rested against her stomach for a moment before they glided upward, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. “Can I get you anything? Something to drink? I opened a bottle of Cristal. It’s in the kitchen.” His fingers cupped her breast before sliding back down her rib cage. “You didn’t eat much on the ride over. We could grab a snack. Angelo prepared a caprese salad and bruschetta.”

Two of her summer favorites, but she had other things on her mind besides food. “Maybe later.” She fought to keep her voice from shaking. “Let’s go down on the beach.”

She felt his quick intake of breath and her stomach started its gymnastic routine again. They were going to make love this weekend so he’d see her naked anyway. She might as well slip on the barely there bikini and get it over with.

“You’ve got it.” His fingers brushed against her skin as he withdrew his hand. “Go change. I’ll meet you outside on the lower deck.”

She watched him walk away, her eyes focused on his nicely formed backside. She’d admired it one or… okay, maybe more like one or two hundred times in the past. Friends or not, she was human and his butt was a perfect specimen. When it left her view, she turned on her heel.

Brooklyn carried her things into the large bathroom located on the lower level near the door to the deck. By changing in there she could avoid walking through the entire house and possibly bumping into any of the staff.

The black-and-red bikini remained in the tissue paper the saleswoman had wrapped it in the weekend before. Storing her shorts and tank top on a shelf, she eyed the garment as she unclipped her bra and removed her underwear. “It’ll be fine.”

She’d intentionally turned her back to the full-length mirror while she’d dressed. With the bikini top secured around her neck and the bottoms on, she closed her eyes and turned. “Just look. No one else is here.”

She peeled her eyelids open. Well, it wasn’t as bad as she remembered from the dressing room. Turning a bit to the left and then the right, she studied her reflection. She doubted Derek would run screaming when he spotted her. She turned and faced the mirror head-on. Okay, part one was done. She’d gotten the thing on. Part two, getting out there, might take a little more nerve. The lyrics to an old song about a girl wearing a polka dot bikini for the first time surfaced and she giggled. Yep, the song definitely fit the situation.


Derek glanced over his shoulder again. What was taking her so long? He’d changed and carried down their champagne as well as a platter of assorted cheeses and crackers in case she wanted something other than the food Angelo had set out for them. It didn’t usually take her much time to change. He guessed she was having second and third thoughts about her suggestion. He looked back out at the ocean. Maybe he should tell her not to worry about it, let her wear whatever she was most comfortable in. He didn’t need to see her dressed in some sexy swimsuit to turn him on. Hell, she walked in the room and he became hard. Heaven help him if she walked in wearing something provocative.

He’d give her a couple more minutes. If she still didn’t come out, he’d go tell her she was off the hook. Derek rested his forearm on his knee and reached for his champagne.

“Sorry I took so long,” she called from behind his lounge chair. “Did you remember to bring out sunscreen? If not, I’ll grab us some.”

The second he looked over his shoulder, his chin hit the deck and he almost fell out of his chair. Lunging to his feet, he scrambled to regain some composure. “Warn me next time you’re going to walk out looking like that.”

She shifted her weight from one foot to the other, but she kept her arms by her sides. “I brought one of my other suits so I can change if you don’t like this one.”

He pulled his sunglasses off, removing any barrier between his eyes and the spectacular view Brooklyn provided. “Sweetheart, if I like it any more, I’m going to embarrass myself right here.”

Her lips twitched and she shot him an expected eye roll.

“You look incredible. You realize that, don’t you?” He moved forward, all her exposed flawless skin pulling him closer, demanding he touch her. She’d tied the matching sarong around her waist just below her navel. The wisp of cloth taunted him. Dared him to untie it. “I’m glad there is no one around.” Gradually he tugged the knot free, allowing the material to float to the ground. His body grew painfully hard as his blood heated.

“You and me both,” she said nervously. She tried to press her body against his, but he kept her an arm’s length away.

“I’m not done looking at you.” His eyes roamed up and down her body, unable to get enough. “Damn it. I always knew you were beautiful, but I never imagined you were hiding this from me.”

He let his hands do the same as his eyes. Starting at her shoulders, he slid his hands down over her clavicle and to her breasts. At least a D cup, they spilled out of her top and he cupped them both. Her skin was warm and unbelievably soft under his hands. Through the thin barrier, her nipples tightened and pressed against his palms. Looking up, he expected to meet Brooklyn’s gaze, but her eyes were closed and her head slightly tilted back. He didn’t need any further encouragement.

Derek slid his hands down over her rib cage to her waist. With painstaking slowness, he moved his fingers past her navel toward the deep V of her bottoms. When he reached the spot where skin and fabric met, he stopped. Beneath his fingertips he felt her stop breathing. Rather than go any further, he traced the top of the bottoms for a moment or two before stopping again.

Her eyelids fluttered open, revealing desire in her eyes. She held his gaze for a moment before dropping to where his fingers rested below her navel. When she swallowed, he dipped one finger beneath the fabric. Unable to prevent it, he groaned as his finger came in contact with the smooth bare skin below it. Adding a second finger, he moved them lower until he found the spot he wanted. Wet heat taunted his fingertips.

“Tell me what you want, Brooklyn.”

She moved against him and moaned. If he didn’t get inside her soon, he’d come right there.

“Come on, sweetheart. I need to hear you say it. What do you want?”

He watched her swallow several times before moistening her bottom lip. “You.”

He didn’t need to hear anything else.




Derek shifted and propped himself up on one elbow so he could reach his champagne glass. As he sipped the liquid, his eyes ran up and down the woman who remained naked next to him.

“You’re thinking about something,” she said. “And it’s not that we should finally put on sunscreen.”

Yeah, they never had gotten around to it. Once he’d touched her, being inside her had been the only thing on his mind. They hadn’t even made it into the house. He’d stripped her bottoms off and made love to her on the padded lounge chair on the deck. Now he wished he’d managed to wait at least long enough to get them to a bed. Not that he hadn’t enjoyed every second of it. He had. It’d been as if he’d waited his whole life to make love to this woman.

But she’d been a virgin. How it was possible for her to be twenty-eight and never have had sex, he didn’t know. Especially someone as beautiful and caring as her. If he’d known, he would’ve made sure their first time was something special. He would’ve taken his time. And he definitely would’ve made sure they were in a comfy bed, not outside where they both ran the risk of getting a nice sunburn on their bare asses.

He’d been her first. The thought circulated in his mind, causing some deep caveman emotion to fill his chest. He’d love her even if she’d had sex with a dozen other men before him. Somehow though, knowing he was her first—and if he had anything to say about it, he would be her last—made the moment more life-altering.

“We should put some on. I don’t want any of this luscious skin getting burned.” He dropped a hand to her stomach and her muscles tightened.

“I could say the same about you.” She plucked the glass out of his hand and took a sip. “We need more champagne too.” Passing the glass back to him, her expression grew serious. “Seriously, what’s on your mind? Were you….” Her voice tailed off for a moment. “Was it okay?”

Wow, usually she was more in tune to what he was thinking. “Any more okay, sweetheart, and I’d be dead.” It was difficult to tell for certain, but he thought her cheeks grew pinker. “I wish you’d told me. I would’ve at least found us a more comfortable place.”

“Oh, what a great conversation starter. Guess what, Derek? I’m twenty-eight and still a virgin,” she said sarcastically.

“You make it sound like it’s a crime.” Despite the seriousness of the conversation, he couldn’t have her close and naked and not touch her. Since she didn’t attempt to stop him when his hand grazed over her nipples, he assumed she didn’t mind.

“Mmm.” Her pupils began to dilate and she pressed into his hand. “Just odd.”

He gave her breast one last squeeze before he released it to move lower. “I’m glad,” he murmured against her neck.

Her pulse under his lips took off. “Why’s that?” she asked, breathless.

“Means no one but me has ever seen or touched this.” His hand caressed the smooth bare skin between her legs. “And nobody ever will.” He pulled his slick fingers away and rested them on her abdomen.

“Don’t stop.” She circled his wrist with her fingers and guided his hand back.

The woman wanted to kill him. If he touched her much longer, he wouldn’t be able to stop until he’d made love to her again. Women were sore after their first time. At least he’d heard that somewhere. He’d never actually asked any. “Are you sure? I don’t want to hurt you.”

She palmed him, moving her hand up and down. “Positive,” she said seductively as she arched into his palm.




“I could stay here forever.” Brooklyn snuggled closer and enjoyed the unobstructed view of the stars from the upper balcony.

“I know you love Rosewood.”

“I do, but you know I meant something else.” She listened to the continuous thump of his heart and got ready to pour out her own. Although she suspected he knew she loved him, she’d yet to say the words. “I love being in your arms.”

“Oh, so now it’s my arms you love. Well, that’s better than loving my dad’s house, I guess,” he teased.

If he planned on teasing and giving her a hard time, she could do the same. “Your arms aren’t the only part of your anatomy I love after today.”

“It’s yours anytime you want.” He pressed a kiss on her lips.

“And only mine, right? I hate sharing anything I love.”

“Is that your backhanded way of telling me you love me?” he asked. “If so, it’s about time.”

“Honestly, I’ve loved you since we were freshmen in college.” A piece of her conscience breathed a sigh of relief.

Derek pulled away so he could see her face. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

“Too scared. I wasn’t sure how you’d react, and I didn’t want to lose your friendship. Keeping it to myself seemed safest.”

“Wish I’d realized it sooner. Guess we have your father to thank for giving me the kick in the ass I needed.”

Apprehension rolled over her at the mention of her dad. She’d avoided his calls all week. At some point she’d have to face him and tell him about Derek. Doing so via the phone while in a country far away sounded like a solid plan.

“Hey, where did you go?” Derek asked, brushing her hair away and tucking it behind her ear.

“Thinking about how I’m going to break the news. I’ve avoided my dad’s calls all week. I haven’t even listened to the last few voice mail messages he’s left. But I can’t do it forever. He probably already knows I told Trevor I couldn’t see him again. When I tell him about us, it’s only going to make the situation worse.”

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